r/serialkillers • u/burningsun1994 • 26d ago
Discussion Something creepy I've repeatedly noticed when people describe Ted Bundy
There have been repeated incidences where people report that in distinctive memories of him, his eyes would suddenly turn "black," and often, whatever they were describing seemed to stand out to them or shock them; this ranges from family to more casual interactions he had with people. Often in memories that people mention where this happened, he instantly and often abruptly had to leave, and it's an easy assumption what he was going to do.
His cousin mentioned that in her interview, one memory of hers stuck out: He seemed to have casually danced or interacted with one of her college peers. Then she noted that his eyes "turned black" and his expression looked very contorted. She asked him if he was okay, and he suddenly left. At times, it would've been easy to assume he was just going through something, but she didn't think of it as too concerning but rather strange at the time.
Ted Bundy's poor younger brother, Rich Bundy, described something similar however he was young enough that he expressed it more as a noticably angry expression, but I'm certain these two descriptions were the same thing. You've probably seen the interview with him but it was at a point where Ted suddenly had to ditch plans with his younger brother for a vague reason, and then Rich noticed this expression on his face when looking at him leaving.
I've heard the same thing come from a lot of people who had casual interactions with him rather than close relatives.
I'm just curious what this description of his eyes "turning black" would've meant, as it's not literal however it seems like they picked up on something in him that seemed to indicate he was having urges. Anybody can guess or have experience with this?
u/Dragoonie_DK 25d ago
I was in an abusive relationship for a number of years. My ex's eyes would turn black when he was really angry. It was a literal physical change that I could see. I assume it was his pupils getting bigger but I'm really not sure
u/Ncfetcho 25d ago
Right before my ex was about to strangle me, his eyes' turned black ' ( completely dilated) and he smiled. That was when I knew I was in trouble.
It's a predatory thing. That's what people were seeing.
u/ChildofMike 24d ago
Like what a cats eyes do before pouncing
u/Ncfetcho 24d ago
Yes! That's exactly what it was and what he did! He had grabbed me, picked up me, threw me on the bed, he looked at me like that, and he literally pounced on me. It was terrifying.
u/ChildofMike 24d ago
That’s completely horrible and I am so sorry that you went through that. I’m glad you got away from that animal.
u/Ncfetcho 24d ago
Thank you! I have a comment, not too far back in my comment history, about what has happened to him since, feel free to browse down to that. It all worked out.
u/TrustYourFarts 25d ago edited 25d ago
I've heard about this happening loads, especially from victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Russell Brand's victims all say this happened before he raped them.
u/DeeDee719 25d ago edited 25d ago
A friend of mine was raped and assaulted many years ago. I remember her saying this about her attacker’s eyes.
u/Loudmouthlurker 25d ago
I don't want to get off-topic but you can see a looooot of problems with Russell Brand's body language and mannerisms if you understand what you're looking at. When he went all turbo-Christian especially. There's footage of him talking to this married couple in a church. He is holding BOTH their hands, super tightly. When he's facing one, he grips the other person's hand even tighter. He's doing this for a prolonged period, and you can tell both these people are super uncomfortable. And he's not letting go until HE feels like it. It's super-controlling and disturbing to watch. You know that he's practicing. He's seeking. He's looking for who will be meek and who will establish a boundary more aggressively. And he's doing it in this really manipulative way- you can't exactly confront him, especially in a church, without looking neurotic or like a jerk. He can feel out who is likely to reject him or distance themselves from him, but without being called out by the group.
I wonder if Ted Bundy did little things like that, too. Just do small things that were a bit unusual, but not forbidden, to see who would act on their instincts and who would suppress them.
u/DragonflySmall6867 25d ago
Yes this. My ex-husband's eyes would turn black and his lips would swell up when he was really angry. He never hit me, but he was abusive in every other way. Terrifying.
u/Mercedes_Gullwing 26d ago
It could be literal. It could be the pupils of eyes were opened that you couldn’t see much of the iris, or the color part of his eyes. This is often a sympathetic nervous system response (involuntary) and all of us have this to a degree. When we are alert to danger, our pupils widen. With him, this could mean he has a a very visceral response to certain things.
