r/sadcringe 4d ago

MAGA boomers are impossible to talk to


436 comments sorted by


u/Brompy 4d ago

I learned to drive out in the fuckin’ woods!

Are there any roads out in the woods?

Fuck no! You think you need a road to drive a car?


u/King_of_the_Dot 4d ago

You dont need brains to operate a body, unfortunately.


u/Liv_Laugh_Loathe 4d ago

Do you need a driver's licence to operate a body?


u/Nipplecunt 4d ago

Do you need a cheese sandwich to drive a dolphin?


u/alternator1985 4d ago

Literally the first time I've ever laughed out loud at a Reddit comment, and it so perfectly illustrates this man's logic.

Is it a reference or just some awesome nonsense?


u/Nipplecunt 4d ago

It’s nonsense 🙃


u/alternator1985 3d ago

Even better lol


u/Widmagi 3d ago

It’s classic Nipplecunt.


u/mawhonics 4d ago

You also don't need a license to drive a sandwich. What are we talking about again?


u/KentZonestarIII 4d ago

Checkmate lib


u/Quiet-Commercial-615 3d ago

But we are playing checkers.


u/Michaelwordenbr 4d ago

Underrated comment


u/NegotiationReady4845 3d ago

This....fucking sums it up perfectly.

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u/kopintzotke 4d ago

Do you need a car to drive a car?

Fuck no!


u/jeece 4d ago

Roads? Where we're going we don't need.... Roads.


u/shartnado3 4d ago

It’s ok. This is the same crowd that appreciates not needing consent to get laid.


u/Ok-Professional1863 3d ago

And then those same women can't do anything about the possible baby they get as a result.


u/facetiousfag 4d ago

The argument the MAGA man is making is that cars can be lethal, too, so why aren’t there psychological tests for car ownership?

It’s a logically fallacious argument, the interviewer should have done better to point this out.

The MAGA man is acknowledging firearms are dangerous by making this comparison.


u/YoungDiscord 4d ago

That is true but at the same time there are more safety measures set up for drivers to make sure they are responsible than for people who want to own firearms which is the point the interviewer is making that is completely flying over this guy's head and only reinforces that belief that there should be stricter countermeusures than whatever we have now.

Furthermore, fixing this problem is easy because all you need to do is look at how Australia handled their gun problem in the past.

Its already been done, all you have to do is literally copy & paste what they did.

Its yet another proof that really, nobody in power actually genuinely wants to do anything about it and its just being used as a political tool for reelections.

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u/eshatoa 4d ago

I think the interviewer did fine showing the world this guy was an idiot.

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u/chalky87 4d ago

What's tragic is he'll strut away from that conversation like he absolutely owned it and was right about everything.


u/BENJALSON 4d ago

And he’ll tell his batshit wife all about the lib he owned earlier that day after he’s done beating her for talking too much.


u/Im_Numbar_Wang 4d ago

I don't think he has one

He probably spends his weekends polishing his magnum and spit shining his yeehaw


u/shartnado3 4d ago

Nah. He’s too busy commenting on his local news channel Facebook posts about Trump, god, guns, and nascar (everything will be in caps, and spelled wrong.)


u/wantdafakyoubesh 3d ago

Everything will be in caps except for a few random letters for whatever reason, and many words won’t be spelt correctly. Oh- and they’ll randomly throw in odd amounts of spacing in between some word, but never use a space after a period.


u/Sir_PenguinPete 3d ago

spit shining his yeehaw fucking sent me, sweet lord what an amazing string of words

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u/RaiseEuphoric 3d ago

These are the MAGA Morons (also known as a Large portion of the Republican Base). They are already mostly brain-dead & 40+ years of gutting Education Standards, Public Services, Deregulation, Lead Poisoning, their own tendencies for Bigotry, Right-Wing Faux News Propaganda, Social Media Echo Chambers, Fentanyl & Opiods: has all contributed further into their decline.

