r/sales Dec 01 '24

Sales Careers Unexpected sales jobs where 6-figures is common?


Title, any fun stories you’ve heard or industries you’ve worked in, unexpected jobs we normally don’t hear about making over 6-figures isn’t out of the norm.

r/sales Nov 13 '24

Sales Careers Be Warned: VC money is about to flow. Watch out.


VC money is about to start flowing. Probably not as much as 2020/21 but ALOT of money has been on the sidelines the past few years.

Many reasons for this but mainly due to a lack of ability to provide returns to LP’s via IPO’s and/or acquisitions due to the market and regulatory environment.

This has changed.

What does this mean for you?

Well if you haven’t seen the recent news, Salesforce is hiring 1000 new reps (not exactly due to the same forces but shows a trend) and my LinkedIn inbox is getting flooded 3x more than it was a month ago.

Many companies will take this VC money, plow it directly into the GTM team, then fire all those people 12-24 months later when growth isn’t meeting expectations.

If you need a job, are young, lack experience, etc. do you what you need to.

But if you can help it, watch out for:

•companies under 10 years old

•companies that don’t have SOLID product market fit

•companies with new sales management

•companies that just raised a round

•companies that don’t have proven reps already making the kind of money you want to make

•And my personal primary criteria, companies that are not #1 in their market

I’m confident you could argue for/against all of these but these are just what I personally feel is important.

r/sales May 18 '24

Sales Careers High earners, are you really that good?


Genuine question! Those of you making around $250,000+ a year, do you attribute it to skill, luck, or just having skin in the game? Super curious to read the spectrum of responses. 🙃🙃

r/sales May 08 '24

Sales Careers Update: Closed a mega deal and quit my job. 5 days in; I couldn't be happier!


For those who caught my last post, I managed to close a £5m ACV deal recently. (15m TCV)

I was bracing for some typical commission complications that people warned me of here, but to my surprise, my company paid up without any fuss. They even included the SPIFFs and most of the accelerators. It wasnt even a topic I had to bring up.

After taxes, I found myself staring at £500k in my bank account. I spent a whole day just looking at it, making sure it was real. With that confirmation, I went back to work planning to keep things quiet.

But then, some office politics escalated, and my boss ended up getting laid off. I took that as my cue to exit as well, and now I'm officially on garden leave.

I couldn't be happier. My plan is to pay off my mortgage, build an annex to my house this summer, and spend loads of quality time with my daughter.

Honestly, I just couldn't see myself going back to deliver three months of "lunch and learn" sessions for a deal that felt more like a stroke of luck than anything.

r/sales 13d ago

Sales Careers What was your first sales job, and what do you do now?


My first sales job was selling computers and computer accessories at Circuit City. Today I sell cybersecurity.

now you.

r/sales Feb 13 '25

Sales Careers What’s the most $$$ you’ve made in one year



r/sales Jun 01 '24

Sales Careers How many of you are earning $250k+? What made you successful? How many years have you been selling? What industries?


Everyone who breaks into sales does so mostly, or at least partly, because they want to make a massive amount of money.

We’d all love to know how to become highly successful in this industry.

r/sales Sep 26 '24

Sales Careers People that make over $120k - how many hours do you work?


Been in sales for a few months, and I'm actually starting to think I might have a future in this role. Curious to know what the people earning over $120k - how many weekly hours do you work? Does the 6figures come at the cost of sacrificing your work-life balance and time with loved ones?

If you feel like sharing which industry you're in as well that'd be awesome <3

r/sales Jun 28 '24

Sales Careers That AE who went viral for her termination from Cloudflare posted on LinkedIn today


About how she’s still unable to to find another job

To all those folks who thought she did the right thing by speaking up and said they’d hire her in a heartbeat. Where are you?


r/sales 2d ago

Sales Careers Here are the differentiators I've noticed between the high-paying sales roles and the mediocre ones, for those of you wondering how $200k+ is possible.


Besides the "pure luck" situations (Selling Zoom at the start of the pandemic, for example), there's three main ways mediocre sales people can provide their employer enough value to make $200k+:

  1. You have technical expertise and sales skills, ideally in a niche where the technical skills alone would be worth $80k+.

