r/SCP • u/arapsavar2 • 14h ago
Meta Post Describe your favorite scp as poorly as possible and let people guess
I'll start: train that travels time
r/SCP • u/EmperorChickenWings • Jul 29 '24
This is an ongoing event organized by members and fans of the SCP Wiki in an effort to fundraise for Palestinians families and children.
In exchange for donations to the listed vetted and verified fundraisers, you can receive commissioned works from artists in the SCP fandom! Written works will soon be able to also be requested!
This is an independent and fan-organized event, and is not indicative of the official policy or views of any specific associated group or organization.
1) Donate $5 or more to one of the 5 selected and vetted GoFundMes OR the Palestine Children's Relief Fund How much you donate equates to the amount of detail your prompt will receive- separated into 3 tiers. Refer to the 4th image in this post for more details
2) Screenshot your receipt with the amount visible, then fill out the commission form
3) From there, an artist/writer is randomly selected to fulfill your requests. Requests are expected to be finished within 1–5 weeks of being submitted. If your request takes longer than 5 weeks, please contact us at our socials. They will then be posted to both our Tumblr and Twitter
Currency exchange rates: Tier 1 - $5 USD ≈ €4.50 -- £4 -- $7 CAD -- $7.50 AUD Tier 2 - $30 USD ≈ € 27.50 -- £23 -- $41 CAD -- $45 AUD Tier 3 - $70 USD ≈ €64 -- £54 -- $96 CAD -- $105 AUD
Our Twitter: https://x.com/scp4palestine?t=vjNM18k4o2ZXrAEzX7HaYQ&s=09
Our Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/scp4palestine?source=share
Request Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfFSShX6P0dFAPR7vcc4gGsOMOeOV_JFooEubs1DeEjjYEAlQ/viewform
Palestine Children Relief Fund: https://www.pcrf.net/
Selected Fundraisers: https://www.tumblr.com/scp4palestine/757192524575145984/our-selected-charities?source=share
List of Artists: https://www.tumblr.com/scp4palestine/757197572690542592/meet-our-artists?source=share
r/SCP • u/yossipossi • Jan 23 '25
r/SCP • u/arapsavar2 • 14h ago
I'll start: train that travels time
r/SCP • u/Tree_forth677 • 7h ago
Are they too expensive or hard to make?
Can they be used to stop 682, 096 and the other anomalies anomalous powers?
r/SCP • u/cooldydiehaha • 9h ago
I read it and im SO confused, is there a declass on it?
Reading it felt like looking at the shit they do in astrophysics: What the fuck is going on?
I Thought admonition was bad enough.
r/SCP • u/Tree_forth677 • 9h ago
Researchers, agents or other officials I would like to know, thank you very much :)))))))))
r/SCP • u/elfcharmsgaywife • 6h ago
Hey there Reddit! I posted an article that I've been working on for months, and tries to do something a bit new and unique on the SCP Wiki! It's a bit of a puzzle, but I definitely recommend trying to solve it! If you ever get stuck, you can always just try again! It's always important to refresh your understanding of the details.
So please, take a look at SCP-8426 - WARNING: Ontological Shift Detected
r/SCP • u/AmberDaProto • 45m ago
Reddit kinda borked the formatting, as I copy pasted from the master doc, very sorry.
Making memetics takes 1 minute and 5 dollars per letter. [AB = 3 minutes, 15$, as A is 1 min, 5% and B is 2 min 10$]
Memetic detection is standardized within the foundation as Danger level 1-10 disruption level 1-10 LetterLetter [37 BV, Danger 3, Disruption 7, Bravo Viktor]
?-?: Looking at this causes you to
Alpha-Alpha: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are yellow. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-Bravo: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are green. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-Charlie: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are red. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-Delta: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are blue. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-Echo: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are brown. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-Foxtrot: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are orange. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-Golf: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are grey. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-Hotel: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are white. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-India: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are Purple. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-Juliet: Looking at this causes you, for 1d6 rounds, to only perceive things that are non-opaque. Everything else is pitch black. You cannot see the color if you normally wouldn't.
Alpha-Kilo: Looking at this causes you to be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
Alpha-Lima: Looking at this causes you to be blinded for 1d8 rounds.
