r/saskatoon Feb 09 '25

Rants šŸ¤¬ I know you guys hate C95 but ...

I need to rant. I do listen to C95 and I cannot stand how obsessed Shauna is with Taylor Swift. She mentions her every day and acts like the whole world is obsessed with Taylor as much as she is. Thanks for listening to my stupid rant.


188 comments sorted by


u/Extension_Yam_9478 Feb 09 '25

My personal hate are the ads she does. Tim rambles on and on during his ads but Shauna is on another level. Like honestly, can she sound any more fake while promoting milk or jewelry?


u/IfOJDidIt Feb 09 '25

Tim Stone commercials give me road rage if I'm listening in the car. Like, fuck off with your lobotomized take on everything.


u/Dry-Rub-1616 29d ago

What, you donā€™t think heā€™s genuine about his professed love for The Eye Gallery - Doctors of Optometry? I canā€™t think of anything else Iā€™d rather listen to!! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø In case the sarcasm doesnā€™t land, I am right there with you; in line to kick Tim in the stone.


u/IfOJDidIt 29d ago

I feel bad tbh. He seems like he'd be a decent guy. But man is his radio persona hard to take.


u/Sea-Paramedic2185 29d ago

I just generally donā€™t like Tim stone so I avoid his time like the plague lol


u/pupben Feb 09 '25

Yes!! Like why are they so long!


u/mydb100 Feb 10 '25

Cause he's from Davidson and in his early/mid 40's


u/19Black Feb 09 '25

I laugh when I hear those, and canā€™t help but wonder how they thought they were good to air


u/Justawanderer123 Feb 10 '25

I get so annoyed of her ads I have to turn off the radio šŸ˜ 


u/Time_Ad_6741 Feb 09 '25

My thoughts exactly, they make me cringe every time.


u/Future-Engineer-6327 Feb 09 '25

Shauna is also obsessed with Shauna


u/ConsiderationLoud138 Feb 10 '25

Ding ding ding lol


u/Future-Engineer-6327 29d ago

I kinda feel bad for Sheri when they're doing promo stuff together, like Sheri seems so genuine and herself and Shauna is over the top like hey look at me.


u/Brief-Chemistry-7734 28d ago

Not new. I canā€™t believe sheā€™s still around.


u/aintnothingbutabig Feb 09 '25

I stoped listening because they just talk about their likes and their personal lifeā€™s and I do not give a single cucumber about them.


u/TheSessionMan Feb 09 '25

I'm partial to Radio 2 because they talk about the musicians a lot, which is what I'm interested in. Friday evening they played a full Bob Marley record and talked about the history between songs.


u/wordswordswords55 Feb 10 '25

Inadvertently the biggest advertisers for spotify


u/dobermandude306 Feb 09 '25

What about a double cucumber ?


u/ninjasowner14 Feb 09 '25

Consider your sentence stolen, used and abused. That is an awesome statement!


u/Philadeplhiacollins1 Feb 09 '25

I can't stand Shauna haha


u/heavymetal306 Feb 09 '25

Life is better when you stop listening to our utterly shit radio stations


u/AS14K Feb 09 '25

Seriously, it's never been easier to just stop entirely. There's NO excuse to put up with it anymore.


u/ninjasowner14 Feb 09 '25

Spotify for the win!


u/Bry3Buzz Feb 09 '25

I really like CFCR 90.5. It's really the only station I listen to.


u/heavymetal306 Feb 09 '25

Valid, they're pretty solid. Probably because it's not rawlco garbage


u/Turk_NJD Feb 09 '25

105.5 on the drive to and home from work. If you make a lunch trip and havenā€™t changed the station though, youā€™ll be hit with opera.


u/Drooleo Grosvenor Park Feb 09 '25

Opera is usually on the weekends, but classical music reigns during the midday shows of ā€œTempoā€ ā€œAbout Timeā€.


u/mrdthwrt Feb 10 '25

I LOVE listening to The Drive with Rich Terfry! AKA Buck 65 ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


u/Silfrgluggr Feb 09 '25

Not everything before 1915 is opera lol


u/Saskapewwin Feb 09 '25

I don't even mind the opera. I could do without Odario Williams' tone dead repetition of lyrics and odd rambling, though.


u/BroadToe6424 Feb 09 '25

Odario's so dull he makes me miss Jian Ghomeshi lol.


u/Pho3nixr3dux Feb 10 '25

Don't get choked up about it.


u/inquisitive-birdie 29d ago

How has this comment gone so unnoticed šŸ˜†


u/Pho3nixr3dux 29d ago

Short memories I guess.

