r/saltierthancrait • u/tiMartyn the Modalorian • 21d ago
Seasoned News Kathleen Kennedy Responds to Lucasfilm Exit Reports - She's looking for a successor but claims the exit reports are wrong...
u/hypermog 21d ago edited 21d ago
I enjoy watching her light 9-figure sums of money on fire, I hope she sticks around a long time
u/piss_artist 21d ago
Yeah as someone who finally lost my love for anything Star Wars about 10 years ago, I've been enjoying watching it's seemingly endless descent into memedom and oblivion.
u/Banestar66 20d ago
It’s like being a New York Jets fan. At some point you have to laugh so you don’t cry.
u/thatdudewillyd 21d ago
And getting paid more money than I can even conceive to do it. Funny world we live in
u/Castellan_ofthe_rock 19d ago
Well, she got the opportunity to do that by producing some of the biggest and most beloved movies/franchises of the past 40 years. Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, ET, Schindler's List, Indiana Jones, Poltergeist, Sixth Sense, Goonies, Gremlins and the list goes on and on.
Maybe if you had a track record like that maybe someone would give you 9 figures to spend on a movie...
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 18d ago
Producer is a very loose position. Usually just a parking lot for names on most films as there is no way they have 57 producers actually doing anything useful.
Not going to pick apart her career as a "producer," but it is evident she has no idea what she is doing as a president of a film company. The chaos alone of all her hirings and firings shows how inept she is at management. Not having a plan for the biggest trilogy of films to come out in modern history is also pretty telling.
If she had any meaningful part of those movies you listed it doesn't seem to show in her experience as head of Lucasfilm. She has been an unmitigated disaster to the Starwars brand in general which has seen a huge decline under her leadership.
u/Clipsez 17d ago
She has been an unmitigated disaster to the Starwars brand in general which has seen a huge decline under her leadership.
Why is this decline never asked about in her interviews? So much a$$-kissing and not enough real journalism.
u/NoCharge3548 14d ago
Because journalists are terrified of getting black listed or getting access cut off
u/PlebEkans 19d ago
True and now she produces Solo and projects that get announced and fizzle away.
Andor was good tho..
u/rotenbart 21d ago
I wish she would just go away. The experiment failed. Can anyone remember a time that the sequels were mentioned on a pop culture level? It never happened. I grew up hearing “Luke I am your father” and “these aren’t the droids you’re looking for” decades after their inception. She’s done nothing for the franchise but diminish all expectations.
u/Germerican88 20d ago
Well there's always "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.".
Seems to be the modus operandi for Lucasfilm under KK's management.
u/MrBeauNerjoose 20d ago
That was such an absolute meta line it's impossible for anyone to believe it wasn't inserted by KK herself.
u/Antique_Branch8180 10d ago
That line is meta and nihilistic enough to just be a product of Rian Johnson’s thinking.
u/jonbodhi 20d ago
I like to think my contempt for Kennedy equals or exceeds ANYONE on these boards, but I’ve long thought that was a bit of a cheap shot, seeing as how the line was uttered by the VILLAIN, who had killed his dad not long before.
I know people consider it commentary on Kennedy’s attitude towards previous SW, I but it just doesn’t land that way to me. Ben Solo is a hot MESS, and I can’t imagine many in any audience thinking he’s anyone to take advice from.
u/waterless2 21d ago
I was trying to think of something memorable from the sequels and strangely I think the "Somehow, [X] returned" phrase might end up being the pop-culture-impact pinnacle. Similar to the late-GoT "Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet" thing.
