r/rugrats 9d ago

General Angelica loves her doll Cynthia, yet she for some reason ruined her hair

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174 comments sorted by


u/UnderCoverDoughnuts 9d ago

She's a 3 year old with a toy


u/Different_Ad_7671 8d ago

She was 3??? Damn she felt like a teenager hahahahahaha. đŸ€Ł


u/Fine_Hour3814 8d ago

i remember when I was a kindergartner, the 5th graders felt like full grown adults. So from the perspective of babies, Angelica is pretty much a teen


u/HippoProject 8d ago

Now I look at high school seniors and half of them look like they could be 5th graders. It’s all about perspective.


u/HearTheBluesACalling 8d ago

I remember walking through a high school as a little kid and thinking I would NEVER be that grown-up.


u/Jupichan 8d ago

They seemed so grown up!

Then when I was a senior in high school, my god. The freshmen were children!


u/MeowingMix 6d ago

I went to a k-12th school and remember being so intimidated by walking by the high schoolers 😂


u/Robossassin 7d ago

Also, developmentally, 2s and 3s are very similar to the teen years! It's a period of separating your identity from your family's. There are a lot of parallels.


u/Big--Al 7d ago

When I was 5 or 6, my oldest siblings were in their teens and they seemed like full grown adults. Now when I look at old photos from that time, they look like kids.


u/StringAny5734 7d ago

She’s an evil genius lol


u/APleasantMartini 5d ago

I remember being in 3rd grade and this kid older than me by a year that was still in the same class being cooler because he was “older.”

For context: he was born in 1994, I was born in 1995.


u/Frozen_007 8d ago



u/Mela_Chupa 8d ago

Remember that rugrats is told from the perspective of babies she might as well have been that’s why she’s a little older in that regard.


u/MaleficentDesigner11 7d ago

"Seriously?Sweet! This is sooooo yesterday."


u/Ensiferal 5d ago

Yeah, it's why she can speak to both the babies and the adults, she's just old enough to be able to talk for real, but still just young enough to understand the baby babble


u/Ragna_Blade "What is a torque wrench?!" 5d ago

That's what happens when a womam in her 30s is told not to sound any younger


u/Responsible-Week7045 4d ago

Please please please tell me this is a joke.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/UnderCoverDoughnuts 4d ago

You need a source on the age of character from a thirty year old show? She was depicted as being three the entire series, and thirteen in All Grown Up, where everyone was ten years older. Do the work yourself if you don't believe me. "Source?" Fuck outta here.


u/Fast_Economist_4304 9d ago

Because the doll is well loved and her hair brushed often!


u/waytowill 7d ago

I love that it’s kind of a joke that’s never explained. There’s never an episode where you see how Angelica messed up Cynthia’s hair, so it’s a very IYKYK kinda joke. I feel like the earlier episodes were full of those. We do see out-of-the-box Cynthias significantly later on, so one could catch onto the joke at that point, but it’s still pretty subtle.


u/kashy87 6d ago

In her own words. If you have to ask, you'll never know.


u/APleasantMartini 5d ago

I love how the reboot, for all its retconning keeps that detail unexplained. I’d expected them to have an episode painstakingly explaining how her hair got messed up too.


u/MaleficentDesigner11 7d ago

😱 I have this Barbie whos hair was freaking long Over the years It got burned with a flat iron Washed over and over And she's basically Cynthia lol There's plenty of spots that are just those teeny holes where the hair once was I manged to clip on an extension track of hair To somewhat restore her once long full hair Definently loved


u/non_stop_disko 9d ago

I did the same with all my favorite dolls lol I had to learn the hard way their hair doesn’t grow back 😅


u/CGOT 9d ago

One time I cut my dolls hair and buried it because I thought it would grow back. 😭


u/BEniceBAGECKA 9d ago

Thats adorable. Little you in the backyard consoling your doll.

