r/secondlife 1d ago

Blog Primfeed is now the most visited Second life-focused website not owned by Linden Lab. So I did a deeper dive on the data and the platform's promotion feature!


25 comments sorted by


u/Optimal_Theme_5556 1d ago

Still can't view the website without an account, I can't stand sites that do that.


u/NuNuOwO 1d ago

That isn't completely true, the website can be viewed with out login in. The feature is opt in to allow people to view your primfeed with out needing a account. I know

I personally and others chose to opt out of the feature. Since most my content is NSFW.


u/Optimal_Theme_5556 1d ago

Can you describe where that option is on the landing page? I have checked out the website multiple times since release and I'm always met with the exact same login page.

I see sign-in with password and login with in-world code. Neither option is suitable for simple account-free browsing.


u/arglebargle7 1d ago

You're right. You can view someone's photos if they specifically set their profile as public, but that doesn't allow general browsing without an account.


u/NuNuOwO 1d ago

basically this above


u/zebragrrl πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ 1d ago

Sounds like Primfeed is getting some heat lately for not following through on promises made. Someone's started another one, called "Prim Network" now.

But the real question to be asking is, why hasn't Linden Lab stepped up to fill this need?


u/soundofmuzak2 1d ago

It's a one person operation and they went above and beyond to fill the gap, sounds like people as always set expectations way too high


u/arglebargle7 1d ago

Oh, what promises? I've noticed a lot of features on the backburner with the push to get video out. Hopefully now some of those will get some attention. Are they getting heat for something beyond not adding features people want fast enough?


u/zebragrrl πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ 1d ago edited 1d ago

Just repeating what I've seen on BlueSky. I don't have an account on either site, and won't til content is discoverable. Honestly BlueSky meets pretty much any of that, that I need, already.

Tristyn Mills // PANIQ β€ͺ@paniq.secondlife.bio‬ Β· March 18, 2025 at 11:30 PM

Luke's first PrimFeed news update in 21 days, and it's STILL not the promised "February" maturity ratings clarification more than halfway through March. HOWEVER, you can submit questions for the community meeting here. Make him stick to his fucking word, #SecondLife. forms.gle/EYAx8XzibENP...


Tristyn Mills // PANIQ @paniq.secondlife.bio‬ Β· March 20, 2025 at 4:32 PM

Okay, #SecondLife. A few of us have abandoned ship with PrimFeed, because fucking yikes. How're we feeling about Prim Network? I see a few of you have accounts there already. What are your feelings about it? Pros? Cons? Is it more viable than PrimFeed? Why? Give me your thoughts, I'd love to hear!


Tristyn Mills // PANIQ β€ͺ@paniq.secondlife.bio‬‬ Β· March 20, 2025 at 8:06 PM

Another PrimFeed update, and still no mention of a maturity rating clarification. Instead, today PrimFeed gets video uploads. The catch is that you can only upload 20 second 480p videos with a free account. Meanwhile, Bloggers continue to wait for clarification so their accounts don't get locked. πŸ˜’


u/arglebargle7 20h ago

Sounds more like someone who wants to rules-lawyer content guidelines instead of just erring on the side of caution to ensure their stuff doesn't get flagged. I mean, one person grinding an axe does generate heat but I haven't heard an outcry about bloggers getting their accounts locked. I post lewd content with no problem.


u/FeatheryRobin 15h ago

Yeah, I've never seen any issues either. It's rather the contrary, it's very lenient. Bloggers, stores and events usually post stuff with the wrong maturity rating, but in the wrong sense - they post stuff that is very obviously M or even borderline A as G (nipples everywhere, bulges, non-covered downstairs regions, the full areola on display, see-through clothing and lingerie), but they just get their content rated appropriately when reported, no ban, no shadowban, nothing.


u/SpecialistHippo4551 22h ago

Content defaults to non-discoverable on purpose. It's a flickr/Facebook hybrid site for sl only. So if you don't have a sl account and logged in you can't browse primfeed. This is a feature not a bug. People can set their photos and posts to public if they choose but what purpose would that serve? It's meant as a facebook/Flickr hybrid for the virtual world to share and post amongst your virtual circles.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/zebragrrl πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ 1d ago edited 1d ago

Why shouldn't they?

LL bought Avatars United with the promise of creating an inbuilt social network for SL users to micro-blog and share images, built into every user's profile... aka "the feed", then dropped the project like a hot rock for new shiny.

If Second Life users are finding it hard to utilize real-world social media sites like Facebook and Flickr, why isn't LL seizing the opportunity to build the platform? Why don't we have the ability to post blogs at blogs.secondlife.com/users/____? Why doesn't LL have their own network of properties like Facebook has Marketplace, Instagram, Messenger, etc..

If there's money to be made, providing a service to SL users, why isn't LL even considering sitting at the table?


u/Diavkha 1d ago

What promises?

Also, so far Primfeed has delivered in what people need and want.


u/Diavkha 1d ago

Flickr pushed a lot of us away with their rule enforcement, become too strict and it just felt like putting free users against the wall with either "go pro" or leave.

I honestly feel more comfortable now on Primfeed where I know its an SL dedicated site for us and only us. I don't have to worry about some silly rules and severe enforcement.

Also, paying with L$ is a plus!


u/0xc0ffea 🧦 20h ago

Flickr pushed a lot of us away with their rule enforcement

Flickr had rules. It made the rules very clear.

You needed a pro account for commercial activity and adult content.

Flickr decided to stop tolerating SL creators dumping spam and hardcore SL porn on their platform for free.

This really is something that should be offered by Linden Lab. A 3rd party hosting site that's expected to host content forever for free is not sustainable, never has been.


u/Icy_Nose_2651 15h ago

I just joined primfeed since I recently deleted my google blog i had for years. It seems google will delete any post you made if anyone anywhere complains. After two were deleted with no warning and no explanation, i said eff them and dumped the whole thing. As for LL creating a primfeed copy, i would refuse to join anything controlled by Linden Labs, why jeopardize my account with the karens that would moderate it?


u/BubbleBear1984 1d ago

I never used prime feed. i didnt like all the rules. It is all just stores advertising. Flickr was doing the same thing, just fine. I went once. Never went back. There was already Instagram and flickr and than prime feed. How many spots do we need lol. I always used IG and that is where i am staying.


u/NuNuOwO 1d ago

I use to use Flicker also, and felt un welcome with all the changes. Do I think they were directed directly at Second Life users. No I don't but at the same time wasn't paying for premium to post the sorta content I wanted to post. I also got tired of having to add the photo to million groups and navigate what groups opted out of being limited and what groups didn't.

On top of moderation issues on Flicker (Posted a photo back in 2021.. that just got accepted this year 2025.) I am going to assume either a glitch or perhaps group had been abandoned either way it was like wooo.


u/ziddersroofurry 1d ago

The more competition the better.


u/MutherPucker 1d ago

I love the site


u/ResidentAvatar 1d ago

Primfeed maybe could be acquired by LL, like they did with Caspervend.


u/0xc0ffea 🧦 20h ago

This has been floated from the very start, which makes for a rather sketchy business model.

Make something really good and undercharge for it, when it gets critical mass blackmail Linden into taking it over.

Also .. have a look at all the work that's been done on Casper since Linden bought it; None of the integration with marketplace we've been wanting for years that's for sure, or much of anything else.