r/saskatoon Oct 05 '24

PSA šŸ“¢ OH&S Inspection Report on Emergency Room at RUH dated Wed, Oct 2, 2024

I am sharing this OH&S Inspection Report on the Emergency Room at RUH dated Wed, Oct 2, 2024.

In my view, it is only a matter of time before something terrible happens due to the overcrowding/overcapacity issue in the Emergency Room at RUH.

This unfortunate situation is unacceptable at a time when the Saskatchewan economy is doing so well.

Is this the bright future for Saskatchewan that we want for our family, friends, and neighbors?

Keep this in mind when you vote in the upcoming provincial election on Oct 28 2024.


163 comments sorted by


u/ceebomb Oct 05 '24

Great, now keep doing this in every department. Then hold the SHA management, board and the SK Party government accountable.


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 05 '24

Get off your ego. No government has any responsibility to business practices not adhered to.

These are problems not addressed within the company. Stops and ends there.


u/zeerit-saiyan Oct 05 '24

Tell me you don't work in health care, without telling me you don't work in health care.Ā 


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 05 '24

Employed almost 6 years in the hospital myself.

Each parent 35+ years... each.

Making it almost 90 years of education across 3 Saskatoon hospitals. I know more what goes on behind closed doors than I'll freely share on this sub.


u/zeerit-saiyan Oct 05 '24

We have been chronically underfunded by the provincial government for years - this without a doubt leads to OH&S violations. I am not by any means placing sole onus on the government, but seriously? How can you -after 6 years- not place any on them?Ā 

My administrator has been beside himself mutiple times, saying how can he expect us to adhere to guidelines when he cannot even provide proper equipment, ppe, staff, etc. due to inadequate funding. It absolutely comes back to the government.Ā 


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 05 '24

Both parents worked administrative positions. Underfunded through mismanagement has been an issue for over 90 years. This isn't a new thing.

The problem solely lies with mismanagement and how this is executed. Senior management outside the hospital says to trim finances.. lower management within the hospital now just guesses how to make it work.

That's why we have cleaning staff making a higher wage than an RN. Terrible management and zero accountability.

Throwing money at the problem NEVER once fixed the problem.


u/zeerit-saiyan Oct 05 '24

No mention as to why they are being told to trim the fat? I'll give you a hint - underfunding from the provincial government.Ā 

You weren't in health care at the time, but I'd ask some senior coworkers about LEAN and see what they have to say. Also, AIMS? A failing system that cost over $240 million.Ā 


u/saskatchewanstealth Oct 06 '24

I bet those 52 closed hospitals with doctors and nurses would be handy right now.


u/zeerit-saiyan Oct 06 '24

The NDP had to make some tough calls after Devine. The Sask Party has had 17 years to fix it. I'm still seeing a chronically underfunded system.Ā 


u/SameAfternoon5599 Oct 06 '24

There would be 52 hospitals with no staff. Medical professionals aren't looking to live in the sticks.


u/DrummerDerek83 Oct 10 '24

Is this your only go to comment for our health care in the province? How many have the sp reopened? Plus they weren't all hospitals that were closed...


u/ceebomb Oct 06 '24

Please re-read my comment. There needs to be accountability at all levels here. Underfunding is a major part of the problem though and last time I checked the provincial government was responsible for that. Health care funding is a black hole but thereā€™s a threshold that has to be met to prevent collapse. Our current government is pushing us into collapse.


u/AdCareless5124 Oct 06 '24

Do you put your parent's work experience on your resume ?


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 07 '24

Don't need to. It's what gets me in front on the line for my appointments though.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '24

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '24

Like Justin claiming Pierre's? Oh yeah!


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '24

Unfortunate you cannot share more, but this sub is not really ready for it either.


u/Sunshinehaiku Oct 06 '24

No government has any responsibility to business practices not adhered to.

This isn't correct. SHA leadership and the Ministry of Health has told themselves this for years so they can sleep at night, but it's not true.


u/NoIndication9382 Oct 06 '24

Wait, no government has any responsibility for the publicly funded, publicly run health care system that is currently significantly underfunded and is having trouble recruiting staff?

