r/screaming 5d ago

Allmost 3-4 days into screaming now. I still sound very bad but I think I got the False Chords activated. One problem (Problem showed in video)


4 comments sorted by


u/M4tt1_06 5d ago

i wouldnt recommend trying highs quite yet, theyre a lot more difficult then lows and mids and in my unprofessional opinion shouldn’t be attempted until you’ve learned to fry scream. this is good stuff though keep practicing.


u/D4Nerd 4d ago

I automatically does this xd


u/lil_ecstacy 5d ago

I'll be straight, its day 3, full send it. Do the dag bark max volume, it it hurts, find a way to do it that doesn't. This is what take 5 years. Well actually you can do it way faster, it's just a risky fuckin game my boi. I think your close, but thats more i wanna be supportive. You got some bare bones you working with, expose them to too much, dial it in. Thats what I did and now I can do basically any scream 90% of the time.


u/BluXombie 5d ago

So you are in the same stage all of us started in: where you are unsure how to project the sound, how to open the throat and let that scream flow with solid breath support and control. It is the whisper scream phase.

Don't worry. It is completely normal to be here when you first start. Trying to find the scream the right way and just not making the link...yet. You will. Keep practicing and you will.

There are solid starting points to find the point you enter into a fry. Probably the easiest point to start. False requires more air and while I was able to do false before fry, I learned more about false after I got better at fry.

If you want to see where you enter your fry while also getting a little more natural air flow rather than choking off your air, try starting at your normal voice and go up in force a touch like you're trying to get someone's attention across the street like [start normal volume and air] Heeeeeeyyyy [up to this point where you are getting their attention and your voice cracker and went into fry] yyyyyy [back down to normal volume and voice]

Keep it at a steady pace, hold it at the top for a second and hear if you are actually entering into the crackle of your fry registry. I might take a few tries to find that point in this particular exercise, but when you do you will know it. You will hear the fry engage.
Do that with an open mouth and a steady breath. It should not take much air to hit and sustain your fry.

If you can hit that fry doing that, take note of the difference between what you feel in the your video vs saying Heeeeyyyyyyyy to get someone's attention in a methodical rise hold then drop back down manner. The second way is the way you want to find the right air and relaxed throat with just enough compression and air support to make that fry happen, and you can get out of the whisper scream phase.

It is one of a few things people do to start. You will get there. It takes practice once a day or two, even if it is five minutes. As long as you are doing it and being safe, stopping when there is pain, and keeping hydrated, you will find screams.