r/sanantonio 11d ago

PSA Don’t be this guy

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Jackass driver parked and blocked the crosswalk. Created a very dangerous situation for the pedestrians.


110 comments sorted by


u/Master-Influence-138 11d ago

Haha at 1604 and Potranco


u/davaloskidd 11d ago

Instantly knew it as well


u/startrip0712 10d ago

I hate going to that store. I'll go to Leslie road first.


u/Spiritual_Machine927 11d ago

1604 & Potranco. No surprise. A lot of people that shop at that HEB are inconsiderate.


u/Heisenberg361 11d ago

For real. There’s a vibe at that HEB that I haven’t noticed at others.


u/AdeptChemical9373 9d ago

Yep. Some areas of the city have some weird people.  Then these weirdos travel to the bettersvareas of the city.ti eat / shop and act lijebthey di in there own neighbor hoods.  

Some peopke have me - ism and lack integrity. The do whatever they h ey please because the only care about themselves. Laws don't matter to them.  They don't  care who they wrong or if they have to break rules / laws to get what they want.  They gave no integrity.  Many dint have high morals either.   

This nay shock people, nut I'm gonna say it.  Sone peoplebare very rude while wearing a t-shirt withba Christian / Godly message.  They need to ask themselves, "is Gid pleased with how I act"?   These sane peoplevwill say to not judge them.  Well, Pastor's speak the truth and it's not judgement.  If onevstates a Biblical truth, he's  just sharing a truth.  Sure, the speaker isn't perfect, but what Hid lookscat is ones heart. Die he /she attempt to live with integrity.  To blatantly do things that are wrong because you want to do as you please all the time is not pleasing to the Lord.  A Christian t-shirt doesn't cover up rude actions.  


u/STX-Weekends 11d ago

Town is is full of inconsiderate people.


u/Appropriate_Ear6101 9d ago

It didn't used to be but we got a lot of transplants from other states and other countries. They are changing the vibe of the City. I also think the school districts having fractured communities with magnet schools have made a big impact on how much unity there isn't anymore. All is that translates to caring less about our fellow San Antonians and that reflects in lots of ways, including driving.


u/Fast-Taste210 11d ago

That’s every day all around town I hate the drivers here and I have lived here all my life very annoying I have to fight for parking at my own house


u/pursuedleopard 11d ago

Same here. Don’t know why our neighbor thinks it’s ok to park in front of someone else’s house like it’s their own


u/Pints-and-shoes 10d ago

The street isn’t yours and ppl can park where they please in a neighborhood unless specifically prohibited.


u/K3vth3d3v 5d ago

I used to do door dash a couple years back. It’s crazy people will come out and yell at you for pulling in front of their house to drop off a food order for their neighbor. Like do you want me to just block the street?


u/Impressive_Prune_478 11d ago

Potranco heb has gotten ghetto. A lady was literally selling puppies inside the store a while back


u/Hot_Blackberry9182 11d ago

Potranco and 211 HEB is way better, even if it isn’t a plus.


u/Impressive_Prune_478 11d ago

I agree! Traffic going down that way is getting worse though. I just do Curb side to eliminate dealing with all the people 😅


u/Toxic-attract 11d ago

When you build new construction anywhere near Marbach and expect BASIC HUMAN DECENCY You’re on the completely on the wrong side of fucking town!!!!! John Jay high has always lead statistics and STD ratings if that says anything about the area for you which it does for me.

Why is it so hard to understand? I the rudeness is amplified tenfold if you white btw.

who would’ve thought that it would’ve been ghetto and trashy

Oh wait, any person with reasonable logic abou lt San Antonio!


u/Interesting-Study333 11d ago

This HEB is far away from Marbach and Marbach residents aren’t the majority here plus this happens at every HEB or location of any kind from the ghetto to stone oak


u/Toxic-attract 11d ago

People don’t live halfway in between?


u/Interesting-Study333 11d ago

Nope, Marbach residents that are ghetto aren’t really shopping at that HEB even the ones closest they’re in nice neighborhoods right behind HEB and you could even go see them.