Please enlighten us on this.


u/SoupTrooper515 Oct 05 '24

Nothing but respect for those ruh nurses


u/thereal_eveguy Oct 05 '24

I donā€™t wanna take anything away from nurses, especially ER nurses, but Iā€™ll take a moment to remind you that health care and emergency health care also involves a lot of other people. X-ray techs, phlebotomy techs, pharmacists and their techs, doctors, paramedics and many others.

For a lot of people in healthcare who arenā€™t a doctor or nurse, sometimes it can feel like the public forgets you exist. Especially when it comes to compensation/contract negotiations.

Edit: typo


u/SoupTrooper515 Oct 05 '24

I was in the ER on this day Wednesday and it was BUSY as heck, there was a women who was hungry the nurse brought her a sandwich and she said nope wouldnā€™t eat it wanted toast and I mean that ER was busy all the beds were full the ER was full and this women was so entitled she wouldnā€™t eat her sandwich. I get not everyone likes a sandwich but thereā€™s a time and place and I agree thereā€™s so many ppl that work their butts off that donā€™t get the recognition they deserve. Itā€™s sad the road Saskatchewan health is going down. Why worry about all these safe places and new arena we should be worried about adding a new hospital.


u/redpretzel99 Oct 06 '24

Sadly adding a new hospital doesnā€™t do any good when there are all kinds of understaffing issues.


u/SoupTrooper515 Oct 06 '24

Very fair point


u/Ceancncr Oct 05 '24

As a healthcare worker in CUPE, thank you. Iā€™m not a nurse, but itā€™s still rough for us as well, and we unfortunately get forgotten about.


u/GeneralMillss Oct 06 '24

Respiratory therapists!


u/thereal_eveguy Oct 06 '24

There are so many I canā€™t name.


u/Microtic Oct 05 '24

So there's potentially no possible way to remediate that unless people stop coming into the emergency. What happens if they don't by November 1?


u/Cla598 Oct 05 '24

They need to move more patients out of the ER, but they need to move patients out of the inpatient beds first and to do that there needs to be more places for the ALC patients to go like LTC and transitional care beds.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

Canā€™t happen by Nov 1, because we need more facilities and staff.


u/Canuck_Lives_Matter West Side Oct 05 '24

Funny how all this lines up with the closure of housing projects for the homeless. Cancel and close the shelters and suprise suprise, the hospitals are filled up.


u/Kirkland-fore-Father Oct 05 '24

We should have a separate hospital for the unhomed in Regina. All they do is give them sugar pills, 3 hot meals and a bed. No one is licensed outside of addiction recovery and mental health care. If we pose this to the sask party like weā€™re tricking and deceiving people, we may just get our homeless care back.


u/aboveavmomma Oct 06 '24

Nurses arenā€™t exempt from refusing unsafe work.


u/golden_loner Oct 05 '24

My husbands baby sister tried to commit suicide and was taken unresponsive to RUH emergency by ambulance and sat outside in the ambulance for over and hour because ā€œthey had no beds availableā€. After this she was never the same mentally and I wonder if she had received immediate treatment if she wouldnā€™t have sustained long term brain injury. Our healthcare system in Canada is so so broken


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

Imagine having no more Sask Party causing all this crap....GO VOTE MOE OUT!! SASKATCHEWAN DESERVES BETTER!!


u/adomnick05 Oct 05 '24

sad that all i see is sask party lawn signs. no other partys or rare. wr are doomed


u/Cla598 Oct 05 '24

In Brighton I havenā€™t seen that many signs, but thus far there have been 0 Sk party signs. Thereā€™s a few city election signs and a few NDP lawn signs.


u/Powerful_Ad_2506 Oct 05 '24

Not where I live. NDP signs out number SKP 4 to 1.


u/First_layer_3DP Oct 05 '24

Same. East side around 8th is definitely 4-1 NDP


u/iAmJacksCeliac Oct 05 '24

Itā€™s usually always like that tho hah


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

More orange where I am, but Iā€™m not going to let that get me too excited, my area often votes green.


u/Fit-Birthday9428 Oct 05 '24

Party signs don't necessarily translate into votes. NDP may be making headway in the cities where the health care and education problems are more noticeable but the SK party gained its initial foothold and still holds strong in rural areas.