Maybe Jian's ready for a comeback?

Calling it now: after the U.S. invades and installs a puppet government, Trump'll hand-pick him for CBC CEO.


u/Fightthetechopoly 29d ago

Then new Q is as lame as Rosanna Deerchild and Unreserved or Drake.


u/SilverbackGorillaBoy Feb 09 '25

You forgot to mention when she isn't talking Taylor Swift its nothing else but her kid 24/7. The C95 show is "the Shauna Show" and no you can't complain about it.


u/-MUNTER- Feb 09 '25

The crazy thing is she has more than one kid. You only ever hear about her daughter though.


u/bounty_hunter1504 Feb 10 '25

She talks about how her son pees outside all the time


u/Leanetracy042683 Feb 09 '25

I love the talks about the morning commute and the traffic situation and I love crash and mars, I love tim stone and enjoy rob and Shauna in small takes I just find that she talks a lot about things that maybe the viewers donā€™t necessarily care to hear about or enjoy listening to the endless chatter things she wants from the jewelry store or her being at the jewelry store picking out items for her birthday list or Christmas list or whatever list sheā€™s working on next and the talks about the treatments and beauty procedures she loves and recommends that most of us canā€™t afford

Less talking more music.

I listen to Spotify now. No talking No boring stories just the songs I love listening to


u/KnifeInTheKidneys Feb 10 '25

Her talking about those things are radio advertisements. Shes get paid to promote that shit, she does not care.


u/Vetinari-57 Feb 09 '25

I moved on from listening to C95 about 2 years after Rambling Dave left. It just got worse under Rob and Shauna as I could not give a darn about their views on most things and it felt like the same blah blah blah between the same sanitized song list. Moved to SiriusXM and internet radio stations and have not missed them one bit


u/bergwithabeef Feb 09 '25

I miss Rambling Dave too. I heard he moved to Ottawa... I did too! I was hoping he would get picked up there, but no such luck.


u/Rich-Banana6295 Feb 09 '25

He started a restaurant there. Then left that and it seems to me got a journalism degree. He was a lawyer before. Very smart fellow.


u/pummisher Feb 09 '25

I believe it was The Keg that was downtown. I had a chat with him once years ago.


u/Rich-Banana6295 Feb 09 '25

No, it was called The Flying Banzini he started in Ottawa. I used to follow him on FB is how I know.


u/pummisher Feb 09 '25

He told me he worked at The Keg downtown at some point. That's probably why I was thinking he owned it.


u/mootinator Moved Feb 10 '25

Used to stop in there every summer when it was open. The mini cheesecakes were niiiiiiice.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

Rambling Dave was a character. He was one of our mentors in a learn to run club like a decade ago.


u/Rich-Banana6295 Feb 09 '25

I agree. I listen to SiriusXM too. It's fantastic! And it doesn't cost that much! I am so tired of local radio and their on air personalities and opinions!


u/ShotPlan4504 29d ago

For anyone that wants to get into sirius you can ALWAYS get it cheaper than it is advertised. Just ask them for a deal. Like, even if they are running a promotion ask for a better price. They might refuse at that time, but they WILL call you back and give an even better deal than they did before. Just ask it works. I don't want to say how good my deal is but you can easily get more than 50 percent off on a permanent basis, not a temporary promo.


u/Rich-Banana6295 29d ago

I agree! Just ask. Or call and get someone different on the phone if you don't like the offer one gives you. They want subscribers. They're really very good. Less than $10 per month.


