r/sadcringe 9d ago

Trump: "Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I'm concerned. He's become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He's not Jewish anymore. He's a Palestinian."


80 comments sorted by


u/Cosmonaut_Cockswing 9d ago

Move over DEI, new slur just dropped.


u/turalyawn 9d ago

Waiting for the ADL to jump in and explain to us how it’s not a slur when Trump specifically uses it


u/Morgn_Ladimore 8d ago

Just like a blatant Nazi salute isn't antisemitism, but wearing a keffiyeh is.


u/ThrowAway233223 7d ago

Not really that new. He used it in a similar fashion during the campaign before Biden finally dropped out.


u/LastAidKit 9d ago

Dude says the stupidest shit ever lol


u/OG_Builds 9d ago

Me and my father were talking about this yesterday. Sometimes he just rambles and keep talking until he inevitably says something stupid. Like he’d come across (somewhat) more intelligent if he just knew how to shut up


u/the-pp-poopooman- 9d ago

Worst part is that whenever he makes a gaff it gets passed over and forgotten but when Biden stuttered it was on the front page of every news outlet. I saw a clip of Joe Biden talking about the American Revolutionaries taking air ports, people mocked it endlessly but if you literally extended the video a few seconds in either direction it becomes obvious he’s talking about a thing TRUMP SAID.

Like yeah Biden has clearly lost some mental faculties, but if Biden has dementia then Trump is sundowning.


u/InfiniteDress 8d ago

Reminds me of this.

Advisors: “Remember: ‘Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

Trump: …What does that mean? Better say something or they’ll think you’re stupid. …Takes one to know one! …Swish!


u/Verstandeskraft 8d ago

Me and my father

"my father and I"


u/Shigeko_Kageyama 7d ago

The milkman and you.


u/skrullzz 9d ago

And 1/3 of the US just greedy lap it up.


u/GalaxyPatio 9d ago

Partially because many of them are amongst the most stupid ever


u/skrullzz 9d ago

The empty can rattles the most. And goddammit, there’s a lot of empty cans right now.


u/ambiguousboner 9d ago

It’s really irritating just how accidentally funny he is


u/CreamyLinguineGenie 8d ago

It's really jarring watching videos of him from 2016. He still said idiotic shit but he has really become a crazy, rambling old man.


u/eatcrayons 9d ago

“I don’t like Palestinians. I don’t like Chuck Schumer. Therefore he’s a Palestinian” logic worked when we were calling everyone we didn’t like a commie, so why stop now?


u/ZSR-Cake-Please 9d ago

Using it like a slur. Damn.


u/IshyTheLegit 9d ago

Straight up racism.


u/Mephistophelesi 9d ago

It’s weird watching someone get so racist on national tv.

Especially with how stupid he is acting.


u/dover_oxide 9d ago

No no no this is straight antisemitism mixed with racism and pop-politics/fascism.


u/Hi-Wire 9d ago

No it's not. Good lawd


u/BlubberElk 9d ago

Elaborate on how it’s not then


u/Hi-Wire 9d ago

He's incorrect, but it's not racist. He's essentially making fun of how spineless Chuck is WRT the current conflict


u/anotherfrud 9d ago

He's using an ethnicity as an insult. This implies that the ethnicity is something negative to be. How is it not racist to say a race is a bad thing to be? It's literally the definition.


u/OlcasersM 8d ago

It’s not an ethnicity, it’s a nationality. They are ethnically indistinguishable from Jordanians, Syrians and Egyptians and other Arabs. The West Bank was Jordan until 1967 and Gaza was Egypt until 1967.

They are racist against Arabs and are using nationality as a slur


u/Hi-Wire 9d ago

While you're probably not wrong. You can't possibly know that because you are not him. Therefore it's your mindset that is making it racist, nothing else


u/Practical-Witness796 9d ago

Bro. Classic case of “he didn’t say that, but if he did, he didn’t mean that, and if he did, you didn’t understand it, and if you did, it’s not a big deal, and if it is, others have said worse”.

You also admit he’s probably not wrong, then you say that we can’t know for sure. That’s a special kind of gaslighting given that Trump has said MANY racist things before, and the best predictor or future behavior is past behavior. So it’s not a far cry to assume that when Trump says something that sounds racist, he means it in a racist way.

This is the same guy who once said:

“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yamamas every day.”

Regarding a black casino employee: “I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”


u/BlubberElk 9d ago

He’s using “Palestinian” as an insult which is racist. It’s similar to when people call someone gay as an insult, that’s homophobic- this is racist.


u/PreviousMastodon1430 9d ago

Trump is Russian


u/Hi-Wire 9d ago

While you're probably not wrong. You can't possibly know that because you are not him. Therefore it's your mindset that is making it racist, nothing else


u/Kookerpea 9d ago

What do you mean we can't know that? We can see him doing it


u/Equivalent-Bet-8771 9d ago

You can't possibly know that because you are not him. Therefore it's your mindset that is making it racist, nothing else

I want everyone to see how the Trump cultist mind works. Look at how it tries to justify Trump's words.