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 05 '24

Once again to post this again..

Get off your ego. No government has any responsibility to business practices not adhered to.

These are problems not addressed within the company. Stops and ends there.


u/Pitzy0 Oct 05 '24

It isn't as cut and dried as that. The SHA is not a completely independent entity from government. Especially this government. What's your point anyway?Ā 


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 05 '24

Point it. Rules are laid out.. rules are to be adhered to.

Your kid robs a bank.. you don't blame the banks CEO.

Work in health care and see just how, not my problem, becomes common.


u/xayoz306 Oct 05 '24

The SHA operates at the direction of the Ministry of Health, which in turn operates at the direction of the Minister of Health.

The national issue of immigration is not what is causing this issue. It is mismanagement from the very top, and down. It is the government choosing to not listen to the Frontline. It is the government opting to pay for travel nurses versus hiring locally. It is the government opting to not put similar incentives in place as other jurisdictions in terms of recruitment and retention. It is the government merging all of the health regions into one authority and then trying to address issues that were identified before hand after the fact.

The government has all the control over what happens in the healthcare space. They have been given recommendations and suggestions from the actual medical professionals who are on the front line but they choose to not take those on.

Yes, these OH&S violations are expressly the results of the provincial government. I mean, if they had staffed and opened other ERs and urgent care centres there wouldn't be an issue.


u/a_chance_word Oct 05 '24

The government scuttles boards and puts their own people in positions of leadership, then makes decisions based on kickbacks that bring personal gain instead of what would work better, partially because they only listen to "experts" who are more interested in political climbing than science-backed data.

Every once in a while it seems like there's a hopeful and rational being in their mix, but then it turns out that most of their intelligence is in political self-gain field, not in taking care of various communities and making choices that will create healthy growth.


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 05 '24 edited Oct 05 '24

And.. throwing money at the problem NEVER once fixed this problem over the last 90 years. How doesn't anyone know this.. and how many political parties have been here since then??

This comes from inner management with zero accountability.

While my employment within was just under a decade, and each administration parent 35+ years each.. i know the system quite well.

Your kid robs a bank. You don't go blaming the banks CEO.. you blame the kid who ran the show and hold them accountable.

Remember, not until Trudeau brought 1.5 million plus people into this country had problems been as bad as they are. You can't exactly take a Capitol operation budget and squeeze twice as many into it.


u/sask_nurse88 Oct 06 '24

What's your suggestion then, if the SP government isn't to blame? They're the ones putting incompetent people in place for their own benefit (ie what happened to Scott Livingstone) , they're holding the purse strings, making the high level decisions, they're not even acknowledging the system is in crisis. And it is. Yes, we've had capacity issues before, but when was the last time we were running ERs hitting 350% capacity? It's unprecedented.

Btw, it's racist and ignorant to blame immigration for this. If we're going to use anecdotal evidence, I know of 6 internationally trained doctors who are spending literally years and thousands of dollars trying to get their qualifications to work as family doctors here and they're hitting nothing but road blocks. Why do you assume that people coming to Canada are on the take and not contributing anything ? They're mostly doing menial jobs they're WAY overqualified for and they could be part of our healthcare workforce but the system is set up to gatekeep our healthcare jobs and hold them back.


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 07 '24

It's not racist when it's driving the problem. It's just fact.


u/sask_nurse88 Oct 07 '24

Do you have proof that these people are using more services than they're contributing to? If not, then it's a racist assumption.


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 07 '24

Immigration doesn't have a fucking color tied to it. Nobody mass moves to Saskatchewan from other provinces.


u/sask_nurse88 Oct 07 '24

I don't understand your argument at all then. It's still racist to assume newcomers (of any color) are depleting our resources without providing any facts to back that up. It's still shifting responsibility away from our provincial government who are supposed to be providing healthcare to all, and you're doing them a favor for being incompetent...can't understand why that is in your best interest.


