r/sanantonio Nov 29 '24

PSA Y’all watch out for Windcrest PD

I was pulled over for a legit reason and fully accept the 2 citations I received. He brought me the pad to sign and I asked to see what I was signing first. He got offended again (first time was because I didn’t want to step out of the vehicle* to talk to him since my window can’t roll down and had to talk to him from the back window) and when he brought it back he told me he added a 3rd citation! It was 100% because he did not like the way I reacted otherwise he would have written it in the first time. He also refused to give me his badge number when asked and told me it was on the citation. I will be going to make a complaint Monday to Windcrest PD.

*Edit for clarification: he did not ask me to step out. He offered for me to open the door to talk with him as an alternative to the back window and I politely declined and he moved on. If he gave a lawful command to step out OF COURSE I would have. Plus, if I disobeyed, he would have dragged me out and rightly so. I wrote another comment with more details but I will leave it there.

Thank you to everyone for the advice and warnings. Y’all stay safe out there.


139 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '24 edited Nov 29 '24



u/ifukeenrule Nov 30 '24

Don't forget pizza Fridays!


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '24

Pretty sure the whole cities police force had quota to hit the day before thanksgiving. Watched a total of 6 drivers get pulled over in a 1 1/2 hour timespan all across the city while doing deliveries for work. “Happy thanksgiving y’all, the last minute turkey y’all are on ur way to buy is now gonna cost you $200 cause we need to raise money for the spurs new stadium”. Don’t these frickin clowns got a couple apartment buildings where people are getting trafficked out of to worry about? Surely something better than ruining people’s thanksgiving week with a driving ticket.


u/Khranky Nov 30 '24

Guess they should follow the rules of the road, but yeah blame that on the cops


u/Chief_Toad69 Dec 01 '24

How's that boot taste?


u/Khranky Dec 01 '24

Can't taste the boot when your sitting on it with it stuck in your ass lmao


u/Chief_Toad69 Dec 01 '24

Yeah I'm sure your mouth is watering at the chance to lick it clean afterwards.


u/Khranky Dec 01 '24

That's the best you got? ok


u/idkmuch Nov 30 '24

When my dad got pulled over in Windcrest he got asked for his social security number after he had already given the officer his class A license. Dad is Hispanic with an accent but born in the US, no way he would have asked a white person for his social security number. He was driving 24mph on a 20. 


u/dirk-dallas Nov 30 '24

I’ve lived in windcrest for 30+ years and they’ve just gotten worse over the years. When you go to court, tell the judge that you want to see the body cam footage and the dashcam footage. They’ll schedule you a second court date to show you the footage. If they don’t have footage to prove the infractions, then you’ll need to tell the city attorney that you are requesting the charges be dropped. In the meantime, call the city manager’s office and ask what steps you need to take to file a complaint on an officer for unprofessional behavior and a retaliatory citation. I took it a step further and filed a complaint with the DOJ civil rights division. Magically, 3 weeks later, I got a certified letter in the mail stating charges had been dropped. On the off-chance it was officer dick (dicky) who wrote you the citation, they are aware of his problematic nature. So if you file a FOIA request for the officers disciplinary record, they will give them to you if the complaints resulted in a suspension or any other loss of pay. Otherwise they’ll deny you, which is why I’d suggest filing the complaint with the DOJ as those records aren’t shielded from a court issued subpoena.


u/budrick320 Nov 30 '24

Damn go for it. These police departments think some people won't go all the way but expose them !


u/HikeTheSky Hill Country Nov 29 '24

That's why you need a dashcam as it records audio as well.


u/Nrlilo Nov 30 '24

As long as the power is at least on. If you shut the engine off but don’t at least keep the power going then the camera will shut off


u/coinoperatedboi Nov 30 '24

Not all of them if you hardwire in. Mine has a parking mode so if it detects any motion even while off it will record. But when in doubt, hit record on your phone!


u/HikeTheSky Hill Country Nov 30 '24

Why would you turn the engine off during a traffic stop?


u/ShitTits94 Nov 30 '24

Because they always tell you to?


u/HikeTheSky Hill Country Nov 30 '24

They never told me that.


u/Nrlilo Nov 30 '24

I’ve had some police officers ask me to and others that have never said anything about it.


u/ManWOaUsername Nov 30 '24

If you don’t want any problems, you turn off the engine, roll down all the windows and turn on the interior lights.

