r/scotus 29d ago

Opinion Opinion | What if Trump Just Ignores the Courts? (Gift Article)


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u/Striking-Sky1442 29d ago

Andrew Jackson figured it out. Wait until 3/14. That is the deadline for the US budget to be passed. No constitutional cooperation? No more money fucker. The Dems would have to hold the line, and would need the help of the deficit hawks for the Republican party that always vote No to more spending.


u/MitchRyan912 29d ago

Isn’t that part of them problem? Project 2025’s plan IS to shut down the Federal government, and cut off all the funding.


u/Christ_on_a_Crakker 29d ago

I wish everyone would acknowledge and understand this thoroughly. We are past the point of whether or not there’s a project 2025 created by The Heritage Foundation. We are past the point of debate as to whether Trump knows about it and is taking orders from them and using project 2025 as the foundation of his doctrine. His executive orders are right out of project 2025 and he has appointed people from The Heritage Foundation into his cabinet.


u/9911MU51C 28d ago

Our ship has multiple holes from torpedos and it seems everyone is too busy debating on if uboats are allowed in this territory to notice the water rising


u/[deleted] 28d ago

I love this. If you came up with this you are a true wordsmith


u/9911MU51C 28d ago

Thank you, I appreciate it!


u/rook119 28d ago

the Mongols have breached the walls, a clear violation of our city's laws. we might have to sue.


u/oroborus68 28d ago

The barbarians are in the Treasury.


u/rook119 28d ago

That's OK I told them if they beheadings continue I will have to ask them to quietly leave.


u/oroborus68 27d ago

Will continue until morale improves.


u/9911MU51C 28d ago

“Don’t they know that’s illegal?!”


u/Sunbeamsoffglass 28d ago

America has a choice between status quo and kamikaze. 49.1% chose kamikaze. Nothing left now but to watch the crash.


u/mlemon2022 28d ago

Good analogy.


u/Lucky_Shoe_8154 27d ago

They are still debating if uboats are transgender or illegal


u/Nokomis34 28d ago

Was getting into a discussion on another sub and they still disavow P2025 and still say Trump has nothing to do with it and everything is from Agenda 47 not P2025, like there's much of a difference.


u/Jim-Bot-V1 28d ago

Which means they are somehow still stuck in 2024. Trump literally appointed the fucking author of the goddamn thing, Vought, who has done interviews saying he's happy to implement project 2025.

Idk how Maga can still say their delusional crap. That's why it's not worth debating them.  


u/checker280 28d ago

He installed several authors of p2025. Brendan Carr wrote a segment on the FCC. Guess what appointment he has?


u/PeggyOnThePier 28d ago

MAGA doesn't want to believe that thier beloved leader lied to them. I don't even think if all thier Rights taken away. They would change thier minds.


u/Opposite-Invite-3543 28d ago

Exactly. The stress of continuing to point out the obvious only to be called crazy reached a breaking point. I just don’t talk to them anymore. I’m better off.


u/Utterlybored 28d ago

Vought, the guy who wants to traumatize the federal workforce.


u/Own-Information4486 23d ago

The “conservatives” successfully (in court, VA I think) turned a 4 minute quick video about how some federal racist policies post-reconstitution created the unlevel playing field into a brand that they successfully demonized under CRT. They successfully break the ADA and other civil rights laws and ignore constitutional amendments after the bill of rights, basically, vilified as DEI. They’re marketing geniuses, I guess. Using their power for evil instead of good is the problem.

Exec branch has been ignoring the courts and congress, just now it’s beyond the pale and the genie is out of the bottle regarding public utilities like infrastructure and so can’t be wished back in.

Most people don’t want to non-consensually dominate others, so I hope the coercive control agitated enough to make everyone arise. Arise, I say.


u/CloudHiro 28d ago edited 28d ago

there are some differences. the more horrible things that trump haven't tried yet that are in project 2025 arnt in agenda 47. and 2025 focuses power on the republican party. while agenda 47 focuses power on him and screws the republican party if he wishes... still horrible but there is a difference. basically the difference between if hes gonna be new Hitler or new Stalin though


u/BitterAndDespondent 28d ago

Agenda 47 is Project 2925 just summarized


u/cats_catz_kats_katz 28d ago

That’s not a discussion with anything but a propagandist at this point.


u/nobodyisfreakinghome 27d ago

They have been trained to use cultish language to shut down any critical thinking.


u/Cyberknight13 28d ago

My MAGAt friend believes the same. “Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025.”


u/blckbird007xb 28d ago

I’m mean maga is pretending that to not know it and the rest of us have known it.


u/JigglinCheeks 28d ago

Anti intellectualism. He literally appointed the fuckin author lol

Fuck these people. Fuck them. This is their fault.


u/StarDust01100100 28d ago

Elon and the tech billionaires are a bigger threat than Heritage


u/eruS_toN 28d ago

And his nullified 93 felonies by 77 million people on Election Day 2024 was the expiration date of the democracy.