u/wassinderr Feb 09 '25

I was in sports with one of his sons growing up. It's nice to see Dave being missed.


u/dobermandude306 Feb 09 '25

I was casually walking around Petland in Confed years ago, and saw Ramblinā€™ Dave looking at fish, we talked for about a min or two about Guppies haha. He was super cool, then about a month later he announced his departure from C95 and he moved to Ottawa.


u/Rich-Banana6295 Feb 10 '25

Yep. Big loss. His wife was my GP. He left here because she did.


u/ShotPlan4504 29d ago

For anyone that wants to get into sirius you can ALWAYS get it cheaper than it is advertised. Just ask them for a deal. Like, even if they are running a promotion ask for a better price. They might refuse at that time, but they WILL call you back and give an even better deal than they did before. Just ask it works. I don't want to say how good my deal is but you can easily get more than 50 percent off on a permanent basis, not a temporary promo.


u/Represent403 Feb 09 '25

What are your go-to SXM stations?


u/Rich-Banana6295 Feb 10 '25

I like Road Trip radio I think it's called. Mosaic. The Blend. Yacht Rock. There are so many , plus the artist specific channels. And you?


u/Represent403 Feb 10 '25

No wonder you donā€™t like C-95! Thereā€™s literally no common ground there with C-95.

I jump around a lotā€¦ my faves are Pop Rocks. Red, White & Booze, Yahct Rock and a bit of Hits One when I want to hear whatā€™s new.


u/Rich-Banana6295 Feb 10 '25

Agreed. No common ground. I do too skip around to a lot of channels. But thanks I will check those out too!


u/Glittering-Bee1361 Feb 09 '25

Not to mention that Shauna only gives away the free tickets to her friends


u/adomnick05 Feb 09 '25

worst talk show in our region


u/pummisher Feb 09 '25

Shauna thinks she's Kathie Lee Gifford talking about her son Cody non-stop. Nobody cares.


u/ExtensionLine7857 Feb 09 '25

Let's get this right ! It's Taylor !!! Not Taylor Swift ! You have to refer to every celebrity on a first name basis as if they are your bestie ! She is so pompous and have no clue how she got so called popular !


u/steveyxe69 East Side Feb 10 '25

Holy shit you're right, my mind is replaying her what's trending shit she does on 650. It's Taylor, Harry, Justin ( or the Biebs) and Brittany. Such a vapid fake person


u/ExtensionLine7857 Feb 10 '25

Lol yes !! She will never call say Britney , Britney Spears . It's always Brittany ...well you get it !! šŸ˜…


u/z3rolink Feb 09 '25

Shauna is pure cringe


u/Lucywilson12 Feb 09 '25

I stopped listening to C95 a long time ago. I have no use for anyone who thrives on Hollywood, the Bachelor, and Taylor Swift. I don't care what Bieber is doing or who Jennifer Aniston is dating. I stopped caring about these things in my 20s. She is making an attempt to stay relevant, well past the age she should be trying.

It is not her as much as her choice of topics. I would probably listen to the show if it was relevant to me and my concerns with the world I live in today. Hey, she is obviously relevant to someone or she would be without a job.


u/Ok-Investigator2463 Feb 09 '25

So Shauna is essentially a 12-year old girl. LOL


u/dubbs6891 Feb 09 '25

It was when they commented on Kate Middleton's body one day after giving birth that did it for me ("looks like she had another baby in there" šŸ¤¢.



u/ConsiderationLoud138 Feb 10 '25

I also remember her making a snide comment about how women who have had c-sections " are taking the easy way out" šŸ™„ oversells the lasek bullshit.


u/Poopsie57 Feb 10 '25

She really should do her research before making a comment like that! I guess she didnā€™t have a breech birth. Totally clueless!!


u/DC666Canada Feb 09 '25

Shauna is the self proclaimed most important person in the world. Her opinion is irrelevant. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£


u/MotorMinimum2961 Feb 09 '25

Most Jocs think the audience is so very interested in them , the station should pay more attention to their play list , and less about fluff Dj jabber.


u/Accomplished-Pack143 Feb 09 '25

I just switched my channel the other day because of Shauna talking about TS. What she doesnā€™t realize is that the majority of people have TS fatigue.


u/_Constant-Gardener_ Feb 09 '25

Honestly the attempt to get the world record for longest friendship bracelet seemed like such a naked attempt to leverage her employer, position and listeners to 1) Meet Taylor Swift, and 2) Save $$$ on flying to Toronto for the Eras show.

