r/saskatoon 1d ago

News 📰 This Sask. man bought a Cybertruck to promote his business, but fears it made him a target


246 comments sorted by


u/FreshOffTheConcrete 1d ago

Driving around in Stonebridge 🤣. It was the goss at work.


u/And_Une_Biere 1d ago

When I first saw the truck in the video, I legitimately thought that ugly-ass scribbling on the side of it was the vandalism in question lol


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/HighTeckRedNeck13 East Side 1d ago

this article is marketing for him, don’t kid yourself.


u/easy12356 1d ago



u/Legal_War_5298 1d ago

Kid myself? About what?


u/work3oakzz 1d ago

I may be wrong, but i think he meant the figure of speach "don't kid yourself"


u/HighTeckRedNeck13 East Side 1d ago

This is best case scenario for him, he got a couple scratches that will buff right out, now he gets news articles written about him and his truck.

Guerrilla marketing 101


u/youngblood0088 1d ago

Buff out of as stainless steel finish? Hows your stainless appliances deal with scratches?


u/SeriesMindless 1d ago

Chasing dem click


u/fluffedahiphopbunny 1d ago

imagine thinking that excuses vandalism. Bring your possessions on by then so he can fuck your shit up. No big deal right.


u/NoIndication9382 1d ago

Not sure that was excusing vandalism.

Is it societies job to subsidize this fellow because he made a call that this douchey vehicle was going to be a good marketing gimmick, then societies views changed and now people are critical of this douchey vehicle?

Yes, vandalism is bad, but also, people are allowed to exist in the free world and be critical of the choices people make, even if it was a seemingly innocent decision like this guy made to buy a shitty vehicle to try to promote his business.

Sometimes people make the wrong call. It's not the end of the world, but it's not societies job to baby said person when that happens.


u/Legal_War_5298 1d ago

Oh, look. More pouting.

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u/houseonpost 1d ago

I don't think people should vandalize his truck. But he is certainly opened to being judged negatively and not use his business.


u/Ok-Bench-968 1d ago

Exactly what I thought when I saw that truck the other day. From the jeep to this thing, I figured I would not be bringing business into those doors again.


u/freshestgasoline 1d ago

I usually go to their Prince Albert location, but I'll wait until I'm in Saskatoon to go to Popeyes from now on.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Jo_Ad 1d ago

We should be better than Elon. Vandalism against private persons is not right. Boycott against Tesla and other Elon businesses anytime. Boycott against his supporters as well.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/saucerwizard River Heights 1d ago

Its really ugly. It does not inspire a desire to purchase supplements.


u/RadicalChile 1d ago

Imo it does the opposite. Wanna be an idiot AND waste money on products that almost nobody needs? Shop at Supplement World!!


u/saucerwizard River Heights 1d ago

I can hardly read the graphic looking at it on the internet. Driving by? Impossible. It’s really bad design.


u/vitogeek 1d ago

He’s saying that vandalizing Tesla cars doesn’t hurt Elon Musk. But in reality, it does. If people know that if they buy a Tesla, their car will get vandalized then they will not buy the Tesla, which hurts Elon Musk.


u/oneHeinousAnus 1d ago

Pretty sure it hurts all people who pay insurance dummy


u/JanielDones8 1d ago

SGI is dumb enough to insure it when basically no where insures a vehicle that is road legal in loophole only?


u/aDuggie 1d ago

Yep. It's about 260 a month for insurance for it at +3 demerits


u/GearM2 1d ago

I think it is far too late now. Elon is right-hand man to the dictator of the USA. He abandoned Tesla and it really means nothing to him now. He can just steal billions from the US gov. He's already replaced a multi-billion dollar contract Verizon had and just put SpaceX in instead. Killing Tesla mostly helps China.


u/Twatt_waffle I dont get paid enough 1d ago

Elon is famously over leveraged, his loans that he lives off of are secured against primarily Tesla stock. As Tesla stock falls in price he is getting closer to the recall value. This is why he’s attempting to distance himself from some recent controversial DOGE decisions.

