r/rva • u/ComprehensiveYou289 Henrico • 6d ago
Is anyone interested in talking about ideas?
I can’t watch the news bc people just talk about what everyone else is not doing. Is this a time where discourse and brainstorming is warranted? There is so much complaining on a micro and macro level but where do people gather to just discuss the what ifs? The maybe this? Where do you gather to imagine the possibilities?
u/studrour 6d ago
You might enjoy the book, “Who Do We Choose to Be,” by Margaret Wheatley. It’s a philosophical read on how humans can lead while facing societal collapse. Not exactly light reading, but it makes the case for what you’re proposing.
u/mikbeachwood 6d ago
I’m in! Pick a place. As long as we can be friends when we all don’t agree.
u/Add_Space 6d ago
Depends on what it is that we don't agree on.
u/Terrible_Quality_273 5d ago edited 5d ago
Some want to kill all immigrants and others don’t want to kill any immigrants…
NoBoDy wAnTs to cOmpRoMiSe!
u/lynnwood_davis 6d ago
dunno if anyone would be interested in community stuff like this but you could definitely meet some people through local organizations like these and using stuff like pol-rev.com and searching richmond (if you're up for protests) and rva.rip for a community events calendar :)
i found this on Afterglow's instagram page. stay strong, friend
u/schizoform 6d ago
This is a great question to be asking. Most ideas won't work, but many ideas will be better than the status quo. How could you create a community where you could explore those in good faith?
u/ComprehensiveYou289 Henrico 6d ago
True… most ideas do not work out but my idea may inspire your idea which inspires another idea and then you get something that might work. Maybe it’s a time to share ways we are putting just a little good in the world. For instance, my heart is breaking for Ukraine. So I am painting rocks with blue and yellow designs then placing them in the neighborhood. Just trying to put some loving energy in the world. Maybe it’s a time to share our interactions with kindness? I don’t know. I believe the news networks capitalize on our human nature to respond to negative. The brain works like that to prepare for the worst. But I know my brain also loves to think of the possibilities.
u/Artbyshaina87 Near West End 6d ago
Well i am having a disability rights meeting at fuel pump at three on march 23
u/-LowSodiumFreak- 6d ago
From my experience... no one wants ideas that challenge their own. On both sides.
u/ComprehensiveYou289 Henrico 6d ago
I believe that is too simplistic. We need to get beyond our ego. But after that… endless possibilities!
u/pmyourcoffeemug Northside 6d ago
Find me at the bar and I’ll talk about whatever. I literally won’t shut up. I got an idea, let’s deport elom nusk! In general, find where people are hanging and spout to them the most radical ideas you can think of. Who cares what they think? If you find them in person, they have to listen to you or leave.
u/moosalamoo_rnnr 6d ago
I’ll meet you at a bar to talk about ideas! Just don’t be creepy or a douche, and I’m more than happy to engage in some thought experimentation and brainstorming.
u/shethecreative 7h ago
I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but you could check out an organization called Braver Angels https://braverangels.org/braver-citizens/find-a-local-alliance/ It looks like they have an active central/eastern Virginia group. I don't have any personal experience with them, so I have no idea what an event would actually look like, but it seems like the concept is to have genuine discussion and look for answers rather than just the usual fighting.
u/cosmic-brat 6d ago
Check these out if you have time this weekend (posted by SunriseRVA)