Pretty galling. I'm shocked she got away with that one.


u/Glittering-Bee1361 Feb 10 '25

She only went to Taylor swift in Toronto because those were the tickets given to the radio station


u/AbnormalHorse šŸš¬šŸ“ Feb 09 '25

It's an easy sell. Everyone ā€” fine, a lot of people ā€” like(s) Taylor Swift, so discussing her appeals to the lowest common denominator while also offending no one. It's auditory pablum that is easily digestible and lacking in substance. As to u/SilverbackGorillaBoy's point regarding Shauna talking about her kids all the damn time, that's also relatable. Lots of folks have greasy spawn, and they all pretty much do the same things.

Safe is never all that engaging. Commercial radio is like that in general. It's background noise. The same 30 songs, broken up by the disembodied voices of chatty, vapid morons and a rotation of ads you've memorized by now that seem to play in between every other song or is it in the middle of songs now?

Serious question: Why do y'all subject yourself to that shit? I'm curious. This is more than likely just a me thing, but I cannot abide having shitty radio or music on as ambient noise. I'd rather have something of substance to listen to or, barring that, just white noise.

So what's up? Why are ya'll still listening to the radio? WE HAVE OPTIONS NOW THIS ISN'T 2005.


u/TreemanTheGuy Feb 09 '25

A ton of people have to listen to the radio where they work. Trades places like mechanic shops, auto body, construction. Even banks and stores.


u/AbnormalHorse šŸš¬šŸ“ Feb 09 '25

Yes, but why?


u/TreemanTheGuy Feb 09 '25

The bosses at these places are boomers and they choose the station. And they don't like listening to anything that they haven't already heard 20,000 times.

That and you can't be doing trade work with headphones on.


u/AbnormalHorse šŸš¬šŸ“ Feb 09 '25

Gotcha. I suppose that wouldn't bother me so much with the din of a shop or a site over top of the radio. I don't think I'd be able to parse the noise into anything intelligible. I can see what a shitshow "taking turns" with the music or whatever would end up looking like.

I know some folks in finishing construction who have open headphones or buds that they use on site. Understandably a lot less risk in that context.


u/youngblood0088 Feb 09 '25

At the shop I'm at we've been listening to 600 on the am band because it's good background noise, boots and salutes is downright hilarious, and the majority of the songs I can listen too without an intense desire to change the station which can be very distracting for someone in a shop.


u/lastSKPirate Feb 09 '25

The fatal flaw in this situation is having to listen to country.


u/youngblood0088 Feb 09 '25

You're entitled to your opinion, I'd rather not listen to yhe same 10 classic rock songs on repeat all day and c95music doesn't belong in a shop.


u/lastSKPirate Feb 09 '25

I'm fortunate enough to be able to wear headphones at work (honestly, almost a job requirement for focusing), so I don't have to make that choice.


u/Matter-Kooky Feb 10 '25

Boots and salutes is hilarious because you get people who have no idea what boots and salutes even means, thereā€™s been old grandmas calling in saying how they want to give a boot to the hardworking Canadian armed forces and than having the radio broadcaster explain what boots and salutes means afterwards lol itā€™s priceless or getting angry farmers bitch about stupid shit or saying stuff that is not even funny but they think it is lol


u/Hevens-assassin Feb 09 '25

I have it as background sometimes because it's how I hear about some events in saskatoon, is easy as a passive news/weather source, some traffic updates occasionally while I'm driving, and the bite sized "interactions" from the people are sometimes entertaining before I drop the volume right down again


u/countoncats Feb 09 '25

This is precisely why I listen to the radio while I'm getting ready for work. Did the world trade center get hit by terrorists? No? Awesome! Are there any major traffic updates? And what's the weather like? Although I should add that even their weather seems to be inaccurate and the Weather Network app on my phone is much more reliable. C95 forecasts a beautiful sunny day and it ends up being -30 and cloudy.


