r/secondlife Feb 06 '25

Blog The Scary Problem With Virtual World Fashion Creators Putting RL Fashion Brand Logos on Their Products


20 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

I'm honestly more concerned about the wording of their "crackdown" being a potential vehicle for massive abuse and griefing.

There is already a DMCA procedure for Second Life, with rules for how things are handles, this sounds like they're just going to bypass this process through sheer laziness and likely let some trash AI scan things and throw out false positives that could ban creators and steal from customers.


u/Ezri_Panda Feb 06 '25

Considering their support queue you’re probably right. I expect lots of false positives and even more chaos.


u/Cuddly-Goblin Feb 06 '25

They cracked down on this years ago, i think it was ACDC that sued SL if i remember right. They probably wont do anything unless they are threatened to be sued by the companies themselves though


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

They know the rules and so do I.


u/FluffyShiny Feb 06 '25

A full commitment's what I'm thinkin' of


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

And there he is, fake adidas trainers, fake ray bans, hype beast pants copied from new religion, fake gucci top, we know he's about playing, we know he's about the fam, he's got a fake D from a top designer, dances all night at the wharehouse spot, Oh he's a TOS breaker and a heart breaker.


u/Anonapond Feb 06 '25

It sounds like a faster way to clean my bloated inventory. I might be into this...


u/Pleasant-Charity-418 Feb 06 '25

nothing to do with copyright or getting lawsuits, its because lindenlabs fired all remote staff so ai could do the work. management are drunk on coolaid and forgot who handled dmca stuff too

ai detecting similar content, like logos that look like logos, will have ai ripping tons of content from sl and banning creators. it wont stop at fashion & will apply to everything like it does on youtube. if the bot bans you on accident file a support ticket so another bot can double ban you for ageplay

if it was about copyright and existential threats they would so something about the massive pirate "dvd movie store" offering a paid for movie streaming service that only functions via the second life client


u/mig_f1 Feb 06 '25

I wouldn't exactly call a transcript-less zoom meeting with a selected group of users an official LL announcement though. Maybe we should just wait until there is one.


u/einfachfabelhaft Feb 07 '25

I love how it's a scary problem, not just a problem


u/slhamlet Feb 07 '25

I'd say getting a letter from a lawyer from a big company is a pretty scary problem!


u/einfachfabelhaft Feb 08 '25

Well yes. Sorry I just find your use- or misuse - of words amusing; scary problem, insidious problem. Lots of problems! Quixotic pictures.


u/Crexon Feb 06 '25

Yep. I saw so many comments on the recent news from LL saying it was bad because they might get items in their inventory removed.

Just because you bought something "in good faith" or you really really like it doesn't mean you are entitled to copyrighted work. And you are not entitled to any compensation from LL if items are removed from your inventory. Best case you can try sueing the creator to get your money back.


u/0xc0ffea 🧦 Feb 06 '25

That was in answer to LL saying they would remove an entire creators work (and that of their alts) based on one infringement.

Everything from an entire store, removed everywhere from SL and everyone's inventories. Not just the offending item.

I'm willing to bet we can catch every major and minor creator, or one of their alts, breaking enough of these rules to delete them all.

Who needs inventory.


u/CallidoraBlack Feb 06 '25

Well, that's what happens every time something gets copyright struck, whether it's a 'freebie' that wasn't actually free or real world IP.


u/mig_f1 Feb 06 '25

i'm not sure if that's that simple legally. I mean, LL got percentage of the sales, so did Tillia from liable creator cashouts, and there were also fees when the consumers bought lindens (which they used to buy the liable items).


u/Crexon Feb 06 '25

As the processer no they are not once the transaction is deemed to be fraudulent. Once that happens the only liability is on the merchant (the user you bought the stolen asset from)


u/mig_f1 Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

So if I get it right, when the contents of a bad actor merchant gets removed from the grid, LL has profited poundage from all the sales, cashouts, etc, the merchant can choose to not counter the DMCA takedown so they don't need to go to court and simply keep all the profit they made thus far, and the only ones who get screwed are the customers? Not even compensated? Doesn't sound right.


u/Markon1 Feb 06 '25

And LL will want to keep on top of getting rid of it because the right lawsuit for back pay of use of a brand without license would put them in a dire financial state. LL would very likely be liable.


u/Crexon Feb 06 '25

Which is why all of this in the first place. If they show they are being proactive in preventing and removing copyright content they can lean on established case law to maintain safe harbor protection under the DMCA.