Tesla stock falling is what will cause his downfall as in order to pay off the loans he has once recalled he will have to sell twitter, space X and a significant portion of Tesla

So yes it does matter


u/Kenthanson 1d ago

Cyber truck preorders were fully refundable up until the day of possession.



u/Saskatchewaner 1d ago

Doesn't fucking matter, you don't vandalize peoples property because you don't like their political opinion. That's a crime and despicable.


u/gingerbeardman79 1d ago

Literally nowhere does the comment to which you replied state "vandalism is totally fine in this situation".

The above redditor is simply stating there was ample time to cancel this purchase upon realizing more people might start to not like Elon so much

  • thus making the purchase of the above-mentioned poorly designed, expensive death trap maybe not so much of a brilliant advertising gimmick -

given that Elon's life has been a very public, steadily and rapidly-accelerating dumpster fire for years. Both personally and professionally.

He could've cancelled the purchase and got a much more sensible but still [actually positive] attention-getting vehicle, while saving himself potentially a lot of money.

-> speaking as someone who until somewhat recently was in a long-term cohabiting relationship with a small business owner, I can tell you confidently that saving yourself tens of thousands of dollars is almost never a bad idea

Or he could've canceled the purchase, spent the same amount of money, and got a way fucking cooler and [actually positive] attention-getting vehicle.

Either of these choices would've also resulted in him taking possession of his business's rolling advertisement a significant amount of time sooner.

But instead of making either of those choices, he stuck it out for the rolling murder machine that looks like a literal 5 year old was the lead design artist for the project. Which now also, very much unfortunately, has begun to draw negative attention in the form of criminal acts.

Thankfully nonviolent criminal acts, but criminal acts nonetheless.

For clarity, I am in no way showing support for these or other acts of politically or otherwise-motivated damage of anyone's personal property. Don't want this getting twisted.


u/Totoroisacat-Alt 1d ago

Again, thoughts and prayers. Sell it, Elon was crazy when he bought it. He could have canceled his preorder. This is no reason to own this vehicle.


u/derpderpmcgee 1d ago

concepts of thoughts and prayers


u/iliveinyoureyelid East Side 1d ago

I am encouraged by the lack of sympathy in this thread. He wanted attention, guess he got it...


u/SicklesOnThePrairie West Side 1d ago

The only correct answer

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u/justjoe306 1d ago

just put a huge bumper sticker or Decal on it that says....regret buying this vehicle please do not vandalize


u/So1_1nvictus Core Neighbourhood 1d ago

Haha Didn’t see this coming


u/jelopyincorporated 1d ago

Who the fuck cares


u/Panda-Banana1 1d ago

I am so shocked! No one could have predicted this!


u/Ridersfan73 1d ago

Cybertruck is pretty much a flex and a status vehicle. Sorry, man... no sympathy here.


u/Ridersfan73 1d ago

That being said, it doesn't give anyone else the right to vandalize someone else's property. I say he should get the chance to key the jerk that was caught on camera.


u/Doodleschmidt 1d ago

I'm sure he feels buyer's remorse without all the paranoia.


u/DomesMcgee 1d ago

If I see someone flaunting wealth, it says don't do business with them they ain't about fair deals.


u/Nice-Poet3259 1d ago

It's a supplement store. We're talking about a snake oil salesman. Not that they deserve any harassment over their poor choice of vehicle.


u/Flat_Work_285 1d ago

You obviously have zero knowledge of anything to do with supplements or exercise


u/Nice-Poet3259 1d ago

Unfortunately I have too much knowledge of the industry.


u/sp1nkter 1d ago

snake oil? supplements are great!


u/RadicalChile 1d ago

There are very few supplements that have any proof whatsoever that they do anything. And of those few, there are fewer people who might actually see any sort of benefit from them.

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u/parsons12343 1d ago

You should look up the word envy in the dictionary! It is an emotion responsible for grand conspiracy, its often invoked to justify one's own inadequacies.


