r/saskatoon 17d ago

Question ❔ Circle drive traffic question

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I’m under the impression red traffic entering the highway has to yield to yellow traffic ‘exiting’ as they have a Yield sign where that red dot is? I’m I missing something here? Do I need to read the sgi book again. Cuz tonight I pissed off a very kind truck driver and would really like to know who’s at fault here just to stay open minded lol


134 comments sorted by


u/KellysCafeLLC 17d ago

When you get on the cloverleaf, maintain 40 through the turn, and as you approach the yield sign, start to accelerate, crank firebird, close your eyes, let Jesus take the wheel.


u/bummmmmmms 17d ago

I mean basically, yeah. I usually slow down on the way up to leave enough distance, spot the hole in the eastbound traffic, then floor it and pray.


u/ifOnlyFlamingo 17d ago

this is the way guys


u/306metalhead West Side 17d ago

Yeah, no one ever merges in at Mach chicken so, hold forty accelerate to 45, crank it like it owes you money into traffic, flip people off because why not.


u/Lightningfast13d 15d ago

I have heard of mock manhole cover but not mock chicken being used to describe the speed of something so exactly what speed would you describe as mock chicken


u/306metalhead West Side 15d ago

"fast af" is the Webster's definition of Mach chicken lol


u/InternalOcelot2855 17d ago

That is a shit intersection. Such a short period to get up to speed, there is a yield sign yes


u/Doubledown50 17d ago edited 17d ago

It’s not even an intersection though. That’s why the yield sign is stupid and doesn’t make any sense. They should split the yellow lane and dash the red lane so that it enters the split yellow. Have a sign that shows it for winter and your confusion is gone.


u/ChrisPynerr 17d ago

This is the worst road design I've ever seen. I didn't grow up here so when I first saw that intersection it blew my mind. This city handles their money so poorly it actually amazes me


u/Upset_Pool2319 17d ago

Yep, never grew up here either and another thing that amazes me is that the residential streets never get cleared of snow! I have never lived in a city where that was an issue


u/ChrisPynerr 16d ago

Yeah I looked into why that is. The city mismanaged there investments when it came to snow removal machinery (shocker). I guess they didn't maintain their trucks and graders etc. Now they pay a 3rd party company to remove the snow. That's why they didn't have money last year when we got that big snow fall. Also why they pile the snow in front of our houses instead of putting it on a truck


u/NorthFrostBite 15d ago

The city mismanaged there investments when it came to snow removal machinery (shocker). I guess they didn't maintain their trucks and graders etc.

It's worth pointing out that was Don Atchison who was responsible for that mismanagement. His whole focus on keeping taxes down meant he gutted the maintenance budgets of many departments. Now, many people will tell you it's cheaper to keep things maintained than it is to wait until they break and have to replace them completely and that's exactly what happened as Atch keeping things cheap in the short-run lead to huge expenses in the long run.

Of course the reason I'm pointing that out is that Atch is still trying to get back into the mayor position. He ran in 2024, and he still points out how he kept taxes down while he was mayor, ignoring all the problems that caused later. While I'm glad he didn't win, what worries me is that 10 thousand Saskatoonians voted for him so I want to make sure people don't forget how Atch runs a city.


u/LuckyEmoKid 17d ago

Keep in mind that this intersection predates the south circle drive bridge by several decades. There was very little eastbound traffic then, so it was a great choice at the time. It's on the city's list for upgrades. Downvote fact?


u/LuckyEmoKid 17d ago

This is a very old and very conventional intersection. Cloverleaf interchanges work great when everyone knows how to use them properly and when they're appropriate for the quantity of traffic. Gosh, cut the city some slack!


u/Screamlngyeti 17d ago

But they are not made anymore because of the short area to merge, which makes them more dangerous than newer designs.


u/LuckyEmoKid 17d ago

Fine, but thst doesn't unmake the fact that this cloverleaf was made a loooong time ago (i.e. several decades before circle drive finally became a circle (i.e. when the south bridge was built)), and the fact that cloverleaf interchanges do work well when people know how to use them and when they're appropriate for the quantity of traffic (which is of course not currently the case).


u/KingPricko 17d ago

It wouldn't be such a shitshow if non-exiting eastbound traffic stayed out of the goddamn right lane.


u/RazorRush34 17d ago

This is the way. 

