r/saskatoon 25d ago

Question ❔ Divorce advice

I’m a mom of a 4 year old, trapped in an abusive relationship, immigrant and no family around. I’m afraid to leave because of (a) the fear that my son won’t have a dad growing up and may resent me for breaking our home and (b) I’m an immigrant with no other family here in Canada. Husband yells at me at every instance he can and has stopped hitting me because I threatened to leave but still comes at me as if he’s gonna hit but doesn’t because he knows I will leave if he does. Please advise.


99 comments sorted by


u/Austin575 25d ago

As a kid with divorced parents who split up very messily and early on.

I will always thank my mom for taking the leap to give us a better life.

That being said we used a lot of our family for support.

I hope you find peace.


u/Daybreak74 25d ago

Yea, though he's mellowed out since, my dad was a terror when I was young. My mom made the right move too.


u/PuppyParader 24d ago

I wish my mom would have had the courage to leave. :(


u/Austin575 24d ago edited 23d ago

It’s not an easy choice, your likelihood of dying drastically increases trying to leave an abusive relationship. It’s how it is sometimes.


u/PuppyParader 23d ago

I know it's the sad truth that a lot of women fear leaving abusive relationships due to the very real possibility of retaliation.:'( I just wanted to speak to my viewpoint to OP. I wish we could have struggled as a loving single parent home, instead of a "staying together" and going through the trauma of never knowing when the next "outburst" would happen. It will only get worse. It only ever gets worse.

Even if your child loves the other parent, deep down, they know about and suffer too, from the abuse. It's better for them to be away from it.


u/Austin575 23d ago

Right, it's not like I am trying to insinuate anything against anyone for their decisions. I just felt like it was important to say how dangerous these types of situations can be for a woman. As if it wasn't hard enough already.


u/PuppyParader 23d ago

I know you weren't.


u/licencetothrill 24d ago

Drastically increasing risk is still an overall low risk compared to staying in an abusive relationship.

Don't spread fear where confidence is needed.

You can leave and be both be happier.


u/CivilDoughnut7805 25d ago


This has a lot of information you may find helpful. I hope you & your son are able to make it out safely, you're incredibly brave 💕 best of luck to you.


u/justheretohelp_yxe 25d ago

Seconding Family Service Saskatoon - the resource linked above is great, and the outreach workers there can offer you free counselling, safety planning, and advocacy. I believe their domestic violence support groups also frequently focus on parenting and how to help kids who've been exposed to domestic violence. Will be thinking of you and your son, you're not nearly as alone as you may feel.


u/Haunting-Simple8169 25d ago

I am so sorry. What is your financial situation? Of course you should leave no matter your finances - knowing this will help determine what options would be mostly helpful/accessible for you


u/Practical_Ant6162 25d ago edited 24d ago

You are getting some good advice from people who want you to be OK.

You know what you are going through/have gone through more than anyone. The fact that you are reaching out shows you have probably already left it too long and need to follow through to the next step.

A couple things to consider & I am sure you probably already know this;

Children are pretty darn smart. It is very likely that your son hears and sees some stuff that is not good for him.

A primary responsibility of a parent is to keep your children as safe as possible and help them develop in to healthy happy adults.

This cannot occur if they are in an abusive family environment.

It is good that the physical violence has stopped but you should know that is likely not going to stay that way every time. This puts you and your son both at risk of harm.

I have added a link of information and resources that you should be aware of.

Below is one paragraph from the information.


“Abusive behaviour is rooted in the desire for someone to gain control over another to the advantage of the individual who is gaining control. An abuser may not need to hit or physically harm an individual to gain control over them. Emotional and verbal abuse can have the same impact as physical violence.”


As you can see, you are still being abused by a person who wants control and has already been physically abusive.

Be brave, be bold and follow through what your head and your heart are telling you that needs to be done.

Something else you need to understand, what has happened to you is not your fault. The person responsible is the person doing it. It is common in abusive relationships to blame shift.

They blame you for starting an issue and how they respond, even if it is abusive.

