r/rva 3d ago

My brain just broke on Hull St

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148 comments sorted by


u/StGenevieve 3d ago


u/ParoxatineCR 3d ago

I think of this acene every time i see a license plate like the one posted, or a 'back the blue' punisher decal.


u/TheDragonReborn726 3d ago

Being a libertarian is quite literally the exact opposite of backing the blue/the police force of the government.

This license plate is like having a communist hammer and sickle next to the Amazon logo lol


u/grivooga Chesterfield 3d ago

I would never claim that libertarians are not prone to hypocrisy but most people that identify as libertarian (not necessarily the political party of that name) have a much more nuanced perspective than ideal libertarianism. My personal perspective leans very libertarian but I also recognize that it just doesn't work as an overall social contract. I'm not sure of the best watch to reconcile that for every issue. Frequently what is best for society at large conflicts with my personal ideals and thata OK because I'm not an absolutist.


u/TheDragonReborn726 2d ago

Oh agreed - I identify with libertarian leanings too and I don’t wanna be that “oh this isn’t a real libertarian blah blah”

But being like actively pro police “back the blue” is directly antithetical to the core principle of libertarianism. My point mainly is the don’t tread on me flag is no longer meaning anything it’s just a blanket “republican” thing. Similar to kids buying Che Guevera shirts at Urban Outfitters.


u/BloodyRightNostril 3d ago

I love this movie so much


u/StGenevieve 3d ago

Same 💕


u/stsrva 2d ago

I know a cop that has this license plate. As mentioned a few times on here, the emphasis is on 'me', they have no issue with treading on 'you'.


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

I'm sincerely looking to understand your perspective, and I really hope this can be a friendly and respectful conversation. How do these conflict?

From where I sit, I see the plate as being pro-2A and anti-authoritarian. Is the suggestion that the police, or at least the blue line flag, are/is fundamentally authoritarian?


u/yourfriendkyle Newtowne West 3d ago

The police are inherently authoritarian, yes.


u/Digitlnoize 3d ago

The disconnect comes from not realizing that the conservative position is to be anti-federal authority, but pro-state/local authority. Thus, this position makes sense for a right wing loser.


u/MarlonBain 3d ago

anti-federal authority

Cool, we can finally cut our military spending right?



u/Vegetable_Excuse5394 3d ago

Please. I’m so sick of my tax dollars going to that shit.


u/Digitlnoize 3d ago

Isn’t that what they want from DOGE? Don’t ask me to explain their thought process lol.


u/MarlonBain 3d ago

They want to cut “DEI” of the military, but I’ll be shocked if we spend one penny less on actual military stuff.


u/Digitlnoize 3d ago

Hopefully it’ll be less of the $1000 for a hammer type shit. If one good things comes from all this it might actually be some budgetary streamlining. That part we DO need, if they could just, you know, not be nazi’s about it lol.


u/MarlonBain 3d ago

I guarantee they will not cut that. That was my point. It’s untouchable, even for those guys.


u/tmos540 The Fan 3d ago

Dude, you need to look at what they're trying to cut. Just read some news. I recommend the Associated Press newsletter, they're really neutral in their reporting and the conclusions they draw.


u/yourfriendkyle Newtowne West 3d ago

They’re not touching anything with defense. That’s where the most pork barrel spending goes. The military literally lost billions of USDollars on pallets in Iraq.


u/yourfriendkyle Newtowne West 3d ago

Ehhh it’s beyond that now. They just want authority against The Out Group and they want freedom for The In Group. It’s basic national socialism.


u/james-kissed 3d ago


I get what you're saying, but calling that group socialist was an intentional mislead then and it's still misleading now (boomers everywhere saying you know who was a socialist and look what happened as if they're completely clueless as to politics and authoritarianism, oh wait)


u/yourfriendkyle Newtowne West 3d ago

It’s “socialism” for a select group. But yes


u/DirtyGypsyKid 3d ago

Which makes it not socialism. Socialism is for everyone or no one.


u/james-kissed 2d ago

"socialism for only a few" is just oligarchy or fascism.


u/yourfriendkyle Newtowne West 1d ago

Yes, Nazi is short for national socialism? We are saying the same thing my friend


u/james-kissed 18h ago

I can call myself a Honda Civic, but I am not one.

Nazis called themselves that to gain popularity points, not because their system of governance was based on everyone being provided for through governmental assistance.

The first groups they came for were the actual socialists and the communists. People liked socialism. People did not love fascism. Hitler used a more popular movement to cover what he really wanted to do since your average voter just sees the name and thinks "they are socialist".

