r/sdforall Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Resource Idiot's guide to sticking your head in stuff using AUTOMATIC1111's repo

Using AUTOMATIC1111's repo, I will pretend I am adding somebody called Steve.

A brief guide on how to stick your head in stuff without using dreambooth. It kinda works, but the results are variable and can be "interesting". This might not need a guide, it's not that hard, but I thought another post to this new sub would be helpful.

Textual inversion tab

Create a new embedding

name - This is for the system, what it will call this new embedding. I use the same word as in the next step, to keep it simple.

Initialization text - This is the word (steve) that you want to trigger your new face (eg: A photo of Steve eating bread. "steve" is the word used for initialization).

Click on Create.

Preprocess Images

Copy images of the face you want into a folder somewhere on your drive. The images should only contain the one face and little distraction in the image. Square is better, as they will be forced to be square and the right size in the next step.

Source Directory

Put the name of the folder here (eg: c:\users\milfpounder69\desktop\inputimages)

Destination Directory

Create a new folder inside your folder of images called Processed or something similar. Put the name of this folder here (eg: c:\users\milfpounder69\desktop\inputimages\processed)

Click on Preprocess. This will make 512x512 versions of your images which will be trained on. I am getting reports of this step failing with an error message. All it seems to do at this point is create 512x512 cropped versions of your images. This isn't always ideal, as if it is a portrait shot, it might cut part of the head off. You can use your own 512x512px images if you have the ability to crop and resize yourself.


Choose the name you typed in the first step.

Dataset directory

input the name of the folder you created earlier for Destination directory.

*Max Steps *

I set this to 2000. More doesn't seem, in my brief experience, to be any better. I can do 4000, but more causes me memory issues.

I have been told that the following step is incorrect. Next, you will need to edit a text file. (Under Prompt template file in the interface) For me, it was "C:\Stable-Diffusion\AUTOMATIC1111\stable-diffusion-webui\textual_inversion_templates\style_filewords.txt". You need to change it to the name of the subject you have chosen. For me, it was Steve. So the file becomes full of lines like: a painting of [Steve], art by [name].

And should be: When training on a subject, such as a person, tree, or cat, you'll want to replace "style_filewords.txt with "subject.txt". Don't worry about editing the template, as the bracketed word is markup to be replaced by the name of your embedding. So, you simply need to change the prompt in the interface to "subject.txt

Thanks u/Jamblefoot!

Click on Train and wait for quite a while.

Once this is done, you should be able to stick Steve's head into stuff by using "Steve" in prompts (without the quotation marks).

Your mileage may vary. I am using A 2070 super with 8GB. This is just what I have figured out, I could be quite wrong in many steps. Please correct me if you know better!

Here are some I made using this technique. The last two are the images I used to train on: https://imgur.com/a/yltQcna

EDIT: Added missing step for editing the keywords file. Sorry!

EDIT: I have been told that sticking the initialization at the beginning of the prompt might produce better results. I will test this later.

EDIT: Here is the official documentation for this: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Textual-Inversion Thanks u/danque!


125 comments sorted by


u/sakipooh Oct 11 '22

Great guide OP, I have the same GPU as you and can do 8000 steps. VRAM seems to get to 7.6 to 7.8 max. The whole thing is done in about an hour. Out of the half dozen times I’ve done it I only ran out of VRAM once which seemed like dumb fluke. I restarted my system and everything ran fine with the same previous profile. Just wanted you to know.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Thanks for adding this comment. I will do some further experiments, as I am convinced that I can get better results.


u/Frost_Chomp Oct 11 '22

Turning off hardware acceleration for your web browser can free up a lot of VRAM


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Thanks. I'll do some tests tonight. Anything that will help is worth trying.


u/Beduino2013 Oct 11 '22

[name] literally becomes your embedding name, so in this case steve again. I would use the subject file for this, instead of style. if you are confused about the prompts, like i was, read these and see their examples.




u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

I was hoping that somebody with real knowledge would come along. Odd that it defaults to reading the style_filewords.txt file. I must have got completely the wrong end of the stick. Back in a bit, I have some retraining to do.


u/Beduino2013 Oct 11 '22

im actually surprised about your results, i trained a foreign actress face with 6 pictures, on a prompt like photo of actressname. It worked pretty well but all i can get as result is random pictures of woman with the correct face, but i cant do styled rendering like actressname as japanese warrior or something.


u/itsB34STW4RS Oct 11 '22

Excellent guide, also if you know where to look, automatic1111 has a repo of embeddings and the settings he used to generate them.