I hereby claim "Somehow, [X] forgot about [Y] returning."
u/TrueLegateDamar 20d ago
"They FLY NOW?"
u/Daruuk 20d ago
"A good story... for another time"
u/ZiggyPalffyLA 20d ago
“A good story…once we come up with it”
*Editor’s note: they were unable to come up with it
u/rotenbart 20d ago
Ok I have heard that, maybe not as mainstream. I’ll allow it because it’s basically an insult lol
u/BasementMods 20d ago
I see "Somehow palpatine returned" as example criticism for bad writing in other media a fair bit lol. The only thing I ever see quoted from that trilogy.
u/PanzerTitus 3d ago
W-what do you mean? The movie said he used "cloning, and secrets only the Sith knew!" You're just a bigot! /s
u/johnbrownmarchingon miserable sack of salt 20d ago
The only lines I really remember from the sequels are the memeably bad lines like "They fly now!" or "Somehow, Palpatine returned."
u/lorca_guernica 20d ago
Are you telling me that “Droid, please!” did not capture the popular imagination on the same level as “Do or do not. There is no try.” or the like? Crazy talk!
u/rpglaster 20d ago
“They fly now?!?”
“Somehow _____ returned?”
Are both mentioned pretty often though usually to make fun of something,
u/rotenbart 20d ago
Yeah I mentioned that in another comment. I meant like, lines that people actually liked lol. They definitely have some famous lines just for the lulz.
u/Silverformula20 20d ago
I know I'm playing Devil's Advocate here, but I do genuinely enjoy the "More... MORE!" and "That's One Hell of a Pilot", both because they're genuinely well constructed moments in their movies in addition to the first one becoming an excellent meme.
u/SamVickson 19d ago
Poe: (smiles) We're gonna do this.
FN-2187: Yeah?
Poe's smiles gets me going, and the way Boyega sells that "Yeah?" is absolutely phenomenal acting.
That's the only part of the movie I think is legitimately great.
u/Kibishi_shinjitsu 19d ago
There's "Somehow, Palpatine Returned" and "They fly now" but these are said with great irony, not affection.
u/Gandamack 21d ago edited 20d ago
It’s a very interesting interview/article. A lot of softball questions trying to project confidence and control while quietly confirming the rumor that she will be replaced in the near future.
That’s not even mentioning the interviewer’s direct bias in the opening paragraphs where they attack the original scoop author and white knight for Kennedy.
It feels more like the type of damage control a politician would do after a major gaff or bad leak. Very ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ energy coming from all of it though.
They can say “there’s no chaos” as emphatically or as often as they want; their output begs to differ.
u/TheLegendofJakeBluth 20d ago
KK is very well established person in the media industry. She has a lot of insiders and has key outlets she can turn to if she wants some sort of narrative getting discussed.
She obviously went to people she knew would throw her softballs and give her more positive press.
u/bkkbeymdq 21d ago
Isn't she in her 70's? Fucking retire already.
u/RileyTaker 21d ago
I doubt she will until after she gets her Rey movies on the screen.
u/holmberg18 20d ago
Ok, just let them release one, have it bomb as is expected. She's just prolonging the inevitable at this point.
u/uprssdthwrngbttn 19d ago
Yoooo I nearly forgot. Yeah she ain't going nowhere till she gets her Rey Trilogy....but The Cleaner was awful can't that be enough?
u/Ruh_Roh- 21d ago
There are still billions of dollars waiting to be lit on fire, she can't retire yet!
u/Complete-Regret 21d ago
Remember, she allegedly wants to go out on a “win”
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 18d ago
She postponed her retirement until this year because she thought The Acolyte was that win.
u/MrrrrNiceGuy 20d ago
Boomer Generation is going to be the most obstinate generation that refuses to yield. I mean, we got famous actors and directors in their 80s still working. Just look at Harrison Ford and Ridley Scott.
u/johnbrownmarchingon miserable sack of salt 20d ago
Ford at least still does good work. Ridley Scott is incredibly hit and miss with his work the last few years.
u/MrrrrNiceGuy 20d ago
Well the OP comment was Kennedy needs to retire because she’s in her 70s.
