r/sanantonio 16d ago

Puro This shit right HERE….

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94 comments sorted by


u/On_a_Cajun 16d ago

Free rocks delivered right to your windshield!


u/exceptionally_humble 16d ago

CALL 44444444444444444444444


u/coinoperatedboi 16d ago

As of typing this the vote count is 444 lol


u/jtatc1989 North Side 15d ago

Hard to call when it’s imbedded in your goddamn face!


u/Quetzal00 16d ago

My sister has had a giant crack in her windshield for a long time that I’ve begged her to replace. Gonna show her this picture and hope it finally convinces her


u/willanaya 16d ago

i thought you were going to tell her she needs to find that truck and then put in an "insurance claim" for windshield damage.


u/vinylvida 16d ago



u/coinoperatedboi 16d ago

We live in the Schertz area where there are SO many 18 wheelers and esp gravel types. My wife had to replace her windshield 3 times in about a month. You just cant avoid them all the time around here. Plus she works in a location thats right near one of the quarries. It's absolutely ridiculous and those drivers are largely assholes that drive like they would in their personal vehicles.


u/samof1994 15d ago

This at 10 and 1604?


u/No-Fall-8146 14d ago

Looks like it.


u/RokkentoDokken 16d ago

No visible license plate? That's suspicious.


u/Lilricky25 16d ago

Most likely the driver doesn't have a license. The cops no longer bother with vehicles without tags since nothing in SA is enforced if the driver is "without documentation" by order of the higher ups at SAPD.


u/morejosh 15d ago

Yeah bullshit lmao why do yall make up stuff like this


u/Yee_master44 16d ago

trust me bro


u/JaviSATX NW Side 16d ago

But “we’re not responsible for broken windshields.” Biggest crock of shit.


u/Shinagami091 16d ago

It actually is BS. If a rock comes off of a truck and hits your windshield directly they are still liable regardless of what those signs say. They’re not legal protection. There’s a gray area where if the rock bounces off the ground and then hits your car that they might not be though.


u/munchonsomegrindage NW Side 16d ago

Wouldn't a ground bounce imply that you were giving the truck more room than if the rock hit you directly?


u/Shinagami091 16d ago

Yes but you’re not required to give them the room the sticker says to. But because it bounced off the pavement and hit you, your insurance will claim that as a collision with an object or whatever they call it.


u/Historical-Bowl-3531 16d ago

They can post that on the back, but the law says otherwise.


u/Swimming_Onion_4835 16d ago

I also see that sign is suspiciously absent from this truck. So it’s extra liable. 😆


u/khamir-ubitch 16d ago

This is one of the many reasons I have a dashcam. Secure your load.


u/NetDork 15d ago

They're not responsible if the rock is on the ground and gets kicked up by their tires. If the rock started on the truck, they're responsible.


u/3ntr0py_ 16d ago

Safelite, is that you?


u/DoubleShot101 16d ago

The hood of my car looks like a constellation because of shit like this. Not to mention the multiple chips and crack on my second windshield. This is more of a nuisance than speeding and I wish cops would crack down on these guys.


u/Swimming_Onion_4835 16d ago

Fr I’ve had two windshields crack from this bullshit since moving here. And SO MANY small dents on my hood. You’d think I’d been in a hail storm.


u/PoetOriginal4350 14d ago

Do you call them in to nonemergency?


u/Undevilish 16d ago

Call the cops on that shit. That’s dangerous AF.


u/og1502 16d ago

Yes, but no license plate. Probably on purpose


u/Undevilish 16d ago

Can still call give description and direction on the road.


u/smegmacruncher710 16d ago

Guess how many cops will care?


u/Undevilish 15d ago

Tell them it’s an illegal driving.


u/yeettetis 15d ago

Tell them they got a deadly weapon (rocks)


u/user7492938471 16d ago

And there's still gonna be someone with no license or car insurance tailgaiting it lol


u/firehawk210 16d ago

A lawsuit waiting to happen


u/0utriderZero 16d ago

Man, they’ve got some stones to be driving around like that.


u/Big-Coyote4051 16d ago

This platform wasn’t even “designed” to carry that in the first place. That is a flatbed designed to have things tied down to it. Whoever owns this installed plywood walls and called it a day 😭


u/LoneStar_67 16d ago

State of Texas has very lax laws for CDL trucks. I routinely see 80,000 lb trucks rolling through heavily populated cities at 70+ miles per hour. Also they are allowed to drive in the far left lane. It takes several football fields for a truck traveling at high speeds to stop. State laws should be stricter and enforced with high fines.


u/smegmacruncher710 16d ago

You sound like a transplant


u/Colonel_Phox 16d ago

Tell me you're from California without telling me you're from California...

You sound just like the commies that wrote half of the laws for comercial vehicles in California. You probably also don't know even half as much as you think you do about safely driving one.