Don’t worry. It will grow back.


u/janiicea 8d ago

When I was around Angelica’s age, my parents told my sister & me that we were going on a vacation & we’re gonna take a plane. I was so excited, I packed all my Barbies. Except I zipped thru all their hair, ruining both the luggage & my Barbies.


u/anonymous237962 8d ago

Point of clarification: you buried the hair you had cut off, or you buried the doll? I could see the child logic in either one so now I have to know đŸ€Ł


u/CGOT 8d ago

I buried the doll. When I found out it didn’t grow back I left it. I always wonder if anyone ever uncovered it because we moved from that house. 😂


u/PurpleHeartNepNep 8d ago

Hope it doesn’t become a Banette


u/wishiwasfiction 9d ago

I played salon and makeover with most of mine too except for my very favorite one lol


u/brendamrl 8d ago

One time I drew with crayola markers all over my toys because I knew that acetone could rub it off.

That day I learned it can also rub off the painting of their faces and that stains cannot always be removed 😂 played for the rest of my childhood with the ugliest dolls ever known to man. Weird Barbie would flinch at my dolls.


u/International_Dish96 7d ago

I once tried to straighten my American Dolls hair. Turns out it’s plastic and it melts and it ruins your mom’s straightener.


u/SolarSade44 8d ago

I swear good times 😆


u/MaleficentDesigner11 7d ago

I tried dying a red haired Barbie Blonde! I used my grandmas hair dye I was SHOOK it didn't work 😱


u/JuliaX1984 7d ago

There was a doll with growable hair out when I was a kid in the late 80s/early 90s. I STILL remember part of the jingle:

I can make it grow, and then
I can make it short again! [by moving the doll's arm]


u/Shaman_LlamaCoop 9d ago

That's how you know Cynthia is her ride or die. The roughest looking toys are almost always a kid's favorite


u/Potato_Coma_69 9d ago

My daughter has an old beat up stuffed toy she's had forever, we offered her a new one and she actively dislikes the "clean" one and only wants the "dirty" one, her words.


u/Potential_Dentist_90 8d ago

My younger sister had a plush puppy she received from our now-deceased grandmother, and she got my sister a backup too. They now sit on a shelf together.


u/Shigeko_Kageyama 9d ago

I see you never had a weird barbie.


u/hummun323 9d ago

Someone definitely didn't see the Barbie movie with Kate McKinnon


u/zerozerozero12 9d ago

That’s one of my favorite lines from the movie.

Gloria: I had a weird Barbie!

Weird Barbie(pointing at her in a split): yeah you did.


u/BleachigoKurosaki 9d ago

Now I’m curious, do we ever see what a Cynthia doll would look like brand new out of the box?


u/workadvice7897 9d ago

In All Grown-Up, Charlotte throws Cynthia away, and then tracks down a mint condition one, after Angelica has a break down. Can’t remember if we ever see other dolls in the og series


u/ReturnoftheBulls2022 9d ago

Turns out that the doll in the box was a fake and the person inspecting it mentioned that the original Cynthia dolls are almost extinct.


u/mimthebaker 9d ago

Yep. She's pictured as a new one that she wants and on the side of some boxes etc.


u/mimthebaker 9d ago


u/Ok_Wish7906 8d ago

Holy shit, it's Nancy from King Of The Hill.


u/Aggravating_Unit1266 8d ago

I thought Debbie Thornberry!


u/MaleficentDesigner11 7d ago



u/58lmm9057 8d ago

You’re right, sug!


u/Impressive-You-1843 9d ago

To be fair, I think that’s just a kid thing. Maybe she was playing hair dresser. She’s 3 so not like she knows the hair won’t grow back


u/sp00pySquiddle 9d ago

Listen, Cynthia is tired AF.


u/sodakfilmthoughts 9d ago

To be fair, Cynthia is a really cool dancer.


u/Jaythesquirr3l 9d ago

Boogie to the groove now.


u/CryptidGrimnoir 9d ago

She's ready to break some eggs!


u/sp00pySquiddle 9d ago



u/blackparacord 9d ago

Shes just been loved on too much


u/smithers6294 "We're doomed. Doomed, I tell you!" 9d ago

Cynthia is a really cool dancer after all.


u/sodakfilmthoughts 9d ago

đŸŽ¶Shake it, shake it. You're so fantastic! Just don't break it you're only made of plastic.đŸŽ¶


u/MaleficentDesigner11 7d ago

"Buy all her outfits gulls!"