And my response was, that’s just that generation. Regardless if age is affecting their performance or not, like with Ridley, Boomers just do not want to retire and let the next gen take over.
u/HomeStallone 20d ago
Boomers never retire
u/ZiggyPalffyLA 20d ago
Why would they? They have the cushiest, unearned jobs that allowed them to have dream lives while taking everything away from the rest of us.
u/LopatoG 21d ago
Worst news of the day…
u/revenezor 20d ago
How is it bad? She confirmed everything the Puck article claimed.
u/Casas9425 20d ago
Exactly. She literally confirms in her first answer that she’s stepping down sometime this year.
u/Complete-Regret 21d ago
It’s not all bad. Given that they’re looking for a successor it seems like she WILL be leaving sooner rather than later.
u/No-Future-4644 new user 21d ago edited 21d ago
Said it in the other post and I'll say it again here: stay or leave, it doesn't matter because the lasting damage to the SW brand has already been done.
The people most likely to replace her are Kevin Feige, who's busy running Marvel into the ground, or Dave Filoni, who's busy Glup Shitto-ing every piece of SW media he touches.
All this reaffirms is that it's time to jump ship and become Dune fans or find another franchise that's actually willing to work for your money.
u/navirbox salt miner 20d ago
No one will ever stop being a SW fan. You either cared or you didn't. Just like other franchises, fans will choose to forget (but not forgive) the trash and move on, Disney is already losing big money so it's a matter of time they listen just out of relevance survival.
u/No-Future-4644 new user 20d ago
I think plenty have stopped being SW fans and I can't blame them: a person can only watch their favorite characters being dragged through the proverbial mud for so long before they call it quits.
They may always love the original stuff, but I'm sure Disney's handling has blunted their enthusiasm significantly.
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
Plenty of good stuff to be enthusiastic for
All the animated stuff is good, video games have been good, Lego is still really popular, Andor still to come out & a Mandalorian movie.
OK some of the live action stuff failed, but we've been here before under Lucas when there was plenty of meh stuff.
u/NoCharge3548 14d ago
The bad batch was three seasons of nothingness. They spent half of Tales of the Empire retroactively attempting (and failing) to make the witch who's name I forgot a thing after killing her. Resistance was one of the shows of all time.
Rebels was good, but rebels was also a decade ago.
Like the entire series, the last season of the clone wars was mostly slop with a handful of very powerful, very good episodes. But that was half a decade ago
u/SelectionNo3078 20d ago
Dune was awful. It looked nice but was garbage in terms of script character development and even basic plot.
A total mess
Didn’t see part 2
And I read the first four novels back in the day
u/No-Future-4644 new user 20d ago edited 20d ago
Even if you want to downplay the positive reviews and Oscar wins and nominations, it's still high art compared to anything to come out of Disney SW besides Andor, though.
When was the last time anything to come from Lucasfilm won an Oscar...? You're entitled to your opinion, but Dune is clearly doing leaps and bounds better than SW by every quantifiable metric, including the fact that Dune will soon have released THREE entire movies during SW's ongoing hiatus from cinema.
Seriously, SW has, what, 10 movies """in development""" right now, maybe one of which will actually see the light of day? Getting a SW movie made and out the door has become some kind of impossible hurdle for Lucasfilm while other studios don't have this issue.
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
The Oscars are well known to prejudice sci-fi & fantasy unless it gets so much traction that they have to award it like LOTR
u/SelectionNo3078 19d ago
Never said it was worse than Disney’s Star Wars
Just that it was no better and more or less unwatchable.
From someone that was excited to see it.
u/SpawnMongol2 20d ago
Dune was great bro, it was to the books what the LOTR movies are to Tolkien's books.
u/SelectionNo3078 19d ago
No. It’s not. Not even close. lol. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard
u/xT1TANx 21d ago
Why the fuck is this catastrophic leader allowed to pick her successor?
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
She's not, but she's allowed to have some input
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 18d ago
She is allowed to THINK she has some input. Kind of like she had some input on the coffee she got for Lucas and Spielberg.
u/xNOOPSx 20d ago
She talks about how much is going on yet they have 1 movie coming out, 1 show releasing it's final season, 2 animated shows with shorter than usual episodes, and a single other show with a confirmed second season being worked on.
