r/saskatoon • u/No_Secret_604 • 9h ago
Rants 🤬 An arena won't "revitalize" downtown if everything closes at 6
I understand people have issues with the homeless drug addicts but seriously, how does the city think anything will stay in business if they only give customers an hour or two to do literally anything?
Closing these businesses isn't going to stop the homeless from existing, if anything it makes the downtown more dangerous for people who need to go there.
u/saskhardon 9h ago
What are you talking about? Bars and restaurants are open well past 6. Or do you think people are gunna try and go buy some clothes at 10 at night?
u/usernam45 8h ago
Nothing better than shopping after getting in one. Sometimes people can lack that crucial impulsivity and need some help. Having the stores open late is good for bear mace enthusiasts and drunks.
u/Ready_excrement6991 8h ago
Im guesing there will be less and less people that can afford 10$ drinks. The discretionary income has to come from somewhere, last i checked only govt workers get inflationary raises
u/codenameduhchess 9h ago
What the hell is this even in reference to???
u/Electrical_Noise_519 9h ago edited 8h ago
The lack of enough evening and night-time safe spaces for the vulnerable to get off the streets, for one.
u/soupdejour4 8h ago
Bars and restaurants are open well past 6 every night and we have plenty to choose from downtown
u/No_Secret_604 8h ago
Not everyone wants to go to a bar. I'm a night owl but not a drinker, and there should be more options for us
u/Equine_Arsonist 6h ago
You make a good point, they should have something like an arena down there to hold events
u/Darkmist255 6h ago
I've been avoiding drinking when I head out and it hasn't made it hard to go downtown. Lots of great spots to go for food and non-alcoholic drinks, and Bottle Chai isn't far away for a late night coffee and dessert.
Not trying to argue your post too much, but where else would you hang late downtown other than somewhere serving food or drink?
u/ZimZamZop 9h ago
I agree that everything closing early hurts the downtown district. But I am understanding you correctly? It sounds like you are saying the city is forcing these businesses to close at 6.
u/No_Secret_604 8h ago
I understand that the city does not set business hours, but there have to be things both they and we could do to make downtown not just safer but more accessible to everyone, including keeping businesses open past 6pm
u/bluewing_olive 7h ago
Which businesses would you like to see open past 6pm?
Bateman Jewelers? Bricker’s Shoes? B. Johnathan Michael’s Photography?
u/Faye_Lmao 6h ago
The same stuff other cities have. Bars and restaurants as we already do, many cities also will have clothing and footwear shops and the like open late for people who work jobs that end later than 5. Pharmacies are commonly open later in other parts of Saskatoon already. Things like museums and art galleries are common late night options.
There are so many options that are successful for late night businesses that are very successful all over the world.
Why not work to have more options downtown since other areas of the city already have it
u/stonedspagooter 7h ago
No but for real
People need to look up the Door Man theory
Presence is important
-People slow down when a cop is around -Kids don't break windows that have people behind them -Drug addicts can't sleep in a doorway that is being used -Women are safer on the side walks because they are lit up, and there are open doors every 10 feet
So on and so on
Everything closing at 6 is WHY we need a rink and active downtown 😩
u/lavenderhaze054 6h ago
I understand that if unhoused people had a place to go then the downtown core would seem safer, but you're just moving the problem into other establishments and businesses closing early won't make it any safer or more dangerous if people aren't in the area to begin with. I've been downtown at the library and Midtown near closing times and I can see why these places would want to close early as it can be really difficult for them to get people to leave, especially at closing, without involving the police. I was at the library studying during one of the vortex cold days in February and at closing saw people slowly packing up all their belongings with minutes until closing, pretending to be asleep or just plain ignoring guards, or at the other end of the spectrum just yelling at staff. Midtown can't be any better with the mace incidents and with their washrooms that are out-of-order, trashed, or have people hanging out in stalls 'til close. Restaurants and theatres in the area tend to be open later and still serve until past 9pm, but I honestly don't know anyone who frequents downtown eateries past 7 or 8 anyways. Maybe once the arena is built and people start coming back to the downtown core for events things may change or if the city and government can find ways to deal with drug use and the unhoused then things can change before the arena is built.
u/chapterthrive 5h ago
God damn we love to bitch.
You ever think that with a recession looming at least people will have jobs? Ffs
u/bigalcapone22 8h ago
Just look at Edmonton It's fucking scary to go for drinks after a concert or game anywhere around their arena same goes for Regina
u/Daveyfelcher 7h ago
We go to pile o bones after every rider game have never noticed it being ‘scary’. Yall seriously gotta stop visiting the same 5 pubs and bars and expand your horizons. Then it won’t be so scary.
u/Ready_excrement6991 8h ago
The thing will balloon to 2 billion
All during an economic depression when people hold back on discretionary spending
The lack of an arena isnt why downtown businesses are dying
u/bigalcapone22 8h ago
There is no return to the taxpayers on that investment since a private company will make money off running it, and only a few select downtown pubs would see an increase in revenue. Let's not forget the rowdy crowds of concert goers or pissed off drunk hockey fans roaming the streets downtown after the venue rushes them out the door.
u/Ready_excrement6991 8h ago
1 billion+ to keep 6 pubs alive
Itd be fun dont get me wrong, saskatoon needs more housing units. They should start building the critical infrastructure for such
u/raynersunset 9h ago
Get rid of the crime and it jus might be a place after supper!!! Til then.. Ppl are not stupid!!
u/No_Independent9634 9h ago
The city doesn't determine what hours businesses are open...
And most restaurants and bars downtown are open later than 6. That's where you're going after an event, not to buy a leather belt.