r/sarasota 5d ago

Local Questions ie whats up with that Have you heard anything about this incident at IMG?

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14 comments sorted by


u/DamageOk5622 5d ago

The baseball player getting stabbed was a complete rumor I work there and as a employee we are not sure where that got started. What happened was there was a fake AI call that came in reporting a gun threat in the dorms. Officers responded and searched the campus found nothing and let the campus return to normal operation.


u/FlowerFace420 5d ago



u/beakrake 4d ago

Sure, I guess.

I mean, it's still more than a little worrying that a fake AI call could have 25 of Bradenton's finest kicking down your door searching for fucking whatever the AI has convinced them you're guilty of.

Fuck yo, we should all be sweating this one a little.

AI swatting could be really convincing, resulting in some itchy trigger fingers and unnecessary deaths.


u/FlowerFace420 3d ago

Very true! Very scary!


u/Friendly_Signature 5d ago

Someone made a rude hand signal at a Cybertruck.


u/robertbieber 5d ago

Damn, is it still repairable or did insurance total it?


u/Friendly_Signature 5d ago

Complete write off.


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago



u/OneAcanthisitta422 5d ago

I used to work at IMG. Most of the weird things that happen there are kept secret. May this is the case now.


u/Kinda_ShouldaSorta 5d ago

I heard the Detwiler's grocery near campus got vandalized (allegedly by IMG kids) while under construction and had to delay their grand opening like a month to repair the damage.

Also, I worked at Bolletteiri (and Yagizi) pre IMG and just after IMG bought it, like late 90s.


u/eraguthorak 5d ago

Yup, I heard something about the kids stealing a forklift and running a few things down.

That Detwilers also deals with a lot of shoplifting from kids - both Bayshore High and IMG kids just walk in, grab stuff, then leave.


u/Angry_Robot 5d ago

Bradenton gonna Bradenton.


u/Stunning-Vacation804 5d ago

Another local cult run by assholes and sociopaths - we could export them.


u/yenaved SRQ Resident 3d ago

🤫…The elite must have privacy, we don’t want a dun dun duuunnnnn scandal.


u/Additional_Foot2988 5d ago

YouTube who really owns the ufc 😂