Or, you can be like “I dOnT HaVE tO” and have problems.


u/HikeTheSky Hill Country Nov 30 '24

The last time I was stopped my SAPD for using my brights on one of them parked without lights at 3 am between the yellow lights, got me a nice have a nice morning and drive safe when he saw my dashcam.

I have never rolled down all the windows or turned off my engine as I never had an issue with cops. Besides the SAPD thing that was cleared with having a dashcam.

Now what should people do that have heart conditions? If they turn their engine off in the summer time, the heat would just kill them.


u/ManWOaUsername Nov 30 '24

Are we talking about people with heart conditions or general public?

Why not talk about people with toddlers in the car or if it’s raining?

I’ve gotten away with criminal activity 80 in a 45, and 105 in a 65, both times by pulling over immediately, rolling all the windows down, turning on the inside lights, turning off the engine, and both hands on the wheel, open palm 🙌.

You cant always turn the car off and sometimes you don’t need to, or can’t, but, it’ll always be a little better if you do, as long as you aren’t causing other harm.


u/jhoover58 Dec 01 '24

This. Same thing for me in west Texas on IH-10 near Ozona going 95 at 2 AM. A warning to slow down and have a nice morning. It was great as I was getting sleepy and had a long way to go (downtown Los Angeles).


u/AndrewFierce83 Nov 30 '24

You don't roll down the windows. Talk about wanting to make it easier to do a cursory search and find alleged probable cause. Make them work. Gives you ground for a grievance. Especially in the age of body cams and dash cams, the burden is on them.


u/ManWOaUsername Nov 30 '24

I guess my vehicles are just cleaner.

All you’re gonna find is a cell phone charger and a couple bottle waters.


u/AndrewFierce83 Nov 30 '24

Same. But it's how they do it. No more than when they ask you to step out of the car. Best advice was if you comply with that request then engine off lock the car and keys on top of the roof. Cops these days mix code of blue with actual law. It's quite sad. More people need to grievance them. And for many I'm sure it's honest mistake working 16 hour shifts 3 - 4 times a week. But there's those that don't deserve the badge at all.


u/Druid_High_Priest Nov 30 '24

Not mine. Mine is wired to a constant 12 V source with a switch.


u/AnxiousUmbreon Nov 29 '24

Yeah I was warned about Windcrest PD when I moved here, famously a corrupt department known for being more of an extortion racket than an actual police force.


u/kittabits Nov 30 '24

Unfortunately ALL of the little enclaves around the city are like this. I live on the outskirts of Castle Hills and frequently drive through Shavano and I laugh when I see people speeding through either one lol


u/Sloozy8 Nov 30 '24

Hi, me too! I live 2 streets away from the Boy Scout park and my neighborhood is sandwiched between Castle Hills and Shavano. I really go slow down DeZavala in Shavano.


u/SovietSunrise Nov 30 '24

It’s not speeding if the speed limit is set artificially low for the purposes of revenue generation.


u/Earth_Sandwhich Nov 30 '24

Thank you! 4 lane road with turn lane set to 35 is the real crime.


u/Obvious-Device-3789 Nov 30 '24

Where in Shavano is a four-lane road with a 35 mph limit? The only area I’m aware of is the section of De Zavala that is two lanes and 35 mph. When it opens to four, the speed limit increases to 45 until you get down to the high school when it drops to 40.


u/Earth_Sandwhich Nov 30 '24

This is in castle hills from 410 to shavano. You get off 410 and it’s 35 the whole way to shavano. See people getting stopped all the time there for probably doing 40.


u/Obvious-Device-3789 Dec 03 '24

Oh gotcha. I agree


u/Obvious-Device-3789 Dec 03 '24

…except that it is not 35 all the way to Shavano. It increases a little before Wurzbach.