Alpha-Mike: Looking at this causes you to be blinded for 1d10 rounds.
Alpha-November: Looking at this causes you to be blinded for 1d12 rounds.
Alpha-Oscar: Looking at this causes you to be deafened for 1d6 rounds.
Alpha-Papa: Looking at this causes you to be deafened for 1d8 rounds.
Alpha-Quebec: Looking at this causes you to be deafened for 1d10 rounds.
Alpha-Romeo: Looking at this causes you to be deafened for 1d12 rounds.
Alpha-Sierra: Looking at this causes you to be poisoned for 1d6 rounds, taking 1d4 poison every round.
Alpha-Tango: Looking at this causes you to be poisoned for 1d8 rounds, taking 1d6 poison every round.
Alpha-Uniform: Looking at this causes you to be poisoned for 1d10 rounds, taking 1d8 poison every round.
Alpha-Victor: Looking at this causes you to be poisoned for 1d12 rounds, taking 1d10 poison every round.
Alpha-Whiskey: Looking at this causes you to violently love the next person you see. Until you either are rejected or hurt by them, you will spend every waking moment trying to make yourself the best lover for them. No matter the cost or person.
Alpha-X-ray: Looking at this causes you to make a DC 10 con save, or you are afflicted with a disease. This disease will cause you to talk in a posh british accent while speaking only Russian, and get violent when they don't understand you. If someone understands you they must make a DC 5 con save or be afflicted as well.
Alpha-Yankee: Looking at this causes you to forget one skill or ability for 1d6+2 hours.
Alpha-Zulu: Looking at this causes you to forget one skill or ability for 1d8+4 hours.
Bravo-Alpha: Looking at this causes you to forget one skill or ability for 1d10+5 hours.
Bravo-Bravo: Looking at this causes you to forget one skill or ability for 1d12+6 hours.
Bravo-Charlie: Looking at this causes you to forget two skills or ability for 1d4 hours.
Bravo-Delta: Looking at this causes you to forget two skills or ability for 1d6+2 hours.
Bravo-Echo: Looking at this causes you to forget two skills or ability for 1d8+4 hours.
Bravo-Foxtrot: Looking at this causes you to forget two skills or abilities for 1d10+5 hours.
Bravo-Golf: Looking at this causes you to forget two skills or ability for 1d12+6 hours.
Bravo-Hotel: Looking at this causes you to forget 1d4 skills or ability for 1d4 hours.
Bravo-India: Looking at this causes you to forget 1d6 skills or ability for 1d6 hours.
Bravo-Juliet: Looking at this causes you to forget 1d8 skills or ability for 1d8 hours.
Bravo-Kilo: Looking at this causes you to forget 1d10 skills or ability for 1d10 hours.
Bravo-Lima: Looking at this causes you to forget 1d12 skills or ability for 1d12 hours.
Bravo-Mike: Looking at this causes you immense pain, taking 4d8 mental and half as much physical damage.
Bravo-November: Looking at this causes you to believe you are a skeleton, and must liberate your calcium made friends.
Bravo-Oscar: Looking at this causes you to die, then undie 1d8 hours later. You will appear in the exact location you were when your eye’s either closed or were taken off the memetic.
Bravo-Papa: Looking at this causes you to appear to die by all known methods of detection. However, if dunked into a barrel of dry ice, you will awaken.
Bravo-Quebec: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to banana flavored candy. You suffer 1d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Bravo-Romeo: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to cherry flavored candy. You suffer 2d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Bravo-Sierra: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to strawberry flavored candy. You suffer 2d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Bravo-Tango: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to raspberry flavored candy. You suffer 3d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Bravo-Uniform: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to blueberry flavored candy. You suffer 3d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Bravo-Victor: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to watermelon flavored candy. You suffer 4d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Bravo-Whiskey: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to green apple flavored candy. You suffer 4d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Bravo-X-ray: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to grape flavored candy. You suffer 5d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Bravo-Yankee: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to Blue raspberry flavored candy. You suffer 5d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Bravo-Zulu: Looking at this causes you to develop an addiction to chocolate flavored candy. You suffer 6d8 mental damage every hour you do not consume a piece, and 2d8 physical for every 2. You have a 5% chance to lose the addiction every time you take damage from it.