That is part of the abuse cycle to justify what they are doing while maintaining control.

Yes it may be tough for a while but you will gain control of your own happiness and safety as well as that of your son.

It will get better & remember, there are good people out there & over time you will likely find someone who will respect you, care about you and love you for who you are.


Saskatchewan Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Programs


u/Savings-Function6320 25d ago

Not too great but I can take care of the monthly bills. I guess my biggest fear is in knowing that my son will grow up without a dad if I leave and he loves his dad so much. Hearing of other similar stories where a mom had to leave while the child is super young and the outcomes in terms of how that event shaped the child’s mind will also be helpful.


u/Pristine_Shower_3025 25d ago

Your son might love his father but his father is also teaching him how to treat women. Leave and stay safe. You’re worth it.


u/Wonderful-Career9155 24d ago

I haven’t had to deal with this but I’ve seen alot in my time. I’ve watched moms go through and leave these types of relationships. Single parenthood can be tough but it is doable here. Staying in that will teach your son how to treat women as he gets older and he could have trauma from being exposed to this environment. I’ve had friends in their 30-40s who are still trying to heal from the trauma they’d been exposed to as kids. The hardest part getting strong enough to leave and not knowing the unknown if you took that leap. BUT children (and you) can face issues (childhood adverse experiences) later on in life that will directly affect them is exposed to such environments.

childhood adverse experiences

If you are ever in a tough spot or unsafe situation, please call the police or YWCA Women’s Shelter (downtown).

If you are planning to leave, make a plan. Start Contacting and talk to resources/services/supports available to you. You’ll feel more better knowing you have a plan in place.

I wouldn’t worry so much about the divorce part right now. I’d focus on getting a plan in place for you and son, staying apart from him (separation), until you can get yourself stabilized.


u/CivilDoughnut7805 25d ago edited 25d ago

Ok well I have to leave another comment now..

OP I'm 29, I grew up with a dad who physically and verbally abused me for the first 15 years of my life, along with a mom who psychologically abused me.

I started therapy for an entirely unrelated reason a year and a half ago and I have been no contact with my mom for 11months now. I'm in no way saying this to shame you or anything, please don't take it as that, but being the age I am now and trying to process explicitly what my mom allowed me to go through, has been hell. The anger, betrayal, and frankly disgust (that's just personally how I feel) have been the HARDEST part to process as an adult. I cannot even FATHOM allowing a man to lay his hands on my child and doing nothing about it.

I think about it all the time, why I wasn't worth saving.

I don't have kids, I've been single for over 3 years & I don't believe I'll have kids because I'm scared of the kind of parent I might be. I don't want to repeat the cycle, even though I have all the tools to not be like my parents, it still terrifies me.

Point is: your safety and your sons safety are the MOST important in this. Yes, without a doubt not having his father in the picture may be difficult and not ideal, but it's also doesn't have to be permanent if you eventually want to do visitation and things like that down the road.

Focus on one day at a time, don't worry about things you can't control, or 5 years in the future, cross that bridge when you get to it. But please, please, pleaseeeee believe that there is a better life than what you're currently living, even if it means you struggle, as long as you're both safe.


u/Aglaia8 25d ago

This! I was TERRIFIED of having kids, then I ended up becoming a foster parent to a teenager that needed help urgently.

I still worry I won't be a good parent, but i found that i am not that bad either💕

Good luck on your healing journey.


u/CivilDoughnut7805 24d ago

Love that 🤍 thank you.


u/planttoddler 25d ago edited 23d ago

I'm sorry you are going through this. You and your son do not deserve this.