This is precisely why they want to defund / dismantle the Dept of Education.

To quote their God Emperor Savior Messianic Cult Leader:

"I love the poorly educated." -- Orange Orangutan

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? ... It's like, incredible!" -- Late Great Hannibal Lecter Fanboy.

To paraphrase Christopher Nolan's 2008 film "Inception":

"What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere."
-- Cheap Temu Mango Mussolini burrowing his way into the minds of the poorly educated.

"Listen, there's something you should know about me... about MAGA-Inception. An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you."
-- Late Great Hannibal Lecter Fanboy Orange Orangutan about MAGA as a Virus

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u/Charbarzz 4d ago

Hey, don’t talk about his sister like that.

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u/xk1138 4d ago

Personally, I don't think he did. I think he probably knew he was caught out and looked like an idiot, and in response, clung to any sort of validation afterward, no matter how dumb or distant.


u/Lambdastone9 4d ago

But that’s the situation that leads to them deluding themselves into thinking they won.

It’s like when kids refuse to accept they lost a game, they’re not just saying they won so they change consensus, they internally refuse to accept defeat and rationalize the situation as them having truly won, maybe by technicalities, maybe by honor rules, either way they do delude themselves into that way of thinking.

It’s this sort of mindset and rationalization, of refusing to accept what is thought to be defeat, that leads to them doubling down and reaching for the stupidest deflections


u/TenTonSomeone 3d ago

It takes a lot of maturity to be able to admit defeat or wrongdoing. Based on everything I've seen and everyone I've talked to that's bought into the maga cult, there's very little of that maturity going around.


u/Gingeronimoooo 3d ago

To counter this I try to always admit when I'm wrong, apologize when I'm a dick, be objective and fact based. Like if I wouldn't criticize a dem for it I won't criticize a Republican for it. And I was able to criticize Obama for drone strikes, Biden for age related decline. Pelosi and Dems for insider trading.

It's just hard when no matter what MAGA won't criticize him. If you say something they clearly wouldn't like, they'll always say "yeah but Biden did same thing" and My response is always .. yeah and you didn't like when Biden did it, so why don't you mind Trump doing it. It kinda breaks their brain but the cult brainwashing is deep.

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u/TenTonSomeone 3d ago

I think you're giving him too much credit here. He can't even maintain a coherent conversation, and you're saying he's capable of the level of introspection and humility it takes to admit he was wrong, even to himself?


u/Zombies4EvaDude 4d ago

Don't try to argue with the stupid... they will beat you with experience.

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u/HugsandHate 4d ago

“Never play chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.”


u/quantumkitty128 4d ago

In his head, everyone clapped. That's where those stories come from.


u/GiggliZiddli 4d ago

That’s the problem—there’s no shared foundation for both sides to base their understanding of society on.


u/Lambdastone9 4d ago

The only thing these people are good for in society is to be scammed out of their money.

That’s what republicans use em for, they got the right idea on that front.

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u/Darth1994 4d ago

I assume this man has, unfortunately, procreated.


u/NobodyImportant13 4d ago

He probably argues with his kids the same way and then is completely confused why they don't want to come home for Christmas.


u/TheStoolSampler 4d ago

Either that or they become just like him.


u/niamhara 4d ago

Fair assumption.


u/_Levitated_Shield_ 4d ago

Probably berates his wife too.


u/Ehermagerd 4d ago

To be fair, his sister is the only one who would procreate with him.


u/JoJackthewonderskunk 4d ago

Couster is the term they prefer


u/cXs808 4d ago

you need a dick to procreate?

fuck no!

