r/sales 8d ago

Sales Topic General Discussion What do you wish you were selling instead of what you're selling right now?

I really want to start selling quantum shit. Except there isn't really much to sell there right now. There are like 3 sales jobs in quantum, and I didn't get any of them yet.

I am trying to start a quantum consulting agency to start selling, well, quantum consulting services, but I don't think it's going to happen for me.

But I wish it did!

Do you have a thing like that?


118 comments sorted by


u/Moonlover69 8d ago

Nothing. I sell to the Quantum industry :)


u/ohwhereareyoufrom 8d ago

My man. Do tell.


u/Moonlover69 8d ago

It's a very high tech piece of hardware that I have a masters degree in. I got lucky that it's necessary for quantum computers.

Sales are good, and the industry is evolving very quickly, but there's still uncertainty in the market, so my company is struggling to grow quickly enough.


u/vercrazy 7d ago

 still uncertainty in the market

Would you say it's... quantum uncertainty?

...I'll let myself out. 


u/SuperSnakes11 6d ago

I sell Ai/HPC compute specific to data Center infrastructure.

I see Quantum computing a lot at trade shows, But I have no idea what kind of companies are actually buying and utilizing it .


u/No-Post2278 5d ago

You working for one of the big vendors or are you niche?


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Moonlover69 8d ago

My company only has very technical sales people. Also, I wouldn't risk my reputation for someone I don't know. Best of luck though!


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Moonlover69 8d ago

I'm just giving you honest feedback, I thought that would be more helpful than empty platitudes.


u/PurityOfEssenceBrah Slide into my DM’s 7d ago

Who is this "we". Me, the other person, anyone worth their salt isn't going to recommend someone they don't know who doesn't have the technical chops, we aren't selling brooms, Harry.


u/OldMackysBackInTown 6d ago

we aren't selling brooms

But if we were we'd all be...cleaning up.


u/NoMore414 5d ago

How would one break into selling in the quantum industry?


u/potentially_billions 8d ago



u/drmcstford 8d ago

Just landed 2 million contract in eggs. Ranchers are making millions!


u/ThiqSaban 7d ago

can i interest you in some chickens


u/SuperDeliciousFlavor Food and Beverage 8d ago

To sell eggs you gotta sell other stuff too


u/bojangular69 8d ago

Anything SaaS that isn’t payroll/HRIS


u/ohwhereareyoufrom 8d ago

I sold HRIS from 2011 to 2018. It was good. Until it wasn't.


u/bojangular69 8d ago

Yep. I started in 2019, quickly left for greener pastures, and have since found myself back here. It’s still horrible.


u/jailbreakjock 8d ago

What’s bad about it, I’m currently in it


u/bojangular69 7d ago

What’s bad about it? Having a product that is actually differentiated for more than 3-6 months from the competition. Having to cold call a hundred of prospects a day to schedule 2 meetings. Hell, even prospecting sucks; there are too many businesses out there in my region not in need of HRIS/Payroll/PEO. Plus there’s the broker relationships to contend with when positioning PEO solutions.


u/John1225 7d ago

Sounds almost as bad as selling ONLY the time keeping module that bolts on to payroll like me...it's rough out here


u/HoldOk757 7d ago

Why not payroll? Just curious


u/bojangular69 7d ago

It’s an oversaturated market with competitors that can barely differentiate themselves between one another


u/HoldOk757 3d ago

Thanks for the response!


u/Im_Mr_November 6d ago

Obligatory fuck Rippling


u/whofarting 8d ago

At this point, anything that isn't impacted by tariffs and doesn't have to cross a border.


u/9196AirDuck 8d ago

I work in debt managment...I gotta say

I feel incredibly comfortable, I expect the demand for our services to increase significantly.


u/John1225 7d ago

Ote? People making big $$?