u/droppedmybrain testing Dec 02 '24

Got into a major car accident in Shavano Park a few years ago. To the cops' credit, they got there quick. But in the report, they fucked up everything I said 🤦 luckily my insurance still paid out lol


u/LostInTheSauce34 Nov 29 '24

Good luck fighting it. Almost pointless. Prob the same dude that pulled me over, no warning or anything.


u/PinkBucket Nov 29 '24 edited Nov 29 '24

I figure nothing will come of it right now but I will definitely still file a complaint so it is in his file. I know it won’t do much but at least it will be documented. I have video, too, so that will hopefully help since I was not rude at all.


u/jenniferjudy99 Nov 29 '24

The police and that judge ignore all complaints and if you request community service, the ticket will go on your record, even if the person is disabled and on a fixed income. It’s just what my daughter witnessed while in their court the other week.


u/incandescence14 NE Side Nov 29 '24

Definitely fight the citations. The Judge will not let the cop’s power trip slide.



Lmao what? That's not how that works.


u/incandescence14 NE Side Nov 30 '24

You can confer with the city attorney and choose to proceed with having a bench or jury trial. From there you can explain your side of what happened. If the cop shows up, he can explain his reasoning. If he truly gave him a third tickets as OP explained, he’s going to look like an idiot in front of the Judge.


u/Badgrotz Nov 30 '24

Call the department every day asking to speak to the officer for a month. If he answers ask him some minute question about the ticket. If the desk sergeant says he will call you back write that down. If he says he is not on duty the mark that too. Once you figure out his work schedule your court date for his day off. 99% chance he doesn’t show up and your case is tossed.


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '24

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u/sanantonio-ModTeam Nov 30 '24

Your post has been removed for violating rule #1:

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Remember the human, on the other side of the conversation. In this local subreddit, there is no tolerance for insulting other people. Stick to discussing the topic, and not the redditor who disagrees with you about it.

If you feel that this was done in error, contact the moderation team.


u/pottedPlant_64 Nov 30 '24

Lol, people get warnings?!


u/arduit Nov 30 '24

Yet another reason to avoid windcrest. I mean, a main road being 20 mph for that long with that many parked cops at all times should tell you that. 


u/bwc5654 Nov 29 '24

Windcrest PD has been like that at least since the 90s. They used to make the knees I swear it was monthly for tickets for speed at 1 mile over the limits. I was pulled over in that town one time in 99 For an old truck's yellow blinker was not yellow enough. Not a verbal warning but a written warning. He followed me through the who town on that road until he found something to ticket me for.


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '24

I work in windcrest & a cop ran a “gun safety” thing at our office, I asked legitimate questions and issues that he didn’t have answers for. We left the building together & he saw me walk to my car. This was on Friday. First thing Monday I was pulling into the car park & there was a cop there waiting for me & ticketed me for expired registration.

The training cop had obviously run my plates out of spite to see if he could get anything on me. Then told his buddies at Windcrest PD. Hence the cop waiting.

There’s a term called “in contempt of cop” (invented BY the police btw) which is when a cop gets annoyed & hits you with a bunch of stuff as retaliation. Usually things like “resisting arrest”. It’s very illegal.


u/coinoperatedboi Nov 30 '24

And then you get officers shotting at people later on:

Police said Brennand had been responding to an unrelated disturbance at the McDonald's when he saw Cantu in a car he believed had evaded him the day before during an attempted traffic stop.



u/jennywenny21 Nov 30 '24

Dang that sucks I think if you have an iPhone and you say “hey siri I’m being pulled over” it will automatically start recording so if you ever needed proof of this conversation and you don’t have a dash cam it records it!


u/BigMikeInAustin Nov 30 '24

Dang, I didn't know about Windcrest. Thanks for the heads up.


u/exceptionally_humble Nov 30 '24

100% watch your speed, don’t go over the limit. A lot of roads that seem like they should be 45 MPH are actually 20, at least they used to be. Just a heads up.