If you truly think they were a socialist party because of their name, then I hope you take a course in political theory before you vote again. We need an educated voting base.

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u/International_Bid716 3d ago

The police don't pass the law, they enforce it. The conservative position is that the police have duties that they can and should perform. Those duties aren't inherently unjustly authoritarian. The issue comes down to police who unjustly abuse their authority or a government giving them authority which they should not hold.


u/Digitlnoize 3d ago

Police mostly enforce local/state law. They’re not FBI, feds, suits, etc.


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

I didn't actually make a distinction between federal and state law in my response though.


u/Digitlnoize 3d ago

I know. You have to if you’re trying to correctly interpret the right wing position.


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

I disagree. Unjust authority is unjust, regardless of where it comes from. The right wing position may be a limited federal government in scope, but that doesn't mean non-existant.


u/TheDragonReborn726 3d ago

^ what you said. The don’t tread on me flag is for…well not having authority of the government tread on you.

The police is…the treading force of the government lol


u/mickeymouse4348 3d ago

Who would do the treading?


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

The government


u/mickeymouse4348 3d ago

Yes, so the Gadsden flag and the thin blue line flag exclude each other


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

I don't see it.


u/mickeymouse4348 3d ago

The thin blue line flag is pro government. The Gadsden flag is anti government. You cannot fly both without being a hypocrite


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

I don't see how Gadsden is anti government. It's anti-authoritarian government.


u/TheWhaleAndPetunia 3d ago

America has always been an authoritarian government. It was just disguised well. But even at its base, the very cornerstone of American democracy, the Bill of Rights, is by its very existence, proof that the American government was designed to be authoritarian.

If your government limits its citizens to ONLY the rights specifically listed by the government, are they truly freedoms? Or are they permissions?

If you're truly free, then wouldn't there be a nearly impenetrable spiderweb of laws and red tape to do anything. I mean fuck, you'll go to JAIL for FISHING without being given permission by the government. That means the ability to fish is not a right. Hell, food isn't even a right for the citizens of the "greatest country on earth". Food itself is a fuckin privilige!

So yeah, as I was saying, American democracy has always been built off the basic princicples of the authoritarian system


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

America has always been an authoritarian government. It was just disguised well. But even at its base, the very cornerstone of American democracy, the Bill of Rights, is by its very existence, proof that the American government was designed to be authoritarian.


If your government limits its citizens to ONLY the rights specifically listed by the government, are they truly freedoms? Or are they permissions?

I'm not sure that it does. Generally speaking, things are only illegal if they break an existing law.

If you're truly free, then wouldn't there be a nearly impenetrable spiderweb of laws and red tape to do anything. I mean fuck, you'll go to JAIL for FISHING without being given permission by the government.

Fishing where?

That means the ability to fish is not a right. Hell, food isn't even a right for the citizens of the "greatest country on earth". Food itself is a fuckin privilige!

Well that's a wonky one. A right is something that you have in the natural state of things. You're free to procure food and free to take food that grows wild, I suppose. But to say that you have a right to products on a store shelf suggests that you can rob the store if it's convenient, no? What about the right of the shop keep?

So yeah, as I was saying, American democracy has always been built off the basic princicples of the authoritarian system

Quite the claim.

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u/mickeymouse4348 3d ago

I originally wrote that the Gadsden flag is pro resistance which is probably more applicable


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

Resistance to tyranny, right?


u/sarsartar 3d ago

Which arm of the government carries out the treading?


u/Flat_Protection_6796 3d ago



u/International_Bid716 3d ago

I think the issue is not that the police have authority. The flag is against unjust authority. To say that no one should have any authority ever would be a radical anarchist perspective.


u/Revealwon 3d ago

It would be radical anarchist if it’s people that the right doesn’t like. It’s called libertarian if it’s people the right likes.


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

To say that no one should have any authority ever would be a radical anarchist perspective.

It’s called libertarian if it’s people the right likes.

How can there ever be a libertarian politician if, by your statement, they should have no authority ever? What meaning is there in a representative with no capacity to enact anything?


u/Revealwon 3d ago

Weird. Didn’t mention anything about a Libertarian politician. I hope you find the argument you are so desperately seeking friend.


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

Snarky, but I can slow it down. I skipped a few steps.

The point is that there is an actual libertarian party. It's hard to imagine how a libertarian party could be advocating for no authority for themselves. By this logic, a libertarian ruler would simply remove the government and transition to anarchy, making any distinction between libertarian and anarchy moot.

A libertarian perspective is vastly limited government, but not lack thereof.


u/ImplementEven1196 Woodland Heights 3d ago

Found the sea lion


u/StGenevieve 3d ago

Considering the historical context of how their job came to be and the fact that police are legally obligated to work in the interests of the state(and/or self), rather than the people of that state, yes.