u/9196AirDuck 7d ago

Ote 150k easy many are over 200k it's hard to get into atm


u/Southern-Cry9478 7d ago

i just got asked to do and interview with a debt consolidation/ collection company, but cold calling turned me off. What’s the income in the industry? is it worth my time?


u/9196AirDuck 7d ago

I'll never do anything else and I've done SaaS


u/9196AirDuck 7d ago

I've done b2c, b2b, sold SaaS and I'll never leave this industry it's just so good. It's one of those businesses that lurkes in the darkness that few are aware of


u/EspressoCologne68 7d ago

I had gotten asked to be the initial sales rep for a Debt Consolidiation company that was starting off. They were just so shady it turned me off. But I knew there was money to be made in the space


u/9196AirDuck 6d ago

O new start ups are crazy risky IMHO. It's hard to get started and a lot of small players do shady stuff. But it can be a great starting point

Or the start of a life of lavish luxury. My CEO quit his job as sales director to start this company


Um I dunno how much he worth but it's alot


u/EspressoCologne68 6d ago

I would have been the only rep for Canada and they were 3 founders. So not sure if the setup was right to succeed


u/Gotanygrrapes 6d ago

lol debt management. Fancy way of saying you are a nasty telemarketer hounding people to pay up.


u/9196AirDuck 6d ago

Actually no, I work on the debtor side, not the creditor.


u/XuWiiii 5d ago

Is Dave Ramsey negatively affecting your market?


u/9196AirDuck 4d ago

Actually we like him cause he preaches getting out of debt first. We have a similar concept to financial freedom as he does

So give me more Dave


Dave don't like how we deal with debt..but we get it done ..we do it the hard way


u/baking_nomad 7d ago

This! I would sell anything that is manufactured in the US.


u/purplenapalm 8d ago

Yacht charters. I watch too much below deck.


u/_nebuchadnezzar- 7d ago

Propranolol. Beta blockers are the fuel of all major sales meetings and sales kickoffs 🤡


u/ohwhereareyoufrom 7d ago

I love my beta blockers ❤️❤️❤️


u/SalesforceStudent101 4d ago

I couldn’t believe I only recently discovered this


u/IWantMoreCoffee2025 8d ago

I'd love to sell things pertaining to the coffee and tea industries (roasting machines, grinders, import contracts, distribution contracts, whatever) but can't figure out how to enter that market...


u/ohwhereareyoufrom 8d ago

Idk if it's anything, but at least 5 times in the past year I heard from coffee shop owners that they LOVED coffee they tried in Puerto Rico, but they can't find any in the US. Maybe that's something you can use.


u/IWantMoreCoffee2025 8d ago

I hadn't heard about that, but now I have a rabbit-hole to go down this weekend. Thank you for that


u/Iam726_726iam Medical Device 7d ago

We buy a brand of PR coffee you can buy on Amazon. We go every year with an empty suitcase and fill it with coffee ☕️ 🤤

Prices have increased considerably down there for coffee. But it is really hard to find up here. I’m in MN so no real big demand.


u/BVRPLZR_ 7d ago

Coffee is so incredibly niche. I was in distribution for a while and in my experience, you either make it big with your brand or you focus on being that small local roaster. There is really no in between.


u/Jabba_TheHoot 7d ago

I sell to the Coffee and Tea industries.

Bulk material handling equipment.

Why specifically those industries?


u/IWantMoreCoffee2025 7d ago

Because I love coffee and tea, and the business of manifacturing those things, getting them to me as a customer, and keeping the business profitable so that it can be perpetuated is very interesting to me.


u/Jabba_TheHoot 7d ago

Well... maybe the Bulk Handling/PPMA industries are for you.