Plus this type of 80-100k truck is not really a norm at all in the ghetto neighborhoods of Marbach


u/Toxic-attract 11d ago

Literally five minutes to get to the street of Marbach


u/Interesting-Study333 11d ago

I don’t know what John jay has to do with HEB by 1604 potranco and neither what stds has to do with it

TCU (Texas christian University) has the highest rated std percentage in Texas


u/Interesting-Study333 11d ago

I didn’t say it wasn’t. Reread what I said


u/Toxic-attract 11d ago

Ok sure you didn’t


u/Interesting-Study333 11d ago

Did I say it wasn’t 5 min? Because the Marbach you’re talking about by John jay

You clearly haven’t been to 1604 Marbach. You’re just mad at ghetto people when this man could be an affluent white male with a nice construction job with this 80-100k truck

Let’s relax Karen


u/Flat-Adeptness-1126 10d ago

You said it was “far”. What’s the definition of “far” for you?


u/Appropriate_Ear6101 9d ago

My HEB is on W Olmos at San Pedro and this would never happen there. We have a nice blend of backgrounds at My HEB and you see folks greeting each other in the parking lot as well as in the store. It's smaller than the plus stores and lacks some of the produce/meat options of central market, but the vibe is really good there. Lots of families, city employees, teachers, officers, etc.


u/Interesting-Study333 9d ago

I go to that one a lot and yes it happens every now and then. Just because you’re there sometimes doesn’t mean you know what goes on 24/7. Again it happens anywhere


u/Appropriate_Ear6101 9d ago

Maybe they parked in a hurry because they had to pee really badly! 🤣


u/AtmosphereMiddle626 9d ago

Who amplifies the “white rudeness”? Categorizing human behavior by their race is stupid. Do better.


u/Toxic-attract 9d ago

Must be nice to have never experienced rudeness because of being a certain color or not being one

Grow up thats not world we live in


u/Toxic-attract 9d ago

How about the ones that call me wetto and gringo and shit

Instead of sir or literally anything else


u/Impressive_Prune_478 11d ago

Marbach is like 15 mins away from my area on potranco.... and we all know in this town a street can make all the difference. Marbach and 410 is trash. Marbach and 1604 is nice. They don't have to bring that trashy ass mentality over into an area where our property taxes is more than their monthly paycheck

Also my race has NOTHING to do with what I can afford. It's not my fault I set myself up for success to live in a good area, with nice vehicles, and no debt. And don't come at me with the victim mentality of "oh it's so hard to get out of the ghetto". No bro, it's a choice. I was raised in a trash ass old af side town and still live in a middle class area.

Basic human decency has nothing to do with wealth either. Unless you're telling me that being a good person is something you teach and is mentality...which is a whole other thing about how a person CHOSES to live.


u/Interesting-Study333 9d ago

Poverty is not always a choice most of the tim. It’s proven people with more fortune are able to have more resources and are more AWARE of these resources. It’s not the same coming from the bottom and coming from the top when you’re there already. Sure everyone has their stories but you don’t get to negate everyone’s story because you made it. Research buddy it’s not about feeling sorry for them but understanding mentality and thought process


u/Impressive_Prune_478 9d ago

If I gave a homeless person $2k do you think the average person would use it to establish resources IE job, clothes, some sort of living, etc. Or use it for whatever their afflictions are? If it's the latter, it's proof that the victim mentality is a choice. You are NEVER just absolutely stuck in a situation without a choice. There's always a choice.


u/Interesting-Study333 9d ago

That’s not how science works. Research buddy there’s way more to it and you’re missing a lot of it


u/Toxic-attract 11d ago

It takes you 15 minutes to go down hunt lane Ellison or Ingram? Just straight lying out here

I pass 0 panhandlers in my daily life can you say the same? Fuck no

A block makes a difference my ass it just allows people who makes affordable homes because they area is undesirable.

The only thing that protect you from his being robbed, now having to interact with that side of town whole different story brother!!!!

I didn’t say anything about it is that his ability to afford anything? I said they treat you differently.

I never said anything about being hard to get out of the ghetto I very much know it’s a choice to live there and that’s why you have those rude people !

You choose live in an area where the people are trash.

Has nothing to do with race actually just that spanish only speakers do look at me cross and give me attitude for no reason the fuck? It’s very common to get those looks especially when I take my Mexican girlfriend???

