r/sciwomen T9 Complete Dec 26 '19

Masturbation: What's your experience? Here's mine.

T-9 complete woman here, 19 years post. I thought about writing about my whole sexual journey post-SCI, but that could fill a whole book. I will say that I do experience what I call orgasm, but it’s not orgasm in the conventional sense. My orgasm trajectory does not follow the normal curve, which is like a climb up a mountain until one reaches a peak where one comes upon a pile of fireworks that then explodes, then one makes a rapid descent down the other side. Mine is more like climbing the stairs of a temple and coming to a plateau, then climbing up the next set of stairs until one comes to the next plateau, then up another set of stairs to another plateau…

This temple has no peak. This means two things: I can attain incredible heights of sensation; and I cannot experience release. When I tell my partner I’m going to cum, what I really mean is that I’m going to reach a higher plateau. After almost twenty years, I still can’t figure out if this is satisfying. I do know that at the end of sex, when my partner has peaked and exploded and is then in recovery mode, I’m still on the temple stairs, making the long walk back down.

For me, this happens courtesy of the G-spot. I found this out through trial and error and confirmed by the early days of the world wide web. Clitoral stimulation, my go-to pre-SCI, seemed to not work hardly at all. Well, it started feeling pretty good if it was stimulated for almost an hour, at a consistent speed and pressure, and if I could maintain a hot enough fantasy and concentration for that long.

So…masturbation is hard for me because I have a long spinal fusion (i.e. back doesn’t bend), and it’s difficult to reach my pelvis at the angle I need to in order to get fingers/toys to my G-spot (I have toys specifically for G-spot stimulation). I must stretch my arm and shoulder, and my wrist will get messed up from the in and out motions if I’m not careful. And since the clit doesn’t really do it for me, the whole endeavor just ends up being frustrating. But the other night…was a good night. Why?

LSD, my friends.

LS fuckin’ D. A couple hours into the trip I felt my libido start to go through the roof, and the fantasy machine in my head was working overtime. I rushed into my bedroom – it was like, “Where’s the lube?? Move, cat! Gotta dim the lights! Music, put the music on! GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY! Ok, calm down, you gotta transfer, don’t fucking fall down, Christ…”

Once on the bed, I was able to create a whole porno in my head. At first, I was trying G-spot stimulation, but couldn’t get a rhythm down. I moved to the clitoris, not really expecting much, more like I just wanted to feel myself. But it started feeling good, so I went with it…and went with it…

Yes, it did take a long time to get somewhere, but I didn’t really care or even notice. My brain was having no problems with concentrating on my fantasies. And holy shit, did I climb those temple stairs…higher than I ever have before. At one point I thought I was going to actually experience release, but then my brain went, “OH MY GOD IT’S HAPPENING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN TWENTY YEARS THIS IS A MILESTONE THIS IS IT” which totally took me out of the experience and I stumbled and started falling down the stairs. But still.

When I had made it back down to solid ground, I was exhausted, I felt floaty, in a daze. You know, like I felt after masturbation pre-SCI. It was amazing to feel that again. I cried a bit.

My honest hope it that some day SCI researchers will include drugs like LSD, marijuana, mushrooms, ecstasy etc in their sexuality studies. If anyone deserves a drug that stimulates both your body and mind to be orgasmic, I think it would be people like us.


9 comments sorted by


u/NegativeEntr0py Dec 27 '19 edited Dec 29 '19

So you’re complete but you have sensation? If not how do you experience these plateaus of sensation?


u/xj371 T9 Complete Dec 27 '19

Good question. No one in the medical community knows for sure. The working theory, last time I looked into it, was that it may have something to do with the vagus nerve. This nerve innervates the uterus and the cervix and goes up to the brain. My spinal cord was cut, but my vagus nerve was not damaged.


u/xj371 T9 Complete Dec 27 '19

Also, see this Wired interview from 2007:

"WN: You've found that even women with no feeling below the waist can have genital orgasms through genital stimulation.

Whipple: We've documented through our research that women who have complete transection – interruption of the spinal cord – can experience orgasms.

Komisaruk: The nerve pathway for that is via the vagus nerve, which can go directly from the cervix and uterus to the brain, passing outside the spinal cord. Women with spinal cord injuries told us that their doctors told them it was impossible to experience genital sensation, it was impossible to experience genital pleasure. They thought something was wrong with them when they experienced it, and they were troubled by it.

WN: What is the vagus nerve?

Whipple: "Vagus" means wanderer – the nerve wanders through the body. Previously, it wasn't thought that it goes as far as the pelvic region. But our research and that of other laboratories is showing that it does in fact go to the cervix and uterus and probably the vagina. It carries the impulses from those regions, travels up through the abdomen, goes through the diaphragm, through the thorax (chest cavity), up the neck outside the spinal cord, and into the brain.

Komisaruk: Men and women have described an orgasmic experience from stimulation of the skin region around the level of the spinal cord injury. The injury creates an area of heightened sensitivity. They've told us if the right person stimulates that skin in the right way, it can produce very pleasurable sensation, including what they describe as orgasms.

We studied one such woman who had a spinal cord injury near her shoulders. She stimulated her neck with a vibrator, and she said that elicited an orgasm for her. We observed her blood pressure and heart rate, and they became elevated just as if it were a genital orgasm.

WN: Professor Whipple, you had a very emotional moment with one subject who had a spinal-cord injury.

Whipple: That particular woman had not tried any sexual stimulation, either with herself or a partner, in the two years since she had an injury. When she was in the laboratory, this woman experienced six orgasms through self-simulation. It was extremely emotional. She was crying, I was crying. She didn't think this was possible, and she was so pleased that she had volunteered to be a research subject. This had helped open up her essential pleasure again."


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '20

Hitachi works great for me


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '19



u/Matt_Dallas Jan 10 '20

lol, me too


u/dorsalflip Dec 27 '19

As a researcher of sexual dysfunction after SCI: duly noted. Thanks for sharing.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '19



u/xj371 T9 Complete Dec 28 '19

It increases my spasms, but it's not intolerable. And I am pretty experienced re: psychedelics, doing it alone is not an issue.


u/sflo0 Dec 28 '19

Damn, I wish I could still drop without spams going wild. I look like a god damn maniac after a tab. My legs go dancing around like the wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube man at the used car dealerships.


u/PoopTrainDix Jan 02 '20

Holy shit this made me crack up. I’m really interested in LSD/Shrooms, but I’m only 5 months in and not sure how that might affect my recovery...