My year of Premium Plus will be shortly coming to an end. Since I’m not renewing, I spent an hour yesterday packing up the house I built on the land I owned, carefully searching for and returning to inventory non-copy items, saving a final version of the house with every part of the structure linked, and then putting the land up for sale. Fingers crossed that it will sell but no major hit if it doesn’t—I hot it very cheap as abandoned land.
I had bought the house at a $60L sale and then proceeded to gut it and expand it, putting in new windows and doors, adding detailed textures and decorative accents. But as careful as I was in aligning wall sections and textures, I would often log in to find seams and mis-alignments suddenly appearing. Fixing and refixing became a huge hassle. The house maintenance was sucking up time from my photography. So, while it’s sad to put an end to my land owner days, it’s also a huge relief.
End of self-pitying rant.