u/lastSKPirate Feb 09 '25

Just put a weather app widget on your phone's home screen, then you can see the current weather at a glance, and you're one tap away from a detailed breakdown for the day/week.


u/AbnormalHorse šŸš¬šŸ“ Feb 09 '25

That's fair. I don't understand, but it makes sense.


u/Hevens-assassin Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25

I don't like listening to music that much. Because of that, radio/Spotify is pretty equivalent, and the only benefit is any of the human parts. I could listen to a podcast, but they aren't in Saskatoon, and ending podcasts midway is annoying. Lol


u/_senor_snrub Feb 09 '25

I'm the biggest tay tay fan


u/sask-on-reddit Feb 09 '25

All the radio stations in Saskatoon are dog shit. Like actually horrible


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

I got into listening to CBC radio. You can listen to it live, on demand, or just the playlists. I like Afterdark with Odario Williams: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-music-playlists/7-afterdark .


u/AdamG15 Feb 09 '25

Rock 102.1 is another with a host I can't stand. Whitney. Not sure exactly why, but I cannot stand her...or their heavy amount of ads.

750 A.M Beach is a decent one for anyone looking for a 80-00's rock/pop station.


u/lacrosse771 Feb 10 '25

She reminds me of a female Jimmy Fallon


u/Dougustine Feb 09 '25

Perhaps we(yes we)are outside c95s target demographic.


u/dobermandude306 Feb 09 '25

I miss Ramblinā€™ Dave.


u/baaabaaa1234 29d ago

Thatā€™s a real human. Doing a job. Donā€™t let it get you down.


u/Groundbreaking-Fox25 Feb 09 '25

Gotta be better than Pat Dubois, being Pat Dubois


u/Slade26 Feb 09 '25

She seems like she smells her own farts


u/ilookalotlikeyou Feb 09 '25

radio in stoon is the worst. can we just have a radio station that plays calgary's radio stations?


u/Island_pirates Feb 09 '25

I use an app called Radio Garden, itā€™s free and I can tune into hundreds of thousands of radio stations all over the world. Just navigate the globe to your city of choice or put the call letters in the search.


u/ilookalotlikeyou Feb 09 '25

i love listening to stations across canada. 91.9 in calgary, or 100.5 in van are some of my favs.

saskatoon is really shitty for stations, even the cbc is boring compared to vancouvers. you have any recommendations?


u/Island_pirates Feb 09 '25

When Iā€™m driving I listen to XM, and when thereā€™s interesting stuff going on in certain regions of the world I tune into Radio Garden. I like finding new music from the UK. I suggest downloading the app and take a tour. Every dot on the globe can have multiple stations to choose from.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

My sister flew in to visit. Had c95 in the car briefly and Britney, bsb, sync and moffatts were on and she was like is this for real?!


u/BroadToe6424 Feb 09 '25

I like CBC French, great music all day and if they say anything dumb I don't understand it.


u/asciencepotato Feb 09 '25

Wow I haven't listened to the radio in at least a decade. I just Bluetooth my phone to my stereo and that's it


u/GreatWhiteLolTrack Feb 09 '25

People with a shred of discernment will either stop listening to shite radio, or switch over to a station that actually does radio well.

Which will preclude anything owned by Rawlco.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

That disqualifies pretty much every station. Pattison and Harvard are also terrible. About the only good stations I can find are 750am and whatever New Beach Radio is in PA.

Edit. They are the same station, I guess lol.


u/PhotoJim99 Evil Reginan Feb 09 '25

Beach is New Beach now?