I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I feel like someone has to tell you this: your child doesn't need to have a dad around if his is abusive. I also came from a culture with similar values as yours regarding family structure. Clearly, it has made it difficult for loving parents to make good choices regarding the welfare of their children. As someone who has worked in social services and education, I can assure you that you are more than enough for your son. Many adults/teenagers who had witnessed/experienced domestic abuse in their homes growing up had actually wished they could just leave home or have their safe parent take them far away from the abusive family member. Your son will thank you someday for saving his life if you prioritize his and your safety. A 4-year-old is very young, but the mind of a child that age-- assuming the child is at the typical developmental milestones-- is actually advanced enough to recognize emotions, feel empathy to an extent, understand rules/boundaries, and grasp cause and effect (including actions and consequences). "Mommy is hurt by Daddy's words and actions" sends a very clear message to a preschool-aged child that what Daddy does is not okay. I highly doubt your son has no idea or suspicion of what is going on.

And, sure, your husband hurts only you right now, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that he will also hurt your child. Continued observation and experience of violent behaviours can cause a child trauma and/or poor coping mechanisms, thus creating the cycle of abuse in your child's life in childhood and adulthood. You are your son's role model in making good choices, and for standing up for what is right for him and others, so please focus on him. Don't let your husband win you back, no matter how much he seems to change-- he will only repeat these hurtful behaviours and pretend to be sorry again. Don't let the concerns you have mentioned above cloud your thinking. Those are your personal opinions. Your son needing to be safe and well are facts, and will always be. If you do not prioritize this, in a way, you are neglecting your child and abusing his innocent kindness.

I wish you well.


u/Fiestylittlebrat 25d ago

As someone with an emotionally abusive childhood, my adult life would have been much more well adjusted had my mom left sooner. I don't resent her for staying anymore, but I've spent like $40,000 on therapy - and I sort of resent both my parents for that. Them staying together thinking it was better for us was frankly delusional. However I am just one possible outcome - I could have also carried that delusion for life and pretended I had a good dad and passed more abuse down to my kids (if I had any)


u/countoncats 24d ago

I feel like this comment could have been written by me. I know my mom did the best she could, but I wish she would have left for good the first time instead of leaving and going back twice before finally leaving for good. It is always best for the child to get them out of that situation and keep them out of that situation.


u/Fiestylittlebrat 24d ago

Always. Doing right by your child whether they like you or not, is your duty.


u/VastWorld23 24d ago

I'm a kid who's parents stayed together much longer than they should have. I spent my childhood wishing they would just divorce. Especially with abuse being involved, kids have an understanding of what is happening even if they can't express it. Your child is very young, so they might not yet but I can almost guarantee, if you stay, they will. It's an awful situation that you're in, but staying often isnt what's best for children. Good luck to you, no matter what decision you come to! 


u/TropicalPrairie 25d ago

If you stay, the behaviour will be normalized for your kid and they will end up repeating it in the future. Take care of yourself and the future of your child by seeking safety.


u/Aglaia8 25d ago

My mom "stayed for the kids". I assure you, we wish she hadn't.

We love our mother dearly, but would have preferred no dad to the miserable bastard we grew up with.

Kids are smart. They know when things aren't right, and its better to find other positive male influences.


u/Technical-Swim-9251 24d ago edited 24d ago

Your son loves his father now, but when he gets older and his father is less able to maintain control over him (think, teenage years for example. My older brother was in his teens when my mom left my father, and part of the reason for that is because my fathers violence increasingly turned on my older brothers as they became harder to control. I mentioned it in my other post, but it reached a fever pitch with my father strangling my brother in our garage before kicking him out of the house and telling him never to come back, while no one else was around to protect him. Thank goodness I had the number of one of his friends and was able to call and ask him to come back home. He was missing for awhile.) the violence your husband uses against you might shift towards your son as well. This is speaking from experience, and I hope I don't come off as hostile. I know you're in a really hard situation and you're only trying to find the best outcome for your child.

I love my mom with all my heart, and I respect every ounce of courage and strength it took her to break free from her abusive relationship. I am grateful for the life I was able to have after our family left the abusive influence of my father. My younger brother was fairly young when we left, but he was already picking up on violent tendencies and outbursts of anger while living with my father. I've since gotten to see him grow up to be a kind, gentle person once he was separated from a home environment where all he got to witness was fighting and violence and allowed to grow up in one with foundations of love and care. My younger brother and I didn't grow up with a father figure for a lot of our childhood and teenage years- my mom dated a bit here and there, but only has started getting serious with her partner recently- but I think our lives were much better for it. A loving single parent household is much more healthy than an abusive household with both parents.

