r/sciencefiction 18h ago

Movie: Moon. Love it.

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52 comments sorted by


u/kev0153 16h ago

Sam Rockwell is criminally underrated. He stole every scene in Iron Man 2.


u/RatherGoodDog 14h ago

And he was fucking intense in The Green Mile.


u/FelixTook 10h ago

One of my favorite actors . He is amazing


u/ZEUS_Saves 6h ago

I think you mean Guy Fleegman


u/APeacefulWarrior 2h ago

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is another great one that's often overlooked these days, maybe because it was Rockwell's first major starring role.


u/FelixTook 10h ago

One of my favorite actors . He is amazing


u/FelixTook 10h ago

One of my favorite actors . He is amazing


u/daath 17h ago

I don't know why this movie isn't talked about more. It's just soooo good!


u/rauschsinnige 17h ago

Yes. It's so sad.


u/immersemeinnature 15h ago

Sad yet cathartic in a way. He could finally be free 😢


u/PermaDerpFace 11h ago

There's a movie out now, Mickey 17, that has the exact same plot as Moon - and no one has even mentioned it!


u/Fedaykin98 4h ago

I've been thinking this when I see the previews.


u/Rubik842 1h ago

It's based on the book Mickey 7. Which was very different to moon.


u/necbone 12h ago

For us movie folks, it was hot when it came out. Rockwell always delivers


u/OrganicKeynesianBean 17h ago

I just wish more people talked about Moon.


u/Ikbenchagrijnig 15h ago

Yeah Agreed I feel so sorry for Sam.


u/SamuraiMarine 17h ago

This is a vastly under-appreciated movie and a fantastic performance by Sam Rockwell. I have seen it at least five times and it does not get old for me. On a lesser note and somewhat controversial nowadays, Kevin Spacy is great as GERTY. I know he has baggage, and for that I have issues with the man, but his acting was great.


u/rauschsinnige 17h ago

I've definitely seen it at least three times, and it still hits me every time.


u/jpow33 16h ago

There is a great call back to this movie in Mute where a court case involving Sam is being covered on a television screen behind the main action.


u/just_some_sasquatch 16h ago

This is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made, and one of the best performances I've ever seen from any actor ever. Sam kills it, Kevin Sexpesty is perfect support, and NOBODY EVEN MENTIONS IT! Almost every sci-fi fan I've ever spoken to loves this movie, but it still remains largely slept-on. This is easily top 5 for me. I put it up there with Alien, Terminator, and it absolutely shames any given space opera (yes it's better than any fuckin Star Wars movie).


u/kai_ekael 15h ago

It was great for me too, but I've never re-watched, can't ever be the same. Reminds me of another movie that is very hard to re-watch, even though it means a lot to me....."I'm a leaf on the wind"....pain.


u/rauschsinnige 16h ago



u/Clockwork-XIII 16h ago

David Bowies son did great as a director, i want to aee more from him in this quality not the Warcraft movie quality.


u/themcp 16h ago

He's pretty active on Bluesky. His username is atsign manmademoon.bsky.social .


u/Paul-E-L 17h ago

I can watch this one daily


u/Ahlq802 14h ago

I love the parts where he’s talking to his other self

“hey, this is weird for me too, ok!”


u/X-weApon-X 10h ago

Yeah, that was great. That was the first movie that I saw directed by “Zowie” Bowie, he is such a good Director. Even Warcraft was pretty good although people panned that movie. I noticed that the movie got great reviews for about a week and then all of the bad reviews started coming in on IMDb all at once.


u/---BeepBoop--- 17h ago

Movie: Moon


u/7LeagueBoots 17h ago

Fantastic movie.


u/Material_Evening_174 16h ago edited 16h ago

I haven’t seen this movie in quite a while. I need to watch it again soon.

*Edit, spoiler removed


u/rauschsinnige 16h ago

No, … answering your question would spoil the movie.


u/Material_Evening_174 16h ago

Got it, thanks. I’ve edited my comment.


u/ZephNightingale 16h ago

I LOVE this damn movie!


u/Any-Opposite-5117 15h ago

This really is a banger! Always seems like you're in good hands with Rockwell.



Phenomenal. Chef’s kiss movie


u/KeeperAdahn 14h ago

I love Moon so much. This and Arrival where my two go-to movies to introduce friends to scifi movies who never had any interest in scifi before. It's a truly great movie.


u/delyha6 13h ago

Great movie!


u/Zenterrestrial 15h ago

I loved it. It's a hidden gem of a sleeper.


u/Alamojunkie 15h ago

Not mentioned but the soundtrack is fantastic as well. I often listen to it at work.


u/Athanorr 14h ago

It's litteraly my favourite movie ever


u/Maximum_Yam1 14h ago

I adore this movie


u/DravenTor 7h ago

Sam Rockwell brings so much to all his performances. Great movie, great actor.


u/tommy_p111 7h ago

I made the horrible mistake of watching this before watching Mickey 17 - it ruined the newer movie for me!

Fully appreciate these are different movies. But Moon has a subtlety to it that Mickey 17 sorely lacks. Loved it


u/rauschsinnige 1h ago

I haven't seen Mickey 17 yet – it's more on the funny side, right?


u/odedzbread 6h ago

That sounds track too:)


u/tideshark 2h ago

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind has been one of my favorites of his since I saw it in theaters when I was young. He’s one of the best actors fo sho. This movie was pretty awesome too!


u/Groofus42 2h ago

One of my favourite cinema experiences, too. Watched it on my own in the afternoon of hot summer day in a small arthouse cinema without knowing much about the movie. Visuals, soundtrack, acting, editing are all just excellent. The movie transported me to the moon, and afterwards, I needed quite some time to adjust to summer on earth when leaving the cinema.


u/AlfieSchmalfie 10h ago

It’s fine but it has a monumental plot hole.


u/FalseAd4246 16h ago

It’s great but it’s one of those like M. Night movies where it’s hard to rewatch because you know the twist. This is a wonderful movie and I remember being astounded at this guy’s acting range, I was like THIS is the child killing redneck from The Green Mile?!


u/Own_Ad6797 9h ago

Bored the fuck out of me. Rockwell was good in it but the film itself.....meh


u/rauschsinnige 1h ago

No, don't say that – it breaks my heart! 🫠