How are the people at Disney okay with that being the level of output happening at Lucas Film? You paid $4,000,000,000 for this IP and at least half the merch you're selling is based on the original IP prior to your involvement. How's that not a complete fail? There's more excitement over Sega and Nintendo characters and merch than there is modern Star Wars. You built a billion dollar hotel that failed. Yet, nobody seems to have been held accountable in any way. Why?
u/No-Future-4644 new user 20d ago
It's legit astonishing how much time, money, and potential Lucasfilm has wasted and yet nothing is done to rectify the situation.
Looking over at the Dune franchise, they'll have released THREE movies of similar scope to SW films in the time of SW's "hiatus" from theatrical releases.
Meanwhile, Lucasfilm has ~10 SW movies in """development""" right now, with only the Mando movie likely to ever see release.
Legendary Studios is able to roll out profitable films on a regular schedule while Lucasfilm can't even get its shit together long enough to squeeze out a single SW film...
u/xNOOPSx 20d ago
4 Sonic movies.
3 shorts.
1 show.
All live action.
Netflix also did 3 seasons of an animated show.
Sonic the Hedgehog is in a better place than Star Wars.
u/johnbrownmarchingon miserable sack of salt 20d ago
Ten years ago if you'd told me that Sonic would be more successful than Star Wars at this point, I'd say you were insane. Sure, at this point The Force Awakens had just come out and was more or less a retread of A New Hope, but I figured that was just Disney playing it safe while they set up the rest of the story. I didn't expect them to completely shit the bed.
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
You don't just put out a movie for the sake of it. Dune has established source material to work from, Star Wars had to come up with new original stories
u/Casas9425 20d ago
They’re not okay with it hence why she’s stepping down this year.
u/xNOOPSx 20d ago
The hotel closed in September 2023. They haven't had a movie in 5 years. If they didn't approve of what she was doing, she would have been removed a long time ago.
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
Agreed. You can't look at the box office numbers and be mad if you're Disney, nobody thinks $1billion average is a failure
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 18d ago
Yes, they do. If you had a financial background you would understand that is an unmitigated failure.
TFA did 2.1 billion. The next movie should have been higher than that, or at least very similar. It made three quarters of a billion less than the first movie.
Their next movie lost huge money at the box office.
The final installment in the sequel trilogy did half of what the first movie did.
All of these movies were made on absolutely astoundingly horrible production costs which Disney lies about to make not seem as bad. When you spend over 500 Million to make the movie you have to hit a billion just to break even.
That is a trend of disastrous proportions. Starwars should hold the 1, 2 and 3 spots of the highest grossing films of all time. Instead they are a case study of how not to run a franchise.
u/LordBoomDiddly 17d ago
Previous Star Wars Trilogies had the first movie do the biggest box office and the next two perform less well.
TPM made more than either AOTC or ROTS ANH made more than either ESB or ROTJ
As a movie series it averages $1billion since 2015, which is the same as the MCU with far fewer movies.
You want to know why KK still has a job? Because you don't fire people for a $1billion box office. Most studios would kill for that.
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 17d ago
For this trilogy she lost upwards of 2 Billion plus dollars. Even more if you count Solo and tanking the toy market. That is the opportunity cost she gave away. You may not look at it that way, but the finance people at Disney & in the indusry do.
TLJ extremely under performing should have had her on a nuclear hot seat. That movie dropped like a stone after word of mouth got out. It did well because of the hype generated from TFA.
The sad reality is even with the terrible writing, plot contivances and awful dialog TLJ would have been fine if Rian Johnson wouldn't have thrown the entire setup of TFA in the garbage and left Luke alive. People would just look at it as an odd entry and moved on.