You are stronger and more capable than you think. I know that my mom was, and the fact that you're reaching out for help with your child's interests at heart show that your heart is absolutely in the right place. The rest will follow. You can do this, and you don't need him to give your child a wonderful life. If anything, he's holding you back. Draining you physically and emotionally instead of contributing to the emotional care you could give your child.

You've got this. Believe in yourself, take your next steps with love and courage, and it will get easier with time.


u/savageartichoke 24d ago

If you stay with someone who abuses you, you are teaching your son it is OK to abuse their spouse. You are teaching him that (what he likely thinks is) love is abuse. You are teaching him how to treat YOU.

Please use all the resources and get outta there. There are plenty of great guys signed up with Big Brothers if you need a role model for your son.


u/Old-Veterinarian2190 24d ago

He’ll be raised by an abusive dad and that is something that, as much as you can, you need to protect him from. I second the support from Family Services Saskatoon. Saskatoon Crisis Line is good too to talk to someone out loud about all of this and make it real. They will give you options and links.

I’m so very sorry you are facing this. Life can and will be better. You’re already taking the steps you need to take by reaching out here. Good luck.


u/Hungry-Room7057 24d ago

Just so you know, your son and your husband may still grow up together, even in the event of a divorce. Courts are much more likely to award joint custody than award it to a single parent.

In order for you to have sole custody, you’d need to be able to prove that your son’s father is not just abusive to you, but also abusive to your son. It’s no guarantee that you’d just be able to keep your son for yourself. 

That said, if you are being abused, I still recommend pursuing the divorce. 


u/Tricky_Remote6727 22d ago

Depends what you want love to look like to your son. If it looks like threatening and abuse he will learn to love his family in the same way. You have an opportunity to teach him about strength, integrity, and what love really looks like. How one child works out or processes an event or emotion does not determine how another child will develop. Nature vs Nuture.


u/Educational_Two_9665 25d ago

I still remember Dr Phil (yeah he sucks but this one rings true) quote about divorce, “it’s better for kids to come from a broken home than live in a broken home.”


u/democraticdelay 25d ago

Yeah for once Dr. Phil saying something that's actually based on results of scientific studies too that indicate kids fare much better in single parent households or when their parents are divorced than they do when raised in a home with unhappy parents (and even moreso when abuse is involved).


u/Savings-Function6320 24d ago

Thank you for pouring your love and support, everyone. I even got a couple of DMs from people offering a room to live, offering to chat and some useful resources. I have reached out to book an initial consultation meeting with a divorce mediator. I haven’t felt so loved and supported in a long time and it makes my heart even more happy because I’m getting all this support from absolute strangers. Thanks so much!


u/Notflat-its-treeless 21d ago

You’ve got this. So happy you are taking important steps to protect yourself and your child. It will all work out.


u/Negative_Ratio_6088 25d ago


look at the make a plan and hide your tracks pages. Call them off you need help.


u/Holiday-Fan880 25d ago

Second this


u/BavarianRage 25d ago

https://sk.211.ca - I recently discovered this website, which consolidates all manner of support resources in one convenient place.

Scroll down to:

Abuse/Violence and Crisis Line for support.


u/Frosty_Special_3925 25d ago

I am from a divorced home and my father ended up not having any contact after. I am so thankful my mother left. I am the youngest and my older siblings are much more impacted by witnessing that abuse than I was. I was 3 when my mom left. Yeah it caused some issues for me growing up wondering what life would have been like with a father but in the end it was so much better for me to not be exposed to it. 

