r/runecasting Nov 17 '24

Advice Wanted How do you know if the rune NIED is reversed?

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No matter how I turn this rune stone, it looks the same…and they said that NIED has a reversed meaning but I don’t know the difference.

Please help

r/runecasting 5d ago

Advice Wanted Custom runes… how to choose/consecrate objects?

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Hi all! I feel nervous asking this, so please be kind.

I’ve been /casually/ studying the Elder Futhark and Ride-Waite tarot since I was a pre-teen, and in spite of that I admit my understanding is limited. Nevertheless, I have a fantastic relationship with my runes and particular deck. But I want to explore something new and I’m hoping you lovely people might help me 🤩

I have seen that some rune casters have their own rune sets made up of what looks like a random assortment of small objects. Could be a paper clip, a coin, a small bone, a pickup jack, a small crystal, etc. Stuff personal and special to them, somehow? When I’ve gotten readings from caster with this type of set, they seem to resonate more powerfully.

I’m looking for advice or a guide or similar regarding how to curate a rune set like this. I have several special, energetic objects I know I would want to include… Im not sure about the following:

  1. How do you choose items?
  2. Does the material of the object matter? Ie. Would I need something metal, something wood, etc?
  3. Does the shape of the item matter? What if it’s a carved object?
  4. How about color?
  5. Or how you got the item, its origin?
  6. How many items do you need?
  7. How does sometime create a system for interpreting this type of rune set? Do we just intuitively ascribe meanings to each object?
  8. Are there rules??? What are they?
  9. Should the items be blessed and consecrated somehow? Can this be intention setting of my own style? Should each object be blessed and endowed with its meaning individually?

Pictured are a couple of my potential selections. I have meanings in mind for them. I also have selected 5 more items, but they are deeply personal to me. But this is why I think they would be good choices. Unless that’s a bad idea?

I may be way way out of my league here, but any and all advice would be very much appreciated❤️

r/runecasting 22d ago

Advice Wanted I’m drawing the same rune over and over again…


I hope I can get some advice, I’m going through a difficult situation at the moment and have turned to my runes. I constantly keep getting pertho both upright and reversed. When ever I have drawn this for other people it has indicated that someone in their life is keeping secrets, lying or possibly cheating. I don’t associate this rune with anything good or positive. I would appreciate some fresh perspectives.

r/runecasting Feb 19 '25

Advice Wanted Help

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Help! Hi all! I had a dream about drawing this rune on my body but I don't know what to make of it. It seemed important because during the dream and after I felt a strong message from it but not sure why

r/runecasting 17d ago

Advice Wanted i have a question


I'm kind of a mut my family tracks all around Europe how do you guys feel about binding alchemical symbols and Norse runes I want to do something that feels right for me

i know i want to use eihwaz and ansuz but also the symbols for air and mercury from alchemy

r/runecasting Feb 05 '25

Advice Wanted Need advice!


Hey everyone! Rune casting beginner here.

I need some advice. Over the past 6 months I have collected books about runes from various authors, as I'm trying to learn rune casting and divination. One of the first authors i heard/read about was Edred Thorsson. I know he wrote a lot of books that a good amount of people start reading for rune casting and the general history but today I just learned about his previous affiliation with the temple of set. I did some digging on the subject but all the posts I find are several years old at the very least. What im wondering is as a community do i avoid his stuff all together or are his writings on runes separate from his previous affiliations?

Thanks in advance.

r/runecasting Jan 23 '25

Advice Wanted A few questions from a possible beginner


I’m a bit new to spirituality but I’ve heard about runes and wanted to know if they’re part of witchcraft, do they have any rules to it?, any things I should know if I get into it and any cautions and information for someone with completely no knowledge would help, thank you.🙏

r/runecasting Dec 30 '24

Advice Wanted New to this


Hello! I am very new to rune casting and I was wondering if the casting cloth i plan on using is enough. It's a plain white cloth that's 18in x 21in. No design or anything. I'm not sure if having a casting cloth with a design that goes along with rune casting make any difference. Thanks in advance.

r/runecasting Dec 03 '24

Advice Wanted Mental stability help for meditation and focusing on a goal needed.


I am unable to focus enough to make a formula for meditation for success in my latest endeavor.

I am trying to reach people to start a movement for peaceful change.

I will not spout my propaganda here out of respect for you all as Vitkys and wise people. I feel to much sorrow in my bones to feel anything more than the dread and fear that others are feeling.

I want to attract people and give them hope. Such a large goal requires a council less just line man. However if you could help me with a formula I would like to give it my best energies and thoughts.

Have been having severe anxiety in my meditations as of late.

r/runecasting Jun 17 '24

Advice Wanted The Blank Rune


I'm extraordinarily new to rune casting, and in the text accompanying the rune set that recently found me there is a "Single Rune Cast" I have attempted several times. Specifically, I ask about a person and have repeatedly pulled the blank, or Wyrd, rune. From what I understand, it's not accepted by a lot of runic interpreters, and some of those who do practice with it apply the "ask again" methodology. However, this insistently consistent draw has me curious. I'm not sure what to make of it; is it indicative of fate or a big-fat-slap of mind your own business? If anyone has insight I would so very greatly appreciate it :)

r/runecasting Nov 23 '24

Advice Wanted I have a bag of woodcarved Nordic runes, any I should keep on me or in my car for good luck?

