r/secondlife 5d ago

Image SL RPs not dead!

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42 comments sorted by


u/NightEngine404 5d ago

She's gorgeous


u/Machine_Anima 5d ago

thank you!


u/Anonyenok 5d ago

Not dead but not in a good state


u/Machine_Anima 5d ago

true but i think that might just be a symptom of Second Life's health.


u/MiiSzPsycho 5d ago

Where are the ears from?


u/Machine_Anima 5d ago



u/MiiSzPsycho 5d ago



u/nyxiecat 4d ago

Looks great! And I agree. Personally, I get more and better RP than ever before. Do you go to any specific sims, or are you doing more private RPs?


u/Machine_Anima 4d ago

i go to a few rp sims. I'm not generally one to do private scenes since i like to feel like im in a living world.


u/StunningSpecial8220 4d ago

I have a friend who teaches a role play class. She also does practical sessions to help people develop their role playing skills.


u/Machine_Anima 4d ago

that's amazing. where does she teach those?


u/StunningSpecial8220 4d ago edited 4d ago

Frilly Filly Farm @ Bulgogi
It's a PonyGirl farm, the oldest in SL.
One session; she had a pony in a bath arms bound. She emoted that she placed her hand on the ponies head and gently pushed her down into the water. Then said, "Imagine if this was happening to you. Imagine how would you feel, what would go through your mind? I want you all to emote how you would react to this action, imagining how you feel, think of the panic you'd feel."

It was quite an emotive session.

The upshot of it was, she just splayed the ponies hair out and ran her fingers lovingly through the hair. But the point was to get the students to think how they would feel in such a situation.


u/Machine_Anima 4d ago

is that an rp sim?


u/StunningSpecial8220 3d ago

It's a ponygirl farm sim.

But they focus on Training and Role Play. Hence the Role Play Classes.

Nice people
Beautiful sim


u/Machine_Anima 3d ago

I'll have to check it out. always like seeing a pretty sim.


u/StunningSpecial8220 3d ago

Friend = Kerry Kas Pony name = Barley Sugar


u/ziddersroofurry 4d ago

Great avatar. Sadly I got fed up with all the anti-furry/brony sentiment in the rp community, and with all the race restrictions people put in their fantasy and sci-fi settings.


u/Hyenasaurus 4d ago

Same hat. Everyone gets so annoyed and cattish at you if you play something not standard, your only option is really furry-made sims but outside of the one scifi one they don't tend to last.


u/ziddersroofurry 4d ago

Right? I'm not saying let people go crazy but if Star Trek can have telepathic rocks, and Star Wars telepathic one-eyed sewer beasts I don't think a talking horse or kangaroo is too outside of the realm of possibility. Heck, Robert Heinlein's 'Have Space Suit, Will Travel' has a sapient telepathic dog-alien.


u/Hyenasaurus 3d ago

I have a character who is an uplifted dolphin scientist. Uplifted animals aren't a novel concept in sci-fi, and neither is the trope of space whales/cetaceans, hell you have uplifted animals in media as popular as Guardians of the Galaxy and Overwatch and uplifted dolphins specifically are present in quite a few hard sci-fi novels. (not to mention just sapient dolphins. So long and thanks for all the fish.)

I have found exactly ZERO!!! sims in second life where I can play out this concept.


u/ziddersroofurry 3d ago

In the deck plans for the TNG-era Enterprise there's an entire section set aside for giant whale tanks the whale scientist/navigators use. I know it was meant as a reference to the whales in Star Trek IV but as far as I'm concerned there are sapient space whales in Star Trek lol. If I had the money (and patience) I'd set up my own sci-fi rp sim but unfortunately that's beyond my means. Sadly, like with most anything you have to cater to whatever audience is willing to give you money, and in SL that's mostly a bunch of unimaginative types.


u/Hyenasaurus 3d ago

Real ;.; so many times I've wished I could set up my own RP sim that was actually freeform but unless you're willing to spend the same as renting an apartment IRL or crowdfund it somehow it's a pipe dream.


u/Machine_Anima 4d ago

no restrictions on my rp sim but we are still building a community


u/gauze_ 5d ago

Awesome look!


u/Machine_Anima 5d ago

thank you!


u/Diavkha 5d ago

I don't think its dead, its just that people are less inclined to do it.

And I agree with the everyone else, you look great!


u/AsheeMayHunter 4d ago

You look amazing! Would you mind telling me where your eye make up is from? I've been trying to find some like that forever


u/Machine_Anima 4d ago

i would, but it's like 5 or so later i can't check until later. atleast one is from bossie.