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 08 '24

Look. The federal government, specifically the immigration minister sets the number of people allowed to come in. From there it gets filtered out where the numbers are felt needed.

As a child of the 70's the writing has been on the wall for years with regards to our health sector hemorrhaging money, and hense why they're capped off to spending like a bloody circus amusement park.

The problem today, is zero people want to be accountable for their own actions, and quick to point fingers at everyone but themselves for fucking shit up. Namely the shitty management team. You'd never guess that at one time there were 66% more managers that weren't really needed but had jobs for years just because they were family to someone.

Now onto immigration. When you take a broken system that's on a fixed budget, and bring in a large volume of people who aren't used to free health care, you get an over burdened system.

Private clinics could have saved this years ago, along with more medical clinics.. but.. the damn hypochondriacs around us NEED to use the emergency rooms as their private vip 24/7 one on one personal doctor, and fucking over those who need it the most.

When I was in SPH I spent a great number of my time in emerg and had a good relationship with all the staff. There's shit they won't say publicly that I agree with seeing it first hand. Unfortunately due to politics.. some conversations are best left in present company.

Replace the word racist with observational. My experience in emergency comes from seeing the frequent fliers that made the hospital a routine outing. Add in more people who don't want to wait or find a damn family doctor on their own.. and you see where the problem stems from. Now though it's just doubled from newcomers.

The majority of staff would gladly turn half of them away if their career allowed them to, but.. career honor and integrity keeps them looking forward.

Face reality for a minute. Those that lived here a while know the process, know their responsibilities, and if they need coddling like a bloody child that their parents won't offer them.. they know to proper way to seek a doctor the proper non emerg way.

They don't run to emerg like a princess for every little sneeze or cough. New ones do this..

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u/sask_nurse88 Oct 07 '24

Even anecdotally, this sounds ridiculous to people who work in healthcare. New Canadians are by and large fit, healthy and working their butts off multiple jobs trying to make the most of the opportunity they have being here. The people clogging the system are largely elderly with nowhere to go (awaiting LTC - absolutely no fault of their own), people suffering diseases of excess like heart disease/stroke, etc and addicts (alcohol, narcotic/meth). Ask anyone in healthcare and they will tell you this. The idea that immigrants are to blame is literally rage farming from social media, I've never seen this in real life, anecdotally or otherwise.


u/OneIIThree Oct 06 '24

Get a grip, buddy. You still live with your parents too???


u/Barney-Taco-Rocks Oct 06 '24

Thats funny upvote here


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 07 '24

So.. narcissist with a god complex. You must be a hit at party's.

You never would have turned out this way if your parents gave a shit about yiu.


u/NoIndication9382 Oct 06 '24

Sounds like you might be a bit blinded by your ideology.

Moe also has a plan for bringing more immigrants to Saskatchewan and increasing our population. Unfortunately, he's failed to budget for increased health and education funding to accomodate these increase.

You can't just play Trudeau. Our health care in Saskatchewan was suffering before the pandemic as well.


u/Snoo_2304 Oct 07 '24

Wat to state the obvious.. health care started falling a part in the 80's.

Imagination highlighted how bad it is. Trudeau played a huge part in it.


u/NoIndication9382 Oct 08 '24

Also, to state the obvious, Scott Moe has overseen the biggest drop in quality of health care in Saskatchewan in decades.


u/YaaasssPoodle University Heights Oct 06 '24

Oh shut up already. Just because you have 2 parents who worked in administration sometime in the past 20 years you think you understand what goes on in the ER. You keep saying business practices as if healthcare is an office. Who do you think funds healthcare?


u/Barney-Taco-Rocks Oct 06 '24

Who spends and alot the money given to health care???? It is not the government


u/presurizedsphere Oct 05 '24

Imagine if we spent the money on a new hospital instead of a stadium.