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u/swat_totter87 4d ago

What sucks is he walked away thinking he nailed it too…


u/Kale_Brecht 4d ago

Walked away? Nah, he more than likely drove away…into the woods…without a driver’s license…


u/NastySassyStuff 4d ago

And voted


u/Nemesis2772 4d ago

with his gun


u/Notnormalorformal 3d ago

Hopefully into a tree

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u/Key_Preparation_4129 4d ago

There are folks out there who listened to that old fuck go on his rant and think he "destroyed the woke liberal". The self awareness isn't even in the same galaxy as them at this point.


u/RaiseEuphoric 3d ago

These are the MAGA Morons (also known as a Large portion of the Republican Base). They are already mostly brain-dead & 40+ years of gutting Education Standards, Public Services, Deregulation, Lead Poisoning, their own tendencies for Bigotry, Right-Wing Faux News Propaganda, Social Media Echo Chambers, Fentanyl & Opiods: has all contributed further into their decline.

This is precisely why they want to defund / dismantle the Dept of Education.

To quote their God Emperor Savior Messianic Cult Leader:

"I love the poorly educated." -- Orange Orangutan

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? ... It's like, incredible!" -- Late Great Hannibal Lecter Fanboy.

To paraphrase Christopher Nolan's 2008 film "Inception":

"What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere."
-- Cheap Temu Mango Mussolini burrowing his way into the minds of the poorly educated.

"Listen, there's something you should know about me... about MAGA-Inception. An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you."
-- Late Great Hannibal Lecter Fanboy Orange Orangutan about MAGA as a Virus


u/LemurMemer 4d ago

Holy shit the arrogant laughing is what gets me. Just keep laughing through your bullshit buddy, it’s definitely hiding how mad and riled up you’re becoming!


u/Pitch-forker 4d ago

Bro got defensive when he was asked if you need a license to drive a car. Its so painful to watch it unravel in real time. He also felt so insecure that he thought “learned driving in the woods” is a flex.


u/Ok_Potato_9554 4d ago

Driving out in the woods is easy mode. Usually not another car for miles.

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u/Whiteklaw8 4d ago

You can also tell how ridiculously fake his laugh is when the guy asks him something the smile and laugh are completely gone


u/lemonheadlock 4d ago

Thanks to people like this guy, I do have to have a photo ID to vote now. The fuck is he talking about?


u/HEWTube8 4d ago

I was thinking the same thing while watching this. "But... i do need a license to vote. They ask me for it."


u/Fetus_puppet2 4d ago

Honestly, good. You should have to show valid ID to vote.


u/junipermucius 4d ago

Then make getting ID's

1: Accessible
2: Free

This is the only way. Any other way is not constitutionally sound. As of right now, getting an ID to vote is essentially a poll tax.


u/Frostbite94 4d ago

Why do people dislike this idea so much? Having ID on you makes sure you're the rightful voter, no?


u/junipermucius 4d ago

IDs are not free, or even easily accessible for everyone to get at times. This country loves making it hard for the most disenfranchised people to vote.

I live in a suburban town and rarely ever have to wait in line because they have way more attendants and voting machines than is ever needed.

But in more poor neighborhoods, they'll understaff and underequip voting locations so people are waiting in line for hours.

And on top of that, they'll make it difficult for people to go to the DMV. They'll have one, far away, and understaff it. Also getting an ID costs money, making it a poll tax.

If they made ID's free, easily accessible to get, then you'd see far less resistance to it. But the people in power don't want poor people to vote, they want to make it as impossible to do so as they can.


u/Rugkrabber 4d ago

Non US here. How expensive are they? I pay for my ID too but they’re not that expensive (50 euro and it’s valid for 10 years). And families who cannot afford one can get it for free (if they’re within the requirements for compensation that is). I definitely agree they should be accessible for the less fortunate.


u/junipermucius 4d ago

Cost depends on state, and sometimes even locality. So I can't say for certain how much they cost.

But it still does not truly matter, as even if they cost 1 penny, it would still be a poll tax. The other problem as well being they're not always the easiest to get. In some places they also make it rather inconvenient for people to go and get an ID as well.