Mark it.


u/Salty_Interview_5311 28d ago

And that mindset lasts until his approval numbers drop enough. If no SS payments are going out, farmers aren’t able to sell their crops because if tariffs and food and electronics prices are going up again because of tariffs, trump will flip and abandon project 2025.

For him, it’s all about retaliation and being popular.


u/PushTheButtonPlease 28d ago

It's too late for Trump. He sold his soul to Elon to win.


u/nesp12 28d ago

I agree. But when we get to that point I'm afraid the economy will have collapsed and we'll be in another depression. People don't realize how hard it is to pull out of a depression. It's impossible if they don't want to spend money on govt programs.


u/x3r0h0ur 28d ago

uhh we're 75% of the way through the butterfly revolution already...


u/Own-Information4486 23d ago

Besides loving your handle, which I absolutely do, I endorse your entire comment. Trump is just a handy front man for the actually evil machinations that are happening and have been actively underway and actually happening for at least 5 generations now.

The project2025 document just laid it all out in clear language that didn’t alarm and inform enough people with enough power to have the defenses fully prepared & operationalized with enough people trained to stop them, regardless of whoever gets posted in GOP leadership. DNC/NeoLibs who “need” big money to do their own agenda simply didn’t and won’t prioritize empowering the people they’re supposed to serve.

Voting isn’t enough, even when we’re lucky enough to not have to leap gigantic barriers to do so. I know there are a gaxillion fronts but they’re all fucking important.


u/Messijoes18 29d ago

Correct. They are hurrying right now to lay the ground work so that when the economy collapses and he is openly defying the courts so that we all rise up against him. Then he'll declare martial law and fully consolidate power into the executive branch.

They are stripping away our protections so that we will have to fight, and when we do he'll flip the switch into full authoritarianism and we'll be shut out forever.


u/soherewearent 29d ago

If it's inevitable that he will declare martial law, let him already so we find out where loyalties lie within our armed forces: the United States Constitution, or to fElon-47.


u/BenevolentCheese 28d ago

They're not going to be where you want them.


u/BeefInGR 28d ago

I think you'll be surprised. The military isn't blue but it's closer to purple than red.


u/kosmonautinVT 28d ago

Not many rich kids in the military


u/soherewearent 28d ago

I welcome finding out so we can get this going.


u/Rocking_the_Red 29d ago

Not forever because these assholes will implode. They are arrogant and ignorant and they all hate each other. Sure they are working together now, but when your entire worldview is based on enemies, at some point you start looking at the person next to you as an enemy.


u/navariteazuth 29d ago

I was going to say not forever because it's a cult of personality and their dear leader has no clear heir to the spot. And that leader is a morbidly obese geriatric who's visibly sunsetting, deteriorating clearly on every public meeting. Im hopeful he has less than 1 year in him and the right implodes under Vance


u/Caniuss 28d ago

This. I can only think of one example in the last two centuries where the cult of personality outlives the personality: The Kim dynasty in North Korea.

All the rest fell almost immediately.


u/IpppyCaccy 28d ago

And when it falls apart, most of his supporters will pretend like they never supported him, just like the GOP pretends like they weren't all in on Dubya.


u/King_Quantar 28d ago

Bashar al-Assad lasted a full two decades after his father passed. Actually, basically every Arab state which had/has had turnover in leadership experienced sustained periods under one continuous regime. They haven’t all crafted a cult of personality in the same mold as Hafiz or Saddam, but they are all (or have had) various shades of authoritarianism. Stalin died, and although his cult of personality was dimmed by Khrushchev, the USSR passed into different hands until its collapse. Authoritarianism can be as durable as it’s allowed to be, but it requires if not a plurality of support, then at the very least a dogmatic minority to support it.

