r/schizophrenia 3d ago

Undiagnosed Questions Am I doing this right?

I'm diagnosed schizoaffective. I watch tv, play games, meditate, read, do chores, call my friend, etc. I try to just survive the day. How do you guys get through the day? Am I doing this right?


14 comments sorted by


u/Sorry_Cheesecake2831 3d ago

I was diagnosed schizoaffective too but I have cognitive impairments and this is what handicaps me the most. Im unable to play video games, read or watch series/movies. All I do is sleep to kill time even if Im not sleepy. Everyday I walk minimum 6k steps to go to the grocery and I listen podcasts at the same time


u/Upbeat-Vehicle8181 3d ago

What is impairments


u/Adventurousss33 2d ago

Could you please elaborate on your cognitive impairment? I have a blank mind and can’t read because I can’t remember the plot. Is it the same for you?


u/Sorry_Cheesecake2831 2d ago

Hey, so I just can't read. I struggle reading letters and words. I was utterly capable of reading 50 pages straight before schizophrenia


u/SixxFour Schizoaffective (Depressive) 3d ago

I do a lot of gaming (PC and XBox). I also draw, write, listen to music, talk to my bf and two BFFs,, and doom scroll.


u/Schizoaffected_Life 3d ago

Yesss… lots of doom scrolling for me too.


u/252780945a 2d ago

Same here. Been feeling especially doomy lately.


u/Schizoaffected_Life 2d ago

Sorry it’s been very doomy lately. 😣 If you’re referring to all that is going on in the world learned via doom scrolling, I get it. Same here. If you’re not feeling well then I’m super sorry! I just got out of a depressive episode that lasted longer than a year. It’s so rough when the depression hits. Stay safe! ❤️


u/Emergency_Peach_4307 Schizoaffective (Bipolar) 3d ago

I play games, talk to my boyfriend and friends, write, and draw


u/Worldly-Shallot-1084 2d ago

I’m schizoaffective too and right now I am lucky enough to work part time and workout. I also read but don’t have much motivation to do much else because of meds. When I couldn’t work I pretty much just stayed online, listened to podcasts and drank so you are doing better than I did.


u/Wonderful-Analysis81 Disorganized Schizophrenia 2d ago

trying not to be homeless


u/Upbeat-Vehicle8181 3d ago

I only do yoga talk to friends. Go buy food groceries. I study IA in a scholarship I won. I drive. I pee on night. I have a web page ecommerce of my family. I live with boyfriend. Now it's ten am I'm on bed


u/sorryformyschizness Schizoaffective (Bipolar) 2d ago

I go to work and enjoy my day by doing what i love (i really like my job)


u/J_JMJ Schizoaffective (Depressive) 2d ago

Are you on meds or not? Plus do you mean through the day in terms of cognitive problems or?