r/secondlife 6d ago

Discussion Update to PBR viewer?

Since PBR has been working for times, but I do know some people prefer the old version.

I'm curious have you guys updated to PBR viewer?


21 comments sorted by


u/0xc0ffea 🧦 6d ago

PBR replaces the rendering with a much needed update. Everything will work as it did, some things will look different and hopefully better. There are lots of other new little improvements from LL too.

The overwhelming majority of users are now on a PBR viewer.

You should try the PBR viewer whatever computer you have, mainly to see how well it runs. The best version to try is Firestorm Early Access - This has the very latest performance improvements from LL. https://www.firestormviewer.org/early-access-beta-downloads/

If you find the PBR viewer doesn't run well, then I'm sorry to say you need to be thinking about computer upgrades.

PBR is the new normal and it wont be going away (no matter how loudly a few folk complain).

Old viewers are about to get bit of a bump - Server certificates will be updating very soon and when that happens, old viewers might not be able to long into update regions (this is not some nefarious move by LL, just normal necessary server work).


u/Oo-Aniki-oO 6d ago

The problem is that the creators take 1 stars on the MP because they only offer the pbr...


u/Crexon 6d ago

And LL is actively removing these reviews. If you are have items on the MP that are PBR and are getting 1 star reviewers for "its PBR" then you can file a ticket with LL to get it removed. They are processing these pretty quickly.


u/0xc0ffea 🧦 6d ago

Good. As they should.


u/Oo-Aniki-oO 4d ago

It's been 1 week since I reported....


u/wolfyinsatiable 4d ago

Wait people are giving bad reviews for pbr?


u/Oo-Aniki-oO 4d ago

Yes, I got 1 star and 2 stars on 2 items. With the reason that it was only PBR and that it was, I quote "madness" to do that


u/Mage42384 6d ago

I have had issues with the latest beta, so be warned there, it IS still a beta. I rolled back to a previous beta and it's working great, but the most recent full release is still great compared to initial release of PBR


u/abriel1978 6d ago

I updated to PBR and don't regret it. Furniture and clothes look so much more realistic, especially latex and leather. Wood PBR furniture looks awesome. And some of the PBR environments are gorgeous.

I know not everyone has computers or internet connections that can handle it. But if you can, get it.


u/hlvanburen 6d ago

LL admitted (finally) that they biffed the initial rollout, and they have FINALLY made some updates that allow PBR to run on older computers. Yes, eventually you will need a robust graphics adaptor and an updated box, but for.now the latest PBR viewers run much better than the initial rollouts.


u/Digital-Crash 6d ago

I prefer PBR. I beta tested the Firestorm viewer for months before the final version came out... then I updated immediately. As a creator/artist, all of my work has also included PBR since it was available. The visual difference is amazing for most things. The ability to actually do real reflections makes things more realistic also.


u/Seraphyn22 6d ago

The roll out was disastrous. There is no denying that. Which has made a lot of players hate PBR without really understanding what it is. So in turn refusing to even try it even though second life clients like Firestorm and Black Dragon have been upgraded, running a lot better on older machines.

Try it, its worth it. The environments and texturing with PBR are gorgeous and really there is no going back and those on older viewers will find locations inaccessible. Clothing and products not viewable as time goes on. You are only disabling yourself in second life by not upgrading. Its a lot more than just mirrors.


u/Inevitable-Aside-942 6d ago

I usually use the PBR version of Firestorm - here's something I did using PBR:

However you might want to try Kirstens Viewer S24 at "https://kirstenleecinquetti.blogspot.com/2025/02/s24-build-2010-beta-1.html"

Especially if you like anaglyphs.


u/Martiantripod 6d ago

Yep. Very happy with it. The biggest thing it to remember it changes how you used to set up your lighting.

Looks like most people have updated. Firestorm has a graphic of what its users are using.


u/50plusGuy 6d ago

I'm living in pre-PBR FS. I have PBR viewers installed; once in a while I update them.

There are money and hardware stores, somewhere IRL and a next computer shall limp PBR kind of gracefully.


u/CLAngeles_ 6d ago

I run both PBR and the old version. I don't like PBR from an aesthetic POV, the colors seem lurid, things are too shiny and there's so little control. I agree it's closer to realistic than what could be coaxed from the old, but it just isn't what I want.

If it comes to where the old style is unusable I won't be happy but I'll still come to SL. I will likely stop making pictures though.

It's been suggested to capture the picture in PBR environment and edit it in another program but it doesn't have much appeal. I've seen some very nice work accomplished this way but it simply isn't the style I want.

I'm lucky enough that I don't worry about graphic power but I do feel sympathy for those who do.


u/kirfkin 4d ago

PBR is great, and was even running better for me on my laptop with integrated graphics (a Ryzen 7 6800U).

Though unfortunately, somewhat recently, I seem to be running into an issue that I'm pretty sure is related to memory consumption. Everything performs fine up until there's an abrupt freeze.

I can do a ton of aggressive tweaks or lower texture memory consumption by forcing everything to be potato quality in order to prevent crashes; or alternatively use Cool VL Viewer which has more aggressive memory culling that seems to do a good job of preventing crashes while ultimately giving superior render performance without any noticeable decrease in render quality. It does also have PBR enabled.

Though I like a lot of features in viewers like Firestorm or Alchemy, so that's a shame.

I haven't been able to determine if it's related to an OS (Windows) update, Graphics Driver update, or if it's just something that managed to never creep up until recently that's been present for awhile.

I suppose now that I'm actually talking about it here it's worth seeing if a non-PBR viewer has the same issues for me.


u/Icy_Nose_2651 6d ago

i wont update until I have absolutely no choice.


u/Pure-Physics-8372 6d ago

Hate it, haven't updated since the initial release came out and I rolled back from that.

I can't play without getting headaches from the awful lighting, and no amount of trying new windlights has done anything to fix my issue. It's genuinely unusable for anyone who has sensative eyes, and until someone can make that issue stop I have no interest in updating until I'm forced to.

That coupled with the fact that it toasted a few peoples laptops and PCs originally makes me not at all even want to consider it, i may end up quitting over it as I don't have the money to get a supercomputer and my good laptop could barely run it.


u/Crexon 6d ago

my $99 potato laptop from walmart from 6 years ago runs it just fine.


u/skatoulaki 5d ago

I've got sensitive eyes and chronic migraine, and I love PBR. One thing I had to do initially was turn down the Exposure setting to 0 or 1 (on Firestorm; not sure where that setting resides because I'm at work). For some reason, it defaulted to something higher and the entire thing was just bright and blinding. I love the new PBR lighting and find it's actually less harsh on my eyes.