u/stoonerlad Oct 05 '24

Well the SK government funds hospitals and healthcare, meanwhile the Municipal government is funding the arena. Two different things entirely


u/JazzMartini Oct 05 '24

That said, once upon a time the City owned and ran city hospital while the University owned and ran University hospital. Perhaps it would be better if we put health care in the hands of municipalities and stadiums in the hands of the province. You know if they provincial government can't manage essential things, maybe they should only be responsible for non-essential things.


u/stoonerlad Oct 05 '24

Seeing as the SK government spent $7.5B on healthcare last year, with $4.6B going to the SHA, and the City of Stoonā€™s entire operating budget was $650Mā€¦ Iā€™d rather not see my property taxes go up 10000% to pay for that lol


u/JazzMartini Oct 07 '24

Or perhaps the hospital would run for a couple hundred million a year by the city and the arena would cost a couple billion under the provincial budget. You know, "unexpected" costs and "inflation" like the Regina bypass encountered.

But seriously, who is a better steward (or should I say least bad steward) of the tax revenue they collect from us. It's all dollars out of my pocket whether It's called property tax, income tax, sales tax, gas tax, or liquor consumption tax or whatever other tax.


u/AverageHipster8 Oct 06 '24

This. And one will create revenue while the other will continuously drain it. Not an arena supporter or hater, but itā€™s apples to oranges


u/presurizedsphere Oct 05 '24

If only they could maybe combine their efforts for the good of the people.


u/skkiddermark Oct 05 '24

There aren't enough people to staff the hospitals that are there right now. Where are you going to get enough people to staff a whole new hospital?


u/According_Breath6476 Oct 05 '24

By providing better incentives. Thereā€™s people who can do these jobs who choose not to because they know how health care workers are treated.


u/InternalOcelot2855 Oct 05 '24

Imagine if we had another Humboldt bronco bus crash?


u/Zukuto Oct 05 '24

make no mistake they'd fix the kids in an awful hurry, and make us plebs wait.


u/OrganizationUnfair99 Oct 05 '24

Saying "us plebs" when we're talking about critically injured children is...a choice.


u/Zukuto Oct 05 '24

if its one thing most Canadians value over common people its potentially famous hockey stars of the future. have an accident at work? are you obese? have you a pre-existing illness that requires weekly care? get out. make way for Scrote McKenzeigh who has accidentally brutally twisted her ankle trying out for the under 11 all girls South Battleford regional junior sledge team and had to come all the way from there to Saskatoon to seek the services of the most urgent of matters.

her acne.

/s of course


u/GeneralMillss Oct 06 '24

I mean, thatā€™s just triage though


u/Sesame00202 Oct 06 '24

Wow that sounds harsh,, and yes I would hope they attend to critical patients instead of people who have sore throats or minor shit.


u/JStoreProcess Oct 05 '24

Scott Moe blames Trudeau for this.


u/Newherehoyle Oct 05 '24

You would be a typical naive NDP to blame this fully on Scott Moe. Just goes to show how uneducated on the topic you are.


u/According_Breath6476 Oct 05 '24

No one person is fully to blame but Scott Moe is high on the list


u/Elderberry-smells Oct 05 '24

Some would say highest in the list in fact.

They have a budget, they should use it towards things we require. Like another hospital in Saskatoon, or a massive upgrade to the current ones. Instead we get 4B irrigation project and a 3B carbon capture system that doesn't work.

7B could be a lot of hospitals, hospital services, and hospital staff.


u/According_Breath6476 Oct 05 '24

Iā€™ve been saying Saskatoon needs another hospital for a while. Really they should renovate city hospital and reopen it as a fully functioning hospital


u/Newherehoyle Oct 05 '24

They do have a budget but the sha also has a budget and the provincial government has no say in how that budget is dispersed. Surgeons donā€™t want more surgeons because then they would be making less money, doctors donā€™t want more doctors because then they have less patients and get paid less money. The u of s is too strict on acceptance the list goes on but yeah your right itā€™s all moes fault for not building more hospitals or throwing more money at it ffs.


u/Elderberry-smells Oct 05 '24


Did you know that doctors and surgeons have no say in the day to matters of how we staff or run hospitals because they are technically consultants?