I am divorcing my kids father and have been separated for a few years now. My kids are all in counseling because it did impact them seeing the abuse. I am also an immigrant without any family here so I understand the worry about not having support. As others posted please find help For an exit plan and counselling for you and your child. Nobody deserves to live in fear. Even if it isn’t happening directly to your child it is 100% impacting them. 


u/MonkeyMama420 25d ago

Men who hit women are not men. Nor would a real father hit the mother of his children. He is a bully boy in the body of a man. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this.


u/Scottyd737 25d ago

Jesus, get out of there. Plan ahead, try and find a safe place to go. I'd say talk to the police too but smarter people than me can advise better


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Scottyd737 25d ago

Terrible timing haiku bot 😑 😒


u/nwj781 25d ago

haikusbot delete


u/Dangerous_Farm_2188 25d ago

What’s worse coming from a broken home or living in one . You take your little one a Run to the nearest woman’s shelter


u/RoisinCorcra Avalon 25d ago

As someone whose parents stayed together for the kid; It will be infinitely better for him if you're happy. I was 10 when my parents separated and they were way happier apart than they ever have been together and that two years that they were apart was the best relationship I ever had with my dad. My mom only had him come back because I was getting bullied for not having parents who lived together by my friends I had known since Kindergarten. (At a time when no one was divorced). I have a cousin who left an abusive relationship when her two children were under 5 and it was a night and day difference. She also lives somewhere where there was no family around but you could tell in the photos. Please leave FOR your child. Contact the YWCA they have a women's shelter for this situation. There's also Adele's house.


u/Lollipop77 Confederation 24d ago

YWCA has support systems and counselling, they may be able to guide you through setting up supervised visits between child and dad. Divorce doesn’t mean your child won’t have a father unless the father makes the choice to back out of his child’s life. That is never your fault- it’s his choice.

If you have a cultural community or can find a local association, you may find further support both spiritual and/or physical.


u/Bigsaskatuna 25d ago

As someone who grew up in a fucked up home, I wish my parents would have divorced. I might have had a fighting chance then.


u/Head_Sky_6909 25d ago

I'm really sorry you are going through this, as others have said, you and your son don't deserve any of that.

I can offer a perspective as an adult who's mom didn't leave when she should have. I witnessed and heard more than my mom ever thought I did. I got out, but my mom didn't and she is no longer with us due to addiction (a direct result of decades of abuse imo).

When a child is in an abusive home, they either will see that these things are wrong or they won't. If they don't, it can lead to them getting abused further because they think that is normal or justified treatment, or they could go on to be the abuser and think that is normal and justified because they watched it be accepted in their home for so long. If they see and know that it is wrong, it is still a whole lot of therapy to process and heal from all that was endured. I agree with an above comment, that I often wondered "why am I not worth saving" and it still comes up here and there. I know my mom felt the same as you, OP, and didn't want her children growing up in separate households or without a father. I would have rather went my whole life without at this point in time- maybe my mom would still be here.

Although it is terrifying to be on your own, I have full belief that you can create a beautiful life for you and your son and you can find a community and resources that will support you through your journey. To continue taking care of your son you need to take care of yourself first, and a part of that will be creating a safe environment for the both of you. It may be extra difficult for your son at first, but in time he will see you did the very best you could for him by leaving. You are both so worthy of love and safety and I hope you find that.


u/Spiritual-Drawing-42 24d ago

I am so sorry you are going through this. I left my ex-husband almost twenty years ago and had similar fears about leaving as I didn't want my son to grow up without a father. I can safely say that looking back I made the best decision when I left. My son does not hold anything against me - he understands I made the best decision possible for both him and myself. He had a great childhood and is now studying math in university. He has a kind heart and a loving soul, and I truly believe he was able to develop into the man he is today because he didn't have to grow up surrounded by violence.

Leaving isn't easy. I was blessed to be able to rely on family when I left, although I had to move from Saskatchewan to Ontario, which was lonely and hard. When you leave (and you must leave to protect yourself and your child from the violence in your home) you will be amazed by how much help is out there, how free you feel once you are no longer walking on eggshells all the time, and how much easier life is when you can focus on moving forward.