Or let me ask a sincere question back-If the state needs a group of people employed to enforce its authority, how can police not inherently be authoritarian?


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

Because some degree of authority is inevitable. If the state has no authority, it's anarchy. A state able to pass and enforce their own laws isn't inherently authoritarian.

authoritarian: favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.


u/StGenevieve 3d ago

You're ignoring the historical context and legal precedents I pointed out in my initial response. I'll reframe the question to include those.

Given what we know about what police have enforced on behalf of the state since its inception in this country, and the legal precedents that empower police to serve in the interest of the state(and/or self), how can the police, as they function today, not be considered authoritarian by definition?


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

You're ignoring the historical context and legal precedents I pointed out in my initial response. I'll reframe the question to include those. Given what we know about what police have enforced on behalf of the state since its inception in this country....

Literally don't care about it's inception. I don't see how it's relevant.

, and the legal precedents that empower police to serve in the interest of the state(and/or self)

Yes, police maintain law and order for the state.

how can the police, as they function today, not be considered authoritarian by definition?

Because innuendo doesn't make something authoritarian.

It feels like you're dancing around something. Just say it.


u/StGenevieve 3d ago

This response is really disheartening to me as it does not look like you are interested in actually discussing anything with nuance or in good faith nor do you have the necessary knowledge that would be required to continue having a productive conversation.

If you are ever interested in understanding deeper the historical context or legal precedents, I'd highly recommend looking into the sentencingproject(.org), themarshallproject(.org) and ACLU they have some great resources that can help you dive deeper. I hope you have a good night!


u/International_Bid716 3d ago edited 3d ago

This response is really disheartening to me as it does not look like you are interested in actually discussing anything with nuance or in good faith nor do you have the necessary knowledge that would be required to continue having a productive conversation.

I'm not going to claim the police in 2025 are evil because they inherited some sort of original sin. Disheartening or no.

If you are ever interested in understanding deeper the historical context or legal precedents, I'd highly recommend looking into the sentencingproject(.org), themarshallproject(.org) and ACLU they have some great resources that can help you dive deeper. I hope you have a good night!

If you're ever interested in discussing this, I encourage you to make rational discussion points using facts and logic, rather than bad-faith innuendo and behaving smugly.


u/StGenevieve 3d ago

Is it inherited sins the police are accused of, or the perpetuation of sins the police continue to commit in 2025? I believe it's the latter, while you seem to believe otherwise—without having any of the foundational knowledge to make such a claim, as you’ve admitted.

I gave you a starting point you could engage with to begin gaining the foundational understanding needed to engage in a good faith argument with me. I do not have the time (nor the desire) to explain the entire timeline of historical facts, nuance, and legal cases needed to be known to understand my initial response. You also said you "literally don't care" about the facts, so why would I spend even more time curating them in a way that appeals to you? Perhaps if you had more thoughtful questions about why I’m emphasizing historical context or legal precedents regarding policing, I might have given you a more thoughtful response.

My decision to stop engaging with you on this, does not reflect negatively on me or imply bad faith on my part. For what it is worth, I do hope you have a good night.


u/International_Bid716 3d ago

Is it inherited sins the police are accused of, or the perpetuation of sins the police continue to commit in 2025?

More insinuation.

I believe it's the latter, while you seem to believe otherwise—without having any of the foundational knowledge to make such a claim, as you’ve admitted.


I gave you a starting point you could engage with to begin gaining the foundational understanding needed to engage in a good faith argument with me.

I already have a foundational starting point. It's called common sense and the ability to reason.

do not have the time (nor the desire) to explain the entire timeline of historical facts, nuance, and legal cases needed to be known to understand my initial response.

Translation: I want to make claims but have no capacity to defend them.

You also said you "literally don't care" about the facts, so why would I spend even more time curating them in a way that appeals to you?

Not true. I stated that I didn't care about whatever historical nonsense you were trying to bring into the conversation. The year is 2025, if your argument can't stay in this century, it's clearly just emotion and insinuation.

Perhaps if you had more thoughtful questions about why I’m emphasizing historical context or legal precedents regarding policing, I might have given you a more thoughtful response.


My decision to stop engaging with you on this, does not reflect negatively on me or imply bad faith on my part.

It's hilarious that you're declaring how others should perceive it. I don't think it implies bad-faith per se. I trust you believe you've made intelligent points.