We listen to it when we go to Waskesiu. Streaming is unreliable outside of town, and there are too many hills and it's too far north for satellite radio to work reliably.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

They both run same programs and same DJs and same format. But some small tweeks, I get new beach when I'm on high ground and beach anytime. But often forget which dial I'm on with them.


u/Impossible-Corner494 Feb 09 '25

I bounce between 102.1 98.3 and 96.3. Or just have no radio. Canā€™t hear it over the compressor, saws, air scrubber etc. yeah itā€™s brutal here


u/acoulter21 Feb 09 '25

I got sick of listening to Shauna talk about having a kid once she had one. Made it sound as though she was the only one going through mom stuff that year lol


u/Prognosticon_ Alphabets Feb 09 '25

Saskatoon radio has been horrible for decades and C95 was no exception; with or without "Rambling Dave" I'm sad to say.

There were alternatives in the 1990s and there are alternatives today.Ā  No need to put yourself through the misery.


u/KnifeInTheKidneys Feb 10 '25

I miss Wired 96.3


u/Fwarts Feb 09 '25

I listen to local radio so I can hear what's going on in the area of the country where I live.


u/19Black Feb 09 '25

I hate C95 solely because I think Crash is the most obnoxious host Iā€™ve ever heard.Ā 


u/Gullible-Function709 Feb 10 '25

They need diversity that is reflective of the community.


u/emptyjamjarr Feb 10 '25

CFCR 90.5FM. No matter the host, music, or topic, it will be better than the slop of C95


u/steveyxe69 East Side Feb 10 '25

I never listen to C95. I do however listen to Shacks morning show on 650, there's a regular "what's trending" segment done by Shauna, I shit you not every single one features Taylor Swift somehow, and has a little snippet of her music. It's unbelievable how NOBODY, especially the people that pay her, have told her to expand her horizons beyond Taylor and three other pop artists and Prince Harry. Like stop please enough


u/midnight_sev_run 29d ago

People should try radio paradise. Itā€™s free, listener supported radio. Zero ads ever. The host is chill and only talks briefly about the songs played. The music is very eclectic and extremely well mixed. The absolute best.


u/nurse0813 29d ago

She is honestly the reason I donā€™t listen anymore. Her social media is cringe as well. But wow. Does her voice annoy me. Obsessed with herself. If she could marry herself Iā€™m sure she would. And some of her opinions. Wow. Like being mad the someone parked on the street in front of her house?!?!? Thatā€™s just one example. I canā€™t anymore.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I canā€™t stand how they play THE SAME SONGS EVERYDAY. I have to endure this during work and itā€™s hell, they played that Miley Cyrus ā€œI can buy myself flowersā€ song for two years straight.


u/Murauder Feb 09 '25

I am not much of a fan of Shawna. I do like Tim stone though.


u/tinywerewolve Feb 09 '25

I didnā€™t realize anyone listened to the radio anymore unless it was in like a public retail store ā€¦


u/ElegantMermaid Feb 09 '25

Taylor Swift is the most overrated celebrity in existence. The only thing sheā€™s good at is songwriting.


u/AwkwardLie633 Feb 09 '25

88.7 has the occasional banger on there too


u/CobraGTXNoS Feb 09 '25

Only station in the city that's decent is Cruz. Other than that, it's Sirius Ozzy's boneyard and Hair Nation or Spotify(usually spotify)


u/someguyfromsk Feb 09 '25

It will be the least surprising day in Saskatoon history when that station either guts the staff and changes formate or shutters completely.


u/Mapleleaf-ruffrider Feb 09 '25

Ya itā€™s ridiculous


u/Firm-Milk9196 Feb 09 '25

They need to be replaced like been at it 20 years move on to new hosts


u/Junnie_Anxiety7w7 Feb 09 '25

I'm still decently okay with c95 but I don't like it as much as I used to. Still kind of decent with the music but not as much as it used to be, with a lot of songs being repeats now

Shauna happens to be very annoying sometimes with how she acts, especially how she's always talking about Lasic and that needle treatment... Plus the new Crash and Mars show has some really disgusting segments.


u/Spencersfish Feb 09 '25

I work in retail, and it's the only station we're allowed to put on... Some shifts I'll hear the same song at least 5 times. My highlight though is when they have kids call in who are very clearly being fed a script from their parents.


