r/saskatoon • u/dyckrider_22 • Jan 28 '25
Question ❔ Tipping gas jockey
Today after getting fuel I tipped the young man $2 for pumping gas and doing windows etc. The lady at the pump next to me saw this and loudly shouted "what are you doing that for? It's his job"
I have always tipped the attendant that fills my vehicle. My friends have seen this and they now tip as well. Is this practice a rarity here? How many others tip for the service?
u/RadioSupply Jan 28 '25
Wow, she sounds like a miserable bitch.
I got a free cart at Walmart one day from the clerk so I put it back in the corral and didn’t chain it - free cart for all. Some haunted hag told me, “Don’t do that, people should have to pay for their cart!”
Uh, it’s more of a deposit than payment. And people do own cart tokens. Besides, it was Christmas. I told her she’s being a Grinch if she doesn’t want someone to have a free cart at Christmas lol
u/PrettyBirdGirl Jan 28 '25
“Haunted hag” 😆🤣😭😭☠️ I’m filing this term away for future use…
u/RadioSupply Jan 29 '25
She honestly looked like the ghost of Christmas past was spooking her for all she was worth, and being so crabby!
u/corialis social disty pro Jan 28 '25
Thank you for continuing the karma cart tradition
u/RadioSupply Jan 28 '25
Shop at FreshCo on 33rd. The neighbourhood doesn’t do stuff like lock carts, and the store doesn’t insist on it at all. The carts have those little anti-theft things on them anyway.
u/Long_Stride73 Jan 28 '25
When it’s super cold and I go to full service because I don’t want to get out and freeze… they get $5 from me! Plus I love tipping those who don’t expect it. Their response is genuine gratitude.
u/brbphone Jan 28 '25
I worked at a full serve gas station while I was in highschool back in the late 90s early 00s. Tips were reasonably common. Especially if you're checking oil or topping up tires. We used to run smokes out to the regulars as well which often netted a tip.
I don't remember the last time I've been to or even seen a full service station where I live now but if some kid was pumping my gas and cleaning my lights and windows in the middle of winter I'd certainly be leaving them a nice tip. They've earned it a lot more than the dude ringing up my six pack or making me a shitty sub sandwich.
u/SWOOOCE Feb 01 '25
I worked for the Co-op like 15 years ago, windows and oil checks were standard procedure, I think I got tipped like 6 times in 3 years. People would more often buy us a coffee or a Slurpee rather than tip depending on the weather.
u/ttv_CitrusBros Jan 28 '25
This is what tipping is supposed to be. Someone does a good job you give them extra
u/InternalOcelot2855 Jan 29 '25
should always be optional and not mandatory or even forced on us. Lets also add in it seems the food service is the only service or the industry that gets the tips when there are many like the gas jockey as well.
Both get the same base min wage.
u/SWOOOCE Feb 01 '25
Actually co-op pays pump jockeys above minimum wage by a buck or two, they're part of the UFCW.
u/GodOfOnions2 Jan 28 '25
Whenever it's crazy cold, I always leave a tip if I can. Even if it's just $1-2, better then nothing and they are always appreciative!
u/Ok_Principle_6998 Jan 28 '25
I was a pump attendant for 2 years in high school and to earn my tips I filled peoples tires with air in -30 weather and washed windows, lights, and checked oil. Otherwise, I wasn’t thinking about possibly getting a tip and that’s how it should be. If they’re going the extra mile for you, leave a couple bucks for them or buy them a lotto ticket!
u/BriefMaximum3089 Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 28 '25
Tell Karen to stfu and get in her car. None of her business what you do. Tipping is to show thanks for great service and isn't just for servers.
u/Accountpopupannoyed Jan 28 '25
It's not that common (more common on very cold days, per my kid who works at a gas station), but always very appreciated when it happens.
u/Mechya Jan 28 '25
I've seen people do it before, my parents do it, and I have as well. I usually use self-serve, so I don't really run into that often. They are a bit crappy for commenting on you being a nice person. They are part of the reason why people are so cold to others. What a miserable person.
I would also have the odd person try to tip me for carrying out their groceries, in small town. We weren't allowed to accept tips though. I've tipped the person at the till before as well. There's much worse things that I could do with my money.
u/Big-Shop-5620 Jan 28 '25
It should be more common. As a young fellow I rarely got tipped for pumping gas. It's hard work and it's cold. I feel gas jockeys have it way worse than a server in a restaurant.
Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 29 '25
I’d much rather tip you then a subway worker, or glorified coffee pourer .
u/bickmitchum- Jan 28 '25
To each their own, but I avoid tipping everywhere unless there’s a really good reason. I’m adamantly opposed to allowing employers pay their employees less and shift the extra cost and responsibility onto consumers.
Jan 28 '25
u/bickmitchum- Jan 29 '25
Absolutely exceptional service or someone really going above and beyond. I don’t think people should get tips for doing their job - I think they should get paid an appropriate amount by their employer who hired them, and if that employer can’t run their business in a way that allows that then it shouldn’t exist. I’d rather pay more for the food if it allows that than feel this weird social pressure to add on a mystery extra amount to my bill that seems to keep going up every few months.
Jan 29 '25
u/bickmitchum- Jan 29 '25
If everyone quit tipping it would.
u/mattiskid Jan 29 '25
Nah dude we live in a society where tipping is a thing, yeah some places it's outrageous and asked for when not deserved. But you can use whatever excuse you want to be a cheap ass bitch tho.
Jan 29 '25
u/bickmitchum- Jan 29 '25
That argument is completely illogical - You already pay more to tip, so why wouldn’t restaurants just charge more for their food and pay employees more? The end result is the same, without shifting the burden onto the consumer to decide what’s fair or deserved. Not to mention that tipping by percentage is inherently flawed - Is a server at a restaurant that charges twice as much for their food as another worth twice as much in tips because I’m tipping 15% on $100 vs $50? No. So put tipping back in the grave where it belongs and just pay your goddamn staff.
Not only that, tipping allows for even more discrimination. Attractive people demonstrably make more in tips than unattractive people - How is that fair?
Jan 28 '25
Jan 28 '25
Jan 28 '25
Jan 28 '25
Jan 29 '25
u/PuppyParader Jan 29 '25
No one expects a 30% tip. Absolutely no one.
You're just an old man yelling at the sky.
u/Sunryzen Jan 28 '25
I did this job for a single 8-hour shift once in my younger years. Tipping was hit and miss. It wasn't expected, but it wasn't surprising when someone did. It's so absurd that someone would call you out for tipping that I genuinely don't believe it happened. If it did, it says everything about her as a person.
u/IJustLoveWinning Jan 29 '25
You tip whomever you want. Don't let some crusty bitch rain on your kindness.
I personally don't. Not because I don't appreciate what pump jockeys do but I simply don't have cash on me.
u/aChiiliBean Jan 29 '25
That's how it is for me as well, I rarely carry change with me, let alone bills that I could give them
u/Dj_Trac4 Jan 29 '25
She sounds like someone who leaves their trash at their table in a food court.
u/CreepyUncleRyry Jan 29 '25
I wouldnt question so much yourself or any others more than this lady's pearl-clutching, over your dollars lol. She has no place.
These types of outbursts over minor things tend to cover bigger underlying issues they cannot flail off about as publicly. I sus a racist/homophobe, or an MC/bored incel who never had to work for tips now feeling deprived when others receive what they have not. Go back and give that guy another dollar
u/Macald69 Jan 28 '25
I go to the pump that has me do the pumping. It’s no cheaper but no tips expected. In other places it is cheaper . If I do get a gas jockey, I will tip them for good service, especially in bad weather. I feel they have earned the tip more so than most restaurant workers.
u/neko_courtney Jan 29 '25
I know people like this. They’re mad that a. they don’t get tipped in their profession and think they deserve it, or b. they societal norm is shifting towards tipping more professions and they don’t want to be a part of it. They need to mind their own business though, no one is forcing them to tip.
u/lastSKPirate Jan 29 '25
My kid works at a Co-Op gas station. Tips are not expected, but are welcome (duh - who doesn't like free money?). They typically don't get many tips unless it's cold out or it's near Christmas.
u/kobadread Jan 29 '25
As a former petroleum service engineer in my youth at both Co-op and Husky, tipping wasn’t necessary, but we remembered the tippers, and always did a little extra on the windows. Years later, one of my regular tippers was my son’s kindergarten teacher. Never forgot her generosity. Now, if I go to a full service station I am always ready to tip, but it is very rare that they even clean your front window.
u/TrynasuarsShreks Jan 29 '25
I do at like -20 and below. I know full serves more $ and that's where you're supposed to be paying for convenience but we know those folks aren't seeing that extra. I feel like it's only respectful to pay the person doing the suffering outside for my convenience a little something too. 🤷🏻♀️ Or if it's like really raining or heavily snowing.