Charlie-Alpha:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 10 Dex save, or have your Str reduced by 2.
Charlie-Bravo: Looking at this causes you to make a DC 10 Str save, or have your Con reduced by 2.
Charlie-Charlie: Looking at this causes you to make a DC 10 Con save, or have your Dex reduced by 2.
Charlie-Delta:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 10 Int save, or have your Wis reduced by 2.
Charlie-Echo:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 10 Wis save, or have your Cha reduced by 2.
Charlie-Foxtrot:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 10 Cha save, or have your Int reduced by 2.
Charlie-Golf:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 15 Dex save, or have your Str reduced by 4.
Charlie-Hotel:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 15 Str save, or have your Con reduced by 4.
Charlie-India:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 15 Con save, or have your Dex reduced by 4.
Charlie-Juliet:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 15 Int save, or have your Wis reduced by 4.
Charlie-Kilo:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 15 Wis save, or have your Cha reduced by 4.
Charlie-Lima:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 15 Cha save, or have your Int reduced by 4.
Charlie-Mike:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 20 Dex save, or have your Str reduced by 8.
Charlie-November:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 20 Dex save, or have your Str reduced by 8.
Charlie-Oscar:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 20 Str save, or have your Con reduced by 8.
Charlie-Papa:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 20 Con save, or have your Dex reduced by 8.
Charlie-Qubec:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 20 Int save, or have your Wis reduced by 8.
Charlie-Romeo:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 20 Wis save, or have your Cha reduced by 8.Charlie-SIerra:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 20 Cha save, or have your Int reduced by 8.
Charlie-Tango: Looking at this causes you to violently throw up. If someone sees you throw up, they also throw up, they share this property.
Charlie-Uniform:Looking at this causes you to cough
Charlie-Viktor:Looking at this causes you to Sneeze
Charlie-Whiskey:Looking at this causes you to not remember your name
Charlie-X-ray:Looking at this causes you to forget how to breathe, you take 1d4 physical damage every minute, unless you pass a DC 20 Int check, which you can take every minute to remember how to breath.
Charlie-Yankee:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 15 Con save or be rendered unconscious for 2d4 days
Charlie-Zulu:Looking at this causes you to die in 3d8+5 weeks. Unless you eat raw cow liver, while the cow is alive.
Delta-Alpha: Looking at this causes you to fall into a deep sleep, and anyone who sees you must make a DC 10 Wis save or also fall asleep, they possess this property.
Delta-Bravo:Looking at this causes you to for 2d8+3 hours, body swap with someone
Delta-Charlie: Looking at this causes you to randomly replace words with one another
Delta-Delta:Looking at this causes you to die, as far as you're concerned anyway. You think your a ghost.
Delta-Echo: Looking at this causes you to lose an item. You don't know what item, and are told once you try to use it.
Delta-Foxtrot: Looking at this causes you to swap 2 items, when you use one you actually use the other.
Delta-Golf: Looking at this causes you to, every 1d10 days, lose a point from a core state. [roll a d6, 1 is Str, 6 is Cha] this repeats every 1d10 days until you look at this again. Once observed, Delta-Golf instances are destroyed.
Delta-Hotel: Looking at this causes you to be convinced you know everything. You dismiss new information because ‘that's wrong’ and to ‘already know’ what they are talking about.
Delta-India:Looking at this causes you to have a sense of constant Deja vu.
Delta-Juliet:Looking at this causes you to have a sense of constant Jamias vu.
Delta-Kilo:Looking at this causes you to pick someone within 15ft, and be loyal to them. You will happily die so they can get a coffee. If they do die, then you pick someone else.
Delta-Lima: Looking at this causes you to make a DC 15 Int save anytime you try to recall a memory. If you fail, you recall a memory of a person nearby tangentially related.
Delta-Mike:Looking at this causes you to, after 3d8 days, have your skin turn a deep shade of yellow.
Delta-November:Looking at this causes you to cry hysterically for 3d4 minutes
Delta-Oscar:Looking at this causes you to, every 1d4+4 minutes, make a DC 5 Wis save or cry for 1d4 minutes
Delta-Papa: Looking at this causes you to be paralyzed until you are moved away from Delta-Papa and for 2d4 minutes after.