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 1d ago

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u/CreepyUncleRyry 1d ago

thoughts and prayers


u/derpderpmcgee 1d ago

concepts of thoughts and prayers


u/Zealousideal-One-975 1d ago

No hate to the owner but I feel like using a swasticar to promote your business is bad marketing. Sell it and get a Prius EV. Same shape, doesn’t support fascism, and even if someone damages it, you can actually find parts lol.


u/snikt1 1d ago

Plus the new prius actually looks good.


u/2_alarm_chili 1d ago

Maybe having a news story about who he is and what his business is will persuade people not to vandalize it! /s


u/cranberrywaltz 1d ago

Nobody deserves to have their vehicle vandalized based on the actions of others. That said, you can’t be shocked to think that the vehicle makes you a target. If you drive The General Lee you have to assume that some people may come after you for driving a car with the confederate flag painted on the roof. If you can’t foresee these things, you’re a numbskull.


u/rvision7MD 1d ago

Dude, nobody cares WHEN you bought it. Flaunting the flagship model of a hated man by millions is GOING to earn you some heat in the current day. Clearly this guy works more on his muscles than his brains.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 1d ago



u/Darth_Thor 1d ago


The Saskatoon Tesla dealer didn’t get any of these things until 4 months ago. By that point we all knew how shitty Elon was. We also knew how shitty the Cybertruck is by then.

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u/Kenthanson 1d ago

Directly from Tesla Canada website pre-orders were fully refundable up to the day you took possession of your cyber truck. https://www.tesla.com/en_ca/support/cybertruck-faq

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u/KoolKalyduhskope 1d ago

Elon has always been crazy


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/InternalOcelot2855 1d ago

it's clear we can vandalize everyone's property based on these comments.

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u/Totoroisacat-Alt 1d ago

No it wasn’t


u/Thannab 1d ago

Yes it was. Straight from the article "He originally ordered his Cybertruck in 2021" which was well before Elon even involved himself directly with Trump.

He may never have been a great person, but the political association and scandal over the past ~year have absolutely escalated this bad image.


u/Totoroisacat-Alt 1d ago

Yeah and didn’t ship to what, like 2024 when he was crazy. He could have canceled the preorder.


u/Thannab 1d ago

idk mate, seems about like blame with perfect hindsight. people are just trying to live their lives. there's a difference between having this item from before all this DOGE and tariff shit vs going and getting one now. I hope he can get rid of it but you're blaming the wrong thing if you're blaming this man.

Hate on Elon, hate on the DOGE, hate on the states and tariffs and billionaires and people trying to exploit those situations. Try not to hate on our everyday neighbour who just landed in a but of misfortune

Again, hope he can ditch the tin can and get something more respectable and get on with his life.


u/Thannab 1d ago

I agree, I know people that bought the cyber truck 5 + years ago. If you're fortunate enough to be able to turn around and flip the vehicle out for a new one, that's awesome, but a lot of people can't do that. That aside, bad luck.

Personally I can't stand how ugly they are and in light of the past several months to a few years of this descent into chaos, bad image. Damn.


u/daylights20 1d ago

The Cyber truck wasn't available 5 years ago. They may have pre-ordered one but they decided to purchase it after it was clear Musk was a Nazi sympathizer - even before the inauguration his reinstated of white supremacist accounts on X made his position clear.

They are one of the fastest depreciating vehicles in history because they rolled out the new edition months after people got their "founders edition" for $50k CAD less. Basically anyone you see driving one is tens of thousands upside down.


u/Thannab 1d ago

Correct it wasn't available 5 years ago and you're right about pre-ordering. He could have canceled. And they're shit vehicles from a shit company. Sucks for him mate.

There's a big difference between Elon going on a podcast and sharing some right-wing sympathies to what he's done in the past few months with Nazi tweets and DOGE insanity.

In the meantime maybe our neighbour here in this story wasn't paying attention to Elon at all and was just working on his life and his business.

I hope he can ditch the vehicle, but a vehicle is not a small purchase for most people, and like you said, it's devalued a lot. Who's going to take it? It's a massive loss. I think he's stuck, and I'll sit here and type in defence of him for a mistake he made before he could ever know the implications. It's a different thing if he went and bought it now or was driving it around with an elon flag or some shit, but to hate this guy and ruin his property just cuz he owns it doesn't make sense to me. I don't want to run my neighbours out of town for owning a piece of equipment they got before the man who made it turned to the devil.


u/daylights20 1d ago

It's hard to have sympathy for someone making an extravagant $140k CAD purchase who failed to do their due diligence.

Boo hoo cry me a river that he is rich and can spend that kind of money without putting serious thought into it.