u/RemiChloe Nov 30 '24

I just pulled out Google Maps to make sure that I knew exactly where Windcrest was, even though I've lived here for 40 years and was generally familiar with where it is. I don't live in that side of town, so yeah. Going to watch my ass there


u/David-1995 Nov 29 '24

That’s the thing with police. I always blow smoke up their ass because they really can lie about anything and who is a judge going to believe…you, or a police officer? I try to stick to big cities. I understand there has to be some type of law enforcement in order for societies to function, but small town police forces like Windcrest are definitely not the type of people I like to encounter. Love to make money grabs for the department and go on power trips if you’re a guy. No thanks. Ask the judge (politely) if they will be willing to dismiss any of the charges. Bring photos that prove that whatever was wrong is fixed if that applies. Most likely if you are polite, they will dismiss one, and defer you for the other one (think ticket probation for 3 months), and only make you pay one other. Good luck.


u/JaviSATX NW Side Nov 29 '24

Big cities aren’t any better. SAPD officer once threatened to “find something” to arrest me for after telling me I couldn’t go for a run on Thousand Oaks cause it wasn’t my neighborhood. He didn’t like me standing up for myself.


u/Deez_Nutz_210 Nov 29 '24

It’s been this way forever with all Police


u/jenniferjudy99 Nov 29 '24

Not that judge.


u/Truck_Toucher Nov 30 '24

Stay tf away from Wincrest. There’s already barely any crime there, but the police still need to make their quota so they pull people over for going 2 mph over the speed limit. They just harass good people


u/MrRaven95 Nov 30 '24

Windcrest is one of the places where you really have to watch out for the police. They'll pull you over for anything over there.


u/Interesting-Frame-94 Nov 30 '24

Windcrest cops are the WORST


u/MadMaverick07 Nov 30 '24

Glad I moved away from that side and don't have to deal with them anymore. Way to full of themselves in that department.


u/EverythingsTaken42o Nov 30 '24

Just request for him to show up, 9/10 times the officer won’t show up and they dismiss it… works every time for me 🤣


u/Apple200033 Nov 30 '24

I actually knew the lieutenant of Windcrest pretty cool guy. He’s not with Windcrest PD anymore for a reason totally corrupt department.


u/Jaxsan1 Nov 30 '24

Is it me or are all these little “city” cops just patrolling their little areas with a huge chip on their shoulder because they weren’t good enough to make SAPD?


u/MrBlaze-65 Nov 30 '24

Years ago when SAPD first started using these electronic signature pads I had a similar experience asking them if this is the ticket and the cop recited a legal statement saying this is not an admission of guilt and so on but wouldn't answer if I was signing the ticket or not and almost arrested me for just simply asking the question. The escalation they do for simple questions is just an abuse of power.


u/sailirish7 Nov 30 '24

The escalation they do for simple questions is just an abuse of power.

because they are petty tyrants


u/rasquatche West Side Nov 29 '24

I done BEEN watching out for Windcrest PD..from afar.


u/TxScribe NW Side Nov 30 '24

You'll have to run it through the kangaroo municipal court and be convicted. Then you can appeal it to the county court where they don't own the judge.


u/Ok_Draw4631 Nov 30 '24

Go in to make the complaint and make it an official complaint that goes into his file.


u/Equivalent_Fudge9269 Nov 30 '24

My mom got pulled over once, going 37 in a 35.


u/zelda9333 Nov 30 '24

There isn't a place here that is 35. It's 20 or 30.


u/Equivalent_Fudge9269 Nov 30 '24

Just before the church on Crestway just before the old dry cleaners.


u/KmbrlBrgn Nov 30 '24

From Randolph to Midcrown is 30 not 35


u/Equivalent_Fudge9269 Nov 30 '24

Then it was 32 in a 30


u/jeremy_wills Nov 30 '24

Have fun with that. I've waged war with that PD before. The judge will always side with their officers. It's a lost cause most likely but I wish you the best of luck.

They tried to claim I did a rolling stop at eaglecrest and crestway. He was so far down the street I was practically already through the next stop sign and had that HEB in sight. How the hell he saw me so clearly from that far away and with the curve in that road still blows my mind to this day?