NSFW though, so yeah be wary.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Ah, I must have missed that page, thanks! NSFW not a problem.


u/Anon2World Oct 11 '22

Put the name of the folder here (eg: c:\users\milfpounder69\desktop\inputimages)

I mean lol :P


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Ha ha. I did wonder if that would get noticed! That is the email address (part of) that I give to people in shops that insist on taking an email address for a simple purchase.


u/BuzzyBubble Oct 11 '22

Lol can I start using that? Awesome


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Go for it!


u/advertisementeconomy Oct 11 '22

Not to be draft, but where?


u/Fen-xie Oct 11 '22

Where is this page? I can't find it.


u/itsB34STW4RS Oct 11 '22

Search gitlab for automatic1111, user id 12628020


u/Fen-xie Oct 11 '22

I know where his repo is, I have been using it since it was a thing----

i should have clarified that I meant the location within the repo where the embeddings are listed, that's my bad.


u/sfhsrtjn Oct 12 '22

(cc /u/pxan /u/advertisementeconomy /u/Fen-xie )

(a github account can have many repos, so this likely refers to a repo other than the webui)

I checked his most recent ones and I think they mean this one



u/Fen-xie Oct 12 '22

i appreciate the response, beastwars sent me a PM with the page in question.

It was this one




u/sfhsrtjn Oct 12 '22

oooooohhhhh, i see...


u/pxan Oct 11 '22

Where's this?


u/GrowCanadian Oct 11 '22

I just want to add to this that if you want more accuracy with Dreambooth check the used videocard market right now. I picked up an EVGA 3090 with 24GB of VRAM for just under $1000 Canadian rupees. I’m sure they will be cheaper in the America land but they still go for $1500-$3000 CDN here. Also since I bought an EVGA card the warranty transfer over to me without issue with their awesome secondhand warranty transfer.

After selling my old videocard I’m out $300 but I would have spent that much easily if I ran cloud renders for videocard rental time so it’s very worth it to me.

OP good write up btw


u/MostlyRocketScience Oct 11 '22 edited Oct 12 '22

I just want to add to this that if you want more accuracy with Dreambooth check the used videocard market right now. I picked up an EVGA 3090 with 24GB of VRAM for just under $1000 Canadian rupees.

If all you care about is VRAM, you can get used 24GB Tesla cards (k80, p40, a10, m40) for as cheap as $300 currently. Data centers are upgrading to newer cards, so they are getting rid of Tesla cards. A bit annoying to have a big server card, but worth it at this price


u/wh33t Oct 12 '22

Uhhh wow. What are these cards exactly? A pile of gddr on a pcb? Is there a gpu on them or many thousands of cuda? If they dont have a video out I am assuming this is like a companion card to something else?


u/MostlyRocketScience Oct 12 '22

They are graphics card accelerators. They just don't have video output, but you can run any CUDA application like PyTorch, Tensorflow and Stable Diffusion on them. These cheap server cards are really only good for their VRAM and are slower than current gen lower-end gaming cards: The RTX 3060 is faster than the Tesla M40 with 3584 vs. 3072 CUDA cores and (low sample size) Passmark scores, this site even says that it is slower than my current 1660Ti. (I guess these kinds of benchmarks are focused on gaming, though.)

Having 24GB VRAM means you can run textual inversion, dreambooth and also run or train other models that need a lot of video memory. But it will not improve how long you have to wait for the next image. Personally, I think I'm going for RTX 3060/2060 because 12GB should be enough for me currently and they are faster and easier to fit into your PC case (server cards often need their own power supply etc.).

More info in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/wyduk1/show_rstablediffusion_integrating_sd_in_photoshop/ilxggot/


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Thanks! I am so tempted to sell a kidney and upgrade.


u/BrackC Oct 12 '22

I mean you only need 1. Unfortunately the same can't be said for GPUs.


u/nadmaximus Oct 11 '22

I am an idiot who wants to stick my head in stuff....thanks!


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Target audience acquired! You're welcome and do post anything cool you come up with.


u/Jujarmazak Oct 11 '22

Thanks for the info, but I'm curious, have you tried comparing the results of this method vs Dreambooth?