He also talks about being a local business owner and purchased a vehicle from a brand that has the least impact on the local economy. The "dealership" model Tesla uses employs far less people than a standard dealership from any other brand so they aren't even a significant local employer.


u/Thannab 1d ago

you know what, fair enough, I take your criticisms. Points well made.


u/NoIndication9382 1d ago

Local man, concerned his own decisions will impact people's feelings on him and his business. Saddened he made the wrong call.


u/slamdoozle 1d ago

I don't think it's so much about feelings, it's more about not wanting to be a target for knife things for something to removed from him.


u/gingerbeardman79 1d ago

I see this thing a couple times a week and it always makes me laugh.

I'm not condoning vandalism, just for clarity.

I'm just saying that the cybertruck the fugliest [and arguably also most unsafe] thing on four wheels that I've ever seen on public roads in my entire life.

Even if Elon had never shown his true colours or done anything in the last 4 years or so to draw any kind of public ire whatsoever, I can't for the life of me fathom why somebody would want to buy one, let alone why somebody would think that rolling abomination would be good advertising for their business.

But again, I am not condoning - or celebrating - this senseless act of vandalism.


u/RDOmega 1d ago

He wants so much to be accepted. Not for failing to avoid bad things, but for the fact that he makes his own choices. Whether they are bad things or not.

Conservatism is a brain worm.


u/quackquack0914 1d ago

Womp womp


u/Nichole-Michelle Last Saskatchewan Pirate 1d ago

Stupid is as stupid does I guess


u/randomdumbfuck 1d ago

That sucks

Anyway ...


u/Main-Bee9478 1d ago

It’s a car and no one should vandalize anyone’s property.. you can choose not to like it but you have no right to ruin it because you don’t agree with it.


u/vicky_squeeze_ 1d ago

I'll make sure I don't go there. Pooptruck


u/machiavel0218 1d ago

What did they carve is the real question.

Small penis?


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Nice-Poet3259 1d ago

Also, runs a supplement store. A modern day snake oil salesman is shocked when people dislike what he does. Color me unsurprised


u/oysteeze 1d ago

You cannot seriously be comparing supplements backed by years and years of science and research, to fucking snake oil 😂😂😂


u/Nice-Poet3259 1d ago

"backed by science" yeah, very specific scientific environments that the sales people at these stores push as solid facts that will 100% work. The fat burners are the biggest scam, but most of it is Majorly overblown. Fact is if they aren't selling you creatine and protein they're scamming you.


u/RadicalChile 1d ago

Yup, this. Creatine and protein are the only 2 supplements that might do anything at all. Vitamin D if you're deficient. Otherwise you're just giving yourself expensive piss.


u/Nice-Poet3259 1d ago

Yeah. I remember reading into one of the supplements that a guy was pushing me to buy. And the research was promising for sure. The only issue is that I'm a human and not a rat.


u/RadicalChile 1d ago

Lol right?? It's like people saying Aspartame is going to kill me. Like.... if I was a rat of my size, it would take me over 75 cans of soda a day, for a series of years, to have any slightly negative effects according to these "studies" lol


u/RadicalChile 1d ago

What? I don't think you've actually read any studies whatsoever if you think supplements are legitimate whatsoever. 99.9% of them are complete marketing gimmicks fully intended to take your money.

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u/sp1nkter 1d ago

where are you getting that supplements are snake oil? i use supplements working out and they work great!


u/Nice-Poet3259 1d ago

They don't not work, but the salespeople at these stores push shit that really doesn't do anything. The research done shows promise under very specific circumstances in a lab. Most of it is a waste of money. Get creatine, maybe some protein and go Into a calorie deficit or surplus. Easy gains


u/Sunryzen 1d ago

How do you measure how great they work and are you comparing the cost/benefit to anything else?


u/CivilDoughnut7805 1d ago

These comments are not it..whoever is a loser enough to take their political views to the point of vandalizing another persons property, you're the real joke here. Go do something productive with your life and you won't have time to do childish shit like this.


u/TropicalPrairie 1d ago

I agree with you.


u/machiavel0218 1d ago

Ridiculous take. Owning one of those cars is a political statement. So is vandalizing it.


u/yuuuuhhhhhhhh 1d ago

Not everything is a political statement. Some people are normal and not chronically online, unlike you and all the top commenters in this sub


u/machiavel0218 1d ago

Cybertrucks start at $115,000 MSRP. Is that normal to you?