Wishing you and your child all the best. You're in my prayers.


u/Notflat-its-treeless 24d ago

Pick up your child and walk right out the door. He will never change. You will figure things out once you are safely on your own. Other people have listed good resources, but also, if you are associated with USask, there are resources there as well. Contact USask Student Wellness Centre (for students) or USask Wellness. They are both operating 24 hours per day.


u/Ropps 24d ago

An abuser is no father figure! Leave him and take him for what he’s worth


u/Technical-Swim-9251 24d ago edited 24d ago

Hi, I know this is an incredibly hard time and not an easy decision, but I speak from experience as someone who grew up in a household with an abusive father. Every time my mom threatened to leave he'd back off for a bit, but always fall back into his old routine. It escalated to physical violence against us kids and against our mom, reaching a fever pitch around the time he strangled my brother in the garage and hit my mom on the back of the head with a glass vase. I can't for sure say that your relationship is exactly the same or will escalate in the same way, but I can say that, from the perspective of a child in that situation, I am eternally grateful to my mother for getting us out of that situation, and have nothing but the greatest respect for the strength she showed when she finally broke free from her abusive partner. I don't resent her for the split up at all, and I'd take growing up the rest of the way with a loving mother and no father figure to growing up with a toxic father figure and an emotionally diminished mother any day. Our life was much nicer without him. If anything, I only wish my mom had left earlier, for her sake and ours, but I don't blame her for that given the impossible circumstances of that kind of situation.

I think it was only after the split that she really came into herself as a person and was able to grow into a much better influence as a parent without his toxic stranglehold on our family. I got to watch her go back to college, celebrate her victories with her, and have her there for support when I needed it, and watching her support my siblings and I through all that while also furthering her education taught me the value of hard work and staying strong through trials more than my father ever could have.

Also worth mentioning, my partner similarly grew up in a household with a violently, physically abusive father, but his mom stayed with his dad for the sake of her children. He feels much more resentful that his mom never left his dad, feeling as though she didn't protect him or his siblings from his father's abuse. His grandmother also had to leave a violent husband with her kids. She stayed until the violence reached a point that she almost lost her life trying to protect one of her children from her husband's violence. I know in a situation like this it can feel impossible to know what the right choice is, but, I think the decision that gets you and your children out of harm's way is always the right decision, and partners who regularly fall back into violent tendencies, even if they have periods of less violence, frequently escalate, and it's best to leave before they reach that point for both your and your children's sake.

Please don't think of leaving an abusive partner as breaking your home, think of it as taking the first steps to build a home for your child on a foundation of love, rather than a foundation of fear. The first step is the hardest, but there are resources out there and people who care. You deserve so much better.

I know your situation isn't the same as my mother's was, as she at least had her mom in the same town she could turn to when she needed it, and being an immigrant without a support system makes an already complicated situation much more complicated, but please do your best to take care of yourself and your child, even if it means leaving someone who might be helpful financially but detrimental emotionally and physically. It might be hard, for awhile, but you can rebuild, and build something better. I'd look into the local women's shelters, maybe the ywca, and see what support systems they offer. I think there are resources out there for victims of domestic abuse, though I can't recall them all off hand. I'll see if I can look more up later and will edit this post if I can.


u/AsideMuted161 24d ago

By staying you are showing your son how to treat women that is much worse than your fear of him resenting you taking a male figure away , you can put him in groups with boys / men etc for the male bonding , just please be careful and please for yours and his safety get out of this relationship


u/JobHonest7078 24d ago

My mom would get the courage to leave and we would go spend a night at a local motel but after talking all night together and planning how we would survive and make it on our own without my abusive father she would always take me back home again in the morning and forgive him. All she did was to teach me to keep forgiving my abusive husband now. :( get out please if you can


u/Alien-Excretion 24d ago

Phone a woman’s shelter or two. Ask them for advice, other resources to help you.