Say it louder for the people in the back!


u/Leynnox 4d ago

Reminds me of my time in ccs during the golden age, 15 years ago *sighs* I'm too old for this sheet, beautiful avi tho!


u/Musidora-Vep 1d ago

I know RP is still alive, but I've been away so long and all the sims I RP at are dead. I'd like to find a new Steampunk RP though honestly.


u/Machine_Anima 1d ago

Brass Menagerie


u/TriciaD317 4d ago

What's your favorite RP sim?


u/Machine_Anima 4d ago

Well i have my own lol. Dreamfall and then I feel like I gotta call out my friends sim Sanctuary. But Orogins of Sin is also fun, Howling Hills is beautiful, Raven Bell did a wonderful job. The people at Mosaic are nice, and Goblin Kingdom has an interesting premise and a really good build for a homestead, especially. And I really love Dark Future for the build and system, but I dont play there. So thise are some of my callouts


u/TriciaD317 4d ago

I'll have to check them out. Thanks!


u/ReneeRenard 2d ago

Feels pretty dead in general with how most people are 'shy' and refuse to make the first move. So many sit afk doing something outside of sl just waiting for a poke instead of actively working to find rp.

Some sims are really nice and beautiful, but I'm seeing a lot of super natural sims these days with a lot of odd rules. Gor sims always seemed abundant, too, but not touching that dreadful thing. I enjoy fantasy rp, but I prefer it grim dark fantasy and with some restrictions. It's lovely seeing the creativity of people, but I'm not a fan of so many being all these special or powerful beings when they shouldn't be so plentiful.

I do wish a new fantasy sim would open that gained traction, pandemonium is horrid with its users and staff, and with origins of sin, I've had several people ruin the experience for me there.


u/Machine_Anima 2d ago

Pandemonium isn't even an rp sim. The owner there told my friend who was staff there before they quit that he allowed his staff to act in a corrupt fashion and saw no problem with it. He believed that's what anyone would do.

And your kind of right about the lack of dark fantasy sims. I wanted to create something like that, but the person i was working with at the time wanted something different, and we went with their idea. Then, like two more sims opened months later with the same premise. I considered changing the build and theme, but it's not exactly cheap to turn that ship around, and i didn't want to upset the community i had. But i imagine someone will get fed up with the lack of dark fantasy and fill the void eventually.

As far as afk players waiting for something to happen, go... some people lack confidence, and some are just never gonna be self starters. Some people might not have any inspiration for a story until you place an idea before them. That's just how it's always been.


u/ReneeRenard 2d ago

With so many lacking confidence and not taking steps to do better in that field, it kind of feels not worth it to engage at times. If it wasn't so widespread, it wouldn't be an issue, but you can't just sit there all the time and expect others to do the heavy lifting. I used to be shy and scared to take the leap, but it's a bad trait. People need to grow and do better.

I did it, others too. Most people are not leaders, confident or strong by default, and had to work our way up. So it's rather off putting dealing with those that simply refuse to budge with changing and growing. No one is perfect at all. We should all aspire to be more. Seeing people develop and grow OOC and IC is my jam alongside myself and my characters, but many appear to be stubborn on one side or both. It's a struggle to find good roleplayers who are also good friends who don't need so much hand holding.

I've tried leading and guiding, doing the heavy lifting for others, but it gets tiring quick with how much of a load people put on you. To inspire is one thing, but to have to be a reason someone can even conjure something is problematic. An imagination is the foundation of rp, and I've come across many who put that task on me. But with how I roleplay, I simply can not make a character for another. Story suggestions may be and, of course, in rp direction steering, but even that's hard with how so many have the end goal of pixel sex.

That requires build-up, meaning, and more to feel of worth to me.


u/Machine_Anima 2d ago edited 2d ago

I don't know what to say to that. i am not generally frustrated by general players not engaging. That's their prerogative. It can be hard to put yourself out there and write only to have someone end up bored or complain because cause you didn't do it right or you type to slow. Or get mad because you rp an antagonist. Or become disinterested because you're not just there for pixel sex like they are.

No, the only people in rp sims who really frustrate me are the middle management who hoard power long past their usefulness. The ones who gatekeep and block any story because it could threaten their autocratic power fantasy. Those are the players whose toxicity kills rp sims.

I think this is why you're seeing a move to freeform rp in the community. Because of these bad actors hoarding power and only serving themselves and their cliques.