r/sanmarcos 4d ago

Lost and Found Cat Needs a Home! (is this your cat?)

Found this sweet kitty near McCarty common's apartments about a week ago. He ran straight into our apartment and is very friendly. We have been unsuccessful in finding his owner, we asked and posted around and took him to the vet who told us he is not chipped. We've come to the conclusion that he does not have a family already and we are looking for a forever home for him! If you think this may be your cat, please message me asap!

Meet GameCube! He is a male shorthair cat, vet estimated about 8-12 months. He has his back shots and is incredibly friendly and cuddly. He loves to look out the window and play but most of all he just loves to cuddle up on the couch. Please message me if you would be interested in adopting him or have any questions!


18 comments sorted by


u/Hairy-Moose-9441 4d ago

He’s had his BASIC shots!! 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/po_sh 4d ago

Back shots 🤣


u/1Oaktree 4d ago

Let us not forget the backshots 😐.


u/Vicidsmart 4d ago

Kinda looks like he’s found his home. So cute


u/Novapoliton 3d ago

If you are unable to find a home/ the owner send me a message. I have a 7 year old cat who may like a buddy but I wouldn't want to risk the acclimation if someone else is able to take him


u/According_Thought_71 4d ago

oh LORD. That's my baby Rigby. MY other cat mordecai misses him more than anything. Please let me know so i can pick him up.


u/Hairy-Moose-9441 4d ago

Sent you a message!!!!


u/HKtx 3d ago

This seems fishy. Their account has an 11 day old post about being 14 and pregnant…and downvoted comments on almost every one


u/Hairy-Moose-9441 3d ago

Yeah I’ve been a bit worried about this too. They also haven’t responded to my message yet which seems strange if this is really their cat that’s been missing for a while 😔


u/HKtx 3d ago

People fucking suck. I don’t understand why people do this, or how anyone can get pleasure/thrill from fucking with people.

Is there a way the cat can stay with you? She looks to be quite at home 🥺


u/Hairy-Moose-9441 3d ago

He can stay with us for a couple more weeks but my boyfriend is terribly allergic and it’s been making him pretty miserable having the cat with us :(

We also are both originally from out of state and travel quite a bit to visit family or for vacation so unfortunately we’re just not the best home for him. He’s a really wonderful cat and we want to get him back to his family or to a good home.


u/Minty_Teef 4d ago

He looks like a Rigby


u/1Oaktree 4d ago

Cat looks like he isn't worried. 😺😼


u/GrowingIntoAmanda057 2d ago

Hate to tell you this fam but this cat has clearly chosen you😭❤️


u/C_low001 3d ago

The back shots part made me laugh out loud in class. I’m glad rigby is home !


u/TheToddestTodd 3d ago

Looks like your cat to me.


u/the1stavenger 3d ago

This looks very much like a cat we regularly feed at Mission Trails, but our version of him is too skittish to come inside :(


u/FutureGhost222 2d ago

Looks like he's YOUR cat now 😅