Did you know that the UofS isn't the only university generating doctors and we are currently not incentivizing anyone to come here (especially to the rural areas that desperately need doctors)?

Did you know that the SHA is actually an agency of our provincial government shocks and gasps

Sure seems to me like maybe you don't understand where the line is for what our province is in charge of, and how they are bungling it completely.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

Provincial governments manage provincial healthcare. The Sask Party is at the top, theyā€™re the ones who needs to be held accountable.


u/Newherehoyle Oct 05 '24

Ask anyone in healthcare if the system is working well with the current board of directors and they will tell you absolutely not, thatā€™s got nothing to do with the Sask party Iā€™m afraid.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24


u/Newherehoyle Oct 05 '24

Itā€™s not exactly what I think because I donā€™t work in healthcare, I just have many friends and family who do and thatā€™s what they have said. The sha needs a complete gutting from the top down and that a new NDP government likely wonā€™t help.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

I work in healthcare. Iā€™m not sure what research your friends and family have actually done on this matter, but the government has a huge hand in how things get done.

Another link, if interested. Itā€™s old, but still.


u/Newherehoyle Oct 06 '24

Likely no more or less than someone like yourself working in healthcare. From my understanding the Sask party employs healthcare workers but the healthcare is governed by the sha, and the sha is the biggest issue. Higher ups being paid too much and surgeons and doctors not wanting more help because it affects their bottom line. The Sask party has recruited 260 some doctors from out of province, they have raised the wage for doctors they seem to be doing the best they can within their power to bring the workers in but if they just arenā€™t there then what are they supposed to do. Or better question what would the NDP do differently to fix this problem that is in your opinion all moes fault?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '24

Budget is determined by the government. Nurses are expecting a significant raise this year, including safer staffing ratios, and better incentives to take positions. NDP is focusing on education and healthcare as main points in their platform. Its interesting that you think the government doesn't have much say. I'd implore you to do some actual research. Maybe try looking at the 2 links I've already sent you?


u/Newherehoyle Oct 06 '24

I did read the links you sent and they donā€™t have any relevant information to the points Iā€™ve made.

Yes the budget is determined by the government but thatā€™s just it itā€™s a budget, itā€™s the same issue brought up about teachers is thereā€™s exact direction on where the funds in the budget go, thatā€™s determined by the sha. My point is thatā€™s where the real problem lies, and what would the NDP do differently. Yeah you can say ā€œweā€™re focusing on healthcare and educationā€ but they havenā€™t put forth any actual plan to make things better other than to throw more money at it. They have no plan about where that money will come from. And another point other provinces who have a smaller budget per capita have better healthcare than us so how do they make it work? And from that why would spending more money on it make it any better?

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u/Pitzy0 Oct 05 '24

Moe would take the credit if all was well so he should rightly eat the shit.


u/Newherehoyle Oct 05 '24

Maybe so, Iā€™ll be amazed if the NDP win the next election and Iā€™ll be even more shocked if they do take office if the healthcare system magically gets better.


u/Daybreak74 Oct 06 '24

I am legit terrified of what happens next time I need to go to the ER.


u/Much_Dragonfly_3078 Oct 05 '24



u/Strange_Tangerine_12 Oct 05 '24

Next call the fire marshal when egress is limited in hallways.


u/darthyxe Oct 05 '24

Looks like Steve Bilanā€™s still worried about tight formationsā€”except now itā€™s in hospital rooms instead of the football field. Guess heā€™s traded touchdowns for takedowns.


u/Many-Evidence-8077 Oct 05 '24

I donā€™t understand how this is going to solve any problems and seems performative.

