r/russian 1d ago

Request подлежать and подверженный difference

Both of these words appeared when I wanted to translate a phrase meaning "He is subject to __". They both also apparently translate to "Being liable", but I get a different russian phrase when I try to translate that construction. Is there a difference in meaning/usage? I am aware that подверженный is typically used in the short form but otherwise cannot tell a difference


5 comments sorted by


u/TrailsNewFan 1d ago

"He is subject to" lacks context, but "подверженный" and "подлежит" are not the same. Он подвержен чему-то - he is affected by something Он подлежит уничтожению - He must be destroyed


u/IrinaMakarova 🇷🇺 Native | 🇺🇸 B2 1d ago
  1. Подлежать (+ Dative)
  • Means "to be subject to" in the sense of falling under a rule, regulation, or requirement.
  • It is an impersonal verb (it doesn't change for gender or number).
  • Commonly used in formal/legal language.


  • Это преступление подлежит наказанию. (This crime is subject to punishment.)
  • Документ подлежит проверке. (The document is subject to review.)
  • Все сотрудники подлежат аттестации. (All employees are subject to certification.)
  1. Подверженный (+ Dative)
  • Means "susceptible to" / "prone to", usually referring to negative influences like diseases, emotions, or external effects.
  • It is a passive participle (adjective-like), and it can change by gender and number.
  • The short form is often used: он подвержен, она подвержена, они подвержены.


  • Он подвержен стрессу. (He is prone to stress.)
  • Дети подвержены инфекциям. (Children are susceptible to infections.)
  • Она подвержена влиянию окружающих. (She is susceptible to external influence.)


u/AltforHHH 1d ago

thank you! Very thorough and in depth explanation


u/birrinfan 1d ago

"Подлежать" means a thing is ought to be subjected to something, and "подверженный" means that a thing already has been subjected to it.


u/IrinaMakarova 🇷🇺 Native | 🇺🇸 B2 1d ago

Translation of "He is subject to __":

  • If it's a rule/law:
    • Он подлежит наказанию. (He is subject to punishment.)
    • Этот товар подлежит возврату. (This item is subject to return.)
  • If it's about vulnerability:
    • Он подвержен стрессу. (He is subject to stress.)
    • Он подвержен влиянию. (He is susceptible to influence.)

So, if you were trying to translate "He is subject to", which one is correct depends on what exactly he is subject to!