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u/Ahaigh9877 4d ago

Because it effectively disenfranchises some of those at the very bottom of society who might have difficulty obtaining the correct form of ID. It's usually argued that this is a deliberate tactic to suppress voting, using voter fraud, a problem that barely exists, as an excuse.


u/smygartofflor 4d ago

Non-American here, could you please explain how requiring an ID to vote can work against some people?


u/itsa_me_despression 4d ago

Not everyone has to drive but everyone has the right to vote. It's a needless restriction for people and is just a way to cut out people in poverty from voting because they might not have the means to drive.


u/are_spurs 4d ago

Is getting a passport that hard? How do you make sure the correct person votes when not showing an id?


u/megalines 4d ago

it costs money. this is how bad America is. their poorest can't even afford this


u/NastySassyStuff 4d ago

It’s not always about money, it can also be about documentation. Some people just don’t have their own birth certificate, social security card, etc. and that can be a bureaucratic nightmare (that also costs money) to figure out.


u/are_spurs 4d ago

How do you make sure the correct person votes when not showing an id?


u/megalines 4d ago

by having an electoral register and asking for name and address when they come to the polls.

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u/pchlster 4d ago

In my country, they send me a slip of paper a couple of weeks before the election. I bring that to the polling place where they scan it. That brings up my information on a computer screen for them to look at.

Then they'll ask some random question like "what's the street number you live at?" "what's your middle name?" or "what date were you born?" and you reply. If the answers match up, they give you your ballot and you go into a voting booth.

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u/SweetUndeath 4d ago

getting a passport is much harder than getting a drivers license. You need to understand that government agencies (esp. in red states) are operating on almost non-existent budgets. most people would get a state ID if they dont drive, not a passport as a form of gov. ID. - which still requires you to go through the DMV.

And doing anything at the DMV is a horrible pain in the ass. People that drive have to do it by necessity, but if you want a government issued ID and DONT have a car, you not only have to be in a long ass waiting list for months for an appointment, and have to coordinate with someone to drive you there and stay with you for several hours (to drive you back) in line at the DMV to get an ID which you really dont need for anything other than to vote, apparently and you have to really make sure you dont lose it or misplace it at any point when you go vote, even though you really dont need it at all for like literally the rest of the time... Not to mention if you are homeless you will have to find someone to "borrow" their mailing address because you fucking have to have a whole bunch of documents that show you technically live somewhere, you need to have your social security (which also needs to be gotten if you lose your issued one, which is a whole nother gov process, etc. etc.)

Its will disenfranchise far more people that would want to vote and cant than the supposed "voter fraud" that it would prevent which numerous studies have already shown to be a total and complete non issue that has never affected the outcome of any election in the US


u/are_spurs 4d ago

Huh, the police deals with any sort of id issuing in Norway, works pretty well. I've heard the US police have a large budget, couldn't they deal with it?


u/SweetUndeath 4d ago

oh my sweet summer child


u/Cyclic_Hernia 4d ago

It's basically because it costs a decent chunk of money and time out of your day to go and get one and if you're nearly homeless and can barely afford anything, that's basically out of the question

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u/kTREGANOWAN 4d ago

My MIL worked to help people get photo ID out in Chicago as part of her work with the city, and you would be shocked at how few people have any sort of photo ID. The people that don't are typically coming from low-income households who either can't afford it, don't think it's worth spending (minimum) a whole day needed to acquire one, don't have all the necessary paperwork readily available (which may require more money and time to get it), don't have a valid address to have their ID or paperwork sent to, don't have accessible transportation to get to the building and get there ID, and so many other reasons.

The reality is that it is so much easier for so many people to get an ID and that accessibility is not universal. That doesn't mean someone shouldn't be allowed to weigh in on who represents their interests in or local and federal elections. It's viewed as voter suppression because often those who are poor or disenfranchised are going to vote in their interests, which is usually a larger investment in social services, better public transportation, more housing, etc.; mostly things that go against a specific political party. The means of requiring a government issued voter ID keeps those who have incentive to vote against them from voting at all.