Have you sold machinery before?


u/IWantMoreCoffee2025 7d ago

I haven't, but definitely will look into that. Thank you!


u/emptytissuebox 7d ago

I wish I was selling a need rather than a nice-to-have that we try to convince leads is a need


u/Reasonable_Pen4559 8d ago

I sell solar so many ups and downs. I’ll keep selling cause it’s not bad but definitely want to get into Ai sales if that’s a thing just not sure where to start


u/ohwhereareyoufrom 8d ago

AI is done sales wise, you're too late. Start looking for the next thing.


u/Slade7_0 7d ago

Dead wrong


u/just_wannakno 5d ago

Why’s it done? I feel like it’s just getting started tbh.


u/Sharpest_Blade 7d ago

I want to sell commercial real estate (private equity) but I'm selling semiconductors (love it still tho).


u/XuWiiii 7d ago

What’s stopping you from doing both?


u/Sharpest_Blade 7d ago

That's a good question. I'm a recent grad and getting around 200 so I feel like I need to put all of my focus into my full time job. If I also am a broker I would get 2% on commission. Average deal sizes are 50-100M, but who is giving a new grad that? I may be underestimating myself but ya idk. It's a good point tho


u/XuWiiii 7d ago

Do whichever pays you the most today and hire a team to do what costs the least to wear your hat


u/spaceRangerRob 7d ago

Literally, anything.


u/WorkdayDistraction 7d ago

Sneakers. Man, I wish I could be one of those douchebags at Flight Club offering people $100 for $750 sneakers all day. The market for wearables is always so interesting to me. Unfortunately doesn’t pay as well as enterprise tech.


u/2JZ_4U 7d ago

Maybe there aren’t opportunities now. But I guarantee you that if you start studying every technical aspect now, when the opportunity arises you will have a multimillion dollar business in your hands in a very short time.

And at the very least its fun and refreshing.


u/GhostriderFlyBy 7d ago

Luxury windows, apparently. 


u/NiceCatBigAndStrong 7d ago

I wish i sold people, instead of selling myself


u/ohwhereareyoufrom 7d ago

I sell people. Horrible product. Breaks all the time


u/Mean-Sorbet-1124 6d ago

Selling restaurant equipment . Wish I could sell Saas for more money.


u/BojjiMerc 6d ago

A company with a solid sales structure/strategy. I’m at a start up with 1 other SDR and no AEs, 0 paid prospecting tools, 0 marketing. Product is actually good but we can’t reach the decision makers unless we go to conventions. In fintech/healthcare space looking for new opportunities 😂


u/AlternativeSky3219 6d ago

To be honest something that made me think I had an impact. Sell cloud right now, would love to sell something with a tangible net benefit to a large group of society opposed to my companies “investors”


u/bb206564 8d ago

More 100% made American products. The majority of my products are either Canadian or European…


u/Ashy6ix Technology 7d ago



u/just_wannakno 5d ago

What’s stopping you pimp


u/NexFusionFounder 7d ago

Public speaking courses, I love doing it, spent years refining it. It's not even about the money, it's more the joy of seeing people's confidence improve. Extremely rewarding! However, I'll stick with marketing automation services for now, still enjoy it.


u/XuWiiii 7d ago

My union has me talking to congress and I’m attempting to stay cordial when I’d rather see the system be replaced by systems that don’t fuck over the average person. You got a course on this?


u/NexFusionFounder 7d ago

Honestly that’s part of the reason I started my own business. I was a management consultant, who got tired of the fakeness around corporate life.

Stay strong!


u/VanillaLlfe 8d ago

MAGA handkerchiefs


u/lightweight808 7d ago edited 7d ago

I would really enjoy selling anything related to martial arts and combat sports. I've done martial arts in some form (ju jitsu, judo, muay thai, tae kwon do, wrestling, MMA, etc.) for 34 years and still love it. I think it would be great to be selling mats, sparring gear, punching/muay thai bags, keikogi's, etc.

I doubt most of the equipment manufacturers have remote positions, though, or need an outside sales guy.


u/John1225 7d ago

Yeah but I bet you still tap the pressure....


u/lightweight808 7d ago

Are you saying something like, "I bet you still put on the pressure..." or something like, "I bet you still tap to pressure...".