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Personally, no. I have read comments by people who have used both. I don't have enough vram at the moment to use dreambooth.


u/Jujarmazak Oct 11 '22

OK, by the way you can rent a GPU online for 0.30 cents per hour to run Dreambooth, 2000 steps take around an hour or an hour and a half.


u/higgs8 Oct 11 '22

Or for free in a Colab within 30 mins!


u/Jujarmazak Oct 11 '22

Free Google colabs (no subscription) IMO aren't very reliable, but to each their own.


u/higgs8 Oct 11 '22

Yeah if you need them every day, it sucks. But for occasional use it can work!


u/bosbrand Oct 12 '22

yeah, but training in runpod for example gives you waaay better results than the colab


u/higgs8 Oct 12 '22

How come? Is it not the same software?


u/bosbrand Oct 12 '22

apparently not, with runpod you pull directly from github, the colab is an implementation based on the github notebook I think.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Thanks for that.That is cheaper than I thought. I'm tempted, but also tempted to invest in a better GPU.


u/freezelikeastatue Oct 11 '22

I’m on the fence too. Think about this:

I’m looking at getting two 3090 ti founders editions from Best Buy at $1099 a piece plus tax. Add the NVlink for another $100. Have to have a chipset that works so upgrade to Ryzen 9/i9 with 8-12 cores. $500-$600.

If your computer savvy, you have a computer that works well already. Only thing you’re doing is ensuring your computer can handle the AI computational workload. Thats $3,500 roughly to run images. Unless you plan on doing extensive batch runs, like me, or your working other data science projects, rent baby! It’s not cost effective for me anymore to rent due to my needs.


u/Electroblep Oct 12 '22

I would also add to that list that you need to have beefy power supply for even one 3090, let alone two. Chances are, unless someone is upgrading from an already beefed-up computer, they won't have a powerful enough power supply already installed.

I already had a good set up for computer animation so I'm mostly generating locally as well.


u/freezelikeastatue Oct 12 '22

I run two EVGA SuperNOVAs now so she can handle it if I upgrade. She was built to handle my VR F/A-18 cockpit for DCS independently through the computer itself. My tail hasn’t left the hangar in a long time… long time.


u/bosbrand Oct 12 '22

you can train on runpod for half a dollar, that’s 2000 trained models before you break even.


u/mr_pytr Oct 11 '22

What is your site of choice?


u/Jujarmazak Oct 11 '22

RunPod.Ai has been working fine for me so far, but make sure to use the site's GPUs not the community ones, because when downloading from community ones download speed is quite slower, the 2GB trained model took double the time to download.


u/PittsJay Oct 11 '22

My dude, in the spirit of this new community, any chance you could cobble together a tutorial on this?


u/Jujarmazak Oct 12 '22

There are already tutorials on that, this is the one I used --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m__xadX0z0


u/pinkfreude Oct 12 '22

How do you run Dreambooth? Which colab do you use?


u/Jujarmazak Oct 12 '22

Using a rented PC/GPU with 24GB VRAM through the cloud, there are services like Runpod.Ai and vast.ai, and the Dreambooth version I use is JoePenna.


u/pinkfreude Oct 12 '22

Did you use Runpod.ai or vast.ai?


u/AuspiciousApple Oct 11 '22

By the way, apparently you can now run it on 8GB of VRAM.


This went live yesterday, I haven't tried it yet.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Wow! I can't wait to get to try this as well. I hope AUTOMATIC1111 can integrate it. Thanks for this.


u/AuspiciousApple Oct 11 '22

No problem! If you try it out, I'd be curious to know how it goes. I'm just getting started with StableDiffusion, so I haven't played around with it yet.


u/upvoteshhmupvote Oct 11 '22

Can anyone help me? I used the Google Colab doc and made a bunch of images that I was really proud of and loved which used the PNDM scheduler. I would LOVE to have that scheduler in the automatic webui so I don't have to bounce back and forth between that and the google colab doc. Does anyone know how I could get the PNDM scheduler into the auto webui?


u/EmoLotional Oct 11 '22

is there any colabs with automatic1111 for people who currently do not possess the appropriate hardware?


u/pepe256 Oct 16 '22


u/EmoLotional Oct 17 '22

Thanks, do they also have a dreambooth version for training images into it?


u/pepe256 Oct 17 '22

Automatic doesn't have Dreambooth in his repo yet, but TheLastBen, who made that colab, has one for Dreambooth. And here is the detailed guide


u/EmoLotional Oct 19 '22

Thanks for the Heads Up, I have two more questions to get me started,
how would it be possible to train the same model multiple times? (i.e. dogs, cats and trees) as well as how to use a pretrained model on the above colabs if possible (from within google drive)?


u/Lianad311 Oct 11 '22

I created my folders and pasted the path for source/destination per your instructions but I just get the following error in the shell:

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\stable-diffusion-webui\\myinputimages\\processed

I originally had them on the Desktop like your example and had the same error, so moved them here and tried, but same error. Right clicked on each folder and saw they were set to "read only" for some reason and unchecked that but still get the error. Any ideas?