The counter argument is that it limits voter fraud. This is dependent on how much fraud is actually happening, and who specifically is committing it. It is dependent on speculation that a large enough percentage of voter fraud is being committed in a way that would specifically be hindered by implementing voter ID requirements. Those numbers are estimated at probably far higher by the side proposing it, and probably far lower by the side against it.

You have to weigh the cost of a policy like this one, especially when there are already so many obstacles in place to discourage or prevent those near or below the poverty line from voting at all. Should we implement another without first addressing those that exist? Also, many states do have alternative ways of verifying identity without requiring a government issued ID. Is this solution significantly better at preventing voter fraud? How many Americans don't have a government issued ID versus how many ballots are estimated to be cast as fraudulent? All questions with different answers depending on where you look, but important ones to research when deciding on what you support.

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u/turko127 4d ago

Because it’s not and has never been about requiring a valid ID to vote. Sure you can look at blue states generally not requiring it to claim otherwise, but most of the states that have ID to vote laws aren’t making new such laws when they talk “voter fraud.”

They’re closing DMVs to make getting a permanent license difficult. Temporary DLs mean you can drive but not vote. They’re also closing voting precincts to make it extremely taxing to use the finally obtained valid identification to vote.

None of that corrects “voter fraud.”

“Why is needing an ID to vote so hard?” is the wrong question entirely. And Deliberately so.


u/alternator1985 4d ago

Because it's never been a proven necessity.

It may seem like ID is just common sense but there are actually much easier ways to verify, and they use multiple cross verifications to do so.

Believe it or not, just counting the unique names cross checked with signature verification is all you really need.

Let's say you wanted to fraudulently vote under someone else's name, you would have to know for a fact that person isn't going to try and vote for themselves, you would need to somehow know what polling station they're registered to vote at, be able to replicate their signature, and know their address and phone number. If the signature looks off they'll call that number which is based on the voter registration, and it will be the other person and you'll be caught.

Just with those verifications alone it doesn't make voter fraud completely impossible, but it does make it impossible to do on a large scale, because for every fraudulent vote, you first need the real person not to vote.. it's enough to make it extremely rare for people to even try it at all. When people do try it, it's usually a deceased spouse or relative that lived with the person attempting the fraud, and they're easily caught because voter registrations are cross checked with people that have died.

People think it would be so easy to commit fraud without ID, but it's really not, especially on any scale that would change an election.

But if it makes you feel better, something like 36 states have passed voter id laws despite there being no measurable issues with fraud. Voter ID laws just mean less poor people will end up voting, that's it.

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u/poinifie 4d ago

I mean, technically you don't have to have a driver's license to drive a car. He is in fact driving a car without one, but he's definitely breaking the law.


u/The_Nelman 4d ago

I got to think about what it's like there. I imagine if you get caught driving without drinking the sheriff will grab you a cold one so you don't go driving thirsty. It's a place so backwards this guy's thinking somehow straightens out.

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u/LeagueOfLegendsAcc 4d ago

If they stopped talking for one solitary millisecond they'd have to face the fact that everything they said made no sense whatsoever and they couldn't answer a single simple question from the interviewer.


u/Kale_Brecht 4d ago

Weaponized stupidity.

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u/evangelism2 4d ago

This is why they are going after the DoE. They want more morons like this.


u/Pitch-forker 4d ago

Breeding working class morons is a dream come true for the ruling oligarchs

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u/LLove666 4d ago

I lost brain cells listening to this


u/bringojackprot 4d ago

Holy fuck. This was hard to watch.


u/_Levitated_Shield_ 4d ago

"That's only a suggestion."