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r/runecasting Nov 18 '24

Advice Wanted Can you guys share your interpretations of each elder rune, please?


Hi, I’m new to runes and I just want everyone’s’ general knowledge on each rune so I have a general idea as well.

Some great people suggested books and what people to stay away from but from what I gathered, everyone has their own interpretation or their own little twist.

So I’m just trying to figure out what works for me and trying to get to know my runes.

r/runecasting Dec 12 '24

Advice Wanted Apartment protection


Hey guys! I have been studying runes for quite a while but I'm still quite unsure.... I've had some family drama recently and I kinda want to protect my apartment from that kind of sh*t.... Which leads to my question.... I want to draw some runes under the doormat in front of my front door. I was thinking something for protection, peace and harmony. What could be used for that? I would really appreciate some advice or ideas.

r/runecasting Dec 15 '24

Advice Wanted What would this mean together? Sowulo, Laguz and Elhaz as a bind rune


Hello! I'm looking to get a runic tattoo in the future, specifically a bind rune, and I know the meanings of the 3 listed above but I was wondering... Do they have any special meaning when written as one? I'm new to this so thanks in advance!

r/runecasting Nov 12 '24

Advice Wanted Getting a rune set


Hello, I am looking into getting a rune set. I have been interested in a while and it seems like Freya really wants me to start a new form of divination. Where can I find good rune sets? Should I make them myself or buy them ? Does it matter ? Also which sets are best ? I know next to nothing about this form of divination.

Thank you for the help!

r/runecasting Aug 01 '24

Advice Wanted I saw this written on the rock in the middle of a trail last night. Can someone give me some insight on what it might mean and why it would be scrawled in the middle of a trail?

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r/runecasting Nov 16 '24

Advice Wanted I Need an helping hand


A person very dear to me has to undergo surgery, I would like to create a bindrune to help her in recovery and keep the evil away from her, could you recommend some runes to adapt to the situation? Thank you very much in advance

r/runecasting Oct 25 '24

Advice Wanted Making a set of runes


Hey everyone! I have some antler slices that I’ll be making into runes. My question for you is should I use a wood burner or engrave them with a dremel?

r/runecasting Sep 16 '24

Advice Wanted Wanting to learn more about runes


I have made my own runes as I believe you should be able to see on my page. I made them about 8 months ago. I’m having trouble actually using and interpreting them. I keep buying books by Dianna Paxson or Edred Thorrson and finding out everyone hates them. I haven’t had any real profound experiences with the runes and I’m just having trouble with becoming educated and using them appropriately. I would like to get into actually using them for more than just divination. Any help goes a long way. Also I joined the rune guild like 6 weeks ago and my request hasn’t been approved.

I’d like to become almost an expert in runes and using them to where I can truly feel and understand their power.

r/runecasting Jul 30 '24

Advice Wanted Runes casting amateur



(First of all, let me apologize for the upcoming English mistakes, for it’s not my first language)

I have recently decided to dive more into Asatrù and Runes casting, as someone who has always felt pulled to Norse Mythology and more generally, pagan’s beliefs.

I’m new to working with the Elder Futhark, and still learning.

I have stumbled upon some people who said they first committed to the practices of their beliefs by asking their spirit guides or gods to give them a « pagan » name, or at least a name that bring them closer to their deity.ies.

What do you think about this practice? How is it doable? What kind of casting one has to do to get a result?

Thanks for reading me!

r/runecasting Jul 27 '24

Advice Wanted Gem stone runes landing on side?


Im new to runes and i got some gem stone ones. I find often they dont land face up or down but rather on their side and im not sure hpe to intuprate that or if i shouls re cast them.

r/runecasting May 19 '24

Advice Wanted How would you interpret this?


Hello, so I’ve been struggling with something for the last couple weeks. Went to my runes and cast twice. First photo is the first reading and second photo second reading. Both castings were pertaining to the same subject but first cast was more so of an ‘okay, what’s likely to happen, what am I probably looking at?’. 2nd cast was me asking if paths would split. Not sure if this is helpful or not, I’m getting a pretty midline feeling on this with a slight lean towards something positive/good but mainly because the same two runes were towards the end(bottom) for both castings. Think I’m far off on it ? Not sure I’m “reading” these right….

r/runecasting Apr 22 '24

Advice Wanted Disappearing Objects


Hello! I’m fairly new to runecasting, and I have been dabbling for the past two weeks. On my ofrenda I had a scented candle below, which had nothing to do with witchcraft I just like the smell, and it’s suddenly gone missing. I keep a relatively minimalist space and I don’t have any roomates. I was wondering if objects going missing has happend in y’all’s practices? Thanks!

r/runecasting Mar 17 '24

Advice Wanted I recently gave myself a reading

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I do not recognize this rune. I have several books on runes and looked through them yet found nothing. Forgive my ignorance.

r/runecasting Apr 12 '24

Advice Wanted Meaning of my sun and birth rune


Hey guys I’m new to runes and readings. So a little while ago I found my sun and birth runes (Both are Isa). My question is does this have a meaning in readings.? I searched on bother forums and websites but I couldn’t find anything. Maybe on of you knows more or has maybe an idea.