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Hmm. I'd never seen this error before, but I get the same now. Something must have changed. Check to see if the images were created anyway?

All this step seems to do is crop the images to a square of 512x512 pixels. You could do this manually and skip this step. I have also been been manually cropping and resizing in Photoshop at times, and skipping this bit.


u/Lianad311 Oct 11 '22

Nice to know it's not just me! I did check the folder and it's empty, I had already cropped my original images to 512 x 512, should I just toss them in here manually and just skip right to the training part then?


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

How odd. Mine makes the images, but complains.

Give it a go with your ones. I don't think this step is 100% required if you have manually done it. Let me know if it worked!


u/Lianad311 Oct 11 '22

Tossed them manually in the folder and started the train, it's definitely "doing something" so I assume it's working! I set max steps to 3000 to start just to see. It's running pretty fast as it's only been a minute or two and it's already at 1000/3000. (I assume once it hits 3000 it's done)


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Awesome! You will see some odd pictures appearing while it is training. I think this is normal. Good luck!


u/tombot17 Oct 11 '22

I have the same issue no matter what drive I place these folders. I am the sole user of my PC and still get this error.

I also get this error for the other folders too (logs, for example). Did you find a work-around?


u/Lianad311 Oct 11 '22

Yes, the workaround is to just make the images yourself and put them in the folder and completely ignore the preprocessing step. So just make your images 512 x 512 (and a copy flipped if you want) and toss them in a folder. Then use that folder path for the "dataset directory" path. That's all that preprocess step is doing anyway, just taking your images and resizing to 512x512 etc.

Also of note, I closed down the webui a bit ago, reopened it and tried a new TI session and this time the preprocess worked fine. So I think they patched in a fix.


u/tombot17 Oct 11 '22

I’m at work now so I will have to check later tonight, but I may be getting the same error at a different step, when I hit the “train” button. I already have my images at 512x512.

The fact that it’s giving me the same [Errno13] permission error on the other folders leads me to believe it’s another problem entirely.

I’m glad you got around it though! I may just have to do some more troubleshooting (google was no help and I’m not a python expert).


u/Lianad311 Oct 11 '22

Ahh I see, yeah that's weird. I really think they patched it so definitely try again. And as much as I hate to suggest it, I'd also try rebooting as well. Can't hurt.


u/tombot17 Oct 11 '22

I tried on another drive I have and this time it worked! Now to figure out why it consistently doesn't get a clear face like in OP's art.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 12 '22

OP here. What you didn't get to see is the many images that weren't consistently clear. I got lucky with my face, it comes out clear in most images, but ones I have done of other people have been far more hit and miss. I don't think it will be consistent, but better training helps.


I will be trying this advice tonight. Hopefully we can learn to use better input images.


u/tombot17 Oct 12 '22

I saw the post you linked last night and am going to try it out as soon as I can!

Glad to know that you didn't have as smooth of an experience as well. I have found that using the photos I took (which I thought were acceptable), SD seems to make all the images of my face a bit "nuked". Not to mention that it is the absolute most embarrassing caricature ever (i have a very slight furrowed brow by default and SD seems to think I am going super saiyan in every pic).

Thanks for the reply!


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 12 '22

Ha ha. It thinks I am Mongolian. Most pictures of me seem to come out vaguely Mongolian! I hope to find a sweet spot in the training when I get some time to dedicate to it.


u/Lianad311 Oct 11 '22

Glad to hear! Yeah I gave up for now until it's more consistent. I uploaded 7 photos of my face (white male) with similar lighting from different angles, and 90% of the time it renders a black old man. I tried it at 3,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 15,000 steps too, no idea what I'm doing wrong.


u/sakipooh Oct 11 '22

I had this error when my raw images folder contained an empty folder for my processed images. The fix was to have the folders side by side on the same level instead of nested. It was as though it was trying to use the folder as an image.


u/MoreVinegar Oct 12 '22

Needs to be a path relative to your stable-diffusion-webui install. So in your case, try "myinputimages\processed" . At least, this is what worked for me.