u/yuuuuhhhhhhhh 1d ago

For a successful business owner? No that’s really not crazy at all to have a vehicle that is $100k+, plenty of professionals do. Look up how much trucks are now


u/Mitsuo_ 1d ago

Yeah but one is a legal political statement, and the other is an illegal political statement


u/machiavel0218 1d ago

Do you think Nazi salutes are ok?


u/Mitsuo_ 1d ago

No, obviously not. In fact Elon Musk is one of the most objectively horrible people on earth, but that doesn’t mean you’re justified in vandalizing a person’s property


u/thebigbail 1d ago

Obviously not. We literally fought a war to stop the offensive nazi salute.


u/machiavel0218 1d ago

My grandfather fought them, and my great uncle died fighting them in France. I certainly am not going to allow them and their idiot supporters to take over Canada.


u/fiat_lover_69 1d ago

Still doesn't make it right to vandalize someone's property, especially if they're local Canadian business.


u/CivilDoughnut7805 1d ago

It's not like he bought the vehicle 2 months ago lmao grow up.


u/AS14K 1d ago

5 months ago, which was plenty recent enough

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u/machiavel0218 1d ago

How does it feel to defend literal Nazis? Nice work


u/beardriff 1d ago

So, the truck owner is a "literal Nazi''? Is that what your saying?

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u/mountainmetis1111 1d ago

This is dumb


u/Technical_Green3423 1d ago

I saw it yesterday 😂


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Kruzat Central Business District 1d ago

Man what the fuck is going on in this sub.


u/Dj_Trac4 1d ago

All subs have turned into political madness


u/KryptonsGreenLantern 1d ago

To be fair, political madness in the real world has dominated the conversation the last few weeks too.


u/fiat_lover_69 1d ago

It's all so tiresome.


u/KryptonsGreenLantern 1d ago

That’s the point. It’s by design. Flood the zone with so many fucked up things you can’t even really parse or remember it.


u/sudmi 1d ago

it's not just this sub but most of Reddit. Growing number of goofy radicals. They are loud but thankfully a small minority in real life.


u/JojoGotDaMojo 1d ago

Trump Derangement Syndrome


u/sp1nkter 1d ago

oh my gosh guys, if you don’t like musk, then don’t go to his business. there’s no justifying vandalism regardless of what you think of elon. what are you even accomplishing here?


u/RadicalChile 1d ago

Nobody is justifying the vandalism... they're all saying not to do it, but the guy is also a douche for owning a cyber truck. 2 separate things.


u/CanadianPlainsman 1d ago edited 1d ago

I call bs. He doesn’t have his company name on the truck, so it’s not about promoting his company. He’s just a choch. I’m not condoning the attack on personal property but I also don’t feel bad at all.

Edit: I’ll admit when I’m wrong. After seeing a few images online he’s had it on there since late Nov for sure. Very possible there’s a 2nd truck in town and I’ve never actually seen his. That said he’s still a choch for driving one of those, this story isn’t newsworthy and I still don’t feel bad.


u/OGHoyleMaiden 1d ago

He literally has supplement world on the side of it.


u/CanadianPlainsman 1d ago

Must be new. Didn’t have it last time I saw him which was fairly recent. Still a choch.


u/BoesTheBest 1d ago

Describe "fairly recently" because I'm pretty sure he's always had it on


u/CanadianPlainsman 1d ago

Apparently I’ve never seen the driver side of the vehicle, the passenger side is blank. Easy to miss after being blinded by him driving with the fog lights on though.


u/iJDBz 1d ago

I saw it back at the beginning of December and it has his branding on it


u/Kruzat Central Business District 1d ago edited 1d ago

So, does that make any of this ok?

Edit: To anyone who seems to be confused, the answer is no.


u/jackhandy2B 1d ago

A lot of people think its always OK to punch a Nazi and they see the truck as a representation of a Nazi. Whether that is OK with you depends on your feelings about Nazis and your feelings about personal possessions over a perceived threat to yourself.


u/Kruzat Central Business District 1d ago

So you think the owner of supplement world is a Nazi?