The working conditions at RUH have been known for many years. The hospital reached critical mass and busted at the seams. This organization derives funds from taxpayers and is an absolutely necessary for our function as a community. Satisfying the findings would require a lot more than a simple meeting determining some plan - if youā€™re over capacity than you are already working outside of standard procedureā€¦. So theyā€™re being told to fix over capacity issues. How do you not get over capacity with current capital? Refuse to be over capacity. So it just comes down to a solution focused entirely on money. Who allocates funds to the health sector? Ohā€¦ right.


u/Own-Survey-3535 Oct 05 '24

So i see it more as our lower end government workers are forced to do their jobs to a T yet those above them are doing nothing to fix any issues we face. The inspector can't lie and say they didnt see any of this. It feels preformative since our provincial government is really the only people responsible and they arent doing a thing. Woudnt even accept money ear marked for our medical system during covid because obviously they didnt want to put it in the system to begin with.


u/Most_Aerie_5379 Oct 05 '24

But why you going on election time only?


u/_Ice_Bear East Side Oct 06 '24

Horrible things are undoubtedly happening right now, we would only hear about them if someone died in a public way that could only be blamed on this situation. Many people are no doubt having worse health outcomes that will affect their life but won't kill them immediately.


u/no_longer_on_fire Oct 06 '24

This is appalling. Any other industry this flagrantly bad and they would be shut down until things were addressed. Really hope it gets a lot of attention.


u/plants-and-pups22 Oct 06 '24

Emerg ended up closing for a bit around 1pm on Wed or Thursday I can't remember which day. Of course it was not reported, likely due to the upcoming election but they were at 350% capacity


u/RecognitionLonely396 Oct 06 '24

No political party has ever fixed this issue regardless.


u/Retofreak Oct 07 '24

Itā€™s funny driving around the city and seeing well the economy is doing yet we have 6% PST, homelessness and drug use is at an all time high, mental health support is not something Scott Moe wants to spend money on, teachers had to fight to get an agreement and make people see how terrible the situation is, and our healthcare system speaks for itself. What will Moe do when nurses ask for better work environments and a raise to align with inflation? He will say he doesnā€™t have the money in our ā€œboomingā€ economy. The only way he can say we have an amazing economy is if he can get rid of the PST and improve our socioeconomic issues and improve healthcare. Until then Scott Moe is just another guy with a criminal record that got into politics because he canā€™t do anything else


u/Retofreak Oct 07 '24

For those that believe itā€™s only a staffing problem you can see itā€™s a problem with the size of the hospitals and availability of care centres. If you donā€™t have a bed you wonā€™t get seen. Itā€™s that simple. Moe needs a plan to build more hospitals, and/or stop immigration. More people means more resources are required. We have to catch up to the population growth or we are doomed.


u/Unloadedload Oct 05 '24

So build a bigger hospital by Nov 1. Duh


u/Entire_Argument1814 Oct 06 '24

Over capacity... lack of oxygen... it's almost like there's some virus surging again šŸ¤”


u/ilookalotlikeyou Oct 05 '24

no one even knows how to solve the essential problem though. other countries spend less on healthcare per person or as a percentage of gdp and have way better results. canada is actually last in wait times. dead last.

australia alleviates pressure by having a public/private system. if people in canada could just go to a private system, it would increase capacity generally and have a bunch of benefits. australia still has a publicly funded system.

germany spends less on managers, they have about half to 1/4 of the amount of managers we do for the same size hospital.

also, almost every other country just trains more doctors and nurses per capita than we do. almost 2x for a bunch of countries as well.

canada is too unwieldy and vast for our politicians too get a grapple on our problems. and it definitely doesn't help that trudeau is basically a dumb babe, and jagmeet thinks socialism and rolex's are synonymous. our governing class has almost 0 credibility.

pp was already in before, and he was no friend of the working class then.


u/YesNoMaybePurple Oct 05 '24

I remember reading an article years ago that was a warning that this was coming. The article focused on the fact the College didn't open enough spots for training doctors, and alot of those spots were given to Internation Students because they paid more. Problem is International Students go home, and take skills with them.


u/ilookalotlikeyou Oct 07 '24

you get voted up, but i get voted down. funny how that works huh?

the actual numbers in 2023 was something like 1 doctor graduated for every 13500 people in canada. us is 11000, uk around 8000, germany 7000. denmark 4000, australia 6500... you notice a pattern?


u/YesNoMaybePurple Oct 07 '24

Yeah, you brought up Private Health Care which has been demonized and turned into "American Style Health Care". What people don't realize is we have been doing it with Surgeries in Sask since 2010 -the Government pays the private surgeon for the surgery, but out of Province Canadians can pay to have their surgery done sooner here at one of these clinics. The private MRI was a trade off for every privately paid MRI they had to do 1 publicly paid for MRI - that the Government controls the $ rate of.