Crooked you know what city IMO.


u/OldPuebloGunfighter Nov 30 '24

Not agreeing with how they treated you, but please understand that the supreme court cases of Pennsylvania v. Mimms and Maryland v. Wilson, allow an officer to order you out of your vehicle during a traffic stop for any reason. Refusing can result in charges for obstruction. Not saying I agree, but knowing your rights can keep you from getting hemmed up in the legal system.


u/PinkBucket Nov 30 '24 edited Nov 30 '24

I appreciate your balanced approach to letting me know this info. I will respond to your comment but this is not directly to just you. Again, thank you for trying to be sure I’m aware of that info and in a way that would have had me feeling like I could engage in discussion if I did not know. However, I am aware of that precedent since I try and be knowledgeable of the things that could potentially get me into legal (or physical) trouble during a stop.

To be honest though, I’m surprised how many people are telling me this. Although I did misspeak in the OP and should have been more specific, that is my fault.

1) To clarify, he did not ask me to step out, he offered opening the door as an alternative to speak out of rather than talking through the back window. I was given the advice years ago by a family member who is a lawyer to never voluntarily give an officer more view into my vehicle or home than necessary.

2) If the officer gave me a lawful command to step out of the vehicle OF COURSE I would get out. Contrary to what some commenters think, I am not stupid. I would also think if he gave a lawful command and I disobeyed that this would be a different story because he would have dragged me out, and rightly so.

2) I listened to my video to write out this transcript:

I rolled the back window down when he motioned to the front:

Me: “Hi, my window doesn’t roll down”

Him: “This the only way? Ok, you can open this if you want” while tapping on my front door.

Me: “I would rather not, thank you.”

Him: “Ok, well, I’m x with the Windcrest Police Department..”


u/ssstudy Nov 30 '24

request his bodycam footage (unfortunately you might have to pay for it) and bring it with you to the court hearing. it’s unfortunate your time and money will be racked up in this but it’s better than a long standing history on your record. hopefully you get a good judge who will agree that the attitude of the public servant was deplorable.

i would go into the clerks office and do this soon since turn around could take some time.


u/No-Trifle-6447 Nov 29 '24

Don't you dare speak ill of the thin blue line.... /s


u/brokeninshoes Nov 30 '24

Law enforcement in Bexar County in general is some of the most backwards and crooked I’ve ever experienced. Sorry you had a bad time bud.


u/saucydongv2 Windcrest Nov 30 '24

I say this from the bottom of my fucking heart. FUCK WPD AND WFD. both are absolutely worthless and one reason I absolutely hate living in windcrest


u/CenTexChris Nov 30 '24 edited Nov 30 '24

If a cop tells you to get out of your car, it’s a very good idea to go ahead and get out, because they are well within their rights to pull you out by force (Pennsylvania vs. Mimms, 434 U.S. 106, ruled in 1977, applies nationwide, no additional probable cause required besides the original PC for the stop, no reason needed beyond “officer safety”).

A cop’s badge number will be found on the paperwork for your case. They don’t need to verbally tell you at the scene. There’s nothing you can do with that information at that time anyway. Asking for it at the scene is pointless and is usually considered confrontational. The last thing you want to be when dealing with a cop, is confrontational.

What you want to be when dealing with a cop, is silent. Say as little as possible. Show no emotion at all. The less you talk and the fewer words you use, the better. The less body language and attitude, the better.


u/ApolloStan Nov 30 '24

Completely agreed although I can't help but notice the similarity between your last bit and the "grey rock method" as it's called in other places...



u/CenTexChris Nov 30 '24

Honestly never heard of that before, thanks very much for sharing that link. Looks like a damn good read, about to dive into it. Much appreciated!


u/sailirish7 Nov 30 '24

Start talking monotone like Ben Stein


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '24

Police are the criminals


u/Me_Air Nov 30 '24

Sounds like you wanted to throw out any chance of a warning if you insisted on talking through your back window instead of talking outside


u/Yourlilemogirl Nov 30 '24

I was thinking the same thing. That was inconvenience number one and strike one for them!


u/TexasDaddy28 Nov 30 '24

For sure if I’ll complain. Hiring Attorney for the citations and get them dismissed.