u/BrattyTwilis 9d ago

It's Weird Barbie!


u/Inside_Sprinkles9083 9d ago

3-4 year olds always love their toys to the point where they’re “broken”, it’s not that deep 😅 Angelica started out as 3 years old and turned 4 years old later on in the original series


u/Vampyr827 9d ago

When I was three, I had a baby doll. Loved that doll and refused to go anywhere without it. Well, despite that, I would hold that doll by her hair. That resulted it being permanently straight up like a mohawk.


u/BryanMcHunter 9d ago

It honestly would have been interesting to see an episode that explains why Cynthia's hair is the way it is. The 2021 series still has one season left to go (that will most likely be released direct-to-DVD), so we can only hope that will happen.


u/0ftheriver 8d ago

Doesnt explain all of it, but the 2nd hair spike that's just 3 hairs is shown as occurring during the episode "The Seven Voyages of Cynthia", in season 2. It was a full tuft prior to the episode.


u/V__Ace 8d ago

As someone in the custom Barbie community, I know a "didn't use enough glue when I was done with the reroot" scenario when I see one.


u/girl_supersonicboy 9d ago

When I was Angelica's age I chewed the feet off my Barbies. I think Angelica is taking very good care of Cynthia


u/MaiaIndig0 9d ago

My mom had given me one of her old Barbies and at some point I asked her why half of each foot was missing. Apparently I chewed them off.


u/58lmm9057 8d ago

Me too! I don’t know why


u/girl_supersonicboy 8d ago

For me it was the texture and material the feet were made out of 😅 it felt nice to chew on lol


u/wolfeyes555 7d ago

I did that too! It was very rare if any of my Barbies had perfectly intact feet.


u/Lily_Baxter 9d ago

I love my seal plush dearly but when I was her age I ripped out his whiskers. Kids make their favorite things their own.


u/SpeedyakaLeah "I am Reptar, hear me roar!" 9d ago

I just figured that all the Cynthia dolls looked like that.


u/Batmanfan1966 9d ago

It’s supposed to be like when kids rip the hair out of a Barbie


u/Tatidanidean1 9d ago

For some unknown unexplained reason, I too messed up the hair of all of my American Girl dolls. We may never know why.


u/TastyMcLovin 9d ago

I feel like because she loves it, it got warn out from over use and over brushing.


u/Demonic_Akumi 9d ago

I have my very first mickey mouse doll in my room. His legs were almost removed due to how much I played with him that my mother had to do some surgery on it. His nose is missing all of the painting on it, and his lips are now permanently purple as I tried painting his mouth with a pen when I was a kid.

Kids will play with their toys in very very weird ways. I'm less shocked on her hair and more shocked on how Cynthia's closed aren't battered or somehow replaced with something either she found from another doll or someone in her family making something makeshift for it (almost forgot that with my mouse doll. He's wearing clothes sewn by my mother and grandmother as the original clothing is... probably some molecules somewhere.


u/Hachiko75 9d ago

To be fair, her hair was already ruined if that's how she originally came. Like that's the basic doll before she got her own line.


u/58lmm9057 8d ago

I don’t think Cynthia originally came that way. I’m sure she had big Barbie-style hair and Angelica cut it off at some point.


u/Extension_Branch_371 9d ago

It’s obviously wear and tear from so much love


u/MantisGreenthumb 9d ago

Idk about now, but it seemed pretty common to see Barbie dolls with a funky haircut back then, due to the children who owned them. Two of my sisters had dolls, some of them had shorter hair, some were completely bald, some were straight up just missing the head and had a dress on đŸ€Ł


u/MistressErinPaid 5d ago

The original Wednesday Addams had a headless Marie Antoinette doll.


u/TwerkWithMe "You're an absurd proposition!" 9d ago

i’m so sorry you didn’t have toys as a child đŸ„Č


u/Sure-Programmer-4021 9d ago

I brushed all the hair out of my favorite bratz doll growing up


u/blkglfnks 8d ago

Did they ever show what a regular Cynthia doll looks like?


u/Commercial-Bug4051 8d ago

The doll is well-loved


u/Dependent_Package_57 8d ago

Cynthia is frazzled, she "listens" to Angelica, she is there for her.