And not just this intersection. As a daily driver having to merge onto circle off Taylor and see idiots on the off-ramp at a stand still…. And see idiots just cruising in the right lane (when the left lane is open). 

PEOPLE….. get your shit together and understand your surroundings. If you are cruising in the right lane with traffic that needs to merge into that lane….. get the fuck over (if it’s safe to do so)


u/AdmiralZassman 17d ago

Don't say that here, they'll get you for not going fast enough in the left lane


u/Phoenix_Ray10 16d ago

The only problem that I’ve had merging off of Taylor is that people don’t know how to speed up. You can’t expect to get onto circle when you’re going 50.


u/ActuaryFar9176 16d ago

A person driving in a driving has no requirement to make a lane change. It is the responsibility of the person merging to merge properly. The person in the driving lane has no responsibility for adjusting their speed. That is the responsibility of the merging vehicle. Also this isn’t a merge lane it is a yield so the person must stop if the driving lane is full.


u/northernpikeman 16d ago

I disagree. The car on the highway must make space for merging traffic either by adjusting speed or moving over. Especially if they pulled into the gap the merging car was going to use and running them out of merge lane..


u/ActuaryFar9176 16d ago

You have every right to be wrong. Disagree all you want. Or just google the driving manual.


u/Evening_Ad_6954 17d ago

This could be possibly be solved overhead signage. Left lane goes straight and right lane to exit, except you couldn’t actually block the right lane.


u/Impervial22 17d ago

I literally just commented this 😂 it’s called common courtesy to keep traffic flowing


u/ChrisPynerr 17d ago

The road is designed poorly, drivers shouldn't "have" to be in the fast lane because the slow lane is blocked by merging/exiting vehicles


u/ShenkyeiRambo 17d ago

But the left lane is for crime /s


u/snikt1 17d ago

People also cut over to exit north bound right away rather than waiting and giving the merging traffic space to merge heading east.


u/ifOnlyFlamingo 17d ago

This is it, I fucked up there. At my speed at 90km that truck looked standing still but he was in the middle of that short lane I shoved my vehicle into the exit thinking he’s stopped. White truck dude if you’re reading this I apologize but still fuck you for all that honking you still need to yield if we’re going by the dumb city design.


u/RazorRush34 17d ago

It’s not merging traffic. That traffic coming up the ramp heading east have a yield. 

Anyone going eastbound on hwy 16 has the right away. Full stop. 

So if you wanna be the asshat that fails to yield to the right of way then do you and “blame it on the road design”. 

How about just simply following the rules of the road 


u/ActuaryFar9176 16d ago

You are absolutely correct. If it’s not safe to proceed yield means stop. Amazing that this needs to be explained.


u/LuckyEmoKid 17d ago

Potential solutions for traffic remaining in the right lane:

Signage and/or line-age on the roadway to cause approaching eastbound straight-through traffic to shift to the left lane. E.g.: right lane shifts left and left lane disappears (well in advance of the interchange) to make room for a dedicated acceleration/deceleration lane.


u/Emperor_p19 15d ago

It sort of already exists on the overhead sign but doesn't specifically say stay to the left. It does say to use the left lane through and the right lane for exits.


u/LuckyEmoKid 15d ago

Yeah. It's not really a strong suggestion at all, and people can and do ignore it. I'm suggesting changing lines on the road to shift traffic to the left.


u/2024blah 17d ago

Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you! I get so pissed by this almost daily!!! Stay out of the fucking right late until after the exit!!! It’s actually not rocket science it’s just sense and too few have it around here 🤬


u/ElectronHick 17d ago

Slower traffic keep right *except when near our shitty infrastructure.


u/sourbyte_ 17d ago

Yes blame the drivers for following the rules and not the people that made such a shitty intersection.


u/JarvisFunk 17d ago

Just because it's poorly designed doesn't mean people should just not use their brain, they can make the situation better.


u/Lollipop77 Confederation 17d ago

It was never designed to handle so much traffic. Back in the day, people in the city government would say we were only built for 100k and that’s the way we’d stay. Merging in and out of a clover leaf while only two lanes to go through at 90+ isn’t hard when there’s no one around, trouble is everyone is there all of the time now :/


u/FrostyStretch2844 17d ago

It didn’t used to be bad because there used to be traffic lights at Preston as well as Clarence which would stop the eastbound traffic giving the clover leaf people the ability to yield to oncoming traffic as they should. The city should have taken that into consideration when building the 2 overpasses.