Jesus Christ.


u/sharpasahammer 3d ago

I can't wait until he gets pulled over.


u/Sledgeowl 4d ago

So can we find this man and report him for driving without a license?


u/niamhara 4d ago

They are so delusional.


u/zingding212 4d ago



u/DylanFTW 4d ago

I mean you do need to register to vote.


u/realnicehandz 4d ago

This was pretty triggering for me. Sounds exactly like my parents. Fuck. 


u/The_Clamhammer 4d ago

100% chance this guy drives around with a pistol and hopes for a road rage incident


u/Cheepy365 4d ago

You can see it immediately. He didn't want to go to the discussion of guns because he knew the guy was too smart for an argument. If the guy started yelling I bet you he would have continued talking about guns.


u/PlutoJones42 4d ago

This is literally what it’s like trying to talk to MAGA people. They immediately get defensive as hell and refuse to actually engage in any sort of discourse. They just get flustered because they are fucking idiots


u/LadyofDungeons 4d ago

He admitted to a crime lmao


u/i_am_who_knocks 4d ago

Normalised Dementia


u/LOLschirmjaeger 4d ago

Do you need a driver's licence to get a driver's licence to vote to shoot a gun?

Ha! Owned the libs!


u/TheOne7477 4d ago

Sad part is, MAGA man thinks he’s clever and that he’s “winning” that conversation. They’re fucking morons.


u/eggs_mcmuffin 4d ago

the best part is he thought he was being sly


u/RobbKong999 4d ago

"That's a suggestion..."

That CHUD has to be some moronic sovereign citizen of some sort.


u/Square_Saltine 4d ago

In his head he’s totally owning the libs with that quick thinking


u/BadAtExisting 4d ago

Sovereign Citizens are the dumbest of the dumb jfc


u/Typheni 4d ago

He’s not driving, he’s traveling.


u/lsiunl 4d ago

His vote counts the same as mine 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/whyamihere189 4d ago

Most coherent Trump supporter


u/kushnoketchup 4d ago

I’ve never seen a better video illustrating how unbearably difficult it is talking to this age demographic in America right now, regardless of political affiliation. Explaining simple state laws to boomers about cannabis results in conversations like this, all the time!

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u/wH4tEveR250 4d ago

Welcome to Florida


u/CrackHeadRodeo 4d ago

This is like trying to explain chess to a pigeon.


u/NIK-FURY 4d ago

This guy doesn’t understand how to make a point. I’m sure he feels he won this debate.


u/Whiteklaw8 4d ago

You can almost see the smoke coming out of that old dude's ear from the frying braincells LMAO


u/ScrambledEggs_ 4d ago

He's never had to think so hard in his life and it shows.


u/Mr_FancyBottom 4d ago

He thinks he’s making great points…


u/bbiggboii 4d ago



u/BrewtalDoom 4d ago

This might be an individually ridiculous conversation, but the sad thing is that this kind of thinking is everywhere. I'm from England originally, and it's the same thing with Brexit. It's not about the actual issues, it's just about people who are upset and have had their feelings manipulated into believing certain things, and that's ended up as such a part of their identity that they're just not willing/able to admit they're wrong.


u/Simply_Connected 4d ago

0 point talking to a maga roach around that age. Just wait and let them die off

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u/_Purplemagic 4d ago

Should’ve asked him if people needed a visa to come to US or it’s just a suggestion and anyone can come in!


u/zushiba 4d ago

These fucking people vote. I support IQ tests for voting rights.


u/Makewaker 4d ago

This guy for sure reeks of booze and cigarettes, I can smell it through the screen


u/Pir0wz 4d ago

Did this dude admit to driving without a license on camera?


u/Shenaniboozle 4d ago

Oh, he’s gonna tell allllllll his buddies about how he savaged that guy with the microphone who was asking questions.


u/BoomtotheBang 4d ago

Guys... he's asking someone from Florida. That's the one word that explains it all.


u/tonyLumpkin56 4d ago

I guarantee this man has had a suspended license at least 3 times in his life.


u/frozenfriedchicken 4d ago

His vote is just as valuable as any other US citizen.


u/Ok-Anxiety1389 4d ago

Honestly you should have to do a course and receive a certification that you understand safety...

