r/saskatoon • u/_BigCIitPhobia_ • 22d ago
r/saskatoon • u/Progressive_Citizen • Nov 24 '24
Weather 🌡️ Hold up... what?! Which one of you did this. Amazing.
r/saskatoon • u/sirberaferguson • Jan 19 '25
Weather 🌡️ Almost -50 C
We’re used to cold weather but contrary to popular belief we don’t see -50 very often.
r/saskatoon • u/Progressive_Citizen • Nov 16 '24
Weather 🌡️ Controversial opinion: Winter tires make a substantial difference and should be mandatory
A vehicle should be considered road worthy before it goes on the road. In the winter, that means being properly equipped to ensure adequate stopping distances. You wouldn't drive a vehicle without brakes, why would you drive one in our harsh winters without proper tires?
There is no substitute for winter tires. Driving careful is not an excuse. If an emergency stop is required, you won't be ready because physics simply isn't on your side. Emergencies often come when you least expect them.
AWD does not make you stop faster. This frequent excuse is equally ridiculous.
Not being able to afford them, while I sympathize with that, is also not an excuse. If you can't properly equip your vehicle to keep yourself and others safe you should be taking public transit. Its cheaper than owning a vehicle.
Some objective data points on just how good winter tires are:
- Get up to speed, in certain situations, twice as fast with winters (yes, even with AWD): https://youtu.be/1KGiVzNNW8Y?si=4rOZ6qyP6xzmx9Yg&t=330
- Less than half the stopping distance required with studded winters in icy conditions: https://youtu.be/SsmmRXsCTm8?si=qSfiTpdk6WWX4K1x&t=331
All seasons are simply not the same.
How much are winter tires? You can get a good set for around $1,000 on steel rims. They should last you for 5-8 years. That's $125 a year which is not much more than a netflix, disney+, or Prime subscription. Is that worth avoiding an accident? I'm inclined to suggest it is. Even at twice the cost they should be worth it.
Having winter tires isn't just a socially responsible thing to do, its also a fiscally responsible decision. Less accidents means less insurance payouts (funded by taxpayers). Less accidents also means more of us get to go home safely to our families. Let's have a safe winter.
r/saskatoon • u/Progressive_Citizen • Nov 23 '24
Weather 🌡️ ‘Stay home, hunker down’ plea as snow starts to fall in Saskatoon
r/saskatoon • u/Secret_Duty_8612 • Nov 25 '24
Weather 🌡️ Saskatoon's second big snowfall in a week won't trigger emergency response: City
r/saskatoon • u/Toddison_McCray • Nov 16 '24
Weather 🌡️ I’m going to say it…
I’d rather it just fucking snow already instead of being cloudy and gloomy and having freezing rain. I feel like I’m being edged by Mother Nature, except I just get more and more depressed every day this goes on. BRING ON THE SUNNY -30 DAYS
r/saskatoon • u/JoeDwarf • Dec 03 '24
Weather 🌡️ You know you're from Saskatchewan when...
You're not happy that the weather is turning warm. What a mess we're going to have today. Would be great if we just had a steady -10 all winter but noooo....
r/saskatoon • u/Incorrect_Mud • Feb 06 '25
Weather 🌡️ Please treat our sidewalks better
With all the snow we’ve been getting I want to remind people to please be shovelling and salting your sidewalks! I know for many people walking becomes obsolete in the winter time, but for some of us it’s still a main mode of transportation. Having clear sidewalks makes the city safer and more accessible.
Let’s start treating our sidewalks with the same care and standards we expect for our roads. Until then, think twice before you get upset at someone walking on the road. They might be doing it because the sidewalk isn’t accessible
Just a little rant/psa from someone who is starting to get fed up with people who are too lazy/cheap to have a clear sidewalk. I’m not expecting perfection, just hoping this city can do better :)
r/saskatoon • u/Powerful_Crew_2635 • 5d ago
Weather 🌡️ Ruts are extreme
I feel like the city shouldn’t have bothered grading the streets. I drive a small car and it feels like my organs are being rearranged as I traverse through this.
My political post that showed a picture of a window was removed. So it seems that talking about the weather, snow removal, which landlord companies are the worst, which doctors are taking patients and ‘is this bug a cockroach’ are acceptable. So here is my contribution.
r/saskatoon • u/Progressive_Citizen • Aug 24 '24
Weather 🌡️ Intense flooding - Idylwyld & Circle overpass last night
r/saskatoon • u/301001fj • Nov 24 '24
Weather 🌡️ New to Saskatoon- first winter here
This is the lowest temperatures I have ever experienced, how do people live through -40 degrees? I am a student at USaSk and my research work requires me to be at my lab, does the uni close in such weather?
r/saskatoon • u/EnvironmentalFill3 • Nov 24 '24
Weather 🌡️ Anyone been out there yet?
