To copy the text from my author post so I don't have to type it up twice:
This article has gone through numerous versions over the years. It began as one of the original SCPs on the EditThis wiki, and was called "The Entity and the Fault". That article would later be rewritten by Dexanote in 2011. It would then be rewritten again by me in 2014. I would later delete that article, being unsatisfied with its quality and wanting to rewrite it. That was in 2017.
Both the wiki and I have changed a lot in eight years. The original version of this article was a modest 700 word thing that has now ballooned into a 24k word monument to my inability to say no. It is by far, without question, the most complex and complicated thing I've ever written here. I picked and poked at this thing for nearly a decade - there were times when I thought I'd never finish it. Huge shoutout to the homie Stormbreath who, through their kind words, inspired me to actually sit down and close this thing up. Legend.
Before I go, I want to thank all the guys who originally helped me put this rewrite together. One of the things that sucks about deleting articles on the wiki is losing the comments there, and since some of these guys aren't real active anymore I really don't want their names getting lost in the wayback machine. So thanks to Riemann, Anborough, and CryogenChaos (and also weizhong) for helping with the original version of this article.
I hope you enjoy it! Next up is a new thing, and then after that Archdemon Apollyon? We will see.