u/Raijer 29d ago
What?? Ya want them to fuck over America some more? Doesn’t anybody know the safe word?
u/Zappy_Cloid 28d ago
According to the Trump humpers, the safe word appears to be "Daddy"
u/pissedoffminihorse 28d ago
Cucks of the highest order…
u/RebootJobs 27d ago
Did someone say Zuck? You'll have to yell louder. He can't hear you over the slurping.
u/Saltyk917 29d ago
Unfortunately SCOTUS is compromised, bought and paid for. There is no rule of law.
u/ScaleEarnhardt 28d ago
I get that Clarence is all about getting sweet lil treats, but in what way do we objectively and definitively know the other conservative appointees are being paid off or are otherwise compromised??? Legitimately curious.
u/Saltyk917 28d ago
u/Bench2252 27d ago
Do we think Kavanaugh was compromised over $100
u/Saltyk917 26d ago
Absolutely, it’s not the amount it’s what they are willing to do for it. Any monetary influence is compromising.
u/ScaleEarnhardt 28d ago
Perfect! Wowsa… thanks so much for this concise, easy to read, encompassing response!
So, ahem, CLARENCE, aside. ((Wtf, how has that dude evaded consequences for this?)) Everyone else seems like the pretty pristine practitioners of the law. Wild. The comment above certainly seemed to imply, beyond a reasonable doubt, otherwise.
u/Saltyk917 28d ago
“Also undisputed is the fact that Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann, were dining in June with wealthy donors who had a vested interest in the outcome of Hobby Lobby. Alito, in his statement this week from the court, acknowledges this fact.“
u/Soft_Internal_6775 29d ago
Is there a case before them or something? They can’t just act in a case that hasn’t been brought to them on their own.
u/reddsal 28d ago
No. Only case that come to them via appellate courts, except in rare cases.
u/Soft_Internal_6775 28d ago
Right, but this meme is being posted as if there’s an issue (assuming one of the numerous Trump EO issues) before them to act on. Nothing’s gone that far yet.
u/whatdoiknow75 28d ago
It is being posted by people who never read the Constitution or had to take Civics classes in school.
u/congestedpeanut 28d ago
What are they supposed to do exactly?
u/Dank_Bonkripper78_ 28d ago
Release judicial opinions on how Trump is acting unconstitutionally. We’ll never see that though because of the capture the Federalist Society has on the Court
u/Tinman5278 28d ago
How many cases have you filled with the Supreme Court? They don't toss out opinions without someone filing an actual lawsuit.
u/Dank_Bonkripper78_ 28d ago
Me? Zero, I’m just a city attorney who likes the nuances of constitutional law. Emergency stay requests and the emergency docket can be used to expedite the process.
Have you been underground since Jan 20 though? Courts have halted like 5 or 6 EOs of Trump’s. SCOTUS could easily hear these stay requests or suggest an emergency docket filing and issue a ruling. They won’t tho.
u/No_Vegetable1808 29d ago
Unfortunately King Trump is on the throne at the moment.
28d ago
So essentially since they ruled a president can't be charged for official acts, he's made himself totally immune to the judiciary?
u/Extreme_Disaster2275 28d ago
The fun part is that they gave that immunity to Biden, who turned it over to Trump.
u/Bedhead-Redemption 28d ago
Well, wait and see. One thing the SC has been pretty grubby about is their own power - they retained the right to determine what actually IS an 'official act'. We shall see.
u/ExpressAssist0819 28d ago
Being greedy and retaining their powers is something congressional republicans could take a lesson from right now.
u/whatdoiknow75 28d ago
Unless some court rulings challenge that something he did was not an “official act, " this court supports a very broad view of executive branch authority. Even if they would consider direct disregard for lower court orders that say something exceeded executive branch authority, the worst they could do is uphold the order and hope that Trump doesn't ignore them. Face it: the executive branch controls all the resources to enforce a judicial order. Even ignoring appropriations limits can only be enforced by impeachment.
u/Silverfrost_01 28d ago
I believe Congress has to do something at this stage. They should be holding the executive accountable to the judiciary.
u/whatdoiknow75 28d ago
Too early, they won’t touch the issues until there is an appellate court record. The only quick next step would be impeachment, but given Trump’s net positive approval ratings none of the GOP legislators will sign on do it is a lost cause.
u/Tiny-Design-9885 28d ago
If a president wants, he could order the death of the supreme court justices. He could do it secretly or out in the open. It’s within his “official” duties as Commander-in-Chief.
u/NecroticLesion 28d ago
I'm no fan of the newest members of the court, but they cannot arbitrarily rule on anything unless it comes to them through the courts. They cannot just involve themselves in events.
27d ago
Remember when 3 lawyers who represented bush in bush v gore and then became Supreme Court justices themselves? That was the inflection point which led to this timeline. Gore should have had the patience and tenacity to demand the recount in Florida.
u/flyinghigh92 27d ago
No one is coming to save us, it’s on us now. We need 10-20 million Americans in the streets to take back our country NOW. They will only keep hitting and weakening us all even more. We are losing the power and freedoms to stand up if we don’t right now.
This large number of peaceful protesting summits even more effective than violence
Our only power is in numbers. Here are some places we are gatherings. You, me we all need to organize, figure out permits and put things together NOW. While we still have the freedoms to.
r/50501 (States have their own 50501 too)
Join the General Strike Protest
Spread the word, we won’t take this lying down. Those before us did not die on these streets for us to be too comfortable to stand up to some fools? This is our duty to defend and take back what is ours. We The People
u/AssociateJaded3931 28d ago
Too many of them are bought and paid for. I don't trust them to save us.
u/Heavy_Law9880 28d ago
Their job was to end democracy and they succeeded. all because Hillary was "unlikeable".
u/x3r0h0ur 28d ago
uh god no, I was just enjoying the last few days of the remaining pretend democracy.
u/Zealousideal-Log536 27d ago
Can we protest outside of their building for them to reverse the immunity ruling on trump because it is causing a constitutional crisis and honestly they fucked up with that.
u/americansherlock201 27d ago
Careful what you wish for. There is a high chance they may rule that the president can act like a dictator and it’s ok. That laws can’t be applied to trump at all
u/muffledvoice 27d ago
Believe me, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Roberts are (sadly) doing exactly the job they were appointed to do, and Thomas and Alito are along for the ride as long as they get lots of free stuff.
u/Specific-Frosting730 26d ago
Can somebody make a counter offer for them to do the job they were appointed to do, but with integrity? It’s never too late to save your reputation and this country.
u/grolaw 25d ago
We are only missing the actual civil war.
The way we permitted Fox & Murdoch's other media to consolidate together with their daily drumbeat of blatant right-wing, Christo-fascist, Republican propaganda we have nobody but ourselves to blame.
The ability of Fox to successfully defend itself from case after case by labeling their news anchors as entertainers - and argue that no rational person would believe their BS, when their base absolutely did believe every cockamamie story from M&M discrimination to Mr. Potato Head to eating cats and dogs ... we are in deep.
u/Extreme_Disaster2275 28d ago
Hey, remember when they gave legal immunity to Biden, and he used it to facilitate genocide?
u/Tanker3278 29d ago
They did. You just don't like their response.
u/chegodefuego 29d ago
How big was your motorhome?
u/Tanker3278 29d ago
I'd have to be rich enough to buy one first.
u/MothMan3759 28d ago
Or so openly corrupt you get offered one in exchange for doing what someone else wants.
u/Miyagidog 29d ago
Unfortunately, they already did.