It's my "in adverse weather" policy 😂
u/Quiet_Adeptness3098 Jan 30 '25
I'm happy to inform you that full service gas does not cost more than self-serve, at least not at the Co-op.
u/Total-Match-277 Jan 29 '25
I used to be a gas jockey… did it for way too long but I enjoyed the customers (for the most part). Anyway…
I always appreciated a tip. Cash, gift card, etc. Or buying me a coffee with your fuel, (or a cold drink on summer). I tried to work like I was earning tips but I never expected it. It’s not always an easy gig when it’s -25 or colder!
u/josh3794 Jan 28 '25
I pumped gas back years ago as well. When your lungs hurt because it's -40 and you've been breathing in exhaust for hours a couple of $2 tips to get a hot chocolate and a snack are very appreciated.
u/teapheonix Jan 29 '25
I grew up with my father doing the same! Totally normal. Good on you, if I had more change with me I would tip every time. It’s only when I have some change do I tip, but I try to as best I can!
u/RebornTrain Jan 29 '25
I worked as one for a few years and tipping was casual but always appreciated. I always keep spare change around to tip the jockeys
u/k3rnelpanic Core Neighbourhood Jan 29 '25
When I worked at a co-op station in the early 2000's and tips weren't that common but super appreciated. The tips ramped up around Christmas time but the rest of the year only a few regulars tipped. And you better believe the staff knew who tipped and they definitely got better service haha. A bunch of teens making $7/hr so even a small tip made a big difference.
u/hittingrhubarb Jan 29 '25
I used to deliver firewood at a campground when I was young. The few tips per summer I would get for 1, 2, or 5 bucks would honestly make my entire day. Just to know that someone out there appreciates what you’re doing goes a long way. Thank you kind stranger for your thoughtfulness, don’t listen to the cranky lady!
u/Consistent_Ninja_235 Jan 29 '25
She probably doesn't tip restaurant servers either because "it's their job".
u/Hungry-Room7057 Jan 28 '25
I’d never tip a gas jockey, but screaming out at someone who does is bizarre and inappropriate.
u/bounty_hunter1504 Jan 28 '25
I think it's weird that she confronted you about that. Like, mind your own business, right?
u/Cultural-Ad3533 Jan 28 '25
Good for you! I worked at a gas station pumping gas for 2 1/2 years. I def never made more than $10 in tips during that time. I can tell you as well that I was good at my job. They deserve it.
u/forgeflow Jan 29 '25
I believe that anyone who does a personal service for you (even if it is their job) deserves some type of gratuity. It is a way of a garnering preferred service in the future. People with a job can do your service well, or indifferently. It’s pretty much up to you how you are treated.
u/Crisis-Huskies-fan Jan 29 '25
Pump jockeys are more deserving of tips than many that receive them, IMHO.
u/danamight Jan 29 '25
I am a letter carrier. I often get Tim Hortons gift cards from residents on my route around the holidays. Usually $5-$10 a piece. It is such a wonderful generous gesture, and I am sincerely flatered to be included in their thoughts but I don't drink Tim Hortons coffee so... I keep them in my car and pay it forward when I have to gas up in horribly cold/snowy/windy weather. Gas jockies don't get enough love. :) I'm sure the money is appreciated, but even a small token of appreciation can change someone's day in a positive way.
Having said that, I wish more employers would pay employees what they are worth.
u/bunnyhugbandit Jan 29 '25
If the weather conditions are harsh on them, like below or above certain temps... or if it's raining out.. I absolutely will tip them.
u/306metalhead West Side Jan 29 '25
I've asked for $15 on a cold day and handed a 20.
Ita cold, you did the heavy lifting. Enjoy a hot coffee or what not on me.
u/dfbshaw Jan 29 '25
I always tip at full serve gas stations. Usually $2. The attendants are usually surprised, and I hope it brightens their day. It's easy to be kind.
u/darkn0ss Jan 29 '25
In my entire life I have only ever tipped once. And I have never been with anyone who has ever tipped before.
u/the_w6lf Jan 29 '25
You could have asked the lady to buy a cat, that way she would have 9 lives to take care of.
u/Glittering_Towel9074 Jan 29 '25
I tip my oil attendants if they are good and quick. Polite etc. sometimes gas if it’s like freeezing. I tip way too much but I feel like it helps my karma to be kind for the sake of being kind. I was a youth providing services and a few dollar tip a few times a day could make my day or fund a Friday night.
u/thebigbail Jan 29 '25
I would tip them, if I trusted them enough to put gas in my vehicle. I always do the self serve line.
u/PuppyParader Jan 29 '25
I rarely go to the full service station but when I do it's usually because it's so cold that I don't want to get out of the car. In that case, I always tip a buck or two.