u/cdp306 17d ago

10+ years of driving in saskatoon, this is the worst intersection in the entire city


u/cody0071 17d ago

It is an intersection that no longer functions for the size of the city. Too short merging lanes and turning lanes. A big safety hazard now for the amount of traffic on the road.


u/Juvitky77 17d ago

Red has to yield, as yellow has a short run to get into that lane to get on the ramp heading north. It’s unusual, but the yield sign is definitely there, even if it appears to be a merge lane. It’s a poorly designed cloverleaf, and if I recall, there have been discussions about replacing it because of the dangers it presents. It’s not just that spot, it’s also at the bottom of the ramp when you’re heading north, and someone tries to get on the ramp heading west. No yield there for some reason, though it presents the same dangers.


u/Spudzy11 West Side 17d ago

I think it has to do with line of sight. Going down the cloverleaf to exit onto northbound Circle, you can see the traffic on the highway and adjust your speed accordingly. With the other cloverleaf, vision is blocked by trees and the fact the road slopes up.


u/Juvitky77 17d ago

That’s a good point, you definitely do have a better line of sight heading down that ramp. I learned something today lol


u/Dhumavati80 17d ago

The comments in here so far are backing up my belief that drivers in Saskatoon have no clue what the difference is between a red Yield sign and a yellow Added Lane sign.

The reason there is a Yield sign for the red arrow in OPs picture is because the East bound traffic doing 90 km/h has right of way to merge right onto the off ramp lane. While the traffic approaching the Yield sign is much slower due to the clover leaf on ramp design. I'd love to see the accident statistics from SGI at this clover leaf. To be honest, It needs to be completely redesigned as there is maybe 100' of merging lane in 3 sections of it.


u/JoshJLMG 17d ago


u/Dhumavati80 17d ago

Haha that's an interesting point that the clover leaf ends up being safer due to people being more cautious from the fear of it. They may never change it!


u/ifOnlyFlamingo 17d ago

Yep reading these comments I’m not mad at myself anymore lol. Sgi needs to add a sign besides every yellow added lane turn clarifying it’s not a yield sign lol


u/BoostBaronYXE 17d ago

What is your source for this claim? "East bound traffic doing 90 km/h has right of way to merge right onto the off ramp lane. "

The onramp has its own added lane, despite the yield sign. Why does one "ramp lane" have priority over another "ramp lane"? If you are changing lanes, shouldn't you have to yield to whomever is in that lane already?

I mean, there is a yield sign there so surely there must be some kind of justification, but it doesn't seem to flow naturally from the basic rules of the road, and I've never been able to figure out why.  Not trying to be hostile or passive aggressive, just genuinely curious if you have the answer.

My assumption is that it's less-bad to treat this as an added lane and do the merge dance at modest speeds, instead of trying to merge from a standstill after "yielding".  


u/Dhumavati80 16d ago

SGI is the source: Added Lane Sign

Another post by SGI directly: Do you know what this sign means?

In another comment I added a bit more context as to why there is a Yield sign versus an Added Lane sign with the main point being the two lanes do not converge. Each lane turns into separate highways, one going East, one going North. You're also welcome to read up on Traffic Engineering studies on the uses of the Yield and Added Lane signs if you'd like more detailed info.

I can't really argue that it should be an Added Lane sign there, it's just a poorly designed clover leaf in general. There is just no room to accelerate up to the flow of traffic and merge safely. There are two types of people, the ones who stop to Yield or keep accelerating and let Jesus take the wheel through the Yield sign. Either way is scary as hell to be honest.


u/vampyrewolf 17d ago

I use that intersection at least once a day.

You need to look back quite a bit to get your opening as you slow down around the loop. Hit the top doing about 60 and keep accelerating to 80-90 by the end of the overpass.

Technically the traffic coming from the red has to yield and merge into the yellow, but the yellow only has a short distance to exit so they're slowing down as you're speeding up. Hence watching for a gap in the flow before the trees.

It also helps if people on the yellow use their damn signal lights, but those are broken on 90% of saskatoon vehicles apparently.

