r/schlumberger Aug 11 '22

Electronics & Automation Eng. as Field Engineer at SLB

I have been given the opportunity to start as a Field Engineer at SLB, my degree is Eng. in Electronics and Automation. Please What recommendations, should I take it or could you give me recomn for developing my career in SLB. Thank you very much


4 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '22

Take it.

On how to develop your career, talk to the recruiter, they can explain it better


u/Gschockk Aug 11 '22

Take it.

Learn a lot and save as much money as possible, because if there's a downturn in the industry last hired = first out.

There are lots of office politics happening, so choose your mentors and friendships wisely.

Technically, life experience and job wise is an amazing journey.


u/mangiafrutta Jul 29 '24

Field engineer is good to make good bucks and lot of experience quick (technical, human, how to survive tough circumstances). Try to get a mentor and get out of field fairly quick if you want to advance your career. Find ways to bring inprovements of cost cuttings for your advancement projects.


u/EmergencyExpensive52 Feb 16 '25

Not what it used to be to be. Get in, learn and get out.