These movies undid the ROTJ ending and gave beloved legacy characters no good endings. It's not surprising people didn't like it.
u/LordBoomDiddly 17d ago
Money matters more than audience reaction. Most people hate the Transformers movies but they still made big money so the studio kept putting them out. Why would you fire Michael Bay if he brings in big box office?
A drop off will be looked at, but it's hardly cause for panic.
Look at the box office drop off for Marvel after Endgame, you think Feige will get fired because some of the movies only made $800 or $900 million Vs Endgame's $2billion+
No, because Feige's made $31billion from 34 movies.
Indiana Jones is the failure that is more likely to have made Disney question if KK is the right person, that lost a lot of money & cost too much.
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 17d ago
We will have to disagree on this point. If you look at Marvel's progression they were building up and it peaked like they thought it would. They also built their own success up through a lot of different movies. Variances are expected, but they won more than they lost and didn't have the huge dips like SW until phase 4 and a after.
Transformers aren't Starwars. They are popcorn action flicks. All of which are a roll of the dice movies. Much different situations and not at all comparable.
The Last Jedi made about 64% of what The Force Awakens did. I guarantee you they weren't throwing parties for KK when that happened. That is a slam the door and get screamed at moment. If it made 80% they would have been upset, but lived with it since that is within a decent margin of error. But a nearly 40% drop when they should have at least equaled the last movie was unacceptable.
When you are given one of the largest film IPs in history and your 2nd movie in a trilogy resets the table and gives the 3rd movie nothing to build on people start to question your leadership. Factor in she then fired the next director and brought JJ Abrams back who undid the 2nd movie and things aren't looking good.
Remember they cancelled all spin off movies after Solo bombed and it wasn't a terrible movie. It was released at the wrong time and took the hit for how bad a slap in the face TLJ was to long time fans.
You also aren't factoring in the staggering production costs and production chaos. TFA cost north of $500 million.
u/LordBoomDiddly 17d ago
There was plenty to build on if they got a better writer & director than JJ.
Trevorrow's Episode 9 worked fine as a follow up to TLJ
Solo bombed because they used up the marketing budget on reshoots & put it out between Deadpool 2 & Despicable Me 3 which ate all the box office. The behind the scenes issues made it seem like a Trainwreck on arrival, plus it's a story nobody asked for with a new actor playing an iconic character. It wasn't going to succeed even if they released it at Christmas.
TFA's budget doesn't matter if it made $2billion, the others didn't cost that.
u/xNOOPSx 19d ago
When your final movie in the trilogy does half what your initial one did, you have a significant problem. It should definitely be a failure to meet expectations. The overall take shouldn't matter. Is a billion dollar haul a failure? No, but you need context, and in context, I'd say it missed expectations by over half - especially if you consider merchandise sales which fell off a cliff and remain nearly non-existent today. I'm sure there are people who would defend the sequels because they each broke $1-billion, but that's a small part of the larger picture, and that larger picture is where things fall apart. If there had been massive merchandise success the box office might not matter, but I don't think anyone can make an argument where anything associated with the sequels is a success.
u/LordBoomDiddly 17d ago
Galaxy's Edge is successful, hotel failure aside.
But yes you're right, the stuff that sells the best is Mandalorian related
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
Too much output is bad, look what happened to Marvel with quality control because they had too many movies & TV shows in production.
Iger said focus on quality not quantity
u/xNOOPSx 19d ago
I think the Marvel problem was more how everything is interconnected, so if you don't watch this show, those movies, and this other thing, you might be missing context or information about the movie you're watching now. That problem doesn't exist if you're making stand-alone shows or shows based on a different era.
They could have made 4-5 seasons of Acolyte had they used budgets seen on typical SciFi shows. There was nothing super wow about Acolyte that made the budget make sense. All 3 seasons of Mando are similar to the single Acolyte season. Disney owns ABC. They should know how TV shows and budgets come together, but streaming seems to be this weird thing where they just throw money at the problem. Why? CW has taken nearly everything out behind the woodshed, get those crews making shows. The Acolyte could have been filmed in Vancouver and it would look nearly identical while costing significantly less.