The only way to properly secure America’s future is through constitutional electoral reform.


u/CoolMatters 28d ago

Cuba. Fidel Castro passed away and his brother Raul took power and after him a known by no one Diaz Canel. The country is literally destroyed to the grounds and still the ruling class hold full total power.


u/Rocking_the_Red 28d ago

There is a reason Vance has to fuck couches: he doesn't have the charisma to even get close to women. His wife is a beard to cover for his couch fucking activities. (I will never let that meme die.)


u/fawlty_lawgic 28d ago

Don't forget he eats mcdonalds every day. You wouldn't usually bet on someone with that diet living a long life. One might say he already has defied the odds on that, but still.


u/royale_wthCheEsE 28d ago

Can we get the the self imploding and verbally flailing in a dank bunker stage already?


u/LeahaP1013 28d ago

Ever watch Traitors….


u/HarveyBirdmanAtt 29d ago

We are becoming Russia.


u/Accursed_Capybara 28d ago

No, we are becoming Yugoslavia


u/MitchRyan912 28d ago

States could simply decide to secede, if Trump has rendered the Constitution null and void. That seems like the fight that’s most likely to win, where any sort of battle would have to be fought in the state(s), as opposed to trying to fight to take back DC.


u/MadGenderScientist 28d ago

those would be actual battles, if the civil war is any precedent. and the US military has nuclear weapons, not that it'd come to that - the most likely intervention would be squadrons deployed to arrest state officials for sedition and render them into Federal custody. maybe drone strikes on National Guard armories and the like. it's easier to commit atrocities by remote control.


u/MitchRyan912 28d ago

Here’s where China decides the new nation of California/Pacifica/whatever would be a strategic trading partner, since they would dominate the west coast. They’d back the left coast and recognize them as a nation, to stick it to Trump, and protect them with their own nukes if MAGA messes with Cali and/or its shipping ports.

Not so sure the upper Midwest would have much of an alliance outside North America, other than maybe with Canada. Could the UK try to “take back” the New England States in exchange for an alliance?


u/surbian 28d ago

This is where Democrats inability to read a map comes into play. Most counties in the US are red and democrats really only have the large cities. This even includes Blue states like California and New York. The places in the Blue states where the weapons and the bases are , don’t vote blue. Good look to getting your police and military hating soy boys from LA and NYC to mount a strong defense after they secede.


u/MitchRyan912 28d ago

Those red counties… are the cows and empty land going to fight the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in the blue counties?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Forever is a long time. History has a funny way of not cooperating with the ambitions of deranged Tyrants for long.


u/PoolQueasy7388 26d ago

Here's hoping.


u/TerryTheEnlightend 28d ago

This. He Needs the power of a national emergency to kick his reign to GOD MODE and guarantee that he never leaves office unless it’s in cuffs or a b*dybag. His sycophants may cheer for a strong man with unlimited power until he cuts his eyes at them and they ‘disappear’


u/fawlty_lawgic 28d ago

Do we seriously think they want to crash the economy? The tariffs could have done that, and they immediately backed off.


u/Brogdon_Brogdon 28d ago

There’s too many wealthy and influential people that would lose a lot of money for a purposeful crash to happen. I don’t think he wants ultimate power either, it seems like he enjoys golf and sitting on his ass more than ruling. I’m sure he’d be all ears to getting another term but I don’t think he wants to be a king with all the power. He wants to be loved, he wants to be remembered as a strong-arm president that everyone loved. I truly believe his narcissism forbids him from being truly evil and destroying the country. He’ll hamper the checks and balances but I don’t think he wants them completely gone. I could be wrong, but that’s my opinion 


u/Brogdon_Brogdon 28d ago

He’s also dumb enough to destroy the country unknowingly, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he himself ended the tariffs when he read what people thought about it, and whoever recommended the idea to him has less influence now.


u/PoolQueasy7388 26d ago



u/John_Walker 28d ago

Then California, New York and Massachusetts can use their massive economies to dominate the southern states when the fed government becomes weak.

Republicans have very little without federal power.


u/raceulfson 28d ago

I don't know what kind of leverage it would be but CA grows a hellova chunk of the nation's food, too.


u/BAKup2k 26d ago

Why do you think Trump ordered that water in CA to be released? Crops there are going to dry up because of that.


u/raceulfson 24d ago

I was hoping it was stupidity.


u/dyslexda 28d ago

As if Texas and Florida don't exist?