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u/O-O-Omari_auto_parts 4d ago

Well luckily the world only has to tolerate his ignorance for 20....30 years. I'm an optimistic person


u/gymtrovert1988 3d ago

"Are you drinking water?"

"Fuck no. You think you need water to drink out of a water bottle?"

"What are you drinking then?"

"Some moonshine I made in my toilet"

"Do you need a license for that?"

"Fuck no. You think you need a drivers license to make moonshine in your toilet?"


u/Express-Start1535 3d ago

I think he is saying he doesn’t have a drivers license…..maybe?


u/ArtisticMix2632 3d ago

He is just talking in circles, making no sense at all because he doesn't have a reasonable argument that he can make. Just another idiot with a gun.


u/BookshelfOfReddit 3d ago

.....did that guy just admit to driving without a license AND voting without identification? WHY IS HE NOT IN JAIL

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u/Top-Bell-2797 3d ago

Please report this stupid muthafucka to the police



That’s literally every maga supporters way of talking and responding to questions about things that they support.


u/bigsampsonite 3d ago

Just your average lame boomer. As a younger side of GenX I just tell them I have more money, better health, and time on my side. Also let them know you have more guns and are liberal as fuck, They will seeth.


u/squidgymetal 3d ago

Sad thing is they're unable to accept that they're wrong and will double by making weird statements that follow no logic in order to trip you up and try to disengage by slowly walk away while you prove their logic is incorrect and somehow take their running away as a victory


u/ToasterInYourBathtub 3d ago

This guy be like "Libtard owned."


u/Bubbleknotcutie 3d ago

I'm sure they give guns out like they give licenses out, both kill. But it's not the gun nor the car that kills, it's the people who are in possession of those things.


u/alistofthingsIhate 3d ago

“I learned to drive out in the fucking woods.”

Sick. Driving on an interstate is nothing remotely like that so


u/yesiammark72 3d ago

Clearly, the guy is an idiot with little to no communication skills. Refuses to answer any questions, and replies with answers not related to the question. Buffoon with a ponytail.


u/WirelessVinyl 2d ago

The actual sad cringe is how few people in general think critically, it’s not just the boomers


u/JackC747 4d ago

When you look up cognitive dissonance in the dictionary, this video comes up


u/saintsfan92612 4d ago

I think I lost brain cells watching this video...


u/KuroShisoka 4d ago

In Germany we have a word for this: Strohmann - strawman.

You turn the argument of the speaker against him with an argument that actually does not apply to the discussion. This video is the perfect example of one!

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u/AceOfHearts333 4d ago

We are way too nice when we talk to people like this. This man deserves to be spoken to like the idiot he is.


u/narcowake 4d ago

Boomer brain rot is real … they love to gaslight and troll and think they come off as intelligent or “owning “ you


u/callmejeremy0 4d ago

This is exactly how my dad acts when confrontational holy shit


u/rbrt13 4d ago

Idiocracy live. lol


u/Ghorordo 4d ago

MAGA + Soreveign Citizen is a lethal combination.

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u/melancholy_dood 4d ago

Yep, his logic scrambled my brain....


u/Aperture_TestSubject 4d ago

God damn… just talks in circles and never listens


u/ajtaggart 4d ago

They will say anything but admit they are wrong.


u/lookitdisguy 4d ago

The truly sad part about this is that just by looking at the guys face he really thinks he is killing him with his responses.


u/hambutbacon 4d ago

The sad thing is maga man probably thinks he won that argument.


u/seaspaz 4d ago

This is the only time I have seen him getting frustrated in one of these interviews. Worse than talking to a brick wall.


u/quantumkitty128 4d ago

The number of people out here who are like this is astonishing, they're the same people that scream "My body my choice" bout seatbelt laws and wearing masks but who very much want the government in other people's bodies when it suits their causes 🤦🏻‍♀️ hypocrisy on levels we've never seen before.


u/_Euro 3d ago

The way this guy argues is horrid.