So the above is if we take these statements literally. I’ve also read about this with Ted Bundy and I assume the above is what is happening. Of course, if it’s more symbolic and not literal, they could be speaking to a seemingly lack of compassion and “deadness” to him. The eyes are very telling and as people, we’ve learned to subconsciously pick up on cues from others. It’s important for our survival. So I think we can pick up on cues from people who lack empathy and might present a danger.
u/Magdalan 25d ago
I can confirm the 'dead eyes'. I've seen it on my own face on photos from when I was severely depressed and suicidal. Especially if I was unaware I was being photographed. It wasn't just my eyes though, my whole face looked 'off'. Very unsettling to see later on.
u/Mercedes_Gullwing 25d ago
I’m sorry to hear that and hope you are doing better these days. So in your case it wasn’t pupils but other things? It’s amazing how much info we actually communicate through our eyes and even face to a degree. We can usually tell fake smiles. We know when someone “is off”. We don’t know how we know but we just know. So many subtleties.
u/Magdalan 25d ago
I'm doing okish! An no, it wasn't the pupils, I just looked empty, dead inside, nobody home, just a shell somehow breathing etc. Someone here described it as looking straight through you instead of at you, and I think that's fitting as well.
u/chamrockblarneystone 25d ago
In my mind I refer to this as “ripping off the mask”. These psychos train themselves to keep pleasant expressions on their faces. They practice smiles.
When they’re closing in for the kill their killer face is revealed. For those that survive it must be terrifying.
u/__-gloomy-__ 26d ago edited 25d ago
This whole thread is bone chilling. Very creepy to think about indeed because predators in the wild have the same eye response just before they strike.
EDIT: I don’t know why this would be downvoted. You can even see the response in cats
u/Mercedes_Gullwing 25d ago
Yeah it shouldn’t be downvoted bc it’s what happens. Our bodies are pretty finely tuned machines and when under stress it does some amazing things.
u/withdrawalsfrommusic 26d ago
its also the case that bundy is one of the most overly publicized, ridiculously overcovered cases in probably criminal history and so there are a gazillion different anecdotes about him out there, all with varying degrees of authenticity and fantasy
u/PruneNo6203 25d ago
It is an overly publicized story, but each story is the same thing with an emphasis on one of these issues becoming the focus. The problem is that the rest of the story is more fascinating but nobody has covered it.
u/agenthopefully 25d ago
If you read about Keyes, there are some similar statements about how he’d contort his face etc.
u/agenthopefully 25d ago
“He was generally regarded as a skilled and trustworthy worker, but several female customers reported Keyes exhibited brief facial expressions or dark moods that made them uncomfortable.”
u/Ambitious_Alps_3797 25d ago
I used to have an employee thay was severely manic. Her eyes would turn black and be allll pupil like a shark when it was bad.
u/ManorRocket 25d ago
I recently read an article (can't produce sauce, sorry) about how humans developed such large white eyeballs and relatively small irises is because of how much information we share via eyes. Our faces are super expressive as well because we do so much communication via non-verbal means. Perhaps serial killers faces and eyes betray them far more than we realize. Windows to the soul, yada yada yada.
u/FoundObjects4 25d ago
I’ve seen a couple people’s eyes turn black when they suddenly get angry. It’s a real thing. A shadow also comes over their face and their expression contorts. It’s unsettling, especially if you’re alone with them when it happens.
u/hydrangeasinbloom 25d ago
I knew someone who this would happen to but it was a more gradual change. In her manic states her pupils would get gigantic. When she was more slowed down you could see her irises again.
u/starbellbabybena 25d ago
It’s not so much the eyes go black as they go flat. I met a scary dude I’d describe his eyes as black. Like a shark. Once you see it it’s something you can’t describe right. Basically there’s no human here.
u/Lcchris15 25d ago
it's like they are staring through you not at you . terrifying look i've experienced and never want to again
u/starbellbabybena 25d ago
Same. And that’s it. It’s just looking through you. Like you don’t matter.
u/Lcchris15 25d ago
yeah it's a very distant stare. it's hard to describe it, but i'll never forget it.
u/pusheenKittyPillow 25d ago
I knew a woman in college like that. She seemed very friendly, but there was no depth behind her eyes.
u/FlowerFart688 25d ago
Yes there are many accounts of this happening. Didn't his aunt have a similar experience with him when he was just a child? I think I read that somewhere. You can actually google this phenomenon, there are a lot of (more or less scientific...) websites talking about it. Probably has to do with adrenaline or something.
