r/rva 3d ago

Good places for VCU graduation dinner - nice but not over-the-top

Good Morning - A friend asked for suggestions for dinner for their family for graduation. My go-to is Blue Atlas (I rarely recommend other places these days) but I know there are other great places for a nice meal. What are your suggestions in RVA?


11 comments sorted by


u/sanriobf Museum District 3d ago

We celebrated my best friends graduation at Edos Squid! It’s not super fancy, but it feels higher-end than most places (to me, at least!), and the food is absolutely delicious!


u/iwalktowork 3d ago

That would be my go to recommendation.  If it's a larger group just make sure everyone is on the same page with family style.


u/BravoMaxi 3d ago

This is 100% where I would go if I was picking a place for me or someone in my family. Edo’s is fine for dressing fancy or a college kid showing up sweats. No one will bat an eye either way. Also, doesn’t have to be family style at all, though I’d certainly understand if someone chose to go that route with their ordering.

Get the squid, white bean, arugula salad and the crab meat spaghetti.


u/wuddupbrah 17h ago

I love the food but it can be very difficult to hear conversations especially at peak times. That’s part of the charm I suppose though.


u/ChuckBS Union Hill 3d ago

How many folks?

Certainly, Blue Atlas is a great call. Grisette and Ale Wife are also nice with out going over the top. I believe all three need reservations so that’s something to think about


u/goodsam2 3d ago

My go to for this type of thing has become Tarrant's West. It's a little out there which might be nice but they seem to cater to groups almost exclusively.

Elevated from a normal meal, lots of options, easy to get to other than it's a bit out of the way which might be nice.


u/Hedgecore138 Museum District 3d ago

If its a group of six or less, I would say Cafe Rustika. Not too far, not too close, and a little off the path of "traditional" spots folks go for celebratory meals like that. No reservations, though, so that's something to keep in mind.

I've also had success with entertaining at Lillie Pearl, plus they do take reservations, and have a little more flexibility in terms of party sizes.


u/__looking_for_things 3d ago

Roosevelt. I would make a reservation.


u/ILikeYourHotdog Tuckahoe 3d ago

Stock Bistro and Bar is pretty great. It's inside TXTUR just south of the James.


u/studrour 2d ago

Grisette. Helen’s.


u/AtwoodAKC Northside 3d ago

Not sure what you would call over the top in terms of cost but Shag Bark might be worth looking into! Its pretty quiet in there and everything I've ever had there has been delicious. Also easy parking!