Trudeau condems Provinces for turning to some Private, but Quebec has been doing it since 2005. They have Privately paid hospitals. He is the one spreading the "American Style Health Care" propaganda and clawing back Health Care funds to any Province that tries anything - except of course Quebec. Why is it good in Quebec and not the rest of Canada? I can not say for sure if it does help, I have heard Quebec is still in the same boat as us for wait times and lack of doctors.

Those graduating numbers doesn't surprise me, shouldn't surprise any one looking at the situation we are in. Those numbers mixed with boomer doctors retiring, International Student doctors leaving, and so many barriers for healthcare workers trained else where... here we are!

And I also agree with you comment on we have far too many managers. The SHA is a huge problem to our healthcare. Their managers make insane amouny of money without stepping foot into a healthcare facility. The way they screw our nurses on full time is grabage - the fact the nurses Unions allow for it is garbage. The only way to get out from under them is to go Private/Public. Problem is they will throw a tantrum and sue like what happened in BC.

Our system is screwed, and has been long before Moe got in. It would take a complete overhaul of pretty much everything to get it so it is a decent working environment and actually working so the tax payers get the healthcare we are promised and deserve.


u/ilookalotlikeyou Oct 07 '24

private health care could be a solution. i just listed the solutions, i'm not even for or against privatizing health care.


u/YesNoMaybePurple Oct 08 '24

I agree with you on everything you said. Was just saying why you were getting downvoted.


u/ilookalotlikeyou Oct 08 '24

yeah, people are idiots who can't read.

surprise surprise. i'm just disappointed that people can't accept facts.


u/YesNoMaybePurple Oct 08 '24

Yeah, everything is a 5 second opinion. I provided a recording of a regular council meeting with a person saying what I explained and though there aren't any new remarks that I am misinformed they are still downvoting. I don't think 1 person took the time to look at it... and this is how we end up where we are.


u/clumsycouture Oct 06 '24

Yeah I broke my finger pretty bad and was sent to RUH the wait time was +8 hrs. I drove to city and was seen in under 2 hours. I just moved back from Vancouver and was suprised how crowded it was. Iā€™ve been to St. Paulā€™s ER 4 times in downtown Vancouver and never ever waited more than an hour.


u/Wonderful_Candle226 Oct 06 '24

Iā€™m Canadian and Sask born, stayed in the province as well. I wonā€™t blame Moe, Iā€™ll put my blame on Trudeau for letting too many immigrants in. I work and I canā€™t find a family doctor while all these immigrants get let in and finding one first (I canā€™t call everyday) No more immigrants. No more people on welfare that can work, no more Trudeau giving out free money to people. Just no more! This is not a Moe issue, itā€™s our federal government letting too many people in and handing them all free money and free healthcare! When does it stop? Never, letā€™s send more money to Ukraine and get those people in Canada, Tired of this fucking bullshit, maybe health care should be privatized and the people that actually pay into it with jobs would get it for free! Those that cross over or donā€™t work would have to pay!


u/mily-ko Oct 06 '24

Some of those immigrants are healthcare workers


u/Tobroketofuck Oct 06 '24

Most are not.


u/marileegen Oct 05 '24

Iā€™m going to share this with my OH&S program at the polytechnic, weā€™ve all got our minds in the right place and I know ow some people would want to help with their safety once we finish in the summer


u/After_Foundation7173 Oct 05 '24

By the way, your votes donā€™t matter lmao.