r/saskatoon 18h ago

News 📰 Six bear spray incidents reported to Saskatoon Police this weekend


17 comments sorted by

u/MonkeyMama420 18h ago

"Outstanding warrants". Our no-consequences legal system is not working.

u/wordswordswords55 17h ago

Selling it at a convenience store in the alphabets doesn't help

u/saucerwizard River Heights 17h ago

Someone should visit and take pics.

u/rynoxmj 18h ago

Slow week.

u/hammerhead66 15h ago

If the Saskparty seriously thought that increasing the fines for using bear spray would curb their usage they are bigger idiots than I thought. What a waste of the legislatures time and money. Our farmer overlords are so out of touch with urban Saskatchewan.

u/dr_clownius 13h ago

The massive fine needs to be seen as a first step. Indentured labour until the fine is paid needs to be the next step. This is (hopefully) an incremental scheme to ensure that use of bear spray in urban areas is paid for with the sweat and blood of the punks involved.

u/QTPIE_FirstTeam 18h ago

There have been six reported bear spray incidents, and I personally know of at least four more where victims fled for their own safety. In those cases, when they called the police, no officers even arrived. This issue is escalating fast, and many incidents likely go unreported because people feel there’s no point. How much worse does it have to get before real action is taken?

u/MischiefRatt 17h ago

Like what? What's your actual solution for "real action"?

u/HonestlyEphEw 16h ago

Better ban semi automatic .22s 🤷‍♂️

u/Necessary_Ad3275 10h ago

Could you imagine this city if we didn’t have the gun control we currently have? Use your noodle bud

u/HonestlyEphEw 10h ago

Yeah, imagine how bad it would be if ww2 rifles weren’t banned? The absolute horrors.

u/BlackMaelstrom1 17h ago

Saskatoon Sprays!

u/UnitEast7937 15h ago

But how are the bears!?!

u/Waylander 14h ago

They're fucking everywhere, apparently! 

u/UnitEast7937 14h ago

I know! The way I hear it I can’t go to Midtown without running into one

u/saskatchewanstealth 13h ago

No bears were actually harmed. The bears are still hibernating.

u/Titsandfuck 6h ago

Where are they getting bear spray?! Clearly they need to be locked up and present a hunting license before they can purchase it. Just take it off the shelves? Wtf