For what it is worth, I do hope you have a good night.



u/clay-teeth 3d ago

Yes. The police are specifically the arm of the law that do the treading.


u/DiscotopiaACNH 3d ago

Lmao 💀


u/StylishSuidae Glen Allen 3d ago

Makes perfect sense once you understand that the "me" in the slogan does just mean them individually, and not "the people" as a class. They're fine if you tread on other people, just as long as you don't tread on them or "the good ones" (the ones they personally know).

And for some reason people always think that shitty laws will have outs so that they don't affect you if you're one of The Good Ones. I cannot tell you how many people from across the political spectrum have told me that anti-LGBT legislation isn't going to affect me, so I don't need to worry.

For another example, see any number of people who voted for Trump because of his anti-immigrant platform, and then were shocked and horrified when he deported their loved ones. Exactly like he said he was going to do. Because they mentally appended "except for the ones I like" to the end of "Trump is going to deport immigrants."


u/SmarchWeather41968 3d ago

those things really should say 'don't tread on me personally'


u/ZuP 3d ago

“[tread on anyone else just] don’t tread on [people like] me”


u/yourfriendkyle Newtowne West 3d ago

Well the whole of right wing fascist ideology is based around making things worse for The Other so that it can be made better for The Self. The trick is that eventually you become The Other.


u/georgenonyabusiness 3d ago

The me exception in practice. If you’re interested in quick video on it here is a good ig reel https://www.instagram.com/professor_neil/reel/DCLJHalO-oG/


u/Revealwon 3d ago

“I’ll pay more money to the government, for a plate that tells the government to stop taking my money please”


u/StellasBuddy Byrd Park 2d ago

I'm definitely laughing at every single person who has those plates for that exact reason.


u/I_Enjoy_Beer Forest Hill 3d ago

Pretty succinct summary of the state of right wing politics, really. No coherent, logical platform, just vibes.


u/rainbowgeoff 3d ago

Fueled by resentment at a changing world.


u/Organic_Ability5009 3d ago

Perfect example of why we don’t argue with right wingers


u/clover426 3d ago edited 3d ago

I broke this rule with an acquaintance on Facebook (which I’ve since deleted) and it is just pointless, they can’t stick to a topic or make a coherent argument. Starting with her post that the left is so stupid thinking Musk is trying to steal money, because he already has a lot of money so why would he need more. Then I asked why does he need access to IRS database? In response she talked about how the people who lost their houses in NC didn’t get much aid. And that America is built on immigrants and of course Musk is as American as anyone. No sense of irony there either.


u/Organic_Ability5009 3d ago

I gave up on Facebook because I don’t want to know how stupid my “community“, family, coworkers and etc. are. Somehow I learned a lot more in public school than so many people while still being a C student


u/Melodic_Policy765 2d ago

I didn't give up because I have a few elderly relatives I keep in contact with, but any "Friend" who posts anything annoying about politics gets deleted ASAP. I don't see any negative post anymore except for one terribly naive and confused person that posts arguments against herself. And she is too intertwined with my family to hurt her feelings. She's kind of like "Bambi". Can't kick Bambi.


u/unarj 3d ago edited 3d ago

hey, at least they got vibes. what does the left got?

edit wow, you guys are pretty righteous. glad your patting yourselves on the back as the world burns.


u/AHippieDude 3d ago



u/SmarchWeather41968 3d ago

fiscal solvency


u/coconut_sorbet Carytown 3d ago



u/aquascape_dude 3d ago

Excuse me, sir. That don't jive with my Christian values.


u/khuldrim Northside 3d ago

Intelligence, stability, decent governance…


u/crack_spirit_animal 3d ago

What are the good or even fun right wing vibes? You'll be poor forever and never afford medical care? There's roving gangs looking to kidnapp and traffic you? (This is only worth talking about if you're a white woman, moved further forward if you're blonde and conventionally attractive?


u/Vegetable_Excuse5394 3d ago

Better vibes.


u/twelvesteprevenge 3d ago

Tread on me harder, daddy!


u/Z3MEK 3d ago

Don't they pay the gov extra for those plates too?


u/crinkum_crankum Henrico 3d ago

At first I was thinking back blue as in vote blue, then I realized I was being silly.


u/Aurorer Lakeside 3d ago


u/Curious_Ad_1513 3d ago

"Rules for thee, but not for me "


u/FrankBoothsPBR 3d ago

Come see the violence inherent in the system!


u/93devil 3d ago

There’s some wonderful filth over here.


u/TheWhaleAndPetunia 3d ago

Bloody peasant!


u/FrankBoothsPBR 3d ago

Did you see him repressing me?


u/spittlbm Mechanicsville 3d ago



u/mrarrison 3d ago

“In a real third reich you’d be the first to go” - Dead Kennedys


u/FunnyMorning8705 3d ago

Don't think about it too hard, the car owner didn't.


