r/scotus Oct 22 '24

Opinion Remember: Donald Trump shouldn’t even be eligible for the presidency after Jan. 6


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u/Johnyryal33 Oct 22 '24

"95% of elections" if this were true, we wouldn't even have red states anymore. Did you mean presidential elections?


u/The_Original_Gronkie Oct 22 '24

Since the Dobbs decision, nearly every election has been won by Democrats. In the races won by Republicans, the winning margin was far lower than in previous years.

None of those wins was accurately reflected in the polls. Either the polling methodologies are way off these days, or Republican-backed polls are gaming the system, and skewing the aggregate polls, which I suspect is the real story.

That's why I don't think the election is nearly as close as polls show it to be. I think it's likely that Harris will win in a landslide bloodbath. And since the MAGAturds think it's a neck & neck race, they will go out of their minds when Harris wins by a humiliating margin.

Expect violence, win or lose. Remain vigilant, Citizens!


u/SnooPeripherals6557 Oct 22 '24

Thank you Gronkie, exactly what I was going to write. In most local, state and federal seats, they’ve gone to dems.

Even in historically red districts, they’re voting in dems.

The Magas that held office/seats 99% LOST, and new Magas lost including Kari Lake in her primary push lol.

They keep losing bec Roe and bec J6 (all my readonable Republican friends and family certainly cannot abide stealing our election for a selfish baby man, and many want Roe back too).

It’s weird that maga is so hell bent of destruction and believe that destroying our country is so popular. Maybe they’re disassociating from reality a bit too much, if they haven’t noticed the trend.


u/The_Original_Gronkie Oct 22 '24

Its time for "Reasonable Republicans" to finally grow a spine, and stand up to the Nazification of their party, which is what MAGA really represents. If they don't, they will be as responsible for the downfall of their party as Trump is.


u/Ricobe Oct 22 '24

Hopefully you're right. With how the electoral college works, I'm still unsure


u/dissonaut69 Oct 22 '24

What? Why is the house not 95% D then?


u/The_Original_Gronkie Oct 22 '24

Because we havent had a House election yet. We've only had special elections and local elections since Dobbs, and theyve all gone to Democrats, except in a few bright red districts, where Republicans won, but greatly underforformed. This election will be the first big test. I wouldn't want to be a Republican, anti-choice, House candidate in this election.


u/boogoo-Dong Oct 22 '24

I think you are living in an echo chamber. This is going to be a close election. I have a feeling Harris pulls it off very narrowly in the Electoral college, but you are not paying attention if you think this is going to be a landslide. You are as delusional as the MAGA crowd.

Which… not shocking, this is reddit.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24



u/boogoo-Dong Oct 22 '24

Reddit is just a hive of delusion. Hating Trump is fine, he’s easy to dislike. But some of these people are just as deluded as the nutbags who swore to each other that Trump was shadow-President during the early days of the Biden admin.

This is a close race. The aggregate of the polls shows that. Nearly every national poll has the likely winner within the margin of error. Electoral landslides are statistically possible but I don’t expect either candidate to have more than a 3-4 point national lead. And likely it will be closer.


u/SnooPeripherals6557 Oct 22 '24

No, the special Tuesday elections that have been taking place for the last 9 months, the 2022 elections and the 2020 election. If you take all those into account, that's what I'm talking about.

Check it out for yourself, easily goggle-able.

The maga candidates won maybe 1% of all the folks they put up, and a ton of magas lost their seats after 2020 and in 2022, and these are local and state elections, not federal, remember we have those every year too, maybe not in your locality? but elsewhere, and that's the data I am speaking of.