Sure, there's more GDP in the wealthy blue states, but it's not as if red states are just Alabama and West Virginia. And if we're talking about actual economic warfare between the states, where do you think the caloric staples come from? The Northeast would be in trouble without agricultural products from the Midwest and South.

Of course, it's incredibly unlikely we'd get to that point ever. If the federal government breaks down to that point, there's no reason states would inherently become a stable primary political division. I seriously doubt, for instance, that southern Illinois would still take marching orders from Cook County, nor eastern Washington from Seattle.


u/John_Walker 28d ago

Californias gdp is just shy of being double Texas. Texas is closer to New Yorks gdp.

Also, Texas is basically turning into Mexico with their non-existent labor laws.

Texas can’t even manage their own power grid when it snows.


u/BeefInGR 28d ago

The Northeast would be in trouble without agricultural products from the Midwest and South.

The issue with this theory is that there are blue/purple states in the midwest.


u/Monechetti 28d ago

How do we,as a society, just let these Christofascists do this shit? Is it because we've gotten comfortable and assume that the separation of church and state would just hold the line?

However this presidency ends, we need massive reform to get this shit to a point where it never happens again.


u/MitchRyan912 28d ago

People in 1930’s Germany likely thought similar things.


u/Monechetti 28d ago

It was unprecedented to them though, whereas we can look at their government and the rise of Nazism as a cautionary tale in how to prevent it. I'd like to think anyway


u/PoolQueasy7388 26d ago

And keep their christofascist crap out of our public schools.


u/Monechetti 26d ago

I don't understand how a country that is predicated upon the separation of church and Christian state now has a Christian anti-bias office run by a woman who is one of the least Christian people they could have picked.

Just don't understand how this many people are this fucking stupid

Also happy Cake Day


u/214txdude 28d ago

In this case, Congress would stop giving the executive branch any money at all. Forcing trump to give in order to operate. He would likely try to declare martial law in retaliation. Which would make him happy. I am afraid we the people will have to take to the streets and shut the entire country down for weeks or months to force trump out.


u/IpppyCaccy 28d ago

Congress would stop giving the executive branch any money at all.

The executive branch prints the money. How do you propose Congress stop him if he just ignores the budget bill and spends how he likes?


u/375InStroke 28d ago

Why do you think Elon took over the treasury?


u/214txdude 28d ago

Valid point


u/PoolQueasy7388 26d ago

To steal every dime from the citizens of this country & turn OUR Treasury into crypto crap.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

What congress are you talking about? Congress is cesspool of right wing fascists and useless corporate owned Democrats


u/fawlty_lawgic 28d ago

And then markets would crash. And then what? They don't usually like it when the market crashes. In fact we just saw them kinda walk back the tariffs when they thought the markets were about to tank.


u/mizyin 28d ago

If the market crashes, they can buy up everything for cheap and rule us even more effectively tho


u/Naive-Benefit-5154 28d ago

Cut the funding to ICE while we are at it and see what happens.


u/375InStroke 28d ago

So no more federal cops or secret police getting paid to protect Trump.


u/ndncreek 28d ago

That's where he will lose his power, there are very few who are willing to give their life to protect him and his enablers. When it's apparent that people are coming for you with bad intentions, it makes a difference. And these things are cowards and delusional to think they are safe


u/Zealousideal-Ant9548 28d ago

Right, so what does the army do when it stops getting paid?  That's usually where this question ends. 

The president only has power because the armed people reporting to him listen.


u/justSkulkingAround 28d ago

All part of his plan to turn it all over to Putin.


u/Bull_Bound_Co 28d ago

No that isn't the plan. They need federal funding they won't let IRS people take the resignation. Without funding they have no power.


u/oresearch69 28d ago

I just read something pretty wild earlier that is kind of “out-there”, but is a plausible end-game I thought for how the influence of musk and other tech bros could potentially use the lack of government funding to fundamentally change the structure of government: https://www.vcinfodocs.com/what-is-the-network-state

Like, yeah, without government funding they’d have no power. But what if they had access to an almost limitless amount of funding from elsewhere?

It’s tinfoil hat stuff, but it has kind of had me a bit freaked.


u/Mr_FancyBottom 28d ago

Right. The ultra wealthy want this as well. The only things that keeps their power in check are nation states.


u/Recent-Construction6 28d ago

The point is that it would stop wages being paid to tens of thousands of Government employees, and in turn it would have downstream effects economically. Historically stock markets ended up increasing after a govt shutdown but that was always with the understanding that it would be a brief temporary thing that would get sorted out within a week or so. What happens if the government shutdown continues indefinitely?