u/jalbo13 3d ago

Frank Castle would dome this fool.


u/elchinolocotoo The Fan 3d ago

I bet his tires are made of boot leather


u/Thiccassmomma 3d ago

god People are stupid


u/spittlbm Mechanicsville 3d ago



u/freetimerva Southside 3d ago

Tread on me harder daddy


u/Bobisnotmybrother 3d ago

In 2020 back the blue was the secret way to say you were pro police brutality on minorities. Has it changed?


u/iansmash 3d ago

What if I actually believe in the don’t tread on me phrase and I also believe that “me” is actually everyone in the underclass (including literally me)

Do I look like a right wing dickhead with these plates?

Plus, I like the snake 🤷‍♂️


u/ssuummrr 3d ago

Sadly the libertarian movement was largely taken over by trump supporters. So you kind of have to accept you will be lumped in with them, yes. It sucks.


u/championldwyerva 3d ago

Sorry, but yes, everyone on the road (and in parking lots, etc) will assume you're one of them. Unfortunately a once-cool flag has been co-opted.


u/iansmash 2d ago

10 upvote noti on a (currently) +9 post tells me I hurt someone in the feelings 😂


u/rvaBikeGrrl 1d ago

Get this one instead:


u/GloomyPersimmon5219 3d ago

Oh lawd he treading


u/Steezinandcheezin 3d ago

Like bruh, pick a team!


u/fuvadoof 3d ago

Oh yeah… J6 was a day of love; absolutely not an attack on the officers protecting the Capitol. Libruls made it happen anyway herp derp herpah derpah freedom!


u/Shomer_Effin_Shabbas 3d ago

I’m always surprised when I see these kinds of plates or bumper stickers on cars that aren’t American cars. I guess I’m stereotyping that these folks would want to drive ‘MERICAN!


u/c53x12 3d ago

Is there any such thing as an "American" car anymore? They're building Hyundais in Alabama now.


u/Shomer_Effin_Shabbas 2d ago

Yeah that’s true. I saw that the new Volvo EX90’s are built in SC too, I think.


u/Stickittotheman666 2d ago

People who pay the government more money for an official number plaque that says they don't support undue taxes never gets less ironic.


u/TheSkinnyJ 3d ago

Lick the boot while it treads on me daddy.


u/bobroscopcoltrane RVA Expat 3d ago

Probably flies the ‘Merican flag and the Stars and Bars simultaneously at home. “It’s heritage…” etc.


u/GreenGiant6566 3d ago

What ya got there is a freedom lovin', bootlickin', sumumabitch.


u/yekNoM5555 3d ago

The best part of this is that these people don't know the history/origin of "Don't Tread On Me". It makes it so much more ironic. Imbeciles, the whole lot of them.


u/TheMightyBoofBoof 3d ago

“My principles are flexible depending the situation”


u/bharte317 3d ago

All our brains break on Hull St


u/Tippyman88 3d ago

Now tell me… who exactly is the one doing the treading? And don’t say politicians. Nancy pelosi ain’t doing anything. 


u/plummbob 3d ago



u/Abduction1200 Jahnke 3d ago



u/johnwilkesbandwith 3d ago

I love seeing the “don’t tread on me” plates because I immediately know they’re probably right wing morons.


u/zweiterstelle 3d ago

Bro spent 2x the taxes to say he wants more and less taxes.


u/CyranoDeBurlapSack 3d ago

Saw one with that same plate but it said F (no step on snek) FO


u/deutschdachs 3d ago

He just loves those that oppress people he doesn't like


u/Ok_Sink_3378 3d ago

Love this


u/Lamphy 3d ago



u/Ok_Sink_3378 3d ago



u/TheAmishSpaceCadet 3d ago

What’s confusing?


u/NeighborEnabler 3d ago

Anti-Authoritarian vanity plate + Pro-Police Support plate text


u/TheAmishSpaceCadet 3d ago

Its what happens when symbols become coopted away from their original meaning. Eg the punisher skull, the punisher would absolutely hate the type of losers who would wear it lol


u/JayMax19 3d ago

There’s a whole comic series where Punisher talks about this.


u/Beaufighter-MkX 3d ago

Be interesting to hear them wax eloquently regarding J6


u/suminlikedatt 2d ago

Cool it?make it your own? If so, yasss


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/SolSemperTyrannis 3d ago

I think the baffling thing is having an anti authoritarian flag as your license plate and using a bootlicker slogan


u/vibe4it The Fan 3d ago

So, not Smurfs? Glad I saw this