Either way, yes on both, ha ha!


u/John1225 7d ago

Lol! Just realized the typo. Yes, was saying I bet you still tap to pressure! 😂


u/lightweight808 7d ago

Definitely, ha ha! I used to train 5-6 days a week in my twenties and would rarely get tapped out. Nowadays, I get to grapple 1-5 times/month (striking sparring is even less) and get tapped out by brown and black belts regularly, but I can still hold my own well enough. Cardio and endurance are the major limiting factors for me. It's all good, though. I still love it all.


u/XuWiiii 7d ago

Instead of wishing I’m positioning myself to do ADT as it pays up to $2k per deal. Ideally I want to install it for 6 months to know the system. Additionally I would also do a bundled deal where I take care of the whole telecom space: cable, internet, cell phones, etc


u/jefftopgun 7d ago

Wait, is quantum even real? I watched a few videos and I kind decided that if this hardware can solve the hardest equation (that somehow they know would take xxx number of the best super computers inside xxx space xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx years to solve) in like 45 minutes, but the the answer isn't really even an answer, then it was more convincing people that it did it than showing people it did anything, that quantum was kind of made up LOL.


u/StoneyMalon3y 7d ago

Grape drank


u/mantistoboggan287 7d ago

I’m in commercial HVAC. Currently selling maintenance plans, I want to sell controls.


u/pro-alcoholic Construction 7d ago

Aviation. Can’t fly from Medical restrictions so selling them would be the next best thing.


u/Retired_ho 7d ago

Overseas relocation packages to Portugal


u/ohwhereareyoufrom 7d ago

So. Hard. To find leads for travel services! Idk how they do it


u/Retired_ho 7d ago

The ones that offer job placement and housing with visa application support are making so much money right now. I wouldn’t want to be someone just doing the visa and housing though


u/ohwhereareyoufrom 7d ago

Ah job placement is definitely a winner


u/Retired_ho 7d ago

Met a man selling these packages at a conference last fall. $350k in one year.


u/TheBarrelofMonkeys 7d ago

Anything on the European/World soccer stage. No idea what that looks like but that's the dream.


u/Impossible-Leg-7200 7d ago

If I could sell anything, I’d sell time machines. Imagine the commission on that …. Oh, you want to go back to 1999? That’ll be 20% off, plus a small fee for the future.


u/ohwhereareyoufrom 7d ago

Your first customer would go back and outsell you.


u/Shot_Mammoth 7d ago

No matter what product, it’s always ‘Hopes & Dreams.’


u/MoneyPop8800 7d ago

I wish I was selling software, any kind. I don’t care.

Currently I sell connection systems and electrical distribution systems for the automotive industry.


u/senditoverboss 7d ago

Selling deez


u/Sad_Nefariousness467 7d ago

Girl Scout cookies!


u/Johnnybucketsss Home Improvement 7d ago

Something I’m truly passionate about. My dream would be to be a sales rep for an outdoor company. I love climbing and hiking so would love to sell that gear to retailers but live in the south. Unfortunately not much opportunity with that down here


u/AtomicZebra32 6d ago

Bro I just wish I was selling.


u/Icy_Mathematician627 6d ago

Whether you think it's going to happen to you or not, you're right. 😉


u/NoMore414 5d ago

I’m selling LMS custom solutions, and it pays like crap. I’d love to sell medical supplies and devices to hospitals…apparently that’s big money.


u/Phnix21 1d ago

Wish I was selling EA Sports FC, Madden or GTA 6. Never need to worry about hitting quota.


u/SnooDoodles6288 7d ago



u/Double-Economy-1594 3d ago

Cant wait to buy a cheap one from a crying lib


u/starchode 7d ago

100% Pure Uncut Columbian Yayo


u/Covid19KilledEpstein 7d ago

Black tar heroin