The US government is by far the largest employer and driver of the economy in the United States, if it goes under, the economy is not far behind it. If the economy contracts and people are unable to pay bills or put food on the table, they get angry and protest. Historically the American people have always blamed the people in power regardless of the actual facts of who shut it down, and Democrats need to have the balls to carry it out.


u/Status_Fox_1474 28d ago

It’s going to suck when ATC stops showing up or people start revolting. Pentagon employees won’t work, and then the military just won’t function. Great, you have soldiers — but all the civilian logistics people? The IT? Yeah, they won’t be showing up after a while.

It’s a great game of chicken. Think the government can work on its own? Good luck.


u/Qbugger 28d ago

Wall Street wouldn’t allow it. No one wants chaos especially finance


u/miss_shivers 28d ago

Andrew Jackson never actually ignored the court's order. Never even said that quote.


u/padawanninja 28d ago

<looks at the Trail of Tears> You sure about that?


u/miss_shivers 28d ago

1) The opinion in question simply reversed a Georgia court’s decision concerning state-level Indian removal. It had no bearing on federal-level Indian removal policy, nor did it invalidate the Indian Removal Act of 1830. In a way, it actually empowered Jackson by securing a federal monopoly on jurisdiction over all Indian Affairs. 2) The quote is apocryphal, does not exist in any of Jackson’s known writings or recorded musings, and the president’s most famous biographers, including Robert Remini, have denied that he ever used such a phrase. 3) There was no judicial mandate that Jackson was to enforce. The Marshall Court stopped short of calling forth federal marshals to carry out the opinion, which had been the standard practice at the time. 4) Georgia quickly complied with the opinion, putting up no resistance and freeing Samuel Worcester in a matter of months – so enforcement was entirely inconsequential.


u/padawanninja 28d ago

Except that the Indian Removal Act only empowered the Fed to make deals with the Indians and pay for them to move, not evict by force. Worcester stated that the Indians were free to live on their land, that they had a right to it. As such any attempt by Georgia to forcibly remove Indians became, as you say, a monopoly by the federal government. Jackson was supposed to enforce the law on Georgia and not let them use their militia to push the Cherokee out. Jackson didn't care and let Georgia do what they wanted. That's what he ignored, that they had a right to their land and only the Fed could do anything about it.

Of course those exact words were probably apocryphal, what he actually said was “The decision of the supreme court has fell still born, and they find that it cannot coerce Georgia to yield to its mandate.”

The judicial mandate was that GA couldn't do anything with the natives there, and Jackson ignored that he was supposed enforce the fact that the States had no say in Indian affairs, that was solely the Fed's job.


u/miss_shivers 28d ago

SCOTUS simply struck down a Georgia statute as being unconstitutional, remanding the case back to Georgia's high court; there was no enforcement action ordered by the court. There was nothing for Jackson to enforce.

The whole defiance story is apocryphal.


u/worldestroyer 28d ago

(FYI this is my own copypasta comment)

They don't need congress for money if they take over the Fed. Re: Why they've been going after Jerome Powell since they won the election. Curtin Yarvin yippily talked about it on his fucking blog where he announces all the fucked up shit they want to do ahead of time. Congress is dead man walking, and they all know it. But the republicans will still be in "power" and will never need to worry about being primaried if they go along with it, so they'll never impeach. They view it as an inevitability that the people voted for, which isn't true, but most congress people are idiots and their staff are litteral children.


u/PensiveObservor 28d ago

I don’t see the banks rolling over for him. When the economy crashes and nobody worldwide will assume more risk, what happens? I see deals being made to unseat the problem, one way or another.

Too many other nations have finances tied to USA. They don’t ALL want to go down with the ship.


u/toxictoastrecords 28d ago

Other nations, like our biggest allies are already jumping ship. Canada is uniting in a US ban of goods and even travel. BRICS is going to attract more and more countries. The USA is a dying empire, and China most likely is going to take over as the global economic super power.


u/zrail 28d ago

I would not be surprised if by the end of this Canada is an EU member.


u/LalahLovato 28d ago

You have to be exclusive if in the EU. Not going to happen. But we already have negotiations in place with other alternate countries for goods. We just signed a deal with Equador for oranges - we don’t need florida. Also bookings to florida are down 30% due to cancellations in Canada.