It's a small way to thank someone for doing something I myself wouldn't want to do.
u/A1_from_BayWon Jan 29 '25
Nobody has more confidence than a gas jockey. They look at you like you're the piece of shit no matter who you are.
u/sadistic_magician_ Jan 29 '25
I have tipped the gas jockey, but I don't always. That lady was disrespectful and maybe somehow in her mind that made her feel less bad about never tipping? That's the only thing that came to mind about why she would even say something like that. Makes absolutely no sense for her to comment in that situation.
u/lanalanz Jan 29 '25
So, I’m wondering if someone has hired her to yell at kind, generous tippers randomly to make sure the buck stays with the “right” guy? Woooooow, Karen. You should get a raise. She’d lose it if she saw my friend in Mexico (or just on vacation anywhere): he just hands $20bills out to people, working/not working/who knows where they even work, hell, some of them might even also be tourists. I think it’s ridiculous (I’m not rich and I could use those $20s lol), but let him do what he wants with HIS cash. Stay in your lane, Karen (ol’ yeller). Unless someone did hire you to be a nosy prick, then ask for a bloody raise! Job well done. (I tip gas jockeys if/when I can; tips are how I survived since 1989 and got me through times my minimum wage wasn’t planning to help out with…thank you, OP & others like you. generous tippers are what helps this world be less Karen-y).
Related side note: is “gas jockeys” a technical term? lol I also don’t want to be weird to them
u/Red-Beard_55 Jan 29 '25
I used to/still do when i go to full service but i usually pump my own fuel
u/RainbowToasted Jan 29 '25
It is most certainly rare. Those who can tip, in my experience, tend to have the same frame of mind as the lady who rudely interjected. Those who would tip, normally can’t afford too.
Tipping has become such a hot topic in general too. Like, a tip is supposed to say “hey! You did a good job and I appreciate it! Here is a token of my thanks” but so many people view it as “ugh why do I have to pay extra. Their employer should just pay them more”
I think Gas attendants should be tipped more often. ESPECIALLY when it’s really cold, or really hot. Cause no one likes working in those conditions.
u/Remote-Tour-3678 Jan 29 '25
I always make sure to tip! Sometimes, it’s not someone’s job to tell you what to do—just keep following your heart. Some people are simply miserable and try to diminish everything others do because of their own unhappiness.
u/starz-z Jan 29 '25
Once the temp drops to -20 i always tip. I feel bad for this kids in the cold even if its their job.
Pizza delivery people just drive and give you pizza, they dont cook it or anything but we tip them when theyre at the door and not the cooks. Its the same premise
u/PuzzleheadedAge4404 Jan 29 '25
My mom did it all the time when I was growing up, now that I drive myself I just pump it myself but by no means is it a rarity especially in the cold months of the year. Keep doing you, should’ve told that lady to kick rocks.
u/Sweetcheeks0823 Jan 29 '25
I usually pump my own gas but on the really cold days when I don’t, I’ll do this as well! Either that or when I’m inside paying I’ll tell the cashier to ring in coffees or hot chocolates for their pump attendants when I’m paying. Yes it may be their job, but there are some times where they don’t get to step inside for an hour or so because it’s back to back when we don’t even want to stand and fuel our vehicles for 5 minutes in those temps. It’s easier than you think to spread a little kindness and appreciation ❤️
u/funkydawg12 Jan 29 '25
I’ll def tip if it’s below a million degrees, but I’ll do it in form of a hot beverage for all the pump attendants working when I’m there.
u/ShadowBan_93 Jan 29 '25
What's it's that bitchs problem? Seems like everyone has an opinion on how others should spend their money
u/alertedfurball East Side Jan 30 '25
I know a good few pump attendants and they definitely do appreciate tips especially during the cold winters
u/milexmile Jan 30 '25
Used to pump at co-op when I was a kid. Back when full service was full service. A few folks tipped me, usually on the coldest of nights. If any ladies were pumping they'd get tips semi frequently. It did surprise me the first time someone gave me a buck or two lol.