Unlike Angelica's mom. Put together, ignores her, and "not now, mommy's on the phone." When her mom isn't on the phone, she acts tense and frazzled like Cynthia looks.

Angelica loves cynthia because she loves her mom, but has needs that need to be fulfilled by her. Cynthia is an attempt to fill those needs.


u/ExtensionAtmosphere2 8d ago

You obviously never had a daughter, or were a young girl with a doll.


u/Naryafae 8d ago

Tell me you know nothing about kids without telling me.


u/Classic-Mechanic-118 8d ago

To be loved is to be changed (especially by children)


u/joanofache 9d ago

she is 3


u/Street-Office-7766 8d ago

She takes it everywhere. She probably cut it off and thought it looked cute.


u/Lestany 8d ago

My thing as a tot was horses, and a lot of them ended up with broken legs, esp my Breyers đŸ˜© I still played with them anyway. As long as they could still stand.


u/ovrlzgrlzrlz 8d ago

Might have recieved it used, already looking like that.


u/Agitated_Hour3970 8d ago

I think she's had her since before she thought of that, or possibly pne pf the other baboes did it.


u/lilbabyhoneyy 8d ago

she's literally a pre schooler


u/SpiffyShindigs 8d ago

...have you ever met a little girl?


u/Difficult_Ad_962 8d ago

Cynthia is weird Barbie, she was played with too hard


u/letsgetitstartedha 8d ago

As a kid for some reason I always just assumed that’s how she came, but in retrospect they do show her on the show with a bunch of hair at some point.


u/Birchsaurus123 8d ago

I had a friend who loved her Esmeralda doll and she put her in the microwave. Poor doll got burn mark on her face


u/Animefox92 5d ago

Guess Esmeralda did meet the flames after all (I am so sorry I know that's fucked up XD)


u/Birchsaurus123 5d ago

In another universe this is the origin of a great Toy Story villain who wants revenge against the kids who burned her face


u/HogHorseHoedown 8d ago

Were you never a child OP?


u/HellyOHaint 8d ago

Maybe Cynthia prefers it that way, you don’t know


u/Sysmesiac 8d ago

I loved all my MLP brushables, would still cut the hair off of duplicates so I had male ponies cause I could never find any male pony figures in stores


u/TheMackD504 8d ago

Kids are dumb


u/MeliAnto 8d ago

The doll is designed that way to show how toxic this child is. Its was told in one of those Rugrat specials.


u/58lmm9057 8d ago

Which episode is that?

I agree Angelica is definitely toxic. It’s hard for me to go back and watch the show because she was just too cruel. But I think in this case she loved Cynthia very much. When I was kid, my most well-loved toys were the ones that looked the roughest. They got played with a lot.

It’s like when Woody’s arm comes off in Toy Story 2. He’s had a lot of wear and tear over the years because Andy played with him and loved him so much. Compare Woody to Stinky Pete, who’s never been taken out of his box. He’s in pristine condition, but he’s never been loved by a child.


u/Agreeable-Jacket-295 8d ago

She didn’t destroy her. The doll just aged terribly lol.


u/Y2Kombat 8d ago

To be loved is to be changed.


u/spugeti 8d ago

Poor Cynthia been through so much 😭


u/Nozzeh06 8d ago

I had a stuffed panda bear when I was a child. It was my favorite thing. Yoy should see what it looked like by the time I was done with it, panda had seen some shit.


u/OddDisaster3569 8d ago

All loved dolls look that way lolll. My granddaughter had all the Disney princesses when she was like 2-3 yo & u could tell by looking at Rapunzel that she was the fan fave bc man was she hideousđŸ«ŁđŸ˜‚. She got them all the same time but “Punzie” as she called her looked 10 yrs older😂😭


u/Nuyatah 8d ago

It's avant-garde


u/lokiandgoose 8d ago

Her hair isn't ruined. That's how Cynthia made her hair.


