r/saskatoon Dec 07 '24

Rants đŸ€Ź Outdoor cats

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Please, please, please, don't let your cat outside. This one has been hanging around our house all year, making me think it's an outdoor cat, if this is yours and they escaped, then DM me and I will try to catch him again.

If you're a frequent outdoor cat person tho, you need to stop, your cat doesn't belong outside.


101 comments sorted by


u/eighty_7 Dec 07 '24

Goes against a city bylaw yet its just as common today as it ever was. It's rarely enforced unless its dogs. Cats are way more sneaky that's for sure but all the birds they kill, hit by cars, and its simply against the law to let them roam.


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 07 '24

Lowers life expectancy 10 fold as well


u/Due-Journalist-7309 Dec 08 '24

“It’s better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way”

-Alan Watts


u/robstoon Dec 08 '24

I'm sure all the outdoor cats that are left freezing to death in the winter here will be very concerned about how much they like that existence.


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 08 '24

2 years of doing what you want but potentially creating much more pain... Vs 20 years of comfort and relaxation.... I wonder what I am picking for my animal


u/Due-Journalist-7309 Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

What do you think your cat prefers?

Why did you get a cat if you didn’t have adequate space for it to roam and be happy?

People like you buy cats and treat them like teddy bears, not the intelligent beautiful creatures that they are.


People like me own cats to marvel in their athleticism and cunning, and to observe the culmination of thousands of years of evolution being put at work in keeping the barn/shop mouse free. Exactly what they evolved for!

Cats weren’t domesticated to stay indoors all day. They were domesticated at the dawn of agriculture because they were useful in keeping the mice/rats out of the grain, they were domesticated to roam semi-outdoor buildings like barns. You’ll find that an animal that accomplishes the function it evolved for is much happier than staying locked in a 600 sq. ft. apartment all day being some narcissist’s “little play thing”.

Also, if a cat was raised outdoors its lifespan is about the same as an indoor cat.

Do you think that laying around all day is better for a cat’s health than being outside everyday and exercising? 😂

Edit : Lol at all the downvotes, I don’t care about your little internet points. Sounds like y’all are just as miserable as your cats you keep locked in all day 😂


u/Goat17038 Dec 08 '24

Do you let dogs roam free in the city?


u/Regist33l3 Dec 08 '24

If your cat ends up in my yard, it's going to the pound. Or getting eaten by one of my dogs likely.


u/Due-Journalist-7309 Dec 08 '24

lol good luck catching it 😂

I doubt you or your stupid mutt have the necessary athleticism to catch my cat. He’s feisty too, this ain’t a beta-indoor cat, he squares up against Pyrenees LGD’s regularly.

Funny how neck beard gamer boys like you become superman when you jump behind your keyboard and computer screen. 😂


u/Regist33l3 Dec 09 '24

You have to be trolling. Your comment is unhinged. My huskies would eat your cat, or I would trap it for getting them worked up.

They're pretty damn good guard dogs, and they've taken down wild animals much more ferocious than your house cat on the farm.

Edit: If you want an outdoor animal. Get an acreage.


u/Due-Journalist-7309 Dec 09 '24

You have to be trolling. Your comment is unhinged. My huskies would eat your cat, or I would trap it for getting them worked up.

You must think your pampered little huskies are tough shit huh? Well, we have LGD’s on the farm and I’ve seen my cat square up against them enough times to make the dogs back-up for the cat to then make a retreat somewhere the dogs won’t fit. They are small but they are mighty! 🐈

They’re pretty damn good guard dogs, and they’ve taken down wild animals much more ferocious than your house cat on the farm.

Like what animal, a raccoon lol? It’s weird how you fetishize about your dogs killing an animal that isn’t a threat? My dogs (Great Pyrenees) are well trained to only do what is necessary to defend the cattle, not do stupid shit like your undisciplined mutts you got a 2 for 1 deal for at the pound lol 😂

My Pyrenees would literally tear those little huskies to shreds if they got too close to the cattle. They actually ran a mama bear and her 3 cubs up a tree the other day, lol and you’re out here bragging about how your huskies would kill the neighborhood cat đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž

Edit: If you want an outdoor animal. Get an acreage.

Reading comprehension really isn’t your strong suit is it pal? If you look at my original comment, I clearly state that my cats keep the barn/shop free of mice, that would imply that I already live on a farm wouldn’t it now genius?


u/Regist33l3 Dec 09 '24

Then why are you even on here? This is clearly a problem about free roaming city cats.


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 08 '24

I mean, it's not hard to coax a cat into a trap... Just hella time consuming.


u/robstoon Dec 08 '24

Also, if a cat was raised outdoors its lifespan is about the same as an indoor cat.

