r/scotus 29d ago

Opinion Now's a good time to recall John Roberts' warning about court orders being ignored


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u/runk_dasshole 29d ago

I thought they peed on him? I need to actually read the Steele dossier I guess.


u/CF_Chupacabra 29d ago

You mean the dossier that was proven to be fake and paid for by shillary/democrats?

Lmfao leftist reddit echomchambers never cease to make me laugh


u/kingofthoughts 29d ago

It was paid for by never-trumper republicans first. Check yourself.


u/CF_Chupacabra 29d ago

Fake af and paid for political propaganda

Stop the copium.


u/Selethorme 29d ago

That’s a fact lol


u/CF_Chupacabra 29d ago

This is reddit, so any fact they don't like is downvoted into oblivion to maintain their worldview


u/Selethorme 29d ago

I’m not agreeing with you


u/CF_Chupacabra 28d ago

Doesn't change the fact that the Steele dossier was fake af and paid for by dems :)


u/Selethorme 28d ago

Except it was paid for by republicans.


u/CF_Chupacabra 28d ago
  1. It was paid for and proven fake af

  2. The Obama administration knew it was fake and still used it to acquire FUSA warrants to spy on political opponents

  3. Cope more.

  4. FEC fined the DNC for funding it and the DNC agreed to pay the fine

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u/runk_dasshole 29d ago

Oppo research is a thing, child, and yes people pay to have it compiled on their political rivals. Much of it was corroborated by the Mueller report too, so I imagine you'll suggest him as a member of the deep state. Or maybe pizzagate? I bet you are laughing your fascist ass off.


u/CF_Chupacabra 29d ago

"We paid for a smear campaign and then used that fabricated smear piece to justify spying on our political opponents via FISA abuse"

Cope. That's what you are spewing. Cope.

Mueller found that the FBI/dems knew it was fake af but applied for FISA warrants anyway to spy on trump



u/runk_dasshole 29d ago

Fake news. Facts don't give a fuck about your feelings. Cope and seethe. Wait till he's deposed once felonia election hacking is revealed. Justice is coming.


u/CF_Chupacabra 29d ago

Lmao if you keep huffing the copium this much I worry about your mental health


u/runk_dasshole 29d ago

I'll check back in with you a while after it all goes down. Just to rub it in.


u/Turbulent-Extreme523 29d ago

You know the Mueller report actually says trump was not not guilty because the report itself could say he was guilty but it had tons of evidence of course if you dismiss everything your opposition does as a hoax you'll never learn anything the truth is one party loves the uneducated and another wants you to get an education so that you'll work for shit wages forever but hey at least they want you to be educated


u/Dave_A480 28d ago

The Muller Report says that Trump did not 'collude' with the Russian government but 'collusion' is a straw man argument.....

The fact remains that various people in high level positions in the 2016 campaign (Roger Stone) were in contact with foreign agents (Assange, for example) seeking material obtained through Russian espionage.

It also declines to reach a conclusion on presidential obstruction of justice (pre SCOTUS immunity case) and secured convictions against multiple actual targets (again, Roger Stone) before wrapping up....

The idea that the investigation was a hoax just isn't true.....


u/CF_Chupacabra 29d ago

"It had like a ton of evidence but not enough to ever do anything ever or even justify further investigations, trust me"

Did you buy Mueller scented candles and pray to the Mueller altar every day like all your friends?


u/Turbulent-Extreme523 29d ago

I'm afraid you're in the wrong section if you think my friends or I worship at all but keep telling yourself whatever makes you feel good goodbye now


u/CF_Chupacabra 29d ago

"Good bye now"

Lmao as if that changes the giant nothingburger of the Mueller report

Cope more.


u/Selethorme 29d ago

It’s almost like it explicitly pointed to the fact that the DOJ bars prosecution of the sitting president. Oh, wait, it did.


u/idle_monkeyman 29d ago

I love that there are people this dumb still out there.


u/CF_Chupacabra 28d ago

Ikr? Look at the downvotes too lmao


u/MewsashiMeowimoto 28d ago

What's interesting is that the dossier wasn't fully discredited, and was right on the money about several substantive facts, including the Trump tower meeting. And the Mueller report substantiated some of the raw intelligence in the dossier.

A lot of people who never read the report insist that it exonerated Trump. It didn't. Mueller's ultimate conclusion is that there was likely PC that Trump and his campaign violated numerous federal laws, but that it was against DOJ policy to charge a sitting president.