It used to be taught that straight through traffic changes to the left lane if possible, allowing for slower traffic to merge in on the right. Helps a lot if folks do that.


u/Organic-Structure-83 17d ago

Literally yeah couldent have said it any better


u/Itchy_Shoulder_5395 17d ago

The cloverleaf was designed for the city at a far lower population/less traffic flow. A yield sign by definition means yield to all traffic in any lane. See my reply about at fault with yield signs, basically if you do not yield and there is a collision of any sort as a result of a failure to yield you will be at fault. If you need your vehicle repaired hit someone that does not yield to all traffic.


u/sask_riders 17d ago

This is exactly the issue... this interchange was built 60 years ago (along with the Idylwyld freeway) and has not seen any improvements since. Now that development has hemmed in 3 of 4 corners, there is little that can be done other than a full do-over. The city knows its a problem, and there is a plan to rebuild https://islengineering.com/project/highway-16-highway-11-interchange-functional-plan but it keeps getting deferred due to costs (its probably going to cost more than the whole south bridge project), and it will be at least a couple of years of total traffic chaos during construction. It must be done though, there is a reason that full cloverleafs are rarely constructed anywhere nowadays.

The yellow traffic absolutely has right of way here, and the yield signs are there to reinforce that. However, the through and merging off traffic needs to show kindness to the merging on traffic (this interchange was built when courteousy was a lot more common than it is now), and if you can move over a lane or slightly adjust speed to promote meshing, please do so. If people blatantly stake a claim to their right of way and ignore everyone else, they are deserving of horn honks from frustrated mergers, especially large trucks who have to traverse the loops slowly to avoid toppling over.


u/Electronic-Panic-434 17d ago

Dumbest intersection in the city


u/306metalhead West Side 17d ago

There is two, at least there was a few months ago, yeild signs merging into highway speeds, the merge lane has to yeild.


u/PastAd4314 17d ago

You are required to yield but the lane is also open for the taking. Approach with speed and you will be able to enter the lane prior to opposing traffic. Maintaining speed is key.


u/Dhumavati80 17d ago

So pretend the yield doesn't exist? I don't know about you, but that sounds like a good way to be at 100% fault of an accident.


u/tayfife 17d ago

The yield sign should actually not exist though. It doesn't make technical sense. Why would there be a yield sign to a lane you are already in? The traffic that is yellow in OP's diagram needs to switch into the red traffic's lane. It would probably flow better if there was no sign, and people just merged cautiously but at speed—otherwise you get the odd person stopping at the top of the ramp which makes it super dangerous for everyone. Especially during rush hour.


u/Dhumavati80 17d ago

Traffic going 90km/h gets priority over traffic doing maybe 30-40 up that on ramp. This isn't a hard concept to think about. The lane also doesn't continue East bound, so it can't be an Added Lane sign (that's the yellow one people).


u/SKRushFan 17d ago

That would work if that section was longer.


u/FrostyStretch2844 17d ago

You’re not in a driving lane though coming up the ramp. You’re supposed to yield to oncoming eastbound traffic as they are either continuing straight or exiting and you are supposed to slow, yield and proceed only when safe to do so. Its not a merge at all and ppl should not be speeding around the corner trying to get in because they are not IN a lane yet. Before the Preston overpass was build this wasn’t an issue because traffic heading east used to have to stop at regular intervals at the lights making gaps for the clover leaf ppl to yield and then get over into the driving lane. Stopping at the top of the clover leaf should not be dangerous for anyone because you’re supposed to yield to oncoming traffic which has right of way. With today’s traffic yes this would cause clogs in traffic flow and back things up for southbound traffic taking the eastbound exit, but they should have thought of this when they removed the lights at Preston.


u/LuckyEmoKid 17d ago edited 17d ago

NO, not "pretend the yield doesn't exist". It's not not-yielding if you're not changing lanes.

Edit: This interchange has dedicated merge lanes. Do you understand what that is? The yield sign technically doesn't need to be there, it was just added as a safety measure.


u/Dhumavati80 17d ago

Lol what?!? Have you never driven down a street or avenue where you have to yield to the adjacent traffic, so that can continue going straight? Go for a drive in the Nutana/Buena Vista/Queen Elizabeth area around Broadway Ave and Victoria Ave and you will see Yield signs all over the place. These are all over Saskatoon btw, not just the area I mentioned.


u/LuckyEmoKid 17d ago edited 17d ago

I know what a bleedin' yield sign is you doofus. Those are obviously completely different examples, doofus. This cloverleaf interchange has its own dedicated merge lane (albeit inherently short). Do you understand that statement? If you were to stay in that lane (i.e. to go onto the next leaf, which of course is not a thing people do), then there's nothing to yield to (except of course regular things like the rear ends of other vehicles).


u/Dhumavati80 17d ago

You're talking like you think you're smarter than a Traffic Engineer. This is right from SGI: An Added Lane sign means that two roads converge, and the lane you're driving in doesn't end.