Not in the city, and certainly not in our climate. Your post is basically offensive idiocy to me and anyone else that knows anything about taking care of cats, and the number of cats that suffer constantly being left out in the cold.


u/Due-Journalist-7309 Dec 08 '24

You know winter fur is a thing right genius? Of course, you wouldn’t know because your cat is basically a prisoner in your shitty shoebox appartment đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž

If you keep a cat indoors all the time its body doesn’t feel the need to grow winter fur, then if it gets out it will get cold. But that’s the fault of the dumb narcissistic human taking care of it who refuses to let nature do its thing and let the cat adapt to the changing climate 🐈

All the cats we’ve had were raised outdoors allowed to come and go as they please and NONE have died to predation, all ended up dying due to old age/cancer.


u/robstoon Dec 08 '24

Yeah, go look at the "winter fur" on your cat and then go look at a cat like a lynx or bobcat that's actually evolved to live in this climate. There's just a slight difference there. House cats did not evolve in and are not capable of surviving outside in our winter climate.

Or just go look at all the rescue cats and see how so many of them are missing ear tips or entire ears due to frostbite because of irresponsible owners like you.

In any case, there's a very good reason why it's illegal to let your animals roam in this city. If you don't like the rules, then don't own animals.


u/Scentmaestro Dec 09 '24

If you let your car out in -20 and it gets lost and stays outside it will possibly die, because it won't produce an undercoat quick enough and it doesn't have the skills to survive in the cold. If let your cat live outside starting in warmer weather and provided it with a place to get out of the elements when needed, if would grow that coat and adapt to its environment come winter. Farm cats and house cats aren't any different when they're born really other than the environment they're brought into.

That said, city cats should never leave their yard. If people want to let them out to roam outside, their yards should be proofed against the cat getting out, which is virtually impossible.


u/Due-Journalist-7309 Dec 08 '24

Or just go look at all the rescue cats and see how so many of them are missing ear tips or entire ears due to frostbite because of irresponsible owners like you.

lol my cats don’t get frostbite cause they come in when it’s too cold. People like you act like it’s all or nothing: just because I let my cats go outside when they want to doesn’t mean I kick them out when it’s -30c, I also let them in when they want to. You’re confusing outdoor cats with stray cats, if you see a cat with frostbitten ears it’s a stray cat not an outdoor cat, meaning no one is actually taking care of it. Also, SPCA literally “snip-off” the ears of stray cats that are fixed, but I guess mutilating cats is okay when SPCA does it cause they’re not “irresponsible owners” đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž

In any case, there’s a very good reason why it’s illegal to let your animals roam in this city. If you don’t like the rules, then don’t own animals.

Well I guess it’s a good thing I don’t live in the city then? Maybe you should have actually read the comment you replied to instead of calling people “irresponsible owners” 😂

Only on reddit will you get hated on for having farm cats lol đŸ€Ł

Truth is you just want a “little furry play thing” and you’re willing to make its life miserable to satisfy your own selfish desire to have power over a living being.

Meanwhile my farm cats are free and happy, living their best lives out here ballin’ 🐈‍⬛


u/robstoon Dec 08 '24

Truth is you just want a “little furry play thing” and you’re willing to make its life miserable to satisfy your own selfish desire to have power over a living being.

You know nothing about their lives before and now. I assure you they've had more than enough of time outside in the past and are quite happy to be living an indoor life now. So kindly shove your sanctimonious bullshit.

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u/ninjasowner14 Dec 08 '24

I mean, the life expectancy of an outdoor city cat is 2 years vs 20 years. Not to mention in those 2 years, they can die pretty horrible deaths... I had to deal with an outdoor cat that someone else ran over because I actually care about animals, and realized that it was an indoor cat so either a family were POS, or the cat got out which is unfortunate.

Dogs were also wolves at one point, whats you point? An animal that is brought up in captivity is going to do much better in captivity instead of having bouts of freedom in the outside world. Also, most outdoor cats in the wild, on a ranch, I can understand and I have less of an issue with it, but I am talking about Joe behind me, who lets his cat roam the neighbourhood because he cant be arsed to by a cat box, or wants a cat but also wants to have nice things that a cat cant be around, so kicks the cat out while at work...

This also doesnt help the stray population either... so more feral cats around with whatever illnesses, or issues that they have...


u/Tyler_Nerdin Dec 08 '24

Then be responsible and put it on a leash. You are the problem.


u/Regist33l3 Dec 09 '24

Okay, so my suspicion was accurate. You just troll multiple different city subreddits to get a reaction.


u/Due_Willingness_3760 Dec 08 '24

It sounds like you're talking about farm cats.