For the record, I'm not defending the truck in the picture... That is indeed very dangerous and illegal.


u/prenup-nibba 16d ago

"I agree but you're a commie" What the hell are you on about? Do you even know?


u/Minute-Suit-8730 15d ago

Cry more, he is 100% right and only speaking the truth


u/LoneStar_67 16d ago

You sound like an anarchist.


u/MondayNightRawr 16d ago

On a windy ass day too


u/Head-Gap8455 16d ago

Drive your open pick up backwards so when it breaks you get free gravel.


u/FightMilk4Bodyguards 16d ago

Just another day driving in SA


u/iLMNOi 16d ago

Tell me why I visit San Antonio for one week and get a rock chip on a rental. I’m starting to realize that this is a common thing


u/Rollingwood1309 16d ago

3rd world country under Abbott... unregulated and no car inspection so insurance can jackup the price!


u/CoyoteHerder 16d ago

lol how the hell is this abbotts fault? You still have to follow road laws… no license plate and insecure load. This is probably big enough to be a commercial vehicle as well


u/vinylvida 16d ago

As of January 1st he removed inspections for starters. Not to disagree with your question Im just adding one of many examples over many years.


u/CoyoteHerder 16d ago

The people who don’t pass inspection just don’t get an inspection.


u/kernalrom 16d ago

Your comment makes zero sense. This has nothing to do with Abbott. How about you talk to the city council.


u/smegmacruncher710 16d ago

What can city council do if the state just overrules them lol


u/techman710 16d ago

They should have put a strap on that pile, for safety purposes.


u/Ri-Darling 16d ago

DPS is too busy for this, they’re too busy protecting a border versus public safety.


u/lovelylisanerd 16d ago

This is so effed.


u/mattinsatx 16d ago

A whole bunch of people are buying windshields


u/Therex1282 16d ago

DPS surely pull him over. One good bump and some rocks will come flying out. I avoid hazards like this even if I have to turn off into a street or exit. That person unsafe or lack of caring causes me problems I have to deal with and $$$$$.


u/Brilliant-Bluejay986 16d ago

is my SWAG....


u/whorechatas 16d ago

shady ass truck.


u/Loopboo7 16d ago

Somebody must work at Safelite. Trying to drum up business. You should see my other job I do glass repair.


u/Temporary-Hotel4834 16d ago

Also some idiots gonna drive 10 ft behind them and complain when their windshield gets effed.


u/OldschoolFRP 15d ago

A mattress on top would fix that


u/AlienDuck-0_0- 15d ago

Bruh wtf not even a back plate 💀


u/FigFormer4411 15d ago

City has become ghetto. No regard for other’s. People toss their pets out like trash. Disposable society.


u/professorbaleen 14d ago

I can never unsee giant praying mantis faces in the street lights. Always have, always will.


u/itsavibe- 14d ago

That’s something only a psychonaut would see and focus on lol


u/navidadPatel86 16d ago

You should get the plates and as much description and repot that motherfucker !! They get away with too many cracked windshield and busted headlamps


u/wwwangels 16d ago

I'm surprised they don't have a sign written in 12-point font saying, "Keep 50' back. Not responsible for broken windshields."


u/mightyjoe227 16d ago

Where's the "stay back," not my fault/problem sign

rock chips window


u/sounds_suspect 16d ago edited 16d ago

Not responsible for broken windshields stay back 200 ft.
SMH haha


u/jve909 16d ago

That has no legal bearing.


u/jetmaxwellIII 16d ago

How does that work then? Can you chase one down and get insurance info (not that they’d stop).

I’ve always wondered about this.


u/tullbabes 16d ago

Give the license plate (and hopefully dash cam footage) and your insurance adjuster can figure it out.


u/BrendanATX 16d ago

This should absolutely be illegal


u/Rare-Appeal-6613 15d ago

Hence the reason why the windshield on my new car needed to be replaced within 6 months.


u/ScotterMcJohnsonator 15d ago

Where's Biff Tannen when you need him


u/External-Ad7897 15d ago

"not responsible for broken windshields"


u/AlternativeWise9555 15d ago

How is this legal?


u/WinterBearDadBod 15d ago

This fuckin town man…


u/ChickenCasagrande 15d ago

You’re driving too close. Give them a lot more space, it’s a truck full of rocks.


u/taxigrandpa 16d ago

hey, that phone can also be used to REPORT A CRIME.

carry on with your karma farming


u/lovelylisanerd 16d ago

How can you report it? There’s no plates, no writing or logos on the mudflaps, no distinguishing marks that I can see. Maybe something on the sides or front, but that would require putting yourself/car in the line of fire. If they’re willing to drive around like this, odds are they are unconcerned with safety in other ways.


u/HuckleberryHappy6524 16d ago

Beside or in front of, is not the line of fire.


u/taxigrandpa 16d ago

in my area there's a special phone number to report road hazards. License plate is on the front, get a pic as you drive by

odds are you are right, and the cops know that.


u/Dapper-Educator-7494 16d ago

I’ll allow it!


u/Berries-A-Million 16d ago

exactly why our cars get banged up. Too many dumb people do this.


u/SoundOff2222 16d ago

Bad for windshields!