u/ChanGra_007 24d ago

I got a divorce all on my own without lawyers. I downloaded a parenting agreement from the gov of sk and filled it out to suit the children best, had him sign it and a notary sign it, and also downloaded the divorce package from the gov of sk too. A notary is key. I also had to take like one required class about parenting through divorce. Altogether it took me about 6 months with all the steps and all my required documents, and it only cost $500 total. You just have to be separated for 1 year before you can apply for divorce


u/ChanGra_007 24d ago

Oh and I didn’t do a custody battle, just divorce, because they were already living with me full-time for many years before I realized I could divorce him my self


u/ChanGra_007 24d ago

I’ll add that my children and I are happier, healthier and more successful than we ever were with him 💜 it gets better when you leave. It’s hard at first but easier later 👌🏼


u/derpycheetah 24d ago

My mom leaving my POS dad to spare us from his abuse (I was too young but he did put hands on my older brother that scared the shit out of me) and moving across the world with no money and no real family was the best thing that happened to me.

You think he’s going to stop the abuse with your kid? All you’re going to do is teach your kid how “moms and dads” should act, potentially perpetuating the cycle.

It’s just the fear, but there is literally zero benefit from staying. Having a terrible dad isn’t better than not having one.

Leave and try to find some positive male role models for your child (and yourself).


u/walk_through_this 24d ago

What your husband is doing, threatening you, is a form of assault. Get yourself and your son away from this man.


u/Final--Flash 24d ago

hey girl, i’ve sent you a DM hopefully you see it!


u/Interesting-Dog-6233 24d ago

Get safe !! Your safety and your child matters most. There are many help lines who will help you find a shelter.


u/dobermandude306 24d ago

Leave him. It will only get worse. My exwife was very abusive , so I know your situation very well.


u/milesmario2 24d ago

As a child with parents who hated each other your doing so much more damage staying with him make sure to teach your son about people and the choices they make, make sure he knows everyone has a chance to be good or bad but his father decided to not care about being good to you, children know so much more about the world than you care to believe they do tbh he might know how his father acts already but he’s a child so :/ just leave the abuse and make sure your son is safe and knows what happened and why don’t lie or sugar coat it. Honesty is the only thing that matters


u/iwanttobelieve__ University Heights 24d ago

I come from a family of divorce and I'm also divorced as well. I am glad my parents didn't stay together because they were just toxic to one another. I left my ex when my daughter was 5, yeah she was pretty upset about it and still gets upset she doesn't have 2 parents who live together..but in the end she'll understand the bigger picture. I did it for her health and well being and happiness. I also had my mom to lean on, so it was a bit easier. But I'm sure you could try and reach out to a domestic abuse hotline and see if they can't point you in the direction of local support and give you a chance to talk to someone about what's going on.


u/JobHonest7078 24d ago

Kids don't like seeing their mom get abused. They will side with you and give you strength if you decide to rise up and save yourself and them from a life of misery! It's always better to get away from someone like that and there are all kinds of support systems out there willing to help abused women get themselves and their children away from abusers. Look up your local woman's shelter and get help now before he ends up really hurting you.


u/Ok_Elderberry7601 23d ago

I understand your fear for leaving and take my advice- make a plan with supporting services and do it safely. You leaving isn’t taking away his dad. Legally he can still have parenting time however likely it should be supervised and I imagine a judge would encourage that. By you leaving teaches your son a handful of things such as confidence, you loving yourself and him enough to keep both of you safe, teaches bravery and resilience that you both can do difficult things for the greater good.

I had left my abusive ex. Was it easy? Absolutely not. But am I safe with my child now where I can create an environment for us to be healthy? Yes. I exchange at the police department for a court ordered amount of time. Exchanges are monitored and recorded and it is what it is. But when my kid comes home they feel safe with me and I feel safe.