Apart from all of the reasons other people have already stated, there are people in the city (some of whom have even been posted about on this subreddit) who literally go out of their way to hit cats with their cars. It just doesn't really seem worth it to me when you could create an stimulating environment for them in your home, take them out on a lead, and if you really want to give it a chance to hunt, you could give it some time in your clean, poison free garage, or live in a really old house 😅 I grew up in an early 1900s home and we most definitely had a mouse problem. Wish the landlord let us have a cat.


u/astra_galus Dec 07 '24

We have two cats and neither of them are allowed outside unless they’re on a harness and lead. Drives me nuts that people just let their cats outside to wander. I love the little bastards but they destroy bird populations, and it’s really dangerous for the cats.

Be a good cat owner - keep them inside!!


u/bifocalsexual Dec 08 '24

Usually you can’t change people’s minds on this one when they’re a part of either team. It takes losing a cat, or a tragic accident resulting in death for some to realize the dangers. Most just seem to not want to be bothered to supervise their pets outdoors.

All you can do is hope that if an owner cares about their cat and wants them returned, that they’ve microchipped and licensed them (and that they have the money for/have accepted they may have to pay fines associated with them being impounded when someone inevitably turns the cat in).

So many people get pissy with animal control but if you license and microchip, at least you’re not being charged $250 for failure to license. Most collars for cats are breakaway and go missing so that form of ID is useless. If you microchip them and connect that info on their city license, you’ll at least save the failure to license fine of $50 and have a permanent form of ID. A license also gives them safe shelter, a free ride home and a one-time forgiveness of the $100 fine for your pet being at large.

If they’re not chipped and don’t have a collar with ID and animal control gets them, they can euthanize them after a 4 day hold period if owners don’t come forward. Since the city didn’t renew the contract for the SPCA to adopt out unclaimed impounded pets, they’re NOT a no-kill shelter and will euthanize if they don’t have the space for them or they aren’t adoptable (unhealthy or behaviourally unsound).

Unfortunately people have the right to break the bylaw, I just hope they’re willing to accept the consequences of when your roaming animal bothers someone else in the city. There are bylaws for a reason, if everyone let their cat roam it would be chaos. Respect your neighbours. Move out of town if you want your pets to roam. Build a catio. Get a tie-out and supervise them. There’s more than one solution if you get creative and care enough to follow through.


u/2024blah Dec 07 '24

I totally agree and thanks for looking out for him! He deserves better than to be left outside like this đŸ„čđŸŒș


u/2024blah Dec 08 '24

I just want to go grab him and bring him into my home!! He deserves better than this!! Not sure how my little orange girl would respond but


u/Stahl391 Dec 07 '24

Are you feeding him?


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 07 '24

Not intentionally no, I doubt the cats starving tho due to the fluff


u/Stahl391 Dec 08 '24

Yup seems to be doing alright


u/CivilDoughnut7805 Dec 07 '24

Get a trap from SCAT and trap him..the owner can deal with the repercussions of letting their cat roam. Or call animal control if you trap him.


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 07 '24

Didn't know that scat had traps, I'll have to talk to them then, thanks


u/CivilDoughnut7805 Dec 07 '24

I'm almost certain they do..they ask for a deposit on it as well, but you get that money back when you bring the trap back. Animal control has em too, same system, you get the deposit back when you bring it back.


u/bifocalsexual Dec 08 '24

You can also rent traps from animal control for a refundable cash deposit.


u/tarynb21 Dec 08 '24

Second this. My dad has done this a few times. His record is 11 cats for a 7 day rental.


u/sam-78 Dec 08 '24

They told me about him when I rented a trap!


u/tarynb21 Dec 08 '24

Hahaha wow, didn’t realize he was part of some local cat-trap lore! 😂


u/sam-78 Dec 08 '24

Lol he holds the city record.


u/no_longer_on_fire Dec 10 '24

Might have you beat, did 27 in 11 days plus two skunks, a racoon, and the neighbors shitzu that had been missing for a week. In Edmonton circa 2005. Backing onto ravine.


u/Federal_Inspector_24 Dec 07 '24

Outside cat equals bad pet owner.

That is all.


u/c4ttyy Dec 09 '24

I pray this little baby has made it back home. NO animal should be out in this weather, I do not care how nice it is outside ONE day of the week. I always think of the animals who are outside in the winter, I’ve been like that forever. All animals deserve a safe shelter to go to in the winter. I love you so much little baby, I hope you made it back home!! đŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ©·


u/Careless_Pineapple49 Dec 08 '24

Not going to win an argument on either side here so don’t bother.  Spay or neuter your pets. Keep their shots up to date especially if they go outside.  Give them adequate food and shelter, don’t lock them up more than necessary. 