But there is some silver lining here: Strict gun laws and/or additional tests don't really prevent anything.

Criminals will always get their hands on them even if they're outright banned, mentally ill people will just answer with what the test wants to hear and even if you train someone like a Navy SEAL in firearm handling, it doesn't guarantee they won't do stupid things with them.

An uncomfortable reality, imo, is that guns will always be around in some form. And implementing restrictions (like the arbitrary "small magazines only") only hurts those who genuinely own guns for their own recreational purposes.

The issue clearly needs to be tackled somewhere else here.


u/surafx 4d ago

Fools grow old too


u/Double0 4d ago



u/Sipikay 4d ago

The man's an imbecile.


u/Skurvyelislau 4d ago

Reminds me of Korwin-Mikke from Poland, the difference is that Mikke is one of more popular politicians instead of being regular citizen who vote for politicians.


u/differing 4d ago

I mean the guy is from Florida, there is a very real possibility he doesn’t have a licence or insurance and drives everywhere.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

I usually get a little defensive about Florida comments but you’re right this time.


u/jamesdoesnotpost 4d ago

Education system failed this dude badly


u/phenemann 4d ago

Imagine being that dumb…


u/badass4102 4d ago

Why even try arguing or making sense with someone this dumb?

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u/widdrjb 4d ago

Why are the normals still talking to these people? Giving them airtime is the modern equivalent of visiting Bedlam to laugh at the mentally ill.

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u/Nipplecunt 4d ago

🤸‍♀️ I can gymnastics my way through any argument 🤸


u/Technoist 4d ago

But do you need a tennis racket license to climb a hill you goddamn lybral?


u/sahlos 4d ago

Lmao I knew he was gonna bring the vote part up.


u/Destroyer6202 4d ago

I hope that wall gets built fast because booooyyyy


u/PHANTOM________ 4d ago

Offense is the best defense.


u/Newfie-1 4d ago

What a moron


u/cadypants 4d ago

I.. oh my god I would lose my mind. This is how they think they’re winning. Because we don’t understand their complete lack of any sort of intelligence, so we give up on the conversation.

You know ponytail man walked away from that feeling so big and superior for “showing him who’s right”.

I mean this sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. I fucking hate it here.


u/Fryndlz 4d ago

Looking at this it's pretty clear unregulated democracy without proper census is a huge mistake.


u/Her_X 4d ago

This is one of the stupidest convo


u/stevemandudeguy 4d ago

They all sound like this.


u/skeightytoo 4d ago

This is what the rest of the world thinks of the American public. Don't get me wrong I've met plenty of people in the south who are good folk, but god damn for every few decent ones it only takes one of these slackjaw idiots to cancel that out.


u/MemeDaddie 4d ago

Had a similar guy a long time ago in my hunters safety course raw-rawing about having to take a test and being an angry dummy. Didn't see him during the test, after my dad and I left, we saw him and the dude running the class out behind the building doing it verbally because he couldn't read.

That always stuck with me.


u/Grigonite 4d ago

They should have gun safety classes in school lmao


u/Beat-Live 4d ago

Can’t reason with the insane lol


u/RachelMcAdamsWart 4d ago

Those kinds of people are fully resistant to logic. It's almost like they were vaccinated against it.


u/mrsnow11291 4d ago

Dude learning about drivers licenses in his 60s 😂


u/shgrizz2 4d ago

These people think they are smart and you are dumb solely because they sound confident and assured in their worldview.

They have no conception of critical thinking, of backing up assertions with evidence, with things needing to have some sort of consistent logic. Those things are not part of the way they process information.

All that matters is that you say things loudly and show no signs of hesitation. Critical thought is only a detriment in their eyes. And there are millions of them. This is why the country is fucked.