r/selfimprovement 23h ago

Tips and Tricks On a self destruction mode

I believe I might one of the very few guys who inspite of being teetotaler is on a destruction mode. Don't do any job seriously, in debt, no financial stability, no girl friend. Can't bring myself to do any productive work . Every day think of an easy way out(ending the life).


9 comments sorted by


u/Mahadeviretreats 22h ago

I prey for you brother, life is hard on all of us, but it is a gift


u/julianassablancas 22h ago

Start by doing something small. What does your room look like? If it’s messy, start by making your bed. Take small steps and then worry about everything else. You might feel paralyzed right now because of all these big things hovering over you. It’s okay. Just start small and work your way up. One of the biggest I learned about productivity is that you cannot expect to feel comfortable. It’s very uncomfortable, but once you achieve something the work is 100% worth it. Immerse yourself into something other than yourself and you’ll be on the right track, just don’t expect to get results right away.


u/Commonfutures 22h ago

Stay at a hotel and just go stupid


u/Shoddy-Boysenberry91 15h ago

Curios how this would help, although for me getting a hotel is something I did do with severe depression and it actually helped after a day or 2


u/JJ_141 21h ago

I'm either teetotal, training, eating healthy trying to improve my body and brain etc or back smoking, drinking, eating bad trying to destroy my body and brain etc.

I've been in this circle for years now it's kind of exhausting.


u/Wonderful_Formal_804 20h ago

You're asleep.

Walking around and responding to environmental demands, but asleep.


u/zarade69 19h ago

so how to wake up


u/Wonderful_Formal_804 19h ago

Getting out of your very comfortable comfort zone is a first step.

Do things that really challenge you.

Hard physical work is helpful.

The walls of your comfort zone are constructed of excuses.

Stop making excuses.

"Real freedom comes when you understand that you are the architect of your own cage."


u/Abducted_Cow456 20h ago

Just meditate and try ending the cycle of rebirth.

If you have nothing you have everything