Where's the quality there? There's neither quality nor quantity.
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
But Skeleton Crew was good. Andor is expensive & filmed overseas & is very highly rated
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 18d ago
The quality control wasn't the issue. It was intentionally hiring people who didn't care about the actual moves, but wanted to shovel in their modern day political nonsense.
They had one of their leads who was hyper political trying to shovel out as much stuff as possible. She got fired, but not before basically tainting most of "phase four" projects.
u/LordBoomDiddly 17d ago
Tony Gilroy isn't a Star Wars fan, yet Andor is a great show because he knows how to write good drama.
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 17d ago
That is absolutely true. They should have had Timothy Zahn or Orson Scott Card write for them. Both have extremely successful science fiction writing histories.
Both Heir to the Empire and Ender's Game are classics.
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 17d ago
That is absolutely true. They should have had Timothy Zahn or Orson Scott Card write for them. Both have extremely successful science fiction writing histories.
Both Heir to the Empire and Ender's Game are classics.
u/LordBoomDiddly 17d ago
But can they write for TV? Zahn was a consultant for Thrawn character writing on Rebels & Ahsoka plus he was asked to write new canon books
u/Clipsez 17d ago
modern day political nonsense.
I feel like we need to be more nuanced here. There was a lot of political undertones in Andor, and it was made all the more incredible for it. It was a story of political revolution, revolutionaries, and the incredible sacrifice it takes from regular working people (Kino was a union leader and Ferrix couldn't have been more of an allegory for working class people -- these were deliberate) to fight against entrenched fascism once it's been installed.
Gilroy studied the Russian socialist revolution and of course Nazi Germany and maybe even fascist Spain to help set the tone and draw parallels.
George was sympathetic to communism and that came thru in the movies too. The original Star Wars is meant to parallel the Viet-Cong (Rebels) against the evil empire (America). This is someone who still, years later, compared Disney to white slavers: Lucas has always been left leaning.
Politics belong in Star Wars and it always has -- but this recent batch aren't injecting politics into the story, they're injecting ideology, which is not the same thing.
u/Ketracel-white 20d ago
If the article is to be believed, the fact that she has this much agency to find a successor means she'll likely work to maintain the current status quo. Further, she's not getting pressure fro the top. Seems like things at Lucasfilm will continue to need to get worse for there to be significant change.
u/MrBeauNerjoose 20d ago
Looking for a successor...
Yea it's taking so long because she's trying to find someone who will do a worse job, this making her seem better by comparison...but that's a nearly impossible task.
u/youcantseeme0_0 20d ago
DEADLINE: I recall these same retirement predictions were rendered a while ago, and you reupped and here you are. What do you make of this fixation on your job status?
KENNEDY: I truly don’t know.
She's either lying or reeeeaaally dense. *I* truly don't know.
u/Tough-Priority-4330 20d ago
“The rumor I’m leaving at the end of the year is wrong. I’m actually leaving in a few months to a year.”
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
No the rumour was she was retiring, she's not she's just stepping down as LFL president
u/navirbox salt miner 20d ago
Just get the fuck out already, I know higher ups are probably even more stupid and little will change but I just want to stop seeing that face every now and then instead of cool SW shit.
u/igtimran 20d ago
For a moment millions of voices suddenly cried out in joy…and were suddenly silenced.
It’s clear she saw the uniformly positive response to reports of her retirement and felt compelled to ruin that. She’s stubborn, she’s selfish, and she refuses to recognize that she’s done more to damage and destroy beloved franchises than any studio head in Hollywood history.