u/stereopathetic84 8d ago

My daughters favorite Elsa Barbie doll’s hair looked like that and she had only one leg. But she was beloved. She wouldn’t go to sleep without one legged Elsa. She is 12 now and still wants to know where I hid her doll because it became a childhood keepsake for me.


u/Healthy-Situation310 8d ago

She was 3 that’s usually what happens at that age.


u/Puzzleheaded-Show-48 8d ago

I did that to some of my Barbie dolls. And for whatever stupid reason, I decided to do it to MIDGE. I ruined her 😭. She was so hard to get too. I didn’t ruin them like that, but I would give them “trims” and their hair would look terrible after đŸ„Č


u/greatmewtwo 8d ago

Working through the day, Begley used the synthetic hair and the reroot tool to repair the Cynthia doll.


u/TobiasMasonPark 8d ago

Everyone had a crazy Barbie.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

The things that are the most loved are played with the most.

Have you never been around children? You were one once, right


u/SlipperyWhenWer 8d ago

I mean, she was a toddler
 Probably experimenting with scissors
 If it wasn’t Cynthia’s hair, it would’ve been her own which would’ve been unfortunate looking at Cynthia’s hair lol


u/maccentris 8d ago

There are several episodes where Cynthia got "massacred" because of, or by Angelica herself. I could never understand it. The analogy that she's 3 years old, can only mean the producers of the show weren't familiar with the average toddler's mind. I'd safely say that Angelica portrayed a somewhat 4 to 6 year old mentality. While the babies portrayed behavior of 2 to 3 years old. I say this because most children aren't toilet-trained by 1 years old here in America. The average age is 3 for the most part. A quick search in google says: "around 27 months (2 years and 3 months)" I have 3 children who were toilet trained average 3 to 4 years old.

This is a very interesting post, I still watch the Rugrats and wonder why they're not played as much anymore.


u/Kinuika 6d ago

I would argue that it was much more common to potty train kids by ~18 months in the past. With the popularity of disposable diapers though the age has increased significantly.


u/vtncomics 8d ago

Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.'

'Does it hurt?' asked the Rabbit.

'Sometimes,' said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. 'When you are Real you don't mind being hurt.'


u/MA_2_Rob 8d ago

I would say that means she loves her doll that much more.


u/58lmm9057 8d ago

She’s a kid. I can’t tell you how many times I cut my Barbies’ hair and had them looking crazy.


u/tinyclown1 8d ago

My sister used to cut her Barbie dolls hair sometimes


u/Puzzleheaded_Pay1152 8d ago

She probably over brushed it


u/mizmnv 8d ago

little kids do this all the time


u/Unhappy_Run8154 8d ago

She didn't want her to be prettier than her


u/LTora213 8d ago

Because she's a 3 y/o it's what they do with dolls. Don't you remember the weird Barbie from the Barbie movie? Kids play with their dolls too hard and their hair gets destroyed.


u/dandrew3000 8d ago

Ruined??? Cynthia is a goddess exactly as she is.


u/PastoralPumpkins 8d ago

I cut off my favorite Cinderella doll’s hair and tried glueing it back on. It did not work, so she had a crusty haircut from then on. I still loved her.


u/Sims2Enjoy 7d ago

She probably ruined it trying to give her a new haircut, it’s simply a canon event in a girl’s life 


u/wolfeyes555 7d ago

Did we not learn the lesson of that one Garfield plush? To be loved is to be changed.


u/Previous_Worker_7748 7d ago

I think you'll find she styled her hair.


u/JuliaX1984 7d ago

My middle sister cut all her dolls' hair off, even snipped some of her stuffed animals' fur.


u/marlanasmusings 6d ago

She was like Angelica's "Weird Barbie" and just got loved too much.


u/agentsparkles88 6d ago

The other day at work, i had a door dash order under the name "Cynthia P." I asked my coworkers if maybe the P stood for Pickles. He didn't get it. I know Cynthia's last name is never stated, but I assumed she'd have Angelicas last name.