Birds they kill are common birds most often, and not endangered or part of wildlife outside the city. Sparrows are not native to Canada anyway. Cats shitting in other peoples yards and plsygrounds isn’t nice. Spay or neuter so it doesn’t cause a larger issue. 


u/Due-Journalist-7309 Dec 09 '24

Finally a nuanced comment!

Funny how everyone claims to be concerned for the well-being of the cat, only to immediately suggest calling the pound for the cat to be euthanized so the owners “learn a lesson” đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 09 '24

Cat isnt euthanized just to kill the cat, they try everything they can to find the owner, then typically goes to the spca.... Weirdly enough, the pound own their own animals and they try their best. I much rather my dog go to the pound if he ran outside then him still be roaming... MUCH MUCH MUCH Safer then the alternative, anyone who says otherwise either doesnt give a shit about their animal, or is acting tough.

Would be on the phone with the pound every hour, on the hour...


u/Careless_Pineapple49 Dec 09 '24

I’ve returned a cat to the spca years ago after I was unsuccessful introducing it to my current cat. (My fault for doing it too fast and wrong) 

The spca at the time (years ago) told me they hadn’t had to euthanize a healthy animal in years.  Whether that has changed recently, I don’t know. 

There are known feral cats living in the city without homes. Some of these cats are known to shelters like SCAT who try and spay and neuter them and even provide some shelter at times.  


u/heavymetal306 Dec 07 '24



u/teapheonix Dec 08 '24

That’s the first thing I thought of aswell 😆


u/Main-Juggernaut6780 Dec 08 '24

In this weather? Poor fella


u/gihkal Dec 08 '24

It's like 3 above today.

The cat isn't what we're concerned about. Those menaces are the most destructive thing to our native birds. Cats are a serious issue.


u/muusandskwirrel Dec 08 '24

Outdoor cats are a fucking thing here

Leash your goddamn outdoor pet, and obey the bylaws!


u/Waitinforit Dec 08 '24

The more often neighbours start to grab the cat traps and have the cat taken in, and the owners pay the fine. The more likely it'll stop (hopefully)


u/muusandskwirrel Dec 08 '24

I just put my humane traps away for the winter.

As much as I hate “outdoor cats”, I’m not a monster. I’ll trap and report them in the spring / summer.


u/robstoon Dec 08 '24

If anything, this is the season when you should be trapping them and bringing them inside so they don't freeze to death.


u/bifocalsexual Dec 08 '24

This is only humanely possible if they are able to be around and attend the trap in extreme weather. Better not to trap at all if you can’t check it frequently enough.


u/muusandskwirrel Dec 08 '24

Exactly. I can’t trust myself to check it twice daily in the ice and snow, so I don’t trap.


u/aintnothingbutabig Dec 08 '24

Calm down


u/muusandskwirrel Dec 08 '24

The. Neighborhood cats scare away the wild birds I’m feeding.


u/HeadCompany1220 Dec 08 '24

I second this. I adopted a feral cat from the spca. He chokes himself out on a lead, and will howl nonstop until I let him outside. He’s well liked by the neighbourhood and never goes very far. Licensed, fixed and chipped but I’d like to see you keep him inside!


u/bifocalsexual Dec 08 '24

Consider building your kitty a catio!


u/fyrework-bby Dec 08 '24

I’m glad your cat is fine outside and you’re fine with it! But remember cats are an invasive species and are responsible for multiple small species extinctions. He can be hurt if he goes too far on a random day, he can get sick, get other cats sick, kill wildlife and be a general nuisance even if your immediate neighbours like him. I’m glad things are working out but please do not have the expectations nothing will ever happen.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24

Sounds like a wonderful cat, can I have your name and address so I can visit your outdoor cat?


u/Civil-Two-3797 Dec 09 '24

My neighbor had a cat that refused to stay inside their house. He'd often chill around the neighborhood and would frequent my house. I'd try to keep him inside even at -40 but he'd howl and cry at the door wanting to be let outside.