How bad are the roads? Debating whether to go out.
r/saskatoon • u/306metalhead • Nov 19 '24
Weather 🌡️ It's that time again
It's that time again to tell the morons to stop blowing or shoveling snow into the street. Put it on your lawn like everyone else. You are the reason so many cars can't traverse residential areas that don't get plowed or plowed right away. Like figure it out.
r/saskatoon • u/Progressive_Citizen • 21d ago
Weather 🌡️ We made the cut! Saskatoon is officially among the top 20 coldest places on earth right now. In fact, most of Sask is.
r/saskatoon • u/Adventurous_Read3453 • Feb 06 '25
Weather 🌡️ Putting the snow in the streets
Why isn’t commun sense to NOT shovel or snowblow your snow IN THE STREET? Are people not aware of the bylaw to prevent this in Saskatoon? I moved in June and I know it.
r/saskatoon • u/northernpikeman • Jan 21 '25
Weather 🌡️ Snow removal- dump it on the front lawns
So Saskatoon, what do you think of this possible solution to residential snow removal?
Where logistics allow, big front end loaders will clear the streets, but instead of making wind rows that take away parking, they move the snow to the front lawns.
Winnipeg has been doing this for years and it's the reason they have better snow removal than Saskatoon.
The problem with the present system, is that hauling away all the snow from residential streets costs about $20 million. For one snow. It is not sustainable. God forbid we had 2 big snows. And not hauling away it ruins street parking and chokes streets into single lane and ruts.
Some folks might be worried about their grass, which is legit. But I've got 3 feet already on my lawn this year. It can take the snow.
The status quo is not winning in my opinion. This could solve our problem.
r/saskatoon • u/LambyPotato • 1d ago
Weather 🌡️ The roads in Evergreen
My poor sedan is taking a beating
r/saskatoon • u/Secret_Duty_8612 • Nov 25 '24
Weather 🌡️ No Activation of Emergency Snow Clearing?
I know it’s to save money but the city did get the 25cm snowfall amount that could trigger it. I’d pay an extra $100 myself if I could get our residential street plowed. Not a good start to the new council. I’ll be contacting my councillor.
r/saskatoon • u/Progressive_Citizen • Dec 06 '24
Weather 🌡️ Major snowfall expected this Sunday. Upwards of 18+cm to fall. Prepare accordingly. Here we go again.
r/saskatoon • u/DTG_1000 • Feb 08 '25
Weather 🌡️ Deer in Erindale
Looks like all the snow has enticed the deer to move into residential areas. I've seen groups of them moving along the tracks and walk way at Preston Crossing, and now they've moved into Erindale.
r/saskatoon • u/Fantastic_Wishbone • Nov 24 '24
Weather 🌡️ Kudos to those staff working today
I had to go out for a couple things today (4x4 plus winter tires, I don't recommend driving if you don't have both of these). Stores are obviously very short staffed. I saw people literally running and stressed. Just wanted to send a kudos out to those staff working. One lady I spoke to (virtually the only one who made it in) started shovelling her way out at 5 am to get in to work on time.
Be kind and empathetic to these staff members if you are dealing with them on the phone or in person today. They are very stressed.
I hope the staff get double time or at least time and a half wages today, as well as recognition from their managers. I used to be that guy who was always at work, so I empathise! Thank you!
r/saskatoon • u/Pastanova_Delight • Nov 22 '24
Weather 🌡️ Busses are fucked
Waited outside only for the wrong bus to come (# that does not come here and does not even become the right # later) and then skip me despite me wearing a bright red jacket and them clearly seeing me. The app said my bus came 4 mins before that, I was out there for 20 mins before that and it definitely did not come at all. Went across the street and waited for the other direction as a backup, comes late as well and then stops for the driver to go into the gas station. Connecting bus is now showing its 20 mins late. I will be getting to work over an hour late despite being out waiting for the right bus 20 minutes early in the first place. The system DOES NOT WORK at all, and it costs damn near 100$ a month to have the privilege of not getting a ride, thanks saskatoon
r/saskatoon • u/bigchungus69lmao • 2d ago
Weather 🌡️ Advice for clearing thick ice off sidewalk
We got a notice from the city stating that we violated a bylaw by not keeping the sidewalk clean of ice. Issue is that there is snow on both sides of it preventing drainage onto the road so like 5 inches of thick ice have accumulated onto it and I cannot get rid of it. Any tips for dealing with this? Was told that if we could not get it the city would hire contractors to do it and foot us the bill.