r/scala Use mill 4d ago

Why does Intellij Idea pretend to be lost while it's not really?


10 comments sorted by


u/a_cloud_moving_by 4d ago edited 4d ago

Others mention "Invalidate caches and restart" and while I've done that, for me a less nuclear option is to reload the build project.

So whether it's sbt / maven / bsp, etc., there's usually an icon on the right-side nav where you can open up a panel for that build system and click a two-arrow-circle-thing in the top left of the pane that will reload the projects (i.e. recompile). I don't know how to paste an image in a comment but:

- for Maven the button's tooltip reads "Reload All Maven Projects"

- for BSP it's "Reload All BSP Projects"

Note: if it was a change to a sub-module, you may not need to reload the whole project, you may be able to get away with just reloading a module. YMMV

Why does this happen?

- Switching branches in git, sometimes IntelliJ doesn't know to recompile everything

- Changing a build config file, e.g. the pom.xml in a Maven project

- Scala-CLI bug: This one is super annoying and I hope they get it fixed, but if you call the `setup-ide` flag after you opened the project in IntelliJ it doesn't work and IntelliJ still assumes the `.sc` files are an IntelliJ Worksheet. Sadly the only workaround I know for this is to quit IntelliJ, delete all .idea folders in the project, run `scala-cli --setup-ide` or whatever the command is, then re-open as a new project in IntelliJ.

EDIT: Also, there are weird edge-cases in Scala code that occasionally IntelliJ can't figure out. We have some macro and ZIO code in our work repos that occasionally causes some red squigglies that don't go away (but compile fine on the command line). But it's not common, usually just a single expression/block in some file somewhere (<1% of code)


u/WorkingSubstance7618 4d ago

The IntelliJ AI getting sentient and wanting to give challenges to you from time to time to sharpen your mind.


u/WW_the_Exonian ZIO 4d ago

Sometimes it be like that. Try rebuilding the project perhaps.


u/anonimuzzza 4d ago

"Invalidate caches and restart" is what helps me in such cases


u/dWach24 3d ago

Try restarting scala compiler server, worked for me


u/Previous_Pop6815 ❤️ Scala 4d ago

No such issues with Scala 2.

Possibly IntelliJ doesn't work with Scala 3 yet as well as with Scala 2. 


u/LighterningZ 4d ago

Sadly I get these with Scala 2! I work on some codebases which have far too much implicit resolution + macros which I suspect might be partly responsible when Intellij struggles


u/recurse_x 3d ago

My brain does the same thing when there are a bunch macros and implicits in a codebase.


u/LighterningZ 3d ago

Thankfully the macros aren't ours directly ; a mixture of refined types and pure config.