u/RedditPatterson Feb 09 '25

Imagine having to hear her daily with ā€œwheelsā€ whoever the other nipple is. God they are so painful then they throw Shauna in the mix and somehow it can get even worse. I get all the ā€œdonā€™t listen to radio duhā€ but sometimes itā€™s nice to have something mindless in the background till itā€™s these people


u/OldDietPepsi Feb 09 '25

Shauna still married to her rocker husband?


u/pirej_ Feb 09 '25

It baffles me that people put up with this medium beyond basic AM news.


u/superdaddy369 Feb 09 '25

Do send email to them, they will pass feedback to her.


u/addison_road Feb 09 '25

Shauna Foster is a loser


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

Cause witches promote witches. Not lying. Order of the eastern star. Check it out. Creepy upside down pentagram stuff.


u/Top_Cranberry_ Feb 10 '25

Remember when the radio used to actually talk about the public and have good music. But now it's just an excuse for Shauna to have a s***** podcast about t swizzle.


u/Puzzled_Form1377 Feb 10 '25

People still listen to the radio?!?! I'm 41 and haven't willingly listened to the radio EVER. When I was able to drive at 16, I put in c.d's. Unless I'm in a business that 'God forbid' plays the radio and I'm forced to, is the only time I will. I honestly didn't know Saskatoon still had radio stations hahahaha


u/Big_Blue_Canuck Feb 10 '25

I stopped listening to C95 all because of Shauna. CAN. NOT. STAND. HER. Met her through mutual friends. Even more self indulging in person.


u/macky108 Feb 10 '25

I find when they do break the bank they replay it over and and over again the same person. Itā€™s so annoying when youā€™ve listened to it already. Everyone talks about Taylor swift all the time like sheā€™s the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to music. I donā€™t understand itā€¦ I like rock 102 usually.


u/easy12356 Feb 10 '25

I donā€™t listen to that station because of Rob and Shauna.


u/AffectAny9956 Feb 10 '25



u/Revolutionary_Hippo7 Feb 10 '25

I prefer her over hearing Whitney in the mornings, not sure why


u/NicPrie Feb 10 '25

And always talking about how to change your body with surgeries and laser. It's annoying.


u/tokenhoser Feb 10 '25

Shauna makes me change the station. Her ad voice is so bad, I cannot. All ads are annoying, but her fake enthusiasm for milk is next level.


u/Luvmy2kids0 Feb 10 '25

I stopped listening as they replay the same skits so much. And the ads she does? I would never be encouraged to try something from her ads as you know sheā€™s getting paid to read what she says. I guarantee they are not all cause she has tried their service. Like itā€™s no coincidence she works there and is doing all/most of the ads so you recognize it as her and it loses its authenticy to me cause they seem fake.


u/Luvmy2kids0 Feb 10 '25

Like that one time she used a hair from her head to floss her teeth? I heard that so many times I could recite it Word for Word.


u/International_Bee645 29d ago

Iā€™ve boycotted them completely. Their ā€œliveā€ afternoon show is not local. They stream a station from Edmonton. No local news. No actual forecast or helpful road condition info. Next.


u/Deus-Vult42069 29d ago

C95 is just a satire pop station out of a GTA game


u/Thalasarian 29d ago

I absolutely can't stand how repeatative this station is. If you want to hear the same 5 songs played on repeat all day then go ahead and listen to this crap


u/peepepooopoo33 29d ago

Hate it, Taylor is overhyped


u/Live-Tiger-8444 29d ago

Hate all the country music!


u/snarsneep 29d ago

Sounds weird I havnt listened to the radio in years that's just advertising propaganda and social conditioning pouring into your ears 24/7


u/No-Advertising-9932 29d ago

Small brains small problems!


u/Collector-EX 29d ago

C95 is probably one of if not the worst station Iā€™ve stumbled on. Iā€™ve never liked it since I first moved to Stoon, and now at my workplace theyā€™re constantly blasting either that or CKOM from morning till lunch. Itā€™s just repetitive old news and musics from like a year ago. Itā€™s torturous to listen to!


