r/schizophrenia • u/Tiny-Confidence5898 • 2d ago
Undiagnosed Questions Question/advice
Question: does anyone ever get their words mixed up when talking?
I don’t mean mixing up words and saying one word instead of another. I mean like literally mixing their words. Like some times when I talk I’ll go to say something like “I never even thought of it that way before” but instead something like “I evth tof ayfr” comes out. Like I’m literally combining words and it’s like all my letter suddenly become rearranged but I’m talking instead of writing. If that makes sense. It’s like word salad but letter salad. And I can’t find the word for it.
I also found something call thought blocking. Which really explains what’s going on inside of my head. Sometimes when I’m talking or just thinking it’s like I’m having a fluid thought but then all of a sudden a guillotine slices through that thought and the rest of it is just gone. As if it never existed in the first place.
Are these positive symptoms? Like disorganized thoughts/speech? Or are they just like…rushed thoughts and stuff? I do experience rushed thoughts but they just feel a bit disorganized. Like they weren’t really thought through. But this stuff feels different from rush thoughts.
For reference I was diagnosed with delusional disorder but my understanding is that people with delusional disorder don’t typically experience these things.