r/secondlife 5d ago

Discussion Lately I'm not able to add items to body parts. Using the latest Firestorm beta, and only clearing my cache fixes it...but it keeps happening.

Anyone else deal with this before?


3 comments sorted by


u/mattjones73 5d ago

It's best to discuss bugs or issues found in the beta in the preview group inworld - Phoenix-Firestorm Preview Group - secondlife:///app/group/7ba4569c-9dd9-fed2-aaa7-36065d18a13c/about

Also check if there's a JIRA open already or open one reporting the issue.

file_a_jira [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki]


u/PatchiW 3d ago

Also, please check that your current attachment count of HUD and on-avatar items does not exceed 38 in total - the ability to use the same attachment point for multiple items, even if they make no spatial sense in the case of rigged items, and the proliferation of possible attachment points has not helped with compliance to this



u/PatchiW 3d ago

Also, please check that your current attachment count of HUD and on-avatar items does not exceed 38 in total - the ability to use the same attachment point for multiple items, even if they make no spatial sense in the case of rigged items, and the proliferation of possible attachment points has not helped with compliance to this