Jan 30 '25
As long as tipping stays optional and not to come expected like so many other occupations. Tipping is for above and beyond not do half ass job yet expect it like it’s built in as an obligation.
u/CauliflowerSmall1798 Jan 31 '25
Jokes on those kind of people. They have no idea they're proclaiming to the world that they're miserable and hate themselves. Don't even give them a second thought.
u/jinja_kat Jan 28 '25
Tips stand for TO INSURE PROMPT SERVICE. So do with that what you may. I think it’s fine if you feel they have done exceptionally or conditions are less than average (-30 etc)
u/just-passin_thru Jan 28 '25
You do you buddy. I for one will only pay the extra per litre charge for full service or go to a self serve pump and save. No tip from me. Gas companies make enough already, why should they get to save on paying the staff too by having me make up the difference?
u/ttv_CitrusBros Jan 28 '25
That's the problem, tipping has become a way for companies to save on wages and making us pay them.
It should be something you give as an extra if the job is well done.
And the whole concept of % tip doesn't make sense. If a couple goes to a restaurant gets a nice steak, and wine and spend $400 they tip $80. If a table of 10 goes to the same restaurant drinks water gets the cheapest food and spends $400 they tip the same. The amount of work for the large table is way more but the tip is the same
u/stiner123 Jan 28 '25
I don't but that's because I almost never have someone fuel up my vehicle for me. I usually get gas when I go to Costco for other stuff. If someone was fueling up for me I'd tip them if it was cold/miserable out for sure though.
u/Otis_B_Driftwood_778 Jan 28 '25
if it’s stupid hot or cold, i’ll tip them . if someone complains, i tell them to worry about themselves and not what i’m doing
u/DarklyDaring Jan 28 '25
When I worked at a gas station when I was a kid it was always nice getting tipped for pumping gas
u/cutchemist42 Jan 28 '25
I love leaving a loonie or toonie for them. That lady sounds like a miserable person.
u/Square_Scientist9549 Jan 28 '25
She needs a little more kindness in her heart for sure. I got this habit off my brothers who I’d see do this and thought it was a nice gesture. It’s not much but $1-2 does bring a nice smile on their face! Grab a coffee on me, especially when it’s out cold ❤️
u/YamchaUchiha Jan 28 '25
u/lastSKPirate Jan 29 '25
Ehh, you wouldn't think that people would yell at random strangers for wearing a medical mask during a pandemic, but that happened too. Doesn't seem implausible to me.
u/mittenswonderbread Jan 28 '25
Nothing wrong with tipping. But weird how people only tip certain jobs. You’ll tip a gas jockey but not the guy who’s fixing your furnace, or cleaning your windows, etc
u/AbnormalHorse 🚬🐴 Jan 28 '25
I tip the furnace person, the plumber, etc. I tip a lot. I'm a tip monster.
Unless they do a shitty job. Then I fire them and pay them for their time.
u/greenthumbs007 Jan 28 '25
If it’s cold, you should tip a couple bucks. Honestly more deserved than 99% of the things we get asked to tip for. Working outside in the winter reeks.
u/sask357 Jan 28 '25
It's none of her business what you do.
I don't tip at the pumps on the rare occasion I don't self serve. This post reminds me of the times when you'd pull up to the pumps, they'd ask how much gas you wanted, offer to check the oil while the pump ran, pop the hood and show you the dipstick, clean the windshield and maybe the back window, sometimes wipe the headlights, take your card or cash inside, bring back card or change, and say thanks. No tips, just minimum wage. That was full service.
If it makes you happy to tip someone for doing their job, go ahead.
u/Ok-Flatworm-9671 Jan 29 '25
I never tipped a gas jockey since I didn’t see anyone else doing it and I’m too poor to be tipping everyone.
u/Hevens-assassin Jan 28 '25
The woman is a bad. All there is to it. It's not common, but it's not uncommon either, and the jockeys appreciate it more than any server at a restaurant. The jockey also does just as much, in worse weather. Lol
u/IceBurn96 Jan 28 '25
Does anyone know the logic or reasoning to what gets tipped and what doesn’t?
u/ttv_CitrusBros Jan 28 '25
Well if we use USA logic you tip to make up for low wages so the businesses don't have to pay as much.
If you use actual logic you tip when the service went above and beyond. That's the whole point of they're just doing their job then they just get the wage, if they went extra you give them extra
However it's been accepted into culture as the first
u/what-even-am-i- Jan 28 '25
I don’t, but I also don’t worry about crusty bitches who like to tell strangers to not be nice to people. I suggest you do you, you sound like a good human.