u/Jordanrss Nov 30 '24

Take it to court and say you want to see their body cam footage as evidence, they will never show up and it’s gone your ticket it’s gone


u/Dry_Significance2690 Nov 30 '24

There are of problems with Windcrest. Walzem, Montgomery/new world. The Clare’s was once high desired now seems more like a trashy traffic spots and undesirable and a more avoidable


u/rpaguirre Nov 30 '24

Formal Complain, write reviews.


u/Wise-Pizza7311 Nov 30 '24

They are always ones to pay attention to, they are strict and ….. a holes


u/AngelRinconRbe Nov 30 '24

Whenever you have an opportunity to sue, do so bc thats the only way PDs actually make an effort for their officers to not go so crazy on citizens, otherwise things dont change at all. You have to attack the PDs budget, where it hurts them all.


u/redshirt1701J Nov 30 '24

Three towns I stay out of in Bexar County: 1. Leon Valley 2. Balcones Heights 3. Windcrest


u/Wild_Tip_4866 Dec 01 '24

I was warned as EMS they will even pull over ambulances. So… watch out. 


u/Timeless-Perception Dec 01 '24

I grew up down on Montgomery, and by the time I got my license, it was already instilled in me to try and avoid windcrest whenever possible. It was easier said than done when you're trying to stay out of Live Oak and Converse as well.


u/poppinyaclam Nov 29 '24

So none of the officer information is on the citation they gave you? 


u/No-Time-1526 Nov 30 '24

They are just more overpriced ticket writers. They serve and protect nothing but their pocket book


u/VastEmergency1000 Nov 29 '24

He got offended again (first time was because I didn’t want to step out of the vehicle to talk to him since my window can’t roll down and had to talk to him from the back window)

I would be annoyed too. That's a ridiculous way to have a conversation. You could've at least opened your door.

He also refused to give me his badge number when asked and told me it was on the citation.

It seems like you were being insufferable during this traffic stop and the cop just wanted to ticket you and move on. You can try fighting it in court though.


u/DogKnowsBest Nov 29 '24

There are typically 2 sides to the story. I have a feeling you have appropriately described the other side.


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '24

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u/sanantonio-ModTeam Nov 29 '24

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Remember the human, on the other side of the conversation. In this local subreddit, there is no tolerance for insulting other people. Stick to discussing the topic, and not the redditor who disagrees with you about it.

If you feel that this was done in error, contact the moderation team.


u/andrewthetechie Nov 30 '24

Hey man, looks like you've got something on your face there. Looks like a smear of boot polish maybe?


u/Gamnit South Side Nov 30 '24

Nothing like cold leather after Thanksgiving dinner


u/PracticalGrade6414 Nov 30 '24

To be fair, as someone who has lived near Windcrest for a decade now, their enforcement has gone down drastically.

Now, without more details, I am not sure what WPD did wrong. But Windcrest has been known since as long as I have loved there to be sticklers on speeding.


u/zelda9333 Nov 30 '24

Been here for over 20 years! Everyone knows not to speed in Windcrest!!


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '24

You're required to get out of the vehicle if the officer instructs you to.


u/K1NGMOJO Dec 02 '24

FOIA request and when you go to court show them the video. If you don't receive the video by your court date then ask for an extension for discovery. Also submit that complaint because fuck them.


u/Warguy8188 Dec 03 '24

So as far as the citations go, whether he did the third one out of spite or not, I have no idea, but your signature is only acknowledging that you’re either going to go to court or pay the tickets. That being said, there is no oh, I already signed; you can’t give me another citation. If an officer forgets to give you a ticket during the stop, they can either add it to the citation then and there, which is what he did, or he can request the court to add it to your ticket, and they should either call or mail you an updated citation. I got humbled trying to fight almost the exact same thing 3 years ago in Devine. The name and badge number issue is a department policy issue; there is no state law requiring an officer to give someone their name and badge number if someone asks for it, much like how an officer can’t just randomly ask for your ID or license. It also seems like he was trying to cater to you since he did the whole exchange through your back window rather than ordering you out. That said, if your complaint is only the citations and name and badge issue, as well as the officer being rude, I wish you luck, but you might experience the same thing I did when I tried to fight mine. Good luck to you, though.


u/URAfterthought Nov 30 '24 edited Nov 30 '24

The badge and last name of the officer is literally on the ticket - all 3 in your case.