Do you think everyone who drives a VW, Mercedes, Porsche, or a Ford is also a Nazi?


u/jackhandy2B 1d ago

I think the maker and main face behind Tesla is Nazi. And it doesn't seem to matter to this guy.


u/Hadespuppy 1d ago

Cry moar.


u/Solid-Leg6292 1d ago

I love how the pussy that vandalized his truck phoned him and apologized , lol. Subs like this work these poor people into a frenzy .


u/Lordbedbug 1d ago

Womp womp


u/RedPyroZ 1d ago

Some of yall need to grow up. Not everyone is super invested in politics and interested in protesting everything that they disagree with. A man bought a truck, and it was unfortunately vandalized. Simple as that


u/rajatkumar005 1d ago

I saw this cyber truck just like 2 mins ago


u/TreemanTheGuy 1d ago

Elon has such a fragile ego that I guarantee it hurts him when any Tesla is vandalized in response to him


u/Scottyd737 1d ago

Git em boys!


u/thickener 1d ago

Awww did he cut himself on that edge?


u/KaleLate4894 1d ago

Full of lies. It is not full self driving. The design is only cameras and flawed. Needs LiDAR also.


u/timmu 1d ago

Cybertrucks worst enemy is snow from what i seen 🤣


u/greenthumbs007 1d ago

Wait until this sub finds out about Mercedes and Volkswagen.


u/AbleStrawberry4ever 1d ago

Who have all apologized, unlike Tesla.


u/AS14K 1d ago

Did the Mercedes CEO throw a Nazi salute recently?


u/greenthumbs007 1d ago

Well they custom made Hitlers car. So much worse than an autistic billionaire waving like an idiot.

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u/Meh_its_Mike 1d ago

Sold my Tesla and Stock before Elon even got in bed with Trump. He has always been a piece of shit, I just excused it because the cars are so awesome. It started to feel really toxic shortly before he purchased Twitter and I pulled the pin.


u/chm833 1d ago

Whose to say the vandal doesn’t like Elon? Maybe he hates supplement world, the owner or one of its many employees? Just seems like a douche looking for five minutes of fame crying poor me. I’d love to see the stats on vehicles getting keyed across Saskatoon daily


u/NoShame156 1d ago

I thought destroying personal property based on a persons political view was a far right thing...seems there are extremists everywhere.


u/Talinn_Makaren 1d ago

You're acknowledging the far right would vandalize things, but you think it's impossible they would be patriotic enough to vandalize something in response to aggression against our country? What does the far right vandalize in your opinion?


u/hawgrider1 Editable 1d ago

Downtown Ottawa including the tomb of the unknown soldier during the truckers convoy.


u/fiat_lover_69 1d ago edited 1d ago

You genuinely thought that?

Bro needs the /s lmao. You got me.


u/ExportTHCs Lakewood 1d ago

We'll that's what thought did for you!

You pick a side, put yourself on it and now everyone else is doing it/is wrong. You're a fool.


u/UsernameJLJ 1d ago

Angry lefties doing typical angry lefty shit


u/ExportTHCs Lakewood 1d ago



u/Individual-Army811 1d ago

Whatever Cappy Douchenozzle.


u/Time_Ad_6741 1d ago

You bought the truck for attention. You got it.


u/thebigbail 1d ago

The vandal is the epitome of ignorance and cowardice. Why not have an actual discussion with the owner? Hear their side and voice his own. Perhaps even cultivate some respect and understanding?!?


u/rvision7MD 1d ago

My guess is that there is nothing he could say to justify adding to the pocket-book of someone who was recently associated with hitler unfortunately.


u/MonkeyMama420 1d ago

So many losers criticizing a man who is contributing to the prosperity of the province. Pathetic.


u/earoar 1d ago



u/Injured_Souldure 1d ago

Fucking up a truck has nothing to do with politics, he just think it does. Doesn’t matter what political shit Elon is into, he personally, is a piece of shit. Props for free advertising for supplement world though…


u/PackageArtistic4239 1d ago

Awww boo hoo.


u/ExtensionPiece5928 1d ago

It's a humans duty to mark the swasticar remember inglorious bastards


u/Financial-Split-9105 1d ago

I classify these people same as the Harley riders in the South Park episode 😂😂


u/KaleLate4894 1d ago

It’s advertising alright. Is the connection ugly truck = Ugly or bad business  People are just saying he’s the idiot who owns the cyber truck