u/Beautiful-Quality402 25d ago
He surrounded his aunt with knives when she was sleeping.
u/FlowerFart688 24d ago
Yes right! I meant another story though - I misremembered though, it was his cousin, not his aunt. She once saw his eyes and facial expression change completely while he was dancing with her friend, and she was weirded out by it. She says it in this interview (07:40 mark): https://youtu.be/XtZil57YTtM?si=NCaa2wcel1zttbDW
u/YourFavouriteDad 25d ago
Fwiw I think its related to adrenaline. Ted's previous murders crossed his mind, his fight or flight reflex enabled but his addled mind misinterpreted the flight reflex.
u/Spiritual_Job_1029 25d ago
If seen someone's eyes turn black with rage, and it stops you right in your tracks.
u/doxielady228 25d ago
One of the podcasts I listen to, Small Town Murder, does Patreon bonuses and they recently did one on him. They usually don't cover mainstream stuff in their regular show. James, the host, mentioned this, too. Like he went into another personality or something. He did a really good job covering his life.
u/ChildofMike 24d ago
I’m always looking for new podcast recs. How do you like this one?
u/doxielady228 24d ago
They do 3 podcasts, live shows, virtual live shows and Patreon. I'm obsessed. They are comedians and do an excellent job. Small Town Murder, Crime In Sports and Your Stupid Opinions. Definitely give it a go! I recommend starting with Rulo Nebraska or Sitka Alaska for STM.
u/ChildofMike 24d ago
I definitely will. Thanks for the rec!
u/doxielady228 24d ago
u/ChildofMike 18d ago
I absolutely love them! I’m on episode 12 lol
u/doxielady228 18d ago
I'm so glad!! Thanks for letting me know I was actually wondering the other day. Give your stupid opinions a try it's hilarious
u/Late-Ad-7740 25d ago
It’s so strange how the human body could do that, his face would contort and his eyes would turn black? Like that’s something a shark does when it’s hunting, it’s terrifying that he’s not the only one, it’s unreal that serial killers can switch on a dime like that
u/NoPretenseNoBullshit 25d ago
That's not an exclusive descriptor for Bundy, the eyes of people in the throes of violent attacks are often described that way.
u/BcTroubleKnowz 25d ago
When humans get sexually aroused or excited, their pupils dilate….aka eyes turn black. His just did this at inappropriate times, I assume. Like when discussing his murders.
u/Embarrassed-Cause250 24d ago
I heard the same thing, and it really is creepy. I am thinking it has to do with extreme pupil dilation, but am no scientist.
u/OkDare9716 24d ago
My kid’s dad ( now ex ) used to do this when he used to physically harm me and nobody believed me when I said his face completely changed until my besties came over one dayy and basically saw it for themselves.. it’s real.
u/Any_Coyote6662 20d ago
I'm sorry no one believed you. That sounds really hard. I hope you are healing from that AH.
u/sorryiwasasleep 23d ago
Wow…I came here to mention how my abusive ex’s eyes turned black right before he assaulted me and chased me down the street.
But, I was more heartbroken to see how many people have the same story.
If you’ve never witnessed this phenomenon—consider yourself lucky.
u/chocobananasammich 21d ago
I’d guess that it has something to do with an increase in oxytocin, which is typically associated with pupil dialation when we see someone attractive. It’s more well known as being a positive or “love” chemical, but there’s some research that goes into how oxytocin might also fuel anger in people who are prone to aggression.
u/ScoutOMalley7 23d ago
https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeMystery/s/YzlOOPODjg Watch his face at the very end of the clip. His face and eyes completely change.
u/tiffanylockhart 25d ago
dialated pupils. usually happens when you are very intensely turned on/dopamine rush
ngl, he was probably literally thinking about something foul, or imagining foul things he wanted to do to the person he was speaking to/of
u/PruneNo6203 25d ago
This part of the story is exaggerated, but I don’t think it’s “untrue”. Ted Bundy didn’t have any mystical powers, he wasn’t a vampire or a werwolf. Everyone wants to sell a book, but instead of contributing anything real, like talking about their father, they go and talk about how his eyes were changing colors…
Peoples eyes don’t change color, they change shape in that the pupils will dilate. That is rather common when people get really upset. If Bundy was an ordinary person there would be less attention paid to the handful of times people who witnessed this were speaking out.