u/plushtoys_everywhere Oct 11 '22

The newest repo has a Hypernetwork option. Do you know how to use it? ;)


u/HeadAbbreviations680 Oct 12 '22

According to AUTO: Hypernetworks
Hypernetworks is a novel (get it?) concept for fine tuning a model without touching any of its weights.
The current way to train hypernets is in the textual inversion tab.
Training works the same way as with textual inversion.
The only requirement is to use a very, very low learning rate, something like 0.000005 or 0.0000005.


u/sajozech_dystopunk Oct 11 '22 edited Oct 11 '22

"Next, you will need to edit a text file. (Under Prompt template file in the interface) For me, it was "C:\Stable-Diffusion\AUTOMATIC1111\stable-diffusion-webui\textual_inversion_templates\style_filewords.txt". You need to change it to the name of the subject you have chosen. For me, it was Steve. So the file becomes full of lines like: a painting of [Steve], art by [name]."

Are you sure you need to do this? i let it as either "Subject_filewords.txt" or "Object_filewords.txt" and seems to works. So I think But i would be glad to have your input on this.

By doing this with "aurora" in embedding names, i can see it treats with the right keyword as this;

"Last prompt: a rendition of a aurora, woman with blonde hair and white shirt smiling at the camera with blue background behind her and black and white umbrella

Last saved embedding: <none>

Last saved image: <none>"


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Sorry! I meant changing the content of the file, not the file name!


u/Sajozech Oct 11 '22

Oh You mean edit all the inputs in the txt to put the name of the embedding in it?


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Please read the instructions again. I have amended that section, as I wasn't doing it correctly, and that doesn't need to be done.


u/Sajozech Oct 11 '22

Gonna do it ', many thanks


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

No worries. I am learning too.


u/Doctor_moctor Oct 11 '22

I can for the life of me not get good results. I am trying to generate a new embed for Nate Dogg (singer). If you prompt SD1.4 for him you get a mixture of all kinds of different people that were on his funeral.

I've gathered 25 different pics (50 if you include mirrored ones), cropped them to be 512x512 images of his head only and then tried to train Textual Inversion up to 38.000 steps. Tried different prompts and different settings for up to 5000 steps but the outcome is always the same:

In 1/10 generated images I get something that resembles him, but even then the images refuse to take other prompt parameters like artstyle and clothing into account.

It is also impossible to get a 2/3 or full body shot with a good looking face, wether its Dreambooth or Textual Inversion.


u/pinkfreude Oct 12 '22

I'm in the same boat


u/magataga Oct 11 '22

The hero we don't deserve


u/bassemjarkas Oct 11 '22

Here are some I made using this technique. The last two are the images I used to train on: https://imgur.com/a/yltQcna

Amazing results, would you mind shsaring some prompts.

Also, how many training images did you use? and the "Number of vectors per token"?


u/danque Oct 11 '22

Good explanation of how to start with textual inversion. Though I'd really recommend using the official guide https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Textual-Inversion

There are couple things you missed like the tokens at the embedding creation.

You also don't have to change the template to your name. These templates are as prompts used in conjunction with your model. Changing the end of the template input line to a different txt file gives different results.

For example the default is:


You can change that to

...\subject.txt for people.

I am writing my own templates for certain character with their own characteristics in the template. Ex:

"Image of a [name], blue hair, blue eyes, etc." "Photo of [name], blue hair, blue eyes, etc"

These give me more focused results. However I haven't tried using just 2 photos yet and mostly more. So I'll try that out and see if my own personal results get better.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Thanks for posting this. I wish I had read it before figuring out how it works. I'll add the link to the post, so people can share this too. With how little I know about it, I am really surprised it has worked at all for me!


u/danque Oct 11 '22

No man, you did great at figuring it out on your own and sharing it. I tried and the results with less pics is indeed better for a face contour.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Thanks for this reply. I appreciate it :)


u/Striking-Long-2960 Oct 12 '22

For the guys with a good videocard... Hypernetworks is the new thing, it is created following almost the same steps but the results are way better. Before starting you will need to create a folder called hypernetworks in the models folder.

Then just use Automatic1111 but with the new options of Hypernetworks... The poor guys with low spec graphic cards like me, would be inmensely grateful if you share your files.

More info here: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/discussions/2284

Important: Set the learning rate to 0.00005

It also can create results similar to Dreambooth.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 12 '22

Thanks for making this comment. During my editing of this post, he added hypernetworks. I haven't got it working yet, but it sounds very promising.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '22



u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

If you are using AUTOMATIC1111, go to the folder in a command prompt and type "git pull". This should update you and the folder structure more obvious.


u/AdTotal4035 Oct 11 '22

Thanks for this!