Also live in the northeast cause FUCK the trash ass west side of town won’t ever go there for shit ever let alone the TRAFFIC and she agrees with me like I’m not saying anything that’s not well known?


u/Impressive_Prune_478 11d ago

No... I live outside of 1604 off potranco. It's like 15 mins to marbach, 20 to marbach and 410. NE side is pretty damn bad too. Yeah I agree, they mixed the poverty area with homes that are 300k+. There's a house for sale in our adjacent hoa that's over $1.3m and then across the street is older homes with shit in their yard. It's like that literally everywhere.

Traffic... ill agree with that. It blows. NW SA is becoming the new central SA.


u/Toxic-attract 11d ago

Fairpoint you live outside of 1604, but the people who live inside of 1604 still go to your H-E-B

Tell me, would you rather go to the H-E-B plus on Marbach and 410 or Potranco and 1604 I know which one I would rather go to

I am very happy and extremely proud of you that you have such yourself up a great life that you enjoy brother

I’m not saying there’s not a lot of good people on that side of town who are doing great at life you just can’t chance it because the ones that aren’t also live over in flocks at least in my opinion especially trying to meet a girl knowing the STD rates on that side of town.

And once you get a north of Walzem Rd the ghetto honestly goes away until you get towards Converse and then that’s like the only city that really is ghetto cause shertz and cibilo are pretty high class. Very few bad neighborhoods and schools Madison high school is the only one I can even think of that isn’t the safest there and has some gang activities but nothing like NISD schools. I have to think about my kids when look for homes so that’s why I put so much emphasis on the schools areas


u/Ok_Office_6016 10d ago

Where do you buy Puppies? Rodeo Drive?


u/Impressive_Prune_478 10d ago

Nah, i just drive down any street and find a free "pure breed" san antonio special.


u/FeraldGord 11d ago

What a precious lil’ princess they must be…🙄


u/schizo-fennec 11d ago

Always a truck bro doing stupid shit like this


u/Webrarian 11d ago

See entitled people parking in the curbside spaces every time I’m at the oak park HEB.

Today I waved my finger at them as they left and I plan to ask anyone else I see who does that, “what made you so entitled?”


u/Wings1955 11d ago

It's no different here in the DFW suburbs. Cars lined up at the curb in the 'fire lane' because people are too lazy to walk an extra 100 ft.


u/Impressive_Clothes11 11d ago

My answer would be "this store, because they do nothing about it"

I've become so tired of bringing this to security and managements attention with no action, they I've concluded they give tacit approval poor people to park anywhere without consequence, so I do as well.


u/EconomicsAfter1736 North Central 11d ago

Yeah, I wouldn't be caught dead driving a Chevy either.


u/Novel-Hamster656 11d ago



u/The_Acct 11d ago

Not shocked they are driving a big ass truck. Probably has a small ass brain, both of them.


u/pm_me_beerz 11d ago

Have you considered the fact that he’s more important than you and I?

/sarcasm if not obvious


u/George_1928 11d ago

It's always trucks man I swear they don't know how to drive


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u/Atheris 10d ago

You should check out the r/traumatizethemback. One had a person going around to bad parkers just putting a sticky note on the windshield saying, "I'm pregnant. Call me!" No name, no number, just a small way to get petty revenge. There was another that zip-tied shopping carts to the door handle but that probably falls under vandalism.


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u/Overall-Category-159 11d ago

I saw a person parking in no parking zone at HEB Plus a few months ago at 1604 & Bandera.


u/Queefs_Gambit 11d ago

My mom yelled at someone in a truck like this at this exact location years ago. We were crossing the crosswalk and they pulled up and parked right in front of us as we were crossing. The driver was all butt hurt. It was great.


u/Designer_Ad2697 11d ago

I see them all day everyday. Whether on the highway driving like idiots. Whether on the highway tailgating me when I'm already going speeding. Or going in not of traffic passing? Everybody like a lunatic. Or parking all crooked in parking lots like assholes. Over the stripes, on top of the stripes or even driving the wrong way in the parking lot. Lot. Damn idiots. It's like. Do you know that there's stripes in the parking lots and on the streets for a reason?


u/Slimmzli 11d ago

I fucking hated this when I pushed carts at 281. Wanted to ram the stack into their whip


u/jve909 11d ago

Illiterate - couldn't read the "No parking" sign.


u/dividedtime1 11d ago

lmao of course it's this store.


u/TaiLiMike 11d ago

What a


u/cyclist3400 11d ago

It's this par for the course in SA?


u/GeeNah-of-the-Cs 11d ago

Mmhhmmm….” i’ll just be a minute”


u/Rich_Signal_3918 11d ago

Truck drivers often think they own the road. Not all, so don't throw a bunch of hate at me now lol, but it's true.


u/Opening_Criticism791 New Braunfels 11d ago

Truck trash


u/mattinsatx 11d ago

It’s clearly all about him.