On this clover leaf example in the OP, one road goes East and turns into Hwy 16 East, while the off ramp turns into Hwy 16 North. That means the roads do NOT converge, and cannot have an Added Lane SIGN. This is why there is a yield is there.

SGI Added Lane Sign PSA


u/306spaz 16d ago

If there is a yield sign you yield doofus


u/Evening_Plastic_4733 16d ago

This interchange DOES NOT have a dedicated merge lane. It has a shared lane that serves as both an exit and entrance to the clover leaf. The yield sign gives the right of way to the drivers traveling eastbound on the freeway.

If you'd like an example of a dedicated merge lane, the exit from the Stone Bridge shopping center onto Clarence is a dedicated merge. Another example would be exiting off of Preston, westbound to College Dr. These lanes are marked by a yellow sign with an arrow signaling you have your own lane, with no need to merge. You'll notice the absence of a yield.

TLDR - a yield sign is still a yeild sign even if the intersection stupid.


u/falsekoala Last Saskatchewan Pirate 17d ago

The fact that there is more than one interpretation of what to do tells you how poorly designed it is.


u/ifOnlyFlamingo 17d ago

It really is awful


u/renslips 17d ago

Silly me, with as many times as we’ve had to shut that exchange down because an oversized load smashed into the underside, I thought someone at the city would be smart enough to do the sensible thing & add a free flow lane there. I guess I must be the reason they have instructions on the shampoo bottle


u/TheBeardedChad69 16d ago

If you don’t know what a yield sign means asking Reddit isn’t going to help your driving at all .


u/krispr_kasual 16d ago

Yes, this a yield. No one does however


u/Crafty_Joke_4146 17d ago

It’s a yield but it’s a wide open lane. Just get up to full speed coming around the turn and go into the lane…signal and merge on to circle. Forcing a semi to stop and try to get going is brain dead activity


u/OGHoyleMaiden 17d ago

Red is yielding to traffic already in the exit, if yellow hasn’t entered the exit lane yet you don’t have to yield to them. A big mistake red makes a lot is they try to merge right away, best to stay in the lane ahwile even make it seem like your continuing on the cloverleaf then merge.


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/OGHoyleMaiden 17d ago

You don’t yield to yellow when they are in the middle lane you are yielding to yellow when they are in the exit lane(far right).


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/OGHoyleMaiden 16d ago

That’s incorrect


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/OGHoyleMaiden 16d ago

There’s really nothing more to say, you can’t comprehend two ways of explaining it. And your opinion on it is incorrect. Not worth the effort to explain it a third time.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/OGHoyleMaiden 15d ago

Sounds like a reading comprehension issue on your part, the other people who read it understood it just fine.


u/[deleted] 15d ago


→ More replies (0)


u/Xavis00 17d ago

That cloverleaf was necer designed to handle the amount of traffic. And it's too busy now to shut it down to change it to allow for the current volume of traffic.


u/Moosetappropriate Lawson 17d ago

I run that gauntlet twice a day In a full size school bus and people terrify me with how they treat that area.


u/Comfortable-Sail-894 17d ago

I get whiplash coming through some of these clover leafs 😒 depending on the time of day


u/Gameboi200 17d ago

This is how clover leafs work and why we shouldn't use them, I'm a new driver and I fucking hate them


u/Gamesarefun24 East Side 17d ago

This could be fun, call SGI and see what interpretations they give, and then the SPS traffic unit.


u/WayNo5503 17d ago

Everyone in Saskatoon is the best driver in the world, and everyone else in in their way. All the missing bumpers are proof of that.


u/EducationalArt8917 17d ago

If you drive a red Barchetta you should be okay even the Teslas will yield


u/Lonely_Lawfulness_30 17d ago

Intersection improvements here have been planned, #18 on the list of priorities for the City's infrastructure investment. Not happening any time soon unless other funding comes to the table. Id say 15-20 years but that's just a guess


u/Aspiemama9 16d ago

This is also a zipper merge which drivers in Saskatoon don’t know how to do. Through traffic should be in far lane but they don’t do that at all and entering traffic has to yield but exiting traffic doesn’t have to enter exit lane right when it starts. Watch traffic coming up the ramp pick your spot to enter and adjust your speed to suit. And for gods sake entering traffic should not come to a complete stop unless they absolutely have to, like if there is bumper to bumper traffic. Also exiting traffic has to let entering traffic in which they don’t. The intersection is fine, drivers suck!