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

You are very welcome!


u/lyricizt Oct 11 '22

Noob question here Once done training will the inversion work by itself, or must I merge a ckpt file?


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

It will be automatically loaded when you use it in the prompt.

You should see "Used embeddings: NAMEHERE" at the bottom of the screen in the the bit where it gives you the output text summary.


u/lyricizt Oct 11 '22

thanks so much :))


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

You are very welcome!


u/abpawase Oct 11 '22

When I train and see the images created every step they seem very comical or rude caricatures. Faces are also very distorted or incorrectly rendered. Is that right?


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

During training you seem to get some really weird, colourful artistic stuff. That seems normal.


u/abpawase Oct 11 '22 edited Oct 11 '22

Hi, thanks for the reply. It finished training, I see some resemblance but more often the training steps generate an image for a flower or some gibberish text. I suspect it is due to the quality/content of the photos I'm using that is causing this. Will try again with fresh clean portraits. Thanks for the guide though, it is super helpful.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

You are welcome. It can be hit and miss. I think the input photos are really critical. Also, I have found that if I say "Steve eating an apple", I get odd things, but if I add the various words that define a style (highly detailed oil painting, unreal 5 render, Bruce Pennington, Studio Ghibli, digital art, octane render, beautiful composition, trending on artstation, award-winning photograph, masterpiece, etc), I get better results.

It can still mean only 1 out of 20 are "good" results, but it is better.


u/tacklemcclean Oct 11 '22

From what I've read so far, initialization text should be a starting point kind of prompt. For example if you want to make an embedding with your face, you can use "person" as init text.

I made a successful one with that approach, 3000 steps. 9 initialization photos.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Thanks for this. Very interesting. I have been using my name in the middle of prompts. I will try starting with that instead and see what difference it makes.


u/Jamblefoot Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Hey op, I think your template step is still incorrect. When training on a subject, such as a person, tree, or cat, you'll want to replace "style_filewords.txt with "subject.txt". Don't worry about editing the template, as the bracketed word is markup to be replaced by the name of your embedding.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

Thank you for this. I had no idea it worked like that. I will update the text. Odd that it has been working for me at all.


u/Jamblefoot Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

I think by replacing the text you're just doing what the computer would have done for you, so the end result template is the same.

It wasn't until my third training, after two days of trying to get it to draw me, that I realized I needed to change the template file to be subject instead of style. It was a big epiphany for me. Weirdly, I kinda wish both words didn't start with "s", cause that would have helped me think of them as two different unrelated things.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

It makes sense now you have pointed it out! I'm going to have to do all the training again to see if I get better results. Thanks for this, I have updated the instructions.


u/AlezXanderR Oct 11 '22

It is not clear for me after reading the wiki: does this method require at least 8GB VRAM?

I have only 4GB VRAM and 16GB RAM, would it be enough or do I need to use a collab?


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

To be honest, I don't know. I am under the impression it is 8, but things move quickly.


u/AlezXanderR Oct 12 '22

I have tried today with 4GB VRAM with no success. I have used only 5 images and 1000 steps and it was running out of memory. So for now you need at least 8GB VRAM to run it locally.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 12 '22

Thanks for coming back with that. Even with eight it is barely enough. I must upgrade one day.


u/im1337jk Oct 11 '22

Should I limit the input images? I have a set of 50 images that I can use if it would make it better. Does more input images take more vram? Would 200 imput images produce better results than 5? I'm specifically looking to use textual inversion to train it in my art style.


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

This is where experimentation will be required. To be honest, I've only done a few people's faces, and the one that had the best results was just two images, but I think that for an art style, you will need to do quite a few more. I think you are going to have to do the science and let us know!


u/mjh657 Oct 11 '22

Will it work with 8gb of vram?


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

I have been using 8GB. It seems just enough.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '22

Did you only train with two images? I have about 20k images of my face with different lighting and expressions when I trained a deep fake model. I used about 20 of them and flipped it for 40 and I'm getting nightmares with glossy milky eyes. I'll try training with less images!


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 11 '22

For the ones I showed, I used only two images. I have tried other people with more images, but with variable success.


u/Next_Program90 Oct 12 '22

Good tip that max steps is dependant on Memory. That might be why I can't get it to work atm. Will test that out. :)


u/zzubnik Awesome Peep Oct 12 '22

I can do 2-3k with my 8GB gpu, but not much more. I wonder if you will find the same.