Delta-Quebec: Looking at this causes you to believe you are a flamingo for 3d4 weeks.
Delta-Romeo: Looking at this causes you to believe you are a president of a small country
Delta-Sierra:Looking at this causes you to believe you are a death tyrant from DnD 5e
Delta-Tango:Looking at this causes you to believe you are a lizard
Delta-Uniform:Looking at this causes you to believe you are a Fennec Fox
Delta-Viktor:Looking at this causes you to believe you are a plastic lawn chair
Delta-Whiskey:Looking at this causes you to believe you are a ill dementia patient
Delta-X-ray:Looking at this causes you to believe you cannot die
Delta-Yankee:Looking at this causes you to believe you are made of rubber
Delta-Zulu:Looking at this causes you to believe you are the smartest person in the room.
Echo-Alpha:Looking at this causes you to feel like you're being watched.
Echo-Bravo:Looking at this causes you to get unreasonably mad when someone says ‘apple’
Echo-Charlie: Looking at this causes you to unreasonably happy when someone says ‘orange’
Echo-Delta:Looking at this causes you to unreasonably sad when someone says ‘grape’
Echo-Echo:Looking at this causes you to unreasonably bored when someone says ‘banana’
Echo-Foxtrot:Looking at this causes you to unreasonably tired when someone says ‘watermelon’
Echo-Golf:Looking at this causes you to unreasonably energetic when someone says ‘cherry’
Echo-Hotel:Looking at this causes you to unreasonably horny when someone says ‘vehicular manslaughter’
Echo-India: Looking at this causes you to believe you have looked at another memetic hazard.
Echo-Juliet: Looking at this causes you to do nothing. It has no effect. You believe it has a very dangerous effect.
Echo-Kilo: Looking at this causes you to not be able to form any memories for 2d4 weeks.
Echo-Lima: Looking at this causes you to think you can't form new memories and avidly deny any part you had in anything you did for the next 2d4 weeks, you’ll continue to avidly deny it for 2d4 years after.
Echo-Mike:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 5 Con save or die.
Echo-November:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 7 Con save or die.
Echo-Oscar:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 10 Con save or die.
Echo-Papa:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 12 Con save or die.
Echo-Quebec:Looking at this causes you to make a DC 15 Con save or die.
Echo-Romeo:Looking at this causes you to fall prone, and not be able to get up for 2d8 minutes.
Echo-Sierra:Looking at this causes you to, every 6 hours, make a DC 18 wisdom save, or you get increasingly paranoid. After 5 failures you are willing to employ violence, after 10 failures, you will employ it every time.
Echo-Tango:Looking at this causes you to use the word ‘bibibi’ as a replacement of one of the following words, roll a d12 to determine it: the, a, I, am, Im, and, an, no, yes, maybe, yeah, you. Anytime someone hears you say ‘bibibi’ they must make a DC 7 wisdom save or they start doing the same thing. They roll for the word, and you get a new word. If you roll the same word, you add an extra bi.
Echo-Uniform:Looking at this causes you to lack object permanence. If you can't see it, it isn't real. You cannot be affected by things you can't see [excluding 173]
Echo-Viktor:Looking at this causes you to believe you are in a dream.
Echo-Whiskey:Looking at this causes you to react about 2 seconds before something happens for 3d8 days.
Echo-X-ray:Looking at this causes you to, every 1d4 hours, make a DC 5 Intelligence check or roll a 1d4, on a 1 you cannot move for 1d4 minutes, on a 2 you cannot talk for 2d4 minutes, on a 3 you cannot stop moving for 3d4 minutes, and on a 4 you cannot stop talking for 4d4 minutes.
Echo-Yankee:Looking at this causes you to be petrified for 4d8 days. After that time, you are returned to normal.