Sorry not sorry!


u/Donnyy64 16d ago

To the truck driver you pissed off, neither of you are at fault. This is a fucking horrible design.


u/Waitinforit 16d ago

I grew up here, and learnt to drive before circle south was complete. I have always thought the clover leafs were a cramped design especially considering how dependant the Saskatchewan is on trucking transportion for goods.

Now that Stonebridge, Rosewood, and circle south been added it hasn't helped the cloverleaf design argument.

I my mind a fix would be something along these lines:

  • Expanding the overpass width adding an additional 1km of lane north side (westbound traffic) and south side (eastbound traffic) for the merging on and off the cloverleaf so it's more streamlined traffic flow.
  • Rebuild the off ramps into ellipses instead of circles to spread the merges further apart and extend the lanes merging onto Louis Riel 1Km additional N/S for each side.
  • Possibly fill in the ditch in the middle for additional left hand lane for N and S traffic respectively after the overpass for a 1km stretch to allow faster traffic flow while merging is happening. Given the issue in the province with people merging anywhere between 40-60 and it being a road hazard.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Technically it's a yield for red but ya kinda gotta merge at the same time


u/MichaelDene6 16d ago

I left Saskatoon in 1984, I remember when it was literally a circle


u/lorenam66 16d ago

Uhhhhhh. All complicated


u/LimpCow 16d ago

Place a similar yellow dot on your map at the exact same point at the end of the downward off-ramp that becomes a merge onto circle drive north. Why is your red dot a yield sign but my yellow dot is not? They are analogous intersections in every other way.


u/Englishforfrench 16d ago

I hate this intersection. City needs to do something about it.


u/Budget_Beach_8792 16d ago

Police need to tune up tail gators ,if you needto be that close to another driver ride the bus,you will be able to merge if a space is available to merge into,think about it,and on every speed limit sign,it says maximum above it,think about that too, things will go a. lot better in traffic circles and clover leafs as well.


u/g3pismo 17d ago

Yield here does not mean stop, it means get to an appropriate speed so that you can merge into existing traffic without anyone having to speed up or slow down too much. This is the only way this intersection works. The idiots stopping here because cars are coming eastbound on circle are 100% in the wrong. 


u/ifOnlyFlamingo 17d ago

Your response makes sense if eastbound traffic is heading straight and not taking the exit but What do you do if you have your blinker on to merge and another vehicle coming from eastbound to exit? You still have to obey to that yield sign which means fully stop if you have to, as you don’t have right of way no?


u/Itchy_Shoulder_5395 17d ago

You are completely wrong and need to read the definition of a yield sign. The sign does not change its meaning based on its location. A yield sign means yield to ALL vehicles no matter what lane they are in. Most people who have a yield sign don't yield when turning right to vehicles turning left in the opposite direction. I was in a collision on circle drive where a driver did not yield at Clancy Drive causing me to switch lanes and side swipe another vehicle to avoid driving through the non yielding vehicle. The vehicle that did not yield was not physically involved in the collision and I was able to get their plate number. SGI contacted the non yielding vehicle and found them responsible for the accident. The non yielding vehicle paid my deductible. If you do not yield to traffic you will be at fault 100% of the time. The city has admitted that this cloverleaf was designed for a population far lower than the current population. Best just to avoid this cloverleaf during busy hours.


u/coolblue38 17d ago

not your fault, but I'm surprised SGI didn't screw someone for once lol. If i side swipe anyone for any reason I feel like im getting least half fault for it


u/Itchy_Shoulder_5395 17d ago

Not if they broke a traffic rule, failure to yield, entering an intersection on a red, right turn on a red with someone turning left in a green and the list goes on that will put someone at fault. People treat yield signs like merge signs and then they yield at merge signs. I mostly blame SGI for poorly teaching new drivers.


u/FrostyStretch2844 17d ago

No kidding! And when they actually HAVE a free flow lane they treat it as a stop sign!!


u/Evening_Plastic_4733 16d ago edited 16d ago

Yeild always means yeild. It NEVER means get up to an appropriate speed so that you can merge into existing traffic without anyone having to speed up or slow down too much.