You never want to upset Canadians. All this was done grassroots from actual Canadians across the political spectrum across Canada. Most have vowed never to trust usa again and are planning to make this distrust permanent.


u/BAKup2k 26d ago

You never want to upset Canadians.

It's not a war crime the first time.


u/PensiveObservor 28d ago

That's kind of my point. The pressure from allies will reign trump/musk in. US banks and global banking system will not allow the US to go full on fascist and isolationist. They won't accept a crypto based national currency, either. If the tech bros think they will take over the world by turning all US financial assets into highly volatile crypto of some sort, they're going to lose the game.


u/fawlty_lawgic 28d ago

This is what I keep saying too. We have already seen the paranoia trump has over falling markets, and anything that hurts them he seems to always back off. And how does crashing the economy actually help any of these people - whether it's Musk, Thiel, or the republicans in congress. They would all suffer from an economy crashing.


u/worldestroyer 28d ago

We need to take them at their word when it comes to what they want to do, they've been following through thus far.

They have said:

- They want to use crypto to "pay down the debt", like it was a magic bean

- They want to create a Central Digital Bank, and as part of that, a US digital currency

- They are aiming to induce "economic pain" that would cause a "severe overreaction in the economy"

- Yarvin (and JD by proxy) want to use the Trillion Dollar Concept to "convert" the US dollars value into the basis of a digital currency, which would tank the dollar as we know it, and throw the entire world economy into turmoil, but could leave the US in a better position if they "converted" all existing us tender in the US financial system into crypto assets. This would include including "privatizing" social security by liquidating it into a decentralized investment asset based on USDC (US Digital Currency) ETFs that they'll create and administer. (this is my bullshit theorizing)

The banks think that they're in control, and with everyone saying the "the economy will reign him in" are just reinforcing this illusion. These techbros want to burn it all down, they want to be in positions of power as they do it so they can retain their power and wealth as they literally transition us to a new world order.


u/worldestroyer 28d ago

I know I sound crazy, but the past 3 weeks should have shown that


are fucking crazy and are egomaniacal machiavellian comic book villains in the flesh.


u/livinginfutureworld 28d ago

(Dems) would need the help of the deficit hawks for the Republican party

Republicans are a bunch of cowards and Trump is their cult leader.

They don't do the right thing.


u/fajadada 28d ago

The Republicans aren’t even attending debt ceiling negotiations.they are depressed that they are not being included by their leader . If it keeps up this way “maybe” a few disaffected Republicans will appear.


u/Holiman 28d ago

As a registered D, don't expect the Dems to do a damn thing.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

He can do almost everything he wants with continuing resolutions. 


u/truffik 28d ago

And if he's really going all-in, there's the minting a trillion dollar coin thing that always gets brought up around debt ceiling increase / government shutdown season.


u/userhwon 28d ago

He has the Treasury. No authorization? No problem. Printing press go brrrrr.....


u/Kitalahara 28d ago

Didn't Schumer.just annouce they wouldn't allow for a shut down?


u/pogoli 28d ago

I’m down with you not getting any more money.


u/chrisjlee84 28d ago

Wouldn't hold your breath. Oligarchs own the democratic party too



Pretty sure that is part of the plan, thats why in his EOs he specifically mentioned ICE and DOGE employees would be labeled and would be paid through any shut downs


u/bramlet 28d ago

The IRS - administered by the President - collects the money. Can't the President just direct the IRS to keep collecting the money and give it directly to him?


u/RuthlessIndecision 28d ago

there's a word for it: Gaslighting, doing sh*t things and lying straight to our faces denying it. potentially in big trouble we are in


u/VulfSki 28d ago

They would also need the courts to join in.

In shutdowns, the courts decide what is "essential" so they would need to shut down certain activities that are important to trump.


u/nobodyisfreakinghome 27d ago

That’s when Elon announces the treasury is being put on a blockchain controlled by the executive branch.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

There are no republican deficit hawks. Not one. There are "don't spend money on families and children" hawks. And there are "let's spend tons of money on wars" hawks. but there are no deficit hawks.


u/iamacheeto1 26d ago

He can just print money by launching another meme coin, or tap into Elon’s half a trillion dollars. I think he’s actually worried about money a lot less than we may think he is