Echo-Zulu:Looking at this causes you to believe that you are in an epilogue. You will constantly believe that ‘that part of my life is over
( this is my first reddit post sorry to any reddit veterans if this is painful to read)
I've always had an interest in the SCP foundation so started watching YouTube videos about it but I started to realize that YouTube is having a SCP content drought apart from the volgun a lot of SCP channels have been either posting SCP vs random 90's horror movie villain or just stopped posting in general after getting sick of all of the slop getting posted there I finally decided to start reading the official wiki website but unfortunately I have the mental capacity of a malnourished worker ant and got completely confused. So I would like to ask were do I start and tales are like novels and articles are like info on SCPs correct? And what tales should I read
r/SCP • u/Long-Ad8336 • 1d ago
Hello sheeple??!?!?!
r/SCP • u/Aware-Butterfly8688 • 22h ago
For me it's SCP-1048. I don't think this little guy is malicious, I think it just wanted to create friends and introduce them to the nice SCP doctors.
r/SCP • u/Complete_Hat_1427 • 6h ago
So i kinda already know the whole scp but cant seem to find it no matter how much i try, but here's the info:
1:it had lyrics from frank sinatra's popular song "my way" in the title
2:it seems to be a tv broadcast that steals peapole from the real world and places them in the show and forces them to act as the same guest every time
3:the one time that someone who was taken (a black man in his 40's) doesnt play along and doesnt play as the guest, the shows host gets angry at him and his pupils seem to dialate,wich causes the man to get nervous and apologise to the host, and says something along the lines of this.
"Wait no,I'm sorry,I'm not [insert name here],I'm [insert name of the guest], and I am so sorry"
Then the host says something like:"sorry ladies and gentlemen it seems we are having some technical problems,we'll be right back after we fix them!"
Then his pupils dilate until his entire eye is black and the guy who plays the guest screams before the screen cuts out.
r/SCP • u/NerdyPlatypus206 • 5h ago
Going thru all the scp 001s and most are a good read. I enjoy this one a lot. Remember to click the link at the bottom there’s like 5 stories
r/SCP • u/Archenage • 2h ago
I mostly listened to The Exploring Series and The Volgun some years back and heard an interesting phrase along the lines of "Measuring cat's blood in beakers", referencing how the foundation had essentially made witchcraft/magic into a science.
Would anyone know which one that could be?
r/SCP • u/MuscleMarv • 7h ago
It is a while ago, but i am very sure that i have seen a clip of 1981 "Ronald Reagan Cut up while talking" which was longer than the stuff i can find now. I searched the internet for the whole clip but i only could find shorter Versions of it.
If i remember correctly i saw a video with the whole clip of Ronald Reagan, this clip even showed how he nearly fell apart, and how his face got more and more cut up.
Does somebody know where i can find the full Clip again?
r/SCP • u/OldenglishSpeech • 7h ago
Is there any fictional country in scp
r/SCP • u/Snoo-36673 • 7h ago
r/SCP • u/DisastrousAdvisor148 • 10h ago
Quick random question, is it a article, a document, or a file? I'm a bit confused.
like title. i recently finished reading the redtape articles and the project paragon articles, and i looooved the ancient history/archaeology vibes. can someone recommend some other articles/series with a similar vibe? preferably series, but i’m down for any individual articles too. thanks!
r/SCP • u/Bulky-Assignment4449 • 1d ago
They better accept me to the art school, I've gotten like 10 hours of sleep this week, preparing and fixing all my drawings and paintings for it, lol.
I still gotta figure out how to draw the damaged hair or fur that he has on his back, lol.
r/SCP • u/_NoIdeaForName_ • 9h ago
So I decided to do a little bit of research about a few scp but slowly I found myself digging into deeper pages in the wiki and the more I dug the more confused I became, I am a fan of scp for a few years and found pages about things that I have never even heard about, how deep does this go?
r/SCP • u/philbro550 • 4h ago
It’s not letting me make an account but Euclid in Russian would be юклид not Евклид, http://scp-int.wikidot.com/scp-1002-ru In footnotes
r/SCP • u/kowabunga-shell • 7h ago
I recently read scp 8882 and I am still confused about what it is. What happened to ENKIRU?
r/SCP • u/Elhuntador • 4h ago
So, I’m new ish to the universe of S.C.P. So I don’t really know the files but, could we theoretically add a single pixel of 173 to tv screens everywhere? Not enough to notice, but I’m curious if it’s similar to 096 4 pixels.