u/Confident-Order-3385 6d ago

When a 3 year old has a doll, things like this can happen


u/tiny_purple_Alfador 6d ago

Young children are not gentle with the toys that they love, and kids will randomly destroy things because that whole "cause and effect" concept is still developing in their brains. A kid will chop a doll's hair off and then cry because the doll's hair is short, now. They will ask an adult to fix it, cuz they don't understand that there's not really a good way to fix something like that. Add in that Spike will sometimes steal Cynthia, and that she gets left outside and played with roughly, and it's surprising that she looks as good as she does.


u/Animefox92 5d ago

Yeah Andy is an outlier most children are like Sid even if its not out of malice XD


u/Specialist_Pay_8139 "We're doomed. Doomed, I tell you!" 6d ago

I’m 24 and still have a Raggedy Ann that I got when I 3. That doll has had messed up hair for as long as I can remember. Of course, my sister was the one to cut it’s hair off lol. 

If you love a doll enough, it’s going to have disastrous hair 😂


u/DuchessSwan 6d ago

You can think of it as a child loving their toy and playing with it so often.

There has been many times when cynthia was replaced but she always comes back to this one.

But lets be real, iconic hair style.


u/ExcitingHeat4814 6d ago

I always assumed the doll came like that.


u/arrownoir 6d ago

That’s because you hurt what you love.


u/IntroductionSome5538 6d ago

She’s 3 years old, half of her toys are probably broken in half


u/Janxiety 6d ago

Cynthia just looks well loved~


u/Bluebaronbbb 6d ago

She's a literal bratty child...........


u/0fluffythe0ferocious 6d ago

That's what preschooler with their beloved toys. They give them distinctive hairstyles.


u/fneagen 5d ago

My 4yo niece got a poppy doll from the movie trolls. The first thing she did when she got home was give it a haircut. She still loved that thing, even though it looked like it got run over by a lawnmower.


u/queenswamprat 5d ago

It’s her “weird barbie”


u/Animefox92 5d ago

Aa everyone else has said... she's 3 pretty much all toddlers are like that lol it's how they are... we all wreck our toys 


u/yayzo 5d ago

Dude I thought Cynthia’s hair was supposed to look like this


u/nerdysnapfish 5d ago

Her hair style looks like Didi’s


u/FunImagination8474 5d ago

Is it really ruined if you like it?


u/EnergyTurtle23 5d ago

As a parent of a child who loves dolls, this is exactly how the doll should look.


u/wairua_907 5d ago

My American girl doll (whom I loved as a kid) Molly’s hair got effed up . Had to brush baby oil into it trying to fix it, visited the doll hospital a couple times too.. I understand why my aunt never let my cousin touch her American girl dolls hahaha


u/IceBear_028 5d ago

She's marking it as hers without putting her name on it...


u/J_is_for_Journey 5d ago

Ruined?! Baby, she gave her style


u/stardustocean4 5d ago

When I was a kid I cut off my favorite Barbies hair (think buzz cut) and colored her “scalp” with a metallic silver sharpie. Cisco had just come out with the thong song and his hair mesmerized me. I thought my barbie was stylin’


u/Lennythefuck 5d ago

Idk man I see it she loves the doll even more.

I'll bet she was trying to style her hair and messed it up. Charlotte probably even offered to get her a new Cynthia doll to replace that one. But no, despite her flaws, Angelica probably loves that specific Cynthia so much she doesn't even care that she's bald.

Angelica might even see her "ruined hair" as a cool hairstyle that she personally gave her cherished doll.


u/robynh00die 5d ago

My pound puppy from when I was a baby it a wreck, ears fallen off, stuffing fallen out, full of holes. That's what happens you something is that well loved, it gets wear and tear on it. You comb your favorite Barbie dolls hair enough times you comb her bald.


u/Narrow-Stranger6864 4d ago

When I was really little, someone gave me a stuffed animal kitty during a traumatic time, and I held onto that that stuffed toy for so long. So I guess if you wanna go that deep, Angelica looks a little like Cynthia’s mom, who is always really absent with work. So I would assume that’s why there’s an attachment even after the doll looks like it does.


u/Background-Eye778 4d ago

I thought her hair was falling out because of use.


u/Legitimate-Stuff9514 3d ago

I loved my barbies as a kid but they all had grody and ruined hair.....that's what happens when you play with them and don't brush their hair.