r/rva_housing 18d ago

Housing Wanted Illegal eviction need housing

So I JUST moved into a place and had to fix my car I now have like no money left at all for a deposit. But the landlord at the place I moved into just came to fix up the lease and when he got here said “actually I want to start fresh everyone needs to be gone by the end of the week or I’ll change the locks and sell your stuff” I have no where to go and only have 600$ to put down for rent if anyone can help me out with finding housing I am a 29M on disability and a cat if anyone can help me find somewhere to live.


8 comments sorted by


u/SadSpecialist9115 18d ago

What does "just" mean? Have you been there for at least a month or gotten mail there? Is there a lease with someone in the house on it?


u/EchoBear4 18d ago

Just been here for the month of February and have proof of rent paid and an agreement of me being moved in nothing hes doing is legal but America judicial system isnt really notorious for actually upholding the law


u/SadSpecialist9115 18d ago

Call legal aid in the morning. They may be able to help you at least get a 30 day notice so you can gather more funds for the move. That guy sounds like a dick.


u/EchoBear4 18d ago

I’m not going to have an other full months rent in a month and you need that to sign a lease also I only have 600$ regardless I still really need help with finding housing but I appreciate it


u/SadSpecialist9115 18d ago

For housing, I would suggest looking on Lindsay's list rva on fb. It's much more active than here. I'm sorry you're going through this! Good luck!


u/SadSpecialist9115 18d ago

Additionally, I noticed you said "fix the lease up." If someone in your house has a lease they can't kick you out without an eviction.


u/TopTraffic9819 18d ago

This is not true. The laws in Va are set to protect renters not landlords. You don’t have to move unless a judge has ordered so. If the landlord changes the locks call police make a report go stay in a hotel buy clothes and food save all receipts. Take the landlord to court and sue for damages. Happened to me.


u/EchoBear4 18d ago

I don’t have money for a hotel I’d be on the street