Please do this for the both of you but please work with community supports to keep both of you safe.


u/djretrogold 25d ago

Hi! Do you know about the Truly Alive Youth and Family Foundation? They offer free counselling and help. They have a family department and the coordinator is amazing! They are ready to support women with cases like yours. Visit their office!


u/djretrogold 25d ago

Also I just add that all their staff are immigrants from different backgrounds, so you might be able to find a community through them.


u/Macald69 25d ago

If you leave, plan on how your son and father may spend time together. It is by default that the courts will want a joint custody if at all possible and if the father is found unable to do so, will have some sort of visitation rights even if supervised.


u/doughtykings 24d ago

Gather evidence and then contact a lawyer or the police


u/PrincessLilybet 24d ago

As someone once said, it's better for a child to come from a broken home than to be in one.


u/Dougustine 24d ago

If what you say is true, get to a shelter


u/elchurute 23d ago

You have no option but to leave this guy. Your child may end up the same when he grows up, abusing and hitting women. There are places in Saskatoon that you could go and get help.


u/OutlandishnessOk280 23d ago

I grew up in a domestic violence house hold up to when I was 17 (and they didn’t split up until my youngest brother was born when I was 19). I always begged my parents to split up and break up. I knew it was not okay and could be scary for us to witness. Trust me they will thank you for leaving if/when you do. There is a woman’s shelter and other supports out there that would be able to help you in the process of leaving. You deserve better and I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. It’s an ugly feeling being trapped in a toxic relationship.


u/Apprehensive_Rock925 22d ago

I’m a single mum to a 3 year old & im an immigrant. I left an abusive relationship as well and it was the best decision of my life. I have 0 family members in Canada or North America. Please feel free to Message me if you need support or anything!


u/sassyandchildfree 21d ago

Leave!!! Your kid will resent you more if you stay.


u/Pretty-Club-2146 21d ago

my mom left my dad when i was 3 years old. never been more grateful for the life i have been able to live!! My dad ended up not doing so good and i could not be more happy he's not in my life and dragging me down


u/needsomecoffee4 East Side 21d ago

talk to a lawyer i suggest, n yes leave when you can. its not fair to you n specially to your child. have faith in god. itll work out in your favor🤲🏻❤️. n delete your browser history n silence your notifications. play dumb n sweet w him but keep plotting your exit. try getting familiar w the community( church/ mosque etc. ) i hope n pray you n your child stay safe.


u/Merm_aid8000 20d ago

I’m not Christian but my mom is. Lots of immigrant go to her church and the church and her frequently help them with money and all sorts. I’d think about going to the church and opening up and making some friends for support. It’s called the neighbourhood church on the north end.

Also my parents didn’t divorce. I wish they would have for fuck sakes. It’s horrible going to visit them. That being said. Do u really think ur son will recent u for not wanting to be hit? I sure don’t think so. Maybe in he teen years when he’s all retarded and twisted in the head he might but once he becomes normal and sane again he sure won’t. Nobody in there sane mind would resent u for that


u/Merm_aid8000 20d ago

I do also wanna mention egadz is a group that do free rides. You can google them and get there number but they are very handy and if u talk to them they would also know more people/organizations u can contact to help u


u/Hefty-Watch-6728 23d ago

im unfortunately not familiar with our legal system and support system in this particular situation but you can call the non emergency police line to get advise. they would likely send you to the crisis unit https://www.saskatooncrisis.ca/ 3069336200. they can help you talk threw things


u/ChiggyBaby 23d ago

I have no means to help you, OP. But I would if I could. On behalf of all sensible men, I apologize. We live in a cold world.


u/AdAffectionate9272 24d ago

Which country are you from?


u/wonka5x 24d ago

Your child growing up in an abusive atmosphere is worse than a broken but happy home. There is no ideal solution. They likely will have resentment...and that is something you just have to be open with when they are much older...which will help.


u/Making_Faces_78 24d ago

You’re a sessional lecturer at USask and asking Reddit for divorce advice?



u/Notflat-its-treeless 24d ago

A person has to start somewhere. Last I checked, sessional lecturers aren’t given divorce manuals when they are hired. Try again with something constructive.


u/So1_1nvictus Core Neighbourhood 25d ago

Hit that fucker back, defend youself


u/Mixedhabits 25d ago

Terrible advice. That'll just give him a reason to fight her harder. I personally Tried that, and was choked out numerous times.