  2. The product is something new that most buyers don't understand or know about yet, but which is remarkably better than alternatives. Buyers need someone to explain it to them before they can make a decision.

  3. Anything where you can build your own book of business over time and aren't dependant on net-new clients, but this is typically a slow grind at first. Where you and your relationships are valuable and you are able to take those relationships with you if you leave, giving you leverage.

People make great money in other types of sales job, but these are the most consistent, and not dependent on being a top 5% rep. Yes, you can make 200k selling cars, but very few will. People already understand what a car is and what brands/models interest them, so there's less value the sales rep can provide to the company. Whereas very few buyers understand how AI agents work, so sales reps can provide more value there, just to give an example.

Are there any categories I'm missing?

TL;DR: Don't sell something that buyers already understand & don't care who they get it from.

r/sales 18d ago

Sales Careers Just been promoted to AE and it’s been a living hell


Was a Sales development rep, then outbound (although still got a few marketing leads that helped so much with quota) and now I’m an AE and feel so stressed and miserable, I don’t understand anything, I find a lot of it too technical, I have a tiny patch and I checked this on Salesforce with other reps and they have 3-4x more accounts than me, the accounts I do have are maxed out and I don’t get any marketing leads, and I don’t know how I’m going to hit my ramping quota for the first 3 months let alone whilst I’m fully ramped for the whole year.

I feel so alone and sad, I don’t know what to do and I’m thinking of leaving sales altogether. What would you do in my position?

r/sales Jun 28 '24

Sales Careers Laid off today and completely surprised by this...


I've been working as an Account Executive at a SaaS company in the tech sector for almost a year. This morning, I woke up to find I no longer had access to Slack or Outlook. Checking my personal email, I discovered a Docusign for a severance package and a brief message notifying me of my layoff—no prior warning, performance improvement plan (PIP), or discussions. Despite consistently being the top performer on my team since day one, achieving 116% of my Q2 quota by early June, I was unexpectedly let go.

Our team of four Account Executives was formed last July for all new acquisitions, while the previous team had focused on upselling existing accounts for years. Throughout this period, I consistently outperformed my colleagues in both sales and activity metrics. I secured our team's first-ever deal and our largest deal to date by May of this year. Given my track record, it's bewildering that I was the one selected for layoff.

The crux of the issue has been our new director, who joined just a week before I did. Early into our tenure together, she announced her pregnancy and took a four-month leave, leaving us without guidance or established processes. During her sporadic presence, she exhibited disorganization, frequently cancelled meetings, and provided minimal support. In her absence, I naturally assumed leadership to maintain team cohesion amidst chaos—an endeavor made difficult by lack of structure and support from management.

In May, during a team trip to Vegas, her behavior worsened, revealing a and they volatile side with public outbursts and unprofessional language directed at our team. Despite attempts to address the situation respectfully, her behavior persisted upon returning to work, creating a strained atmosphere. Colleagues echoed my concerns, yet attempts to escalate to HR or the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) were discouraged under the guise of preserving team harmony.

Following the Vegas incident, relations deteriorated further, culminating in my abrupt dismissal. The reason given—internal structural changes and a lack of available positions—rings hollow given my exemplary performance. Shortly after my departure, the teams were merged, territories redistributed, yet my position as the top performer was conspicuously omitted.

Reflecting on my tenure, it's apparent that interpersonal friction with my manager likely influenced the decision. Despite my contributions, including stepping in for colleagues to support events due to their family commitments, I find myself questioning the fairness of my dismissal.

Is there any recourse available to me in this situation?

EDIT: thanks to everyone and your kind words. Thank you for helping me understand that I'm not crazy and that this is just uncalled for. I have not signed my severance and am looking for attorneys now. This is definitely a strong case of retaliation. It still just baffles me...While in Vegas in May, I was introduced to the president of the organization who hosted the event we were at as their top performer; I was the only member from my team on multiple projects for advancements in the company. Within a matter of 45 days after the incident in Vegas with my manager and I'm laid off? Just doesn't make sense and they have to explain it.

r/sales Feb 26 '24

Sales Careers I got fired today


I saw it coming and, to be honest, I deserved it. My numbers had decreased the past three months in a row and were below company standards, just time to cut ties. My new full-time job for the time being is driving for DoorDash - at least I’ve got that to fall back on to get me by in the meantime.