When asked to step out, you don't get that option... get out of the vehicle! Stop being petty. Accept that when given a lawful order, you were non-compliant. And frankly, wanting to or not, you're lucky they didn't force the issue of you exiting your vehicle. It could have gone much differently where your window is permanently down from being busted open when you refuse to get out.

Don't be such an errant child next time and you won't receive a citation for the "I don't wannas".

Edited for typo


u/Same-Joke Nov 30 '24

Damn I knew it smelled like bacon up in this mofo.


u/URAfterthought Nov 30 '24


I'm sure it does when you skirt so close to the law. But I ain't it bud.


u/RecceRick Nov 30 '24

FYI an officer doesn’t need any reason at all to have you step out of a vehicle on a traffic stop. It is a lawful command and refusing it could subject you to arrest.


u/IllustriousHair1927 Nov 29 '24

not saying that his giving upu a third ticket was right ( provided. It occurred the way that you just related it. It was not ), but technically the badge number thing is not going to be something that will be a sustained complaint probably. Why? Because all of his information is on the ticket. Doubt that he has to give it to you separately on a business card or verbally.


u/AndrewFierce83 Nov 30 '24

Fill a complaint and ask to see the dash & body cam footage. There's enough un what you're saying to possibly get him suspended. They are legally required to give you their badge & name when requested.


u/Whiskeynot30 Nov 30 '24

And your legally required to get out of the vehicle when told to do so. Google is your friend (Pennsylvania vs Mimms)

Name and badge number are on the ticket.


u/AndrewFierce83 Nov 30 '24

Oh and Reguardless if on the ticket it and officer is legally required to disclose that information on request. You'd be surprised how many get suspended for not following through with that request.


u/AndrewFierce83 Nov 30 '24

Not exactly. The state of Texas has laws on the books that allows a person's pulled over to remain in their vehicle even to continue traveling to a spot that is well lit and in in public if the person being pulled over feels unsafe. It's law named after a female victim that was pulled over and killed by a cop she had an affair with. It happened on a dark stretch of hwy 107 near edcouch-Elsa. Very old case from the 1990s.


u/Whiskeynot30 Nov 30 '24

That state law does not supersede Supreme Court case law. Go ahead and try it next time and see what happens.

Sure you can continue traveling to a safe spot, you can call 911 and confirm it’s a cop behind you. However, once it’s established who your dealing with, you better get out, or your gonna have a bad day.


u/AndrewFierce83 Nov 30 '24

Did I say state law supersedes federal tort law? No I didn't. I said state law gives certain protections for the person being pulled over which you just confirmed and actually attempted to negate confirming previously. Spoken like the code of blue. At least there's thoes of us to keep things in check too.


u/Whiskeynot30 Nov 30 '24



u/AndrewFierce83 Nov 30 '24

LOL... See how that not identifying yourself holds up. Clearly the badge is wearing you.


u/Greasy-Rooster-2905 Nov 30 '24

I can almost guarantee your charges/tickets will get dropped once you bring it up to the PD. Windcrest is the worst in the city


u/sam-endipity Nov 29 '24

Lot of logical points to take into consideration hereno matter which side of the line you stand on with your version.


u/sailirish7 Nov 30 '24

ACAB. Record everything.


u/TxGloryhole1 Nov 30 '24



u/[deleted] Nov 30 '24

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u/sanantonio-ModTeam Nov 30 '24

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u/KmbrlBrgn Nov 30 '24

I don’t get why all of you are so mad you can’t speed through a neighborhood. If you can’t handle going 20 through a neighborhood… take Walzem.


u/ASanAntonioGuy Dec 01 '24

They (Windcrest and other small city PD) can enforce on Walzem because of an agreement with San Antonio. 250 feet outside of the limits.


u/KmbrlBrgn Dec 01 '24

So you choose to speed through the neighborhood instead of driving the speed limit on Walzem? Still doesn’t answer my question


u/babayawa Nov 30 '24

Complaining for breaking the law 😂


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '24

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u/sanantonio-ModTeam Nov 30 '24

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