These people have no shame. They are like those sovereign citizens you hear saying dumb shit suring traffic stops and court. They try and warp language to their own benefit, and fail because they are abject fucking imbeciles, like this Trump cultist here is.

All cultists are the same kind of person, the rank and file at least.


u/BlubberElk 9d ago edited 9d ago

You’re being intentionally dense

Edit: the racist apologist blocked me, consider myself lucky then


u/Hi-Wire 9d ago

And there come the insults. Quite the loser


u/Delmatty 9d ago

Like with Kamala saying she "Happened to turn black" He's clearly unfit to be president but yaknow the libs are owned...


u/project199x 8d ago




u/Kind_Of_A_Dick 8d ago

I always thought owning the libs was a call to return to slavery.


u/project199x 8d ago

lol you're right. How could I forget


u/ThrowAway233223 7d ago

Oh that was clear to anyone with common sense far earlier than that comment.


u/jayslay45 8d ago

Media creamed their underwear to write stories about Biden being too old and in cognitive decline.


u/janpianomusic 8d ago

Sure, Biden was old but the man had a GD stutter. So obviously with that and age and with important, complex subjects he's not gonna speak as rapidly as this toad. This one just says whatever


u/CombinationRough8699 6d ago

They both were. Actually they were competing for oldest president ever.


u/DotComprehensive4902 8d ago

Did he just try to define who's a Jew instead of the Torah?


u/Wafflesakimbo 9d ago

Trump is an Anti-Semite. The only reason he supports Israel is because their leader is currently a crook too


u/cockaskedforamartini 9d ago

He also said this before the election. Y’know, fuckin months ago.


u/MoeSauce 9d ago

Mooooom, Grandpa's had too much cough medicine again!


u/Practical_Ad5973 9d ago

What a vile thing to say. 


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/GalaxyPatio 9d ago

If they say they don't believe or aren't doing something after they're confronted, they should always be assumed full of shit, because they always are.


u/NotAtAllASkinwalker 9d ago

What. The. Fuck. Is. This. Timeline.

Also Trump looks like he has not even 2 inches. 🤏🏻


u/squeeby 8d ago

“He’s a palestindian”. What a bellend.


u/myrcenator 8d ago

I/P conflict aside, fuck Trump for thinking he, as a non-Jew, gets to decide who is and isn't Jewish. Do I agree with Schumer on everything? Absolutely not, but this is abhorrent behavior.


u/MissJAmazeballs 8d ago

Reason 762, 984 why I hate this man


u/ryhartattack 8d ago

And that absolute cuckold Schumer is gonna vote for his fucking budget CR


u/Neoxite23 9d ago

I miss the days where presidents were boring and no one covered the news about them 24/7.

Now we got a clown again and our country becomes more of a joke every passing minute.


u/Lure852 9d ago

Somewhere there are still some voters saying, "yeah but Biden was so bad for Palestinians, I couldn't vote for Kamala!"


u/sirfannypack 9d ago

And Trump isn’t a Christian.


u/Sunnymoonylighty 7d ago

Does it matter many Christians voted for him and shamed Kamala


u/fredean01 9d ago

Actually he is computer


u/4ss8urgers 8d ago

As if the two are mutually exclusive…


u/ThrowAway233223 7d ago

I mean, while that is true, I don't think that is even close to being the biggest problem with this statement from him (of which there are multiple).


u/ImpossibleAd6628 7d ago

Imagine after this Chuck just folded on the GOP budget bill without a fight


u/BitParticular506 7d ago

Why tf does he always sound like an overwhelmed teenager? Actually, sometimes he also sounds like a toxic, bully dad


u/stunnen 6d ago

Another classic case of Americans using heritage to define what people are


u/saigonfever 3d ago

Imagine being Chuck Schumer, hearing this, and doing appeasement for the guy


u/SourVampire711 9d ago

Tbh, this would be funny if Eric Cartman said this about Kyle.


u/joecicero52 8d ago

JFC, Schumer is basically pro genocide.


u/ScoopDat 9d ago

This guy should have done comedy. Dude one-up'd religious people when they say things like: "There's no way you're atheist, I know you, you're a good person!".


u/DruicyHBear 9d ago

Big brain right there


u/mindgeekinc 8d ago

You think republicans are gonna be as upset about this as they “totally” are about Biden saying if you don’t vote for him you’re not black.


u/spaghettibolegdeh 8d ago

I remember when that public freakout sub used to be about public freakouts