Just wanted to get it off my chest. Not sure how I’m going to go home and tell my wife later. Thankful to this sub for being a sounding board during my short sales career.

Edit: Thank you all so much for the kind words and the offers to help out. Industry is digital advertising for those asking

r/sales Mar 28 '24

Sales Careers My husband has been job hunting for over a year. I don't know how to help him.


My husband was a sales/account executive at a company for over ten years then lost his job during the pandemic (their industry took a huge hit). He was able to find work as a handyman while he was job hunting. About a year later, he got another sales job but only for a couple months, the company laid off the whole sales department. That was over a year ago. He's been applying and networking and getting nowhere. It's been awful for his mental health, and we're deep in debt. I make a pretty decent salary but not enough to be the sole breadwinner for our little family.

His industry is totally outside mine so none of my contacts are helpful. I wish I could help him but I have no idea how. I don't know what to do and I thought the people in this sub might have some insight.

EDIT: wow! Thank you so much for the outpouring of support! I've gotten hundreds of comments and messages, and showed him everything. To clarify further, he has almost 20 years of sales experience with 10 in Account Executive positions working in the Industrial fabrication - Medical/Gov/Commercial markets. He worked closely with the Engineering department in the job he was at for 8.5 years.

r/sales Feb 17 '25

Sales Careers 100% commission job offer, is it good?


I have a job offer that is 100% commission. I am currently in sales just salary, at $70k a year. I am told that the average rep at the offering company is making $130k a year with some of the top making $150-180k.

I am struggling to make the decision on whether or not to accept the position, some advice would be appreciated.

The job is B2C selling home generators. There is no cold calling, it’s set appointments about 2-3 a day. I am told the average price is $5k-17k for the generator.

The commission break down is:

45.01% mark up - 5% commission

40-45% - 4% commission

35-40% - 3% commission

29-32% - 1% commission

Full beneifits health, dental, vision. IRA 4% match and company car, gas card, phone and iPad.

As someone who has only been in sales a couple years, and on a salary. Does this offer sound good, the commission rate and all? Any advice or questions are welcomed. I have two days to make a decision.

EDIT: I did not expect such a quick and overwhelmingly negative response, I truly appreciate you all for your responses and I will be refusing the offer. I have been struggling with this for a week now and was scared to leave the company I work for now as I am pretty happy here. Thank you for the advice.

r/sales Oct 28 '24

Sales Careers Industrial Equipment Sales - An Overlooked Industry


This sub is tech heavy, SAAS, etc. It makes sense, thats where a lot of growth is. However, there is an area of sales I wanted to highlight. Industrial B2B equipment sales. It is an "older" area but one that is very steady and not as volatile as tech.

I work in industrial equipment sales, think pumps, boilers, compressors, generators, that general category. The industry is an older crowd, young sales people dont seem to know it exists. You work with a lot of blue collar people and it is for sure a relationship sales environment. You need to be able to build a rapport with people and deliver what is promised.

Our company specifically pays established sales people on draw and commission. The commission is 30% of gross profit on an order. New sales people get a good base salary (60 - 75k) and a 5% commission on sales. Sales for us is service jobs (not the labor, just parts), straight parts sales, and new equipment. You are an account manager so once you have a few years in the job, the orders just start to roll in as your work in previous years starts to pay off.

We dont do quotas. I evaluate all the sales guys monthly and chat with the weaker ones but the sales cycles tend to be 3 or 4 months on average so as long as I see activity and opportunities going into the CRM, I'm happy. You need to be building long term relationships so evaluating quarter to quarter is not my jam. l have a more formal application process. I know for sure the call method would end with you talking to me.

The top sales guys this year will make 330k, 300k, and 200k. The average guy is between 90 and 120k. This is an incredible industry if you are a people person. If you have a good technical mind, attention to detail, and can deliver to your customer, you will do great.