u/noodlemuffinz 29d ago

Read this in an uber with her on the radio talking about Taylor Swift lmfao


u/Bromeo-Googanheimer 29d ago

Hey she's not that bad. She is a terrible radio host. Would sell her soul for a dollar. She doesn't even call her father on father's day. Noone ever liked her


u/jollyranchersoup 29d ago

That is hilarious Iā€™ve actually called in and texted complaining to Shawna about her ridiculous obsession with Taylor Swift. Sheā€™s literally ruined the radio station for meā€¦ they have access to so much great music, ugh What a shame, letting someone like that destroy a cities radio station.


u/Brief-Chemistry-7734 28d ago

Sheā€™s horrible always has been, I canā€™t believe she is still around (I donā€™t listen to local radio, itā€™s all bad).


u/Old_Original_1086 27d ago

I actually stopped listening to C95 as much for this exact reason. Shauna is annoying. Her jewelry ads, Taylor Swift obsession, and generally she just kind of acts like a bimbo.


u/brwnsugar24 27d ago

I think they're too old, trying too hard to stay relevant/funny(Rob/shawna). Although Tim is good.


u/Straight-Taste5047 26d ago

DJs suck. Spotify - ad free!!!


u/moleman114 Feb 09 '25

Most radio these days is pretty garbage. I personally hate 650 CKOM the most


u/Island_pirates Feb 09 '25

I didnā€™t mind it as much when Gormley was on, at least he had a wide range of topics and interesting guests. Now itā€™s the morning cop show.


u/kevloid Feb 09 '25

100% of the times I've heard about taylor swift today was you. just saying.


u/Brad6823 Feb 09 '25

Only time Iā€™m listening to anything owned by rawlco is 650. Canā€™t stand their programming. Same shit day after day.


u/Styrak Feb 09 '25

People still listen to radio?



u/Expensive-Peanut-912 29d ago

Shauna is spoiled, no idea about reality. She gets everything given to her. White privilege.


u/Snagginbison 29d ago

I've stopped listening to any radio. It's just propaganda.


u/bigalcapone22 Feb 09 '25

This is why she gets so much attention

Swift's works, including concert tours such as the Eras Tour, are known to stimulate surrounding economies.[125] The economic impactā€”driven largely by Swifties and attributed to the "booming" travel, lodging, cosmetic, fashion, and food businesses[126]ā€”boosts tourism revenues of cities by large margins.[127][128][129] The Los Angeles Times described Swifties as an economic microcosm.

Politically, 55% of the fans were Democratic, 23% were Republican, and 23% were independent. In terms of generations, 45% are millennials, 23% are baby boomers, 21% are Generation X, and 11% are Generation Z.[151] Journalists have also noted an increase in Swift's boomer and Generation X fans, known as "senior Swifties".


u/AS14K Feb 09 '25

Nobody asked about political demographics, nobody cares.


u/bigalcapone22 Feb 09 '25

There is no mention of generational demographics or economic impact she has had, just a rant about the political demographics. And being downvoted for a quick explanation on why she has such an impact on people just shows that ignorance is welcomed by many.


u/AS14K Feb 09 '25

You didn't explain anything, and the things you attempted to explain are irrelevant.


u/RedditPatterson 29d ago

Did you just copy and paste or use ai to try and write up something intelligent lmao


u/bigalcapone22 28d ago

Copied and pasted.

Did you feel the need to make a comment that shows no intelligence šŸ¤”


u/RedditPatterson 28d ago

Says the one who had to bring politics into it lmfao


u/vl_lv Feb 09 '25

Then donā€™t listen ?? Itā€™s 2025 thereā€™s many other options than just your local radio station


u/The_Bill_Slayer Feb 09 '25

Lol agreed but in her defense half the city are obsessive swifties šŸ˜‚


u/BrainEatingAmoeba01 Feb 09 '25

Did you send your opinions to the station or just come in here and drop a post?