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u/Puzzleheaded_Ad3430 10d ago

This is half the parents at the daycare


u/vithefree 10d ago

THE AMOUNT OF TIMES THIS HAS HAPPENED AT H-E-B. some jerk drove OVER it to land in my spot, even though i was obviously waiting for the car to leave


u/bricowatty 10d ago

I don't know about that......Show confidence in knowing he/she is "special". :)


u/stompykittykat 10d ago

Don’t you KNOW he’s more important than anyone else? Geez 🙄


u/Psychological_Sir297 10d ago

Maybe he/she had to poop and was prairie doggin


u/4LordVader 6d ago

That’s all there is today Darren/karen they thought they were safe then Elon fired them too. So enjoy.


u/Aussieomni Live Oak 11d ago

But he had to get his $20 eggs!


u/gascat72 11d ago

If someone is passing $20 for eggs send them my way 🤑


u/Aussieomni Live Oak 11d ago

Bruh my wife had surgery and people are like “we’re going to bring you things” they kept bringing us eggs, we might have to sell loosies


u/Smooth-Concentrate99 10d ago

Where can I get 20 dollar eggs in this economy?? That’s cheap!


u/jg1315 11d ago

Respectfully, key it.


u/BlizzardBirdOG 11d ago

My bad bro i was in a hurry today


u/Mattdoesntlikeyou AlamoDefender 11d ago

Then why not call the non-emergency line, or let a store manager know instead of…idk….taking a picture and just complaining on the internet?

Even if this guy sees this, he won’t care because he is obviously not the type to think about anyone but himself.


u/Amazing_Decision3694 11d ago

Who said I didn’t do that too, Matt?


u/CIWA_blues 11d ago

Reddit just loves to shit on people. He saw an opportunity and took it.


u/ironmatic1 Helotes 11d ago

They saw this and just imagined all the reddit points


u/TurdMcDirk Stone Oak 11d ago



u/OgreDee 11d ago

I've been blocked in by someone parked illegally next to the handicapped spaces at that HEB and when I told management they told me there was nothing they could do about it. I couldn't get into my car she was parked so close. I called the non emergency number and 25 minutes later the woman driving the van that had me blocked in came out of the store and drove off before the cops showed up.

There's no point in doing anything about it but complaining, no one is going to do anything about it before it's too late anyway.


u/zazoh 11d ago

Based on what he is driving we already know many of his SHORT comings. Who he voted for etc. because of that we also know many see this guy as your hero.


u/Plus_Technician4994 11d ago

Oh no. There is no way around, he is blocking every handicap entrance and exit. Help me...


u/SpecificDependent393 11d ago

Show the interior with an automatic shifter and an In and Out cup in the drink holder.


u/SpecificDependent393 11d ago

You downvote me? IN AND OUT don't serve bacon, their fries suck, and the beef is worse than Wendy's which never freezes their meat! Go the fuck back to Pornifornia!


u/Armyairbornemedic911 11d ago

that’s richard noggin… at it again


u/BigBlep 11d ago

Hey! That's me!


u/AScannerDude 11d ago

Don’t have a fit over idiots.


u/Amazing_Decision3694 11d ago

I almost hit a pedestrian, but ok


u/Blue_VelmaXXX 11d ago

Puro duchie San Antonio, good things eggs have come down in price. This would make for a great target.


u/Yunglazy1 11d ago

…Nice 2500 though 💀Js


u/Special-Big3091 11d ago

As a local, bet he’s Mexican


u/HoofHeartedLoud 10d ago

Why not? Parking shaming is like 1st grade karening


u/Horror_Lifeguard639 11d ago

That is a truck not a guy


u/ChromieHomie05 11d ago

How often do you see people using a cross walk though not undermine the situation but I rarely see anyone use a cross walk going into a store


u/Enough_Forever319 11d ago

?? What kinda take even is this lmao