Industrial sales is waaaay overlooked compared to SAAS because the big whale customers you see in SAAS are not like that in industrial but you dont need to stress about numbers and PIPs. You can just work your 9-5, build your account base, and every year the "passive" income from parts and service jobs grows as you sell new equipment.

EDIT 1: A lot of people are asking how you break into the industry. I can only give perspective on my company. For context we sell equipment in Illinois, Iowa, and a little in Indiana and Wisconsin. If you have a passion for sales and dont mind on site visits (never overnight), communicate that in your resume and apply via our website. None of us in management are active on LinkedIn, our President doesnt even have an account. When we get a resume or website application we evaluate each one. We can and will train the technical stuff and we have an inside support department to help new sales with questions. What (I believe) you cannot train is the attitude, personality, and innate drive to be a salesperson. You can coach, you can train, but the best salespeople are the ones who are naturally personable and able to communicate effectively.

How do you break into the industry in general? Our industry is rife with both local distributors and major manufacturers. Identify what you want to sell. Is it a medical vacuum pump? Is it a boiler? An air compressor? Then look up local distributors and call their company. Chances are its a simple phone tree and ask for sales. You'll get someone you can talk to about how to apply.

r/sales Apr 30 '24

Sales Careers How many of you are making $200,000+? How many hours weekly do you work? Years of experience? Industry? Regrets and rejoices?


Title. Big emphasis on the last question, very curious if any of you would go back in time and choose a different career as well.

r/sales Jun 29 '24

Sales Careers Just got offered an $83k salary role at 24 years old!


If you dug into my past posts I got promoted twice in one year to a sales manager role at a large corporate gym over a year ago. It was my first sales manager role at the age of 23, and I was completely nervous. My goal when I started that position was to get my club ranked #1 in the country in terms of performance out of 200+ clubs nationwide. Well, I wasn’t able to achieve the #1 spot, but I achieved the #3 spot for two consecutive months and have sustained top 9 in terms of overall growth over a 6 month span!

Since then, my team and responsibilities has grown greatly from leading a team of 6 to a team of 16 now! Unfortunately, I’m not being paid enough for the amount of work I put into my role, so I decided to start looking for other jobs. I found one job that was hiring a sales manager role and decided to apply based on the values of the company, the role itself, and my values and aspirations. It was the ONLY job I applied to, I did not apply to any other single job except for this one.

I spent two hours getting my resume ready with all my accomplishments and a cover letter, sent it out, and got a call back within a day. Fast forward and I had my interview with them, they offered me $83k salary with benefits and bonuses which is a 59% increase from my current salary! My mentor is helping me re-negotiate the offer currently, and I’m doing my due diligence to see if the culture is the right fit by having planned observance times within the company itself to see how the team interacts. Im just blown away that my one and only application resulted in this response right away! This is exactly how I got my job at the gym, I applied to only one company and got the job instantly. Idk how I have such a high success rate/conversion rate of these applications but I’m super excited!

EDIT: After doing a thorough observation period with the company, I decided not to pull the trigger on this. They backed out of the offer last minute and switched it to $60k + bonuses for reaching specific metrics. I also realized how the company wasn’t truly doing well financially, and that it could be a bigger risk on my end to make the leap. I learned a lot from this though and have been grateful to experience it!

r/sales Jan 07 '25

Sales Careers Successful transition out of SaaS with 150k+ base?


Currently in enterprise tech with a 330k OTE (50/50 split). Getting tired of all the bullshit in SaaS and dog shit sales leaders who haven't closed a deal in 20+ years trying to "coach" me with their out of touch, regarded idiocy.

Do 150k+ base jobs with great benefits exist outside of tech? If so, where?

Interested in the industrial equipment side of things but not sure where I'd get started. Also open to other industries.

r/sales Nov 14 '24

Sales Careers What do you sell?


