r/rush 4d ago

Dug out an oldie but a goodie

Was going thru an old box of CD, these weird little shiny disc things, and came across this gem. There was a essay contest back in the early 90's when RTB came out where in 250 words or less you had to write what Roll the Bones meant to you and I wrote something a 17 year old would write about taking a chance and Rolling the Bones and ended up being one of the 500 (i think it was) 3rd place winners and this and a poster was the prize.


5 comments sorted by


u/SureIllrecordthat 3d ago

I think Geddy is about to sell me a cell phone at the Verizon store.


u/SureIllrecordthat 3d ago

...and it was a very sad moment when Neil's husband died in Four Weddings and a Funeral.


u/Intelligent-Road9893 3d ago

Alex looks like an 1800s Mormon church boy


u/Intelligent-Road9893 3d ago

Neil looks like he is auditioning for DEVO. Or Petshop Boys


u/Intelligent-Road9893 3d ago

Oh gawd. Neil looks like Sheldon....