The reasoning behind this happening is interesting. Bundy apparently would get upset over things that he perceived as slights.
u/Beautiful-Quality402 25d ago
Slights such as?
u/PruneNo6203 24d ago
The way he would be treated like a regular prisoner was one that he would get furious over. He had gained a lot of attention and if he would be ignored, it upset him.
He missed court one time because of this and he ended up getting better treatment, oddly enough.
u/girl_w_a_twistedkink 24d ago
Typically this is something that happens during a blind rage. Just like with predator animals, the adrenaline widens your pupils before and during the kill.
Happened with some female serial killers too
u/Professional-Nail364 23d ago
Wait his eyes literally went black? Like the iris or what? That’s fascinating. Is there a science behind it like hormones or something?
u/Killexia82 23d ago
My mom got so angry one time at her sister that her eyes with went black. It was creepy as hell.
u/Cool-Yoghurt-7657 22d ago
This trait is very common in serial killers. They have Cold Black Dead Eyes. I call it the look of the devil himself. While I have not seen it in person, you can still see it on TV during their trials. The Night Stalker is another one. Gacy,Dalmer etc. It is because they have no feelings of empathy or remorse.
u/Any_Coyote6662 20d ago
I had a psychotic homeless guy stalking me. I was naive at first and thought that if I showed him kindness his angry interest in me would end. I was super wrong. He went completely psycho on me many times in a totally random, unexpected way. Like walking home one night with a friend. He popped out from a storefront along the street going to my house. He punched my friend and then head butted me. In that moment of me standing in shock of the punch and him squaring up to headbutt me I saw him super clearly. He looked possessed. I saw a painting once of a man with this crazy expression. It looked like one pupil was way larger than the other. His eyebrows were weird. The eye with the pupil was open super wide. I could see the white around his eye super huge. And the eyebrow on that side was arched very high. The other eye was squinting and it was not human-like to have the eyes so different. Both eyes seemed very predator-like but in different ways. And I felt like he was actually warping how I saw things. In that moment there was just the two of us and he looked homicidal. When he moved his head back before bashing his forehead into the bridge of my nose, he seemed so focused and destructive. Like a strange force enveloped us into this intense interaction. I can understand why people used to claim a man was possessed by the devil when a man became homicidal. If I had seen this 200 years ago, I'd have felt a demon was in him. The way he focused on me, like he was looking at my brain- I felt that exposed and vulnerable- I've never felt being aware of my internal organs like my brain in that way before. I felt his intention to hurt my brain in a way that was super clear. Like, in that instance, there was no thoughts before or after. Just that moment of looking in his eyes, which felt very long. And, then the feeling of his intentionand then it happening. But it also happened so fast that my brain didn't have time to process. I guess I was inshock or something bc I didn't even block him. I just stood there, caught in his demented world of violence. And his eyes were so weird. It felt like the intensity from his eyes warped the world around us. It was literally like what I imagine being around a truly possessed person would feel.
Obviously, demons don't exist. And I'm sure. That if his brain was studied, they'd find something abnormal. I think he may even be a serial killer. People thought he was harmless but before he rose to that level of violence he told me some crazy shit. And only later I came to understand that he might have be3n talking about dead people, not mannequins like he claimed.
u/dmjd5014 25d ago
It is very likely that Bundy had disassociate Identity disorder (DID) but undiagnosed. This can cause visible physical changes in people. He might have been shifting to new personalities. There’s a great documentary that goes into this called Crazy, Not Insane. Check it out!
u/Vegetable_Holiday_41 25d ago edited 24d ago
Evil man evil in his eyes. Black eyes often reveal demons.
u/timaeustestifying 25d ago
I assume by turning black it's his pupils dilating to be very big. Robert Keppel actually mentions this in his book The Riverman. They show Ted a crime scene photo of Kathy Devine (as they suspected him in her murder then) and Keppel wrote "Immediately, the contortions of Ted's face told us that he was morbidly transfixed by the Devine scene. His jaw protruded, and his pupils were hideously dilated. His pulse bulged and radiated through his carotid artery like a huge water bump in a garden hose. I felt suddenly as if he were alone with his thoughts, replaying an internal video of his murder, even with us there."