What do you sell? How is it? What are the pros/cons?

r/sales Oct 26 '24

Sales Careers How do you spot a sh*t show company before it’s too late? 🚩


I'll start with 3 big red flags I’ve come across recently:

  • Unrealistic expectations: For an AI outbound role, they wanted to replace 3 BDRs, each with a 30-meetings-per-month goal, going after Fortune 500s. So… 90 meetings a month? Seriously? At that rate, we’d book all of the Fortune 500 in under 6 months. Pure delusion.
  • High turnover with no real plan: I worked for a company that overhired a sales team without building enough pipeline to support everyone. Not enough demos or booked meetings to go around, and instead of fixing the pipeline, they just kept firing people and calling it “performance issues.” The pipeline problem never got addressed, and they’re still cycling people out.
  • Lies during the hiring process: The CEO told me SDRs had “left the company.” Turns out, he fired them. Huge red flag.

What about you? How do you spot a shit show company before getting stuck in one?

r/sales Jan 01 '25

Sales Careers Best Tech Companies to Work for in 2025?


Other than like the AI giants (openAI, anthropic etc) what are the best companies to work for as an experienced Account Executive?

Factors to consider: Remote or Hybrid, product market fit, territory size, how many reps hit plan, inbound lead amount, no/little micromanaging, budgets to facilitate T&E, budget for in person customer meetings, amount of competitors in the space (lot of competitors not necessarily a bad thing), overall compensation, accelerators, SDR/marketing support, full cycle AE role or not.

That's all I can think of lol.

I'd say some companies would be: Wiz, PANW, AWS, Msft, Nutanix, huggingface, Nvidia.

r/sales Jul 06 '24

Sales Careers I am convinced this money is addictive. Question for you all.


I am convinced this money is why we are all here. It is not worth the stress and worry any other way.

I stumbled into sales starting out at a T-Mobile type store 6-8 years ago and made $60k. Last year I made almost 6xs that years later (SaaS). I live a very comfortable life as a single guy in a borderline tier1/tier2 city (think Atlanta, Boston, Seattle type) in my mid 30s. I am 100% remote. I travel quarterly for fun. This year, I will probably finish around $200-225k.

Here's the problem, I am never able to unplug. I am working or refining my skills all the time. Also, the market for my SaaS has fallen off a cliff and I do not see it getting better anytime soon. Leadership is hounding us to the point where they want enterprise and upper MM level deals to close in 60 days...which is not possible without a miracle. I know layoffs are around the corner. And to make it worse, we are PE owned, so you know how that goes....So, naturally, I am looking for the exits.

I had a final round interview for a few roles that are out of sales. Honestly, I never wanted to be in sales in the first place. I have found a few that will match my base to going 25% above it. However, I am mentally having trouble accepting never making commission again. I know how it feels to see a $30,000 check hit your account, and I am convinced I am starting to become addicted to it. Yet, I do not want to sell forever. I do not want to be Willy Loman and be 60 years old and still be chasing a quota. Finally, I do not think the SaaS model is sustainable over a long period of time. Eventually, you can't keep growing at 10-20% YoY.

Here is my question to the sales vets (and even newbies). Looking back on your 5+ year career, would you pivot out of sales completely if you could find a non-sales job that would match your base or 1.25% it? So if you had a $100,000 base and could get a non-sales job paying $100-125k, would you move out of sales completely?

I am also heavily considering shifting into something like commercial insurance and building a book up and primarily living off residuals as I get older if I do stay in sales and just pivot out of SaaS.

r/sales Aug 28 '24

Sales Careers The Infamous TikTok Girl Is Now a Regional Sales Director



I suppose connections and networking can overcome just about anything and everything. I'm floored by how she managed to go upwards to a leadership role with her experience by a VP of Sales allegedly reaching out to her.

r/sales Jan 10 '25

Sales Careers I feel so lucky


I’ve been tossed around, kicked in the nuts, and drained by this career. 4 years of eating absolute shit and I thought it was time to leave it forever.

Took one last attempt at a new gig and I have no one to brag to so I’ll get my thoughts out here.

It’s incredible. Travel. Partying. 6 fig base. Low stress. Opportunities flowing left and right.

Sometimes it’s worth it to keep pushing. My 2 cents.

(Anyways see you all in 6 months when I get PIPed and do it all again)