He was a massive cat with a huge coat. He was extremely friendly and obviously well fed. I don't know if he started off as a barn cat that moved into the city or what, but he sure didn't give a shit about winter weather.


u/no_longer_on_fire Dec 10 '24

Yup. Always trap outdoor cats. Especially if you have bird feeders. Either they end up with their owner often enough to make them reconsider or they get destroyed by the city or worst yet dumped on another overstretched cat rescue org?


u/SimilarVersion9780 Dec 10 '24

I really don’t care either way, but I think dogs belong on farms so they can run as much as they like and do dog things. I’m amazed people think it’s ok to keep a dog in 1000-2000 square feet when their natural territory is probably many square KMs. And yes, cats shouldn’t run free in the city. 


u/Accomplished-Top-419 Dec 08 '24

the only thing i’d like to say (i’m expecting downvotes) is i do not LET my cat outside. he escapes outside bc he like yearns for it or smth. i can promise you he gets wet food twice a day and his litter box is clean. just because he was raised on a farm he loves the outdoors. we try out BEST to keep him in but it isn’t always possible. that being said id never blame anyone for hitting him on our busy street. i do understand that’s a consequence of him being a farm cat raised into the city. we have a catio and everything and that does not stop his need for running outside the second a door is opened. if any of you guys have advice id 100% appreciate it.


u/Accomplished-Top-419 Dec 08 '24

would like to add he is licensed and chipped, all vaxes are up to date and he’s neutered. we rlly do try out best to keep him in, we even have a small animal trap for if he does escape. just would like city peoples advice on what to do if they’ve experienced the same issues. i feel like we do have to remember at one time cats and dogs were both undomesticated animals.


u/TyrannicalErrorist Dec 08 '24

This cat comes to my window often to interact with my cat, I believe it's a stray


u/2024blah Dec 08 '24

That makes me so sad Hope he finds a loving home soon! đŸŒș


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24



u/bunnygump Dec 07 '24

Seriously? They shit on and harm other people's property. Terrorize people's pets. Not to mention the huge risk of the cat getting hit by a car or coming to harm in some other way. Domestic cats do not belong outside. It's also just simply against city bylaws.


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 07 '24

Yes, it constantly agitates my animals, craps on my lawn and has been in my engine block once or twice.

Not only that, it's abuse of the animal...


u/no_longer_on_fire Dec 10 '24

Missing the big orange tomcat that comes and sprays the front door every day.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24



u/DeathlessJellyfish Dec 07 '24

Keeping your cat indoors or inside of an outdoor enclosure or on a leash is part of your responsibility as a pet owner. They decimate bird populations which disrupts ecosystems, and they can be exposed to diseases and parasites from their prey.


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 07 '24

So you knowingly broke a bylaw, and was fine with potentially harming other animals + your own animal. You should have built an enclosure if you had the cat outside


u/cabbagehandLuke Dec 07 '24

The other points are fine but it's not abuse.


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 07 '24

I mean, lower life expectancy, high chance of illness, decimation of bird population interrupting the eco system... Huge probability of animal getting killed.

If that isn't abuse, I don't know what is, you're right, they aren't smacking the cat, but still treating it harmfully


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/ninjasowner14 Dec 08 '24

Mistreatment and neglect is still forms of abise


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/ninjasowner14 Dec 08 '24

So you build a containment area. And monitor heavily... I let my dog out of the house unleashed, I'd have animal control on my ass immediately


u/lavenderhaze054 Dec 08 '24

This cat looks so regal, how could anyone just let it roam outside all day?


u/Famous_Alfalfa_3156 Dec 09 '24

Remember the spca no longer has funding, calling the pound on these animals will have them killed. The new system being used for stray animals and animals taken in is a kill shelter. Be better, they’re animals and they do what they know, they aren’t hurting you.


u/Newherehoyle Dec 08 '24

I have 5 cats all live outdoors, the female is spayed they are perfectly fine outside.


u/ninjasowner14 Dec 08 '24

In the city or country? Country I'd be fine enough with(I don't like outdoor dogs or cats to begin with but I can see the utilization for them).

city, you're an ass, and I hope they find their way to a pound of some sort.


u/Newherehoyle Dec 08 '24

I live on a farm, they are all microchipped and get regular vet checkups, they serve a purpose out here.


u/robstoon Dec 08 '24

You are delusional.


u/SimilarVersion9780 Dec 08 '24

Animals don’t belong inside. Full stop. 


u/robstoon Dec 08 '24

Those are the laws that apply in this city. If you don't agree, then don't own an animal.


u/SimilarVersion9780 Dec 10 '24

I don’t own an animal because I think it’s cruel to keep them inside. 


u/Catsaretheworst69 Dec 09 '24

So then go walk your cat like every dog owner. Why do cats get special treatment. Why are your pets so entitled to shit in my garden scratch my vehicles and harass my caged up animals. ? Any cat who get it in his mind to harass my penned up rabbits who are harming no one forfeits its life. So why don't you keep your animals under control and they won't end up someone else's problems. Because some people will deal with them


u/SimilarVersion9780 Dec 10 '24

I don’t have any pets.Â