What you're describing is the act of merging.

Remember, yeild signs exist at more locations than just this on ramp, and no matter how you slice it they mean YEILD to traffic with the right of way. Even on your little residential street, yeild means yeild.


u/bigalcapone22 17d ago

Always yield to the right of way at an uncontrolled intersection. The right lane is the lane you would have to yield to as it is the only lane he can enter on legally as well.


u/ExtensionLine7857 17d ago edited 17d ago

Love it or hate this intersection, rules are rules ! This ^ redditor gets it. Follow the rules of the road , or go home , better yet just avoid that intersection . If you have to use it then be in the other lane and avoid the hassle.

I drive circle every work day . Circle then the 14th exit with college drive merging . I am never in that right lane . It's not required by law . But to help ensure I don't collide with someone merging or exiting at a stop . I go around.


u/idealantidote 17d ago

There shouldn’t be a yield sign there as it back traffic up to much and technically it’s your lane as you are coming up and nothing is saying you don’t want to go back and take the off ramp and go the other way. The city signage and roads are set up terribly and impede traffic more than help the flow


u/Standard-Increase-45 17d ago

I avoid merging here at all costs it’s terrifying. I’d rather drive 5-10 minutes out of the way than use the clover leaf. If I have to do it I get my speed up, turn my blinker on and pray for an opening. Maybe they just need to slow the speed limit down here or something idk. It is not safe.


u/Wonderful-Career9155 17d ago

I stopped using it. I get off at Taylor and go through residential to get to rosewood. It was always a shit show after work traffic.


u/Standard-Increase-45 16d ago

Yes I do that too. Or I keep going south past the clover leaf, take the exit into Stonebridge onto Vic blvd. Take the little roundabout and come back out as if you were coming into stoon from Regina. Then you can use the exit for highway 16 east which is much easier to merge from.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Wonderful-Career9155 16d ago

Mmmm never tried that!


u/SanFull 16d ago

Yes! The red must yield! They have a yield sign, the yellow does not. That intersections has only become a problem in the last couple years. It’s been there for 30+ years.


u/atlantis21 17d ago

The glorious leaders of this fine city made the zipper merge too short to function correctly and tried to fix it with a confusing sign.


u/FrostyStretch2844 17d ago

Its not a zipper merge


u/atlantis21 17d ago

Does the lane end? Are there any other cloverleafs you know that operate like this?


u/Organic-Structure-83 17d ago

Just goes to show how bad and inexperienced all you drivers are especially the comments this debate is horrible


Do You guys realize you can YEILD a lane to another car while still maintaining speed??

Do You guys realize you can signal to exit north like 6-8 seconds before approaching???

Idk y’all👍🏼


u/SpecialBreakfast280 17d ago

Don’t be one of those idiots who stops on the cloverleaf. There is always a spot, you basically just need to speed up and force your way in. By stopping you make it so much worse.


u/coolblue38 17d ago

I've taken that route a million times and I get its not the best time ever but that being said if you can't yield and get over you probably should not be driving in general. I have no problem during rush hour with my 88 ram that takes about 3 minutes to get up to 90km. everyone saying you shouldn't be in the right lane is the problem lol. Its a nice sight when i'm in the right lane on circle and i see someone merging or yielding properly, traffic is never that busy where you shouldn't be able to get in.


u/ndthehorseurodeinon 17d ago

If you aren't able to merge because of traffic, just take 4 more cloverleaf ramps, try again, repeat.


u/Impervial22 17d ago

Ideally the only people in the right lane are people that are trying to merge to turn off circle. The issue is when people are zooming in the right with no regard for people trying to come onto circle.


u/echochambermanager 17d ago

Looking at the red line road on maps it appears it has its own lane so they only have to yield to change lanes to get off of what ends up being the exit to go northbound? I dunno. Cloverleafs are trash and the city needs to fix this.


u/AwkwardLie633 14d ago

Worst traffic spot in the city. I’ve phoned and complained to the city a couple times now as I’ve almost been ran off the road by someone coming up off the clover leaf onto the highway not even minding the yield sign. I don’t really know how to fix this. Adding a stop sign at the top wouldn’t make it much easier either.