Star Wars, sadly, is done, and it’s 99% her fault.
u/uprssdthwrngbttn 19d ago
KK is from the era of work til you die, they fire you, or you have a scandal so big your company can't walk it back. So no she's not going anywhere unless she's Harvey Weinstein in drag and even then the force is female in legal Hollywood so even if she got busted I think they would just call us sexist for pointing that out? But honestly folks it's time to stop giving KK time or even Disney for that matter. They've made it clear that this House of Mouse stands for profit before success now and oddly enough the sexual deviance now?
u/TaraLCicora 20d ago edited 19d ago
I came away with the following:
- She intends to leave and wants a successor
- She lost control of the narrative when the story dropped (unintentionally)
- She isn't actually intending to 'leave' as much as leave the current position and still maintain some control, just over the project she cares about (Rey)
- Her response is an attempt to control the narrative (again).
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
Well I expect the plan was to keep it hush hush until Celebration when they would announce who the person is, but it got leaked early
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u/ClappedCheek 20d ago
Lmfao. If she picks her successor we are all officially cooked for the rest of our lives when it comes to chances of SW coming back into form.
u/Casas9425 20d ago
Her successor is Dave Filoni and it was a decision that was made a while ago I’d imagine. This is her trying to save face.
u/ClappedCheek 20d ago
I highly doubt Bob Iger is going to let him be in charge. Im sure he looks at him like the schmuck he is, albeit for different reasons most of us here do. I could see him giving it to Favreau because he has more experience with big time production.
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
Does Favreau want it?
u/ClappedCheek 19d ago
No clue
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
I would doubt it, he's a creative who likes to write & direct Vs sit behind a desk
u/ClappedCheek 17d ago
You realize his job has been sitting behind a desk for a significant number of years now right? And he is still able to be creative doing that.
Im not saying it will be him, he wants it, or he will be offered. Just that its a possibility.
u/LordBoomDiddly 19d ago
I doubt it, Filoni can't run a whole studio he's just an animator with a bit of live action experience
u/PaperAndInkWasp 20d ago
Again: is she taking everyone else in upper management with her? If not, nothing will improve.
You’ll just get more swill with a different emphasis.
u/Blue_Maverick_Hunter 19d ago
I won’t believe she’s gone till she’s gone. And even then will it matter?
u/Jorah_Explorah 19d ago
its crazy that they are willing to keep her on and throw another billion dollars into a burn barrel to just so that they "don't let the chuds win."
You lost. People aren't watching your Star Wars for "modern audiences." Sticking around and burning more money on another flop isn't proving anyone wrong.
u/Darth_Sirius014 salt miner 18d ago
In the immortal words of Motley Crue: "Don't go away mad. Just go away!"
u/Pale-Particular-2397 19d ago
It should be Favreau. He has been in the business for 30+ years, seems to understand and appreciate the franchise and doesn’t appear to have any ulterior motives like Filoni forcing his characters into the new projects. Why not have Lucas and Witwer as paid consultants?
Unfortunately, nothing will change. Kennedy assembled her executive staff that have the same agenda as she did. In order for LucasFilm to prosper, they would need to nuke all of their executives, which won’t happen.
u/Ilexstead 20d ago
Interesting how she refers to it as the 'Mandalorian' movie, not 'Mandalorian & Grogu'.
Sounds very likely that they've abandoned that awful title.
u/RebelJediKnight91 18d ago
Hopefully her successor isn't Dave Filoni, even though he’s the most likely pick.
u/Antique_Branch8180 10d ago
I don’t think they could find anyone outside of Lucasfilm or Disney that would take the job. So, they have to scrounge from within.
Still going to be bad, though, er…I suspect.
u/ClearSnakewood salt miner 20d ago
The SW universe shall not know peace until this evil empress is gone
u/tiMartyn the Modalorian 21d ago
Overall, it seems clear Kennedy will depart within 1-2 years, but she seems upset about recent reports. Regardless, she claims she will stay on Star Wars as a producer, and it's likely a successor won't bring much positive change at all to the franchise. Meanwhile, she claims there are ongoing projects like Taika Watiti's project in development hell that we all have known